
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 423: 2011年9月21日

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)


朝は10時半頃にアダムと人気のサルテーニャ屋へ。サルテーニャはパイみたいな生地で肉や野菜、スープを包んで焼いたボリビアの人気朝食メニュー。どこの街角でも買えるのですが、人気店「El Patio」は行列の出来る店なんです。街角では1つ3‐4ボリですがここでは6ボリ。高いのに行列が出来るのは相当美味しいに違い有りません。



宿に戻り、ネットと思いましたがネットが遅いのでアダムからコピーを貰ったBBCの「The Planets」を2エピソード鑑賞。見ごたえあり。鑑賞後眠くなったので学校まで昼寝。


で、今日は「学生の日(DIa del Estudiante)」なので午後7時からパーティーがあるとのこと。一旦宿に戻り、7時前に再び学校へ。



Day 423: 21 SEP 2011

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

According to the tracking tool of USPS, my percel arrived the sort facility in Miami last Friday and processed, but since then there is no any update. So I am not sure if it has left the States or still is in the States....

Adam and I went to "El Patio" the popular Saltena shop in Sucre. Saltena is the popular pastry among Bolivians and mainly consumed for breakfast. It is sold everywhere in every city of Bolivia, but people queue up for saltenas of "El Patio" One saltena costs there 6Bs when one costs 3-4Bs elsewhere. It is considerably more expensive, but it still so popular. Which means it should be really good.

I had 2 beef saltenas and 1 chicken saltena, cost me 18Bs. A little expensive for breakfast. But those were excellent. Really good saltenas. The atmosphere of the shop was good too. As the name explains, the shop had a nice courtyard (Patio). If only we could have a nice cup of coffee there, it would be perfect. But the coffee machine was broken, so there wasn't any coffee. I forgot to take my camera, so I had no photo.

Back to the hostel, I watched BBC "The Planets" I got a copy from Adam. I watched 2 episods of the series and they were really good. Then I had a nap before the class.

In the class, we had more conversation than usual. It was good to put what I learnt before in practice.

As it was "Dia del Estudiante (Day of Students), so the school hosted a party for us. It started at 7pm. We played games, had conversations with those local students studying English, had dinner. It was a fun evening.

Now what I can do tomorrow. Except attending the class, I have nothing really to do. I am really getting bored here...


Day 422: 2011年9月20日

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

朝起きたら髪の毛が爆発状態。これぞボリパーって感じでヨシ! まだ腹の調子が悪いので、朝飯はコーラ。


DSCF9608.jpgDSCF9607.jpg溶接をして、ヤスリで平らにならして、ペイントを塗って、グリース・アップをして、取り付けて終了!! この機械は終戦後まもなくしてアメリカで製作されたものだそう。ハイメさんとほぼ同い年ですね!




さて、ショックはまだ届きません。USPSのサイトではマイアミのSort Facility(選別所)で16日付で選別された、でそれ以来なにもアップデートされてません。果たしてもうアメリカを出たのか、それともまだアメリカにあるんですかね。早く届いて欲しいものです。

Day 422: 20 SEP 2011

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

This morning, my hair was like "exploded"! Well, it's more like "Bolivian Perm".

Adam went to "Motoservi" to weld the side stand and the side stand pivot, where were worn out so badly that the side stand contact the swing arm!

Jimmy was welding those and painted, greased and assembled, done! Good job Jimmy.

Adam went through the guest book of Motoservi and he found 3 friends of him visited there! What a small world!

We went to have lunch with Jaime. At 65 years old, he still has ful of spirit and has many plans for future. I was glad to get to know him more. 

Back to the hostel, I had a short nap before the Spanish lesson. Today I continued learning "Preterito Imperfecto".

Although I am a bit frustrated against waiting the shock, I am doing something worthwhile here in Sucre.


Day 421: 2011年9月19日

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)


「Periqulea, Salon」とある美容室へ。「パーマはいくらですか?」と訊いたら、「90ボリ」と。1000円くらいですか。何故だか日本人旅行者の間でボリビアでパーマをかけることが、まぁ、流行ってるんです。何でかはしりませんが、恐らく安いから。特別なスタイルになるとかは別にないんですけどね。誰が言い出したかはしりませんが、「ボリパー」。






DSCF9603.jpgそして、ワシの仕上がりは?? 先ずは頭を洗います。シャワーが壊れているので、手桶でジャバジャバ。流石ボリビア。

DSCF9604.jpgそして、こんな感じに仕上がりました。写真とは全く別物ですが、なかなか様になってるじゃないですか!? 皆さんどう思われます??

それからメルカドで昼飯と、歩いてたらアダムが後ろから。「What have you done to yourself!? (一体何が起こったんだ!?」がワシのボリパーに対する彼の感想です。




Day 421: 19 SEP 2011

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

This morning I went to a hair dresser to perm my hair with Kaoru and Ken. I asked the lady how much it would be to perm our hair and she said it would be 90B each. I don't know why it is popular among Japanese tourists to perm hair here in Bolivia.Probably it is cheap here.

As Ken needed to catch a flight to Santa Cruz at 1:45pm, he started first. The lady started to roll his hair...

Once she completed to apply perm liquid to his hair, it was my turn.

As I just wanted to perm the part where to be covered under my beret, so I showed her the photo of Ernesto (see above).

But she rolled each side and back!! I told her not to or just slightly perm the sides and back, but she did not understand or she had another idea...

It took nearly 2 hours to complete. And the end result was...

Not too bad, I reckon even though it was far from the photo. What do you guys think??

We said good-bye to Ken and waled to Mercado to have lunch.

Adam found us from behind and when he saw my permed hair, "WHat have you done to yourself!?". Well that was his impression on my new hair do!

While having lunch at Mercado, my stmach started to rumble. So I had to hurry back to the hostel and said good-bye to Kaoru. We will probably catch up in Iguasu Japanese settlement in Paraguay. Until then have a nice trip!

Back to the hostel, I had a nap till Spanish lesson. Usually I take 2 hours of Spanish lesson a day, but my teacher Lulu had to leave after 4pm today, I just had 1 hour lesson, which was good for me as I had a bad stomach.

After school, Adam and I went to a cafe and researched on the net for a while.Then we had dinner at a sandwitch shop.


Day 420: 2011年9月18日

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)






カオル先輩はカフェにいたのでそこで再会し、カオル先輩の宿に。そこには先輩がウユニから一緒に行動しているケンちゃんがいました。しばらく宿で歓談し、夕飯は「El Parrillin」へ。ここで将来有望そうなケンちゃんに日本は変わらなければいけない旨をとうとうと語りました。大学4年生で来年から「社会人」(働いてないと「社会人」とみなさない日本の社会はやはりおかしいですね)になるケンちゃんいは少し厳しかったかもしれませんが、ワシの話で何かを考えるようになって、行動してくれれば幸いです。


Day 420: 18 SEP 2011

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

The weather was bad this morning. I heard that in spring time, it would be like this sometimes. As the appointment with Jaime was 11am at "Motoservi", so I was surfing the Net and chatting with Adam.

Jaime and his friend took us to "Mercado San Antonio" where were many stands grilling fish! The smell of fish was all over the places. The size of fish was pretty big! I asked what fish it was, but it was very yummy. It came from Argentina.

After lunch Jaime and his friend took us to a "Castle" around 15km southwest of Sucre. The "castle" was still under construction and was being built by Bolivian-German couple.  

The husband was from Potosi and was a papetier. As he was an artist, the desin of the castle was a bid odd. They were planning to make the castle into a pappet museum.

Back to Sucre, we wentback to the hostel. Thanks to Jaime and his friend, we had a great time. Adam went to a cafe, and I was about o have a nap (somehow I am always sleepy recently). Just before I went to sleep, I received a message from Kaoru. He was in town! So I went to see him.

He was with another Japanese traveller "Ken". We went to Parrillin for dinner and talked for a while. As they are leaving to Santa Cruz tomorrow, we will spend the morning together and will perm our hair!?


Day 419: 2011年9月17日

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)



しばらくハイメさんと歓談。今日アダムがスクレに到着予定なので、「2年前にここに来たんだけど、覚えてますか?」と訊いたら、「あ、多分あいつだな。」と。「今何処にいるんだ?」と言うので、「昨日はラ・イゲラで、今こっちに向かってますよ。」と言うと、「ラ・イゲラはチェ・ゲバラが殺されたところだね。実は昔ここのグランド・ホテルで働いていたんだけど、チェがチェックインしたとき対応したのはワシなんじゃよ。」と。なんと驚きですね!! 「まぁ、もちろん当時は変装してたからチェとは気が付かなかったんだけど、後で知ってビックリしたものだ。」そうです。エルネストに実際会ったことがある人がこんなに身近にいたのですね。


昼飯は久しぶりにメルカドで。何かグツグツと煮込まれているのがあったので、それを頼んだら美味い!! 豚肉と野菜の煮込みですね。10ボリ。安い。

スーパーで買い物をして宿に戻りトムと歓談。そして4時半頃にアダムが到着!! 何度目の再会ですかね。数えたら7回目の再会です。早速部屋をシェアすることに。これで宿代は1泊45ボリに。




Day 419: 17 SEP 2011

Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

I came back to the hostel around 3:30am and went to sleep after 4am, so I thought I should sleep in today, but I woke up just after 9am.

I researched on "Hozan Tool Industrial Co. Ltd"'s Spoke Threading Tools, which Jaime asked me to check. He has been using one and it has been the very important tool for his job, but there is no distributor in Bolivia, he would like to find out how he can get spare parts and new products. I sent an inquiry to "Hozan" if they could ship the proucts to Bolivia directly.

I went to "Motoservi" around lunch time and told Jaime the progress of the shipping of the shock and about the spoke threading tools. He was re-boring engine cyliner of Yamaha motocrosser. And Jimmy rebuit a engine of a STIHL chainsaw. He is still very young but he can domany things. Very impressive.

While I was talking to Jaime, I asked if he remembered Adam. He would be here in Sucre today. Jaime said probably he remembered Adam. He asked me where Adam woul be now. I said he was in La Higuera yesterday and should be heading here now. Jaime said La Hiiguera was where Che Guevara was killed. An he said he was working at Grand Hotel of Sucre when Che came to Bolivia and he was the one dealt with Che when he checked-in!! What a story!!

He invited me to have lunch tomorrow with him. He will take me to a restraunt serves good fish.

I had luch at Mercado. Stewed pork I had was very good value. 10Bs.

Back to the hostel, I was chatting with Tom and around 4:30pm, Adam arrived! I met him in Leon, Nicaragua for the first time, since then we bump to each other for 7times! We started to share the room, so the rent became 45Bs.

As Adam spent 5 weeks here 2 years ago, he knew this city very well. He wanted to have a pizza at his favorite pizza restaurant, so he took me Tom and I there. The pizza was made from the dough and baked in a proper wood oven. Excellent.

While having a pizza, it started to rain really really hard!! The street was flooded. We could not go anywhere for a while, so we kept chatting there.

Tomorrow Adam and I will go to have fish with Jaime. I am looking forward that.


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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