三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 453: 2011年10月21日
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
カルロスは1時には出来上がると言ってたので、もう出来てるかな? 地下鉄に乗って30分、最寄りの駅で降りましたが、ここからが長い。
Motouringには3時ごろに到着。Wilbersショックは完成してました! カルロスは留守でしたがスタッフが対応してくれました。値段も聞いていたのより約半額の660米ドル。何でだろう?と思ったら、カルロスが言ってた値段は前後のショックの値段だったのですね。それを知っていたら、アメリカからオーダーなんか最初からしなかったのに。
宿に戻る途中にLa Cumbreというアウトドア用品店でMSRのマグマイト(マグカップサイズの珈琲などをいれるためのフィルター)を購入。10,900ペソ。ちょっと高いですがこれでキャンプ時い美味しい珈琲をいれられます。
宿に戻り荷物を置いてばす バスーターミナルへ。明日10時発のイキケ行きのチケットを24,000ペソで購入。行きと同じExpreso Norteです。
Day 453: 21 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
This is the day I pick up my new "Wilbers" shock absorber! So I was exsited from the morning but at the same time, I was anxious as many bad lucks happened previously.
As Mark&Claire were heading off to Valparaiso, Adam and I saw them off. They left here after having lunch with us. Valparaiso is just 140km away, so it should be easy ride. Enjoy see breeze there my friends!!
It was already 1:30pm, so I took a subway to Motouring. After got off the train, I had to walk for 15mins or so to get there. On the way, there was a BMW dealer and next to it a shop selling Touratech stuff, so I visited there and asked if they had "Rok Strap". But they did not have.
I got to Motouring around 3pm Carlos was not there, but the shock was completed! Wow!! The price was US$660!! Almost half of the price I heard from Carlos when we were communicating via e-mails. I wondered why and realised that the price he mentioned was for both front and rear shocks! If I knew that before, I must not have ordered the BMW shock from the States.
On the way back, I got off the train and went to "La Cumbre" outdoor store. Here I bought "MSR Magmate filter" (Adam went there yesterday and tol me he saw one). It cost 10,900CLP (US$20), a little expensive, but now I can make a good coffee while camping!
Back to the hotel once and I went to the bus terminal to get a ticket to Iquique, the same company as one I used from Iquique to Santiago "Expreso Norte" - 10am bus for 24,000CLP.
I will get to Iquique around 10am Sunday if nothing goes wrong. If I am lucky, I can take 11am bus to Oruro, which will take 9hours, then in Oruro I can catch another bus to Sucre. So I can be back to Sucre on Monday morning or evening. Wish me luck!!
I will update another diary once I am back to Sucre.
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
カルロスは1時には出来上がると言ってたので、もう出来てるかな? 地下鉄に乗って30分、最寄りの駅で降りましたが、ここからが長い。
Motouringには3時ごろに到着。Wilbersショックは完成してました! カルロスは留守でしたがスタッフが対応してくれました。値段も聞いていたのより約半額の660米ドル。何でだろう?と思ったら、カルロスが言ってた値段は前後のショックの値段だったのですね。それを知っていたら、アメリカからオーダーなんか最初からしなかったのに。
宿に戻る途中にLa Cumbreというアウトドア用品店でMSRのマグマイト(マグカップサイズの珈琲などをいれるためのフィルター)を購入。10,900ペソ。ちょっと高いですがこれでキャンプ時い美味しい珈琲をいれられます。
宿に戻り荷物を置いてばす バスーターミナルへ。明日10時発のイキケ行きのチケットを24,000ペソで購入。行きと同じExpreso Norteです。
Day 453: 21 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
This is the day I pick up my new "Wilbers" shock absorber! So I was exsited from the morning but at the same time, I was anxious as many bad lucks happened previously.
As Mark&Claire were heading off to Valparaiso, Adam and I saw them off. They left here after having lunch with us. Valparaiso is just 140km away, so it should be easy ride. Enjoy see breeze there my friends!!
It was already 1:30pm, so I took a subway to Motouring. After got off the train, I had to walk for 15mins or so to get there. On the way, there was a BMW dealer and next to it a shop selling Touratech stuff, so I visited there and asked if they had "Rok Strap". But they did not have.
I got to Motouring around 3pm Carlos was not there, but the shock was completed! Wow!! The price was US$660!! Almost half of the price I heard from Carlos when we were communicating via e-mails. I wondered why and realised that the price he mentioned was for both front and rear shocks! If I knew that before, I must not have ordered the BMW shock from the States.
On the way back, I got off the train and went to "La Cumbre" outdoor store. Here I bought "MSR Magmate filter" (Adam went there yesterday and tol me he saw one). It cost 10,900CLP (US$20), a little expensive, but now I can make a good coffee while camping!
Back to the hotel once and I went to the bus terminal to get a ticket to Iquique, the same company as one I used from Iquique to Santiago "Expreso Norte" - 10am bus for 24,000CLP.
I will get to Iquique around 10am Sunday if nothing goes wrong. If I am lucky, I can take 11am bus to Oruro, which will take 9hours, then in Oruro I can catch another bus to Sucre. So I can be back to Sucre on Monday morning or evening. Wish me luck!!
I will update another diary once I am back to Sucre.
Day 452: 2011年10月20日
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
Day 452: 20 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
This morning I received a reply from Carlos stating that the shock arrived there yesterday and he will start to work on it from 1pm today. So I thought I could visit "Museo Salvador Allende" nearby the hostel in the morning.
Salvador Allende was the former President of Chile (1970 - 73) and his regime was the world first communist regime elected by people through a democratic election. He was a friend of Fidel Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
However, the USA did not like a Commmunist country in South America, so the government of the States and CIA tried to get rid of Allende's regime. What they did were really dirty as usual... (As Chilean economy was heavily relied on Copper exporting at that time, the USA released its copper reserves to the market to make the copper price down, which lead to the Chilean economy crisis).
In the end, Chilean military (lead by General Pinochet - backed up by the States and CIA) couped against the President Allende and he was killed in the battle or commited suisuide in the Moneda Palace, Santiago inn 11 SEP 1973.
But just before I was abou t to go out, Mark told me that Adam arrived here last night! So I waited Adam to get up and chat with Adam, Mark&Claier till 1pm or so.
Then I went t have lunch and went to the museum. The entrance was 1,000CLP. Near the entrace, there was "The guerrilla war" by Ernesto "Che" Guevara, handed to President Allende by Ernest himself. I could see the sign of "CHE" on it. Dated March 1960. I knew Ernesto gave the book to Alllende when he visited him, so seeing the real one, tit was a good surprise.
Next to the book, there was a copy of a letter from Fidel Castro to Allende.
There weren't much about Allende, in other rooms, there were modern arts displayed. So it was a little disappointing.
I did not receive any reply from Carlos until 6pm. He said it would take 3 hours to assemble the shock, so if he started to work on my shock from 1pm, he should have done it by then.
I went to have Fajita for dinner. Back to the hostel, still no news...
Mark&Claire invited me for dinner. As a fajita was not enough, I joined them. With Adam, we had a good dinner and talked till late.
After having a shower, I checked e-mail again and found the reply from Carlos. He just finished disassembling my old shock and will assemble a new one tomorrow morning, and I should be able to pick it up by 1pm tomorrow.
I guess I have to stay one more ady here in Santiago.
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
Day 452: 20 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
This morning I received a reply from Carlos stating that the shock arrived there yesterday and he will start to work on it from 1pm today. So I thought I could visit "Museo Salvador Allende" nearby the hostel in the morning.
Salvador Allende was the former President of Chile (1970 - 73) and his regime was the world first communist regime elected by people through a democratic election. He was a friend of Fidel Castro and Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
However, the USA did not like a Commmunist country in South America, so the government of the States and CIA tried to get rid of Allende's regime. What they did were really dirty as usual... (As Chilean economy was heavily relied on Copper exporting at that time, the USA released its copper reserves to the market to make the copper price down, which lead to the Chilean economy crisis).
In the end, Chilean military (lead by General Pinochet - backed up by the States and CIA) couped against the President Allende and he was killed in the battle or commited suisuide in the Moneda Palace, Santiago inn 11 SEP 1973.
But just before I was abou t to go out, Mark told me that Adam arrived here last night! So I waited Adam to get up and chat with Adam, Mark&Claier till 1pm or so.
Then I went t have lunch and went to the museum. The entrance was 1,000CLP. Near the entrace, there was "The guerrilla war" by Ernesto "Che" Guevara, handed to President Allende by Ernest himself. I could see the sign of "CHE" on it. Dated March 1960. I knew Ernesto gave the book to Alllende when he visited him, so seeing the real one, tit was a good surprise.
Next to the book, there was a copy of a letter from Fidel Castro to Allende.
There weren't much about Allende, in other rooms, there were modern arts displayed. So it was a little disappointing.
I did not receive any reply from Carlos until 6pm. He said it would take 3 hours to assemble the shock, so if he started to work on my shock from 1pm, he should have done it by then.
I went to have Fajita for dinner. Back to the hostel, still no news...
Mark&Claire invited me for dinner. As a fajita was not enough, I joined them. With Adam, we had a good dinner and talked till late.
After having a shower, I checked e-mail again and found the reply from Carlos. He just finished disassembling my old shock and will assemble a new one tomorrow morning, and I should be able to pick it up by 1pm tomorrow.
I guess I have to stay one more ady here in Santiago.
Day 451: 2011年10月19日
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
Day 451: 18 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
I received an e-mail from Carlos last night saying the shock will be delivered Wednesday afternoon - it is today!
So I could spend the morning freely. As Jime asked me to check with RBX again, so I went there.
This time I asked another staff, and he came out with the part! But what Jaime asked for was the thread chaser for #10 spoke, but the part was for #14 and 15. I told the staff that I needed to check with Jaime and left the shop.
There was a street market open nearby RBX, and I bought 1.5kg of strawberries for 1,000CLP (US$2). On the way back to the hostel, I had a fajita (1,300CLP) for lunch.
Back to the hostel and had a rest for a while, then I went to the bus terminal to check the time table of buses for Iquique. There were more buses to Iquique than I thought, so I could make a plan back to Sucre easier.
There was a protest going on the streets. Those students were burning trushes on the street to block the traffic. They were asking for lower rate for student loan (if they borrrow 1,000, then need to pay back 3,000. Something like that).
Back to the hostel, but I still did not hear from Carlos. It is 8pm now, but I have no good news yet....
Now I worry... To get the shock fixed, I have been through so many troubles... I really want to get it done ASAP and continue my trip on my GS.
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
Day 451: 18 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
I received an e-mail from Carlos last night saying the shock will be delivered Wednesday afternoon - it is today!
So I could spend the morning freely. As Jime asked me to check with RBX again, so I went there.
This time I asked another staff, and he came out with the part! But what Jaime asked for was the thread chaser for #10 spoke, but the part was for #14 and 15. I told the staff that I needed to check with Jaime and left the shop.
There was a street market open nearby RBX, and I bought 1.5kg of strawberries for 1,000CLP (US$2). On the way back to the hostel, I had a fajita (1,300CLP) for lunch.
Back to the hostel and had a rest for a while, then I went to the bus terminal to check the time table of buses for Iquique. There were more buses to Iquique than I thought, so I could make a plan back to Sucre easier.
There was a protest going on the streets. Those students were burning trushes on the street to block the traffic. They were asking for lower rate for student loan (if they borrrow 1,000, then need to pay back 3,000. Something like that).
Back to the hostel, but I still did not hear from Carlos. It is 8pm now, but I have no good news yet....
Now I worry... To get the shock fixed, I have been through so many troubles... I really want to get it done ASAP and continue my trip on my GS.
Day 450: 2011年10月18日
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
今日は朝飯を食べてから、ロックタイト(Loctite)243を買いにと、再びハイメさんに頼まれたパーツの件で例の店(Rafael Burgos - RBX)へ。ロックタイトはちょっと探しましたが購入出来ました。

午後は街中まで歩きに行きました。工具屋が、凄い!! 長さ1m以上もあるトルクレンチが売ってたりします。チリ、凄いな。
Day 450: 18 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
After having breakfast, I went to buy Loctite 243 and went to Rafael Burgos (RBX) to ask again where I could find the spoke threading tool that Jaime asked. I could buy Loctite 243 after visiting a few shops.
I asked another staff @ RBX and he said I could find it @ another shop. He gave me the address of the shop, and I went there.
But I was told @ another bicycle shop that, they did not have one on sale and I should find it @RBX...
I went back to the hostel but there was no update from Carlos.... Th check out time was 12 noon, so now I had to stay one more night in Santiago.
I had lunch @ a near by reastaurant for 2,300CLP, including a drink and a dessert. It wasn't bad at all.
I went out to the centre of the city. On the main road, there were many hardware stores. One of them was carrying torque wrenches more than 1m long!! Impressive!!
Back to the hostel again, but no news. Mark&Claire went to the airport to check the price of shipping their bikes to Europe, but to get to the cargo section, they had to go through custom, so they could not get any info...
Dinner @ a nearby take away shop. There are many universities around this hostel, I found there are many cheap take away shops around. Good on budget.
According to Carlos, the shock absorber should be delivered by today or tomorrow, so it should be there by tomorrow.
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
今日は朝飯を食べてから、ロックタイト(Loctite)243を買いにと、再びハイメさんに頼まれたパーツの件で例の店(Rafael Burgos - RBX)へ。ロックタイトはちょっと探しましたが購入出来ました。
Day 450: 18 OCT 2011
Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
After having breakfast, I went to buy Loctite 243 and went to Rafael Burgos (RBX) to ask again where I could find the spoke threading tool that Jaime asked. I could buy Loctite 243 after visiting a few shops.
I asked another staff @ RBX and he said I could find it @ another shop. He gave me the address of the shop, and I went there.
But I was told @ another bicycle shop that, they did not have one on sale and I should find it @RBX...
I went back to the hostel but there was no update from Carlos.... Th check out time was 12 noon, so now I had to stay one more night in Santiago.
I had lunch @ a near by reastaurant for 2,300CLP, including a drink and a dessert. It wasn't bad at all.
I went out to the centre of the city. On the main road, there were many hardware stores. One of them was carrying torque wrenches more than 1m long!! Impressive!!
Back to the hostel again, but no news. Mark&Claire went to the airport to check the price of shipping their bikes to Europe, but to get to the cargo section, they had to go through custom, so they could not get any info...
Dinner @ a nearby take away shop. There are many universities around this hostel, I found there are many cheap take away shops around. Good on budget.
According to Carlos, the shock absorber should be delivered by today or tomorrow, so it should be there by tomorrow.
Day 449: 2011年10月17日
Somewhere between Iquique and Santiago to Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
地下鉄に乗ってWilbers Chile - MotouringのあるLas Condesまで。終点近くまで20分位電車に揺られます。片道570ペソ。
電車でセントロまで戻り、Moai Viajero Hostl B&B (Hostal de Sammy)にチェックイン。ここでマーク&クレアと再会。まだ、サンティアゴにいたんですね。
しばらく歓談した後、ハイメさんから頼まれていたスポークのねじ切り工具の部品を探しに。しかし、ハイメさんから聞いた店(Rafael Burgos - RBX)に行きましたが、無いと。自転車屋街でいろんな店を尋ねましたが、無いと。うーん、残念。
Day 449: 17 OCT 2011
Somewhere between Iquique and Santiago to Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
The bus was still running towards Santiago when I woke up this morning. It would arrive Santiago at 2pm according to the schedule.
Cookies and hot tea were served for breakfast. I watched a movie (The new daughter) but it was a really bad movie.
Around 1:30pm, finally the bus got to the terminal. As the lunch was not served, I bought a cheese empànada for 890CLP (Chlian peso). As everyone said, the prices in Chile are much more expensive than Bolivia.
I took a subway to Los Condes where Wilbers Chile - Motouring located. The fare cost 570CLP one way.
The subway was clean and very tidy. Those passengers were well groomed and those young girls were pretty. Chile is definitely "developed" country.
I got off 2 stations beofre the terminal. It took me 20mins or so. Then I had to ask people how to get to Motouring. I was told to get on a 406 bus.
I hopped on the bus, but the bus driver was not sure where I should get off. I told him that I was looking for a motorbike shop. Then he said there was a block many motorbike shops located and I could stay onboard till there. Chileans are very kind indeed.
I found a BMW dealer and got off the bus there. I went into the BMW and asked where Motouring was. They told me it was no far and I could walk there.
Then I met Carlos - the boss of Motouring - for the first time. As we had been communicating via e-mails, he knew all the stories. But the shock was still in custom and most likely it would be at his workshop tomorrow or on Wednesday.
He showed me those Wilbers shocks and explained to me how those worked. He reckoned the ESA shock was not a good idea as it had oil and gas in one compartment. It should be separated.
I took a subway back to Centro and checked in at "Moai Viajero Hostel B&B" AKA "Hostal de Sammy". And there were Mark&Claire still!! I did not expet they were still staying there.
After a little chat with them, I went to find the spoke threading tool that Jaime asked me to find in Santiago. I went to the importer (Rafael Burgos - RBX) where Jaime mentioned. But they did not have the tool... I wnet to many bicycle shops in Calle San Deiego, but none had it for sale....
After having dinner, I chat with Mark&Claire, then I took a shower (I did nt take a shower for 3days).
As I was so tired, I went to sleep really early. I hope I can get the shock tomorrow.
Somewhere between Iquique and Santiago to Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
地下鉄に乗ってWilbers Chile - MotouringのあるLas Condesまで。終点近くまで20分位電車に揺られます。片道570ペソ。
電車でセントロまで戻り、Moai Viajero Hostl B&B (Hostal de Sammy)にチェックイン。ここでマーク&クレアと再会。まだ、サンティアゴにいたんですね。
しばらく歓談した後、ハイメさんから頼まれていたスポークのねじ切り工具の部品を探しに。しかし、ハイメさんから聞いた店(Rafael Burgos - RBX)に行きましたが、無いと。自転車屋街でいろんな店を尋ねましたが、無いと。うーん、残念。
Day 449: 17 OCT 2011
Somewhere between Iquique and Santiago to Santiago (Moai Viajero Hostel B&B)
The bus was still running towards Santiago when I woke up this morning. It would arrive Santiago at 2pm according to the schedule.
Cookies and hot tea were served for breakfast. I watched a movie (The new daughter) but it was a really bad movie.
Around 1:30pm, finally the bus got to the terminal. As the lunch was not served, I bought a cheese empànada for 890CLP (Chlian peso). As everyone said, the prices in Chile are much more expensive than Bolivia.
I took a subway to Los Condes where Wilbers Chile - Motouring located. The fare cost 570CLP one way.
The subway was clean and very tidy. Those passengers were well groomed and those young girls were pretty. Chile is definitely "developed" country.
I got off 2 stations beofre the terminal. It took me 20mins or so. Then I had to ask people how to get to Motouring. I was told to get on a 406 bus.
I hopped on the bus, but the bus driver was not sure where I should get off. I told him that I was looking for a motorbike shop. Then he said there was a block many motorbike shops located and I could stay onboard till there. Chileans are very kind indeed.
I found a BMW dealer and got off the bus there. I went into the BMW and asked where Motouring was. They told me it was no far and I could walk there.
Then I met Carlos - the boss of Motouring - for the first time. As we had been communicating via e-mails, he knew all the stories. But the shock was still in custom and most likely it would be at his workshop tomorrow or on Wednesday.
He showed me those Wilbers shocks and explained to me how those worked. He reckoned the ESA shock was not a good idea as it had oil and gas in one compartment. It should be separated.
I took a subway back to Centro and checked in at "Moai Viajero Hostel B&B" AKA "Hostal de Sammy". And there were Mark&Claire still!! I did not expet they were still staying there.
After a little chat with them, I went to find the spoke threading tool that Jaime asked me to find in Santiago. I went to the importer (Rafael Burgos - RBX) where Jaime mentioned. But they did not have the tool... I wnet to many bicycle shops in Calle San Deiego, but none had it for sale....
After having dinner, I chat with Mark&Claire, then I took a shower (I did nt take a shower for 3days).
As I was so tired, I went to sleep really early. I hope I can get the shock tomorrow.