三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 408: 2011年9月6日
Sucre (Hostel Pachamama)

午後になってYAMAHA XT660Z TENERE(新しいテネレ)が登場!! しかも2人乗りで!! イギリスから来たダニエルと彼女のエヴリン(彼女は多分南米出身です)。2人なのに軽装だな。
それからR1200GS Adventureのフランクがウユニ周辺のGPSポイントを教えてくれました。
Day 408: 06 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostel Pachamama)
I had breakfast as usual in Patio. After that I went through tax return on-line. I did not work at all during 2010 financial year, but I had some interest from the bank, so I had to make a claim.
Then I went to Mercado for lunch. 10Bs. I walked to Mercado Campesino to look around, but I found nothing much to see. As tomorrow is Mark's birthday (so as my borther!), so I went to buy a present for him.
Back to the hostel, a new YAMAHA XT660Z TENERE arrived. They were Daniel and Evlyn from UK. Although they were 2up, their luggages were really minimal. Nice.
Frank - R1200GS Adventure - showed me the GPS cordinates of those poits around Salar de Uyuni. Eve though Salar itself is nowdry, the fringe of Salar is always wet and soft. So it is important to have GPS cordinate of the point to enter Salar. Otherwise, our bikes might sink into soft salt!!
Thank you, Frank.
Daniel started to do some maintenance on his TENERE. He said sometimes the ignition dies. He reckoned the joints of cigar socket was making gaps between contacts of battery and the contacts of the bike. Mark suggested him to put some vaselin on the contacts and he did.
Mark&Claire and I was about to go to a pizza restaurant where Adam recommended, but we started to chat with Daniel. He was originally from Croatia and now living in UK. He was chef for 11 years and after that he joined the police force iof UK! Very interesting carrier.
After 7pm, finally we went to the pizza restaurant. As Adam recommended, it was a good pizza!
Back to the hostel, I wanted to send a borthday e-mail to my brother, bit somehow I could not access to the network... HOpefully I could send the mail tomorrow morning...
Sucre (Hostel Pachamama)
それからR1200GS Adventureのフランクがウユニ周辺のGPSポイントを教えてくれました。
Day 408: 06 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostel Pachamama)
I had breakfast as usual in Patio. After that I went through tax return on-line. I did not work at all during 2010 financial year, but I had some interest from the bank, so I had to make a claim.
Then I went to Mercado for lunch. 10Bs. I walked to Mercado Campesino to look around, but I found nothing much to see. As tomorrow is Mark's birthday (so as my borther!), so I went to buy a present for him.
Back to the hostel, a new YAMAHA XT660Z TENERE arrived. They were Daniel and Evlyn from UK. Although they were 2up, their luggages were really minimal. Nice.
Frank - R1200GS Adventure - showed me the GPS cordinates of those poits around Salar de Uyuni. Eve though Salar itself is nowdry, the fringe of Salar is always wet and soft. So it is important to have GPS cordinate of the point to enter Salar. Otherwise, our bikes might sink into soft salt!!
Thank you, Frank.
Daniel started to do some maintenance on his TENERE. He said sometimes the ignition dies. He reckoned the joints of cigar socket was making gaps between contacts of battery and the contacts of the bike. Mark suggested him to put some vaselin on the contacts and he did.
Mark&Claire and I was about to go to a pizza restaurant where Adam recommended, but we started to chat with Daniel. He was originally from Croatia and now living in UK. He was chef for 11 years and after that he joined the police force iof UK! Very interesting carrier.
After 7pm, finally we went to the pizza restaurant. As Adam recommended, it was a good pizza!
Back to the hostel, I wanted to send a borthday e-mail to my brother, bit somehow I could not access to the network... HOpefully I could send the mail tomorrow morning...
Day 407: 2011年9月5日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
午後はマークがリアタイヤの交換を始めたので、ワシはバイクの清掃。またリア・ショックの下にオイルが付着してます。ショックのシリンダーにもロッドにもオイルが付着していないので、一体何処からこのオイルは来ているのでしょう?? 謎です。

そうこうしていたらBMW R1200GS Adventureがやって来ました!! ドイツ人の彼(まだ名前聞いてません)は北上するそうです。なんとアルゼンチンが4-5ヶ月前からアルゼンチン産の車両以外のスペアパーツの輸入を廃止する法律を定めたそうで、BMWのパーツも手に入りにくくなっているとか(チリから並行輸入するしか方法がありません)。これはワシにとって悪いニュースですね・・・。
Day 407: 05 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I did no do much today, again! I had late breakfast in the courtyard nder the sun light. Nice.
I went to Mercado for lunch and when I was back at the hostel, Mark started to change the rear tyres of his and Claire's bikes, so I started to clean my GS.
I found there was oil at the bottom of the rear shock absober - at the link with the swing arm. I wonder where oil came from as there was no oil on the cylinder and the rod...
One BMW R1200GS had arrived in the afternoon. He was from Germany _(haven't got his name yet). He was riding up noth now. He told me Argentinian goverment made a new law - not inporting any spare part for any vehicle not made in Argentina! So it would be getting difficult to get spare parts for my GS there....
I cooked the soup pasta again. It wasn't good as expected.
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
午後はマークがリアタイヤの交換を始めたので、ワシはバイクの清掃。またリア・ショックの下にオイルが付着してます。ショックのシリンダーにもロッドにもオイルが付着していないので、一体何処からこのオイルは来ているのでしょう?? 謎です。
Day 407: 05 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I did no do much today, again! I had late breakfast in the courtyard nder the sun light. Nice.
I went to Mercado for lunch and when I was back at the hostel, Mark started to change the rear tyres of his and Claire's bikes, so I started to clean my GS.
I found there was oil at the bottom of the rear shock absober - at the link with the swing arm. I wonder where oil came from as there was no oil on the cylinder and the rod...
One BMW R1200GS had arrived in the afternoon. He was from Germany _(haven't got his name yet). He was riding up noth now. He told me Argentinian goverment made a new law - not inporting any spare part for any vehicle not made in Argentina! So it would be getting difficult to get spare parts for my GS there....
I cooked the soup pasta again. It wasn't good as expected.
Day 405: 2011年9月4日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
朝から洗濯、ヘルメットの清掃などなど。昼飯はロンプラに紹介されている中華屋「Chifa Hong Kong」へ。
Day 405: 04 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
It's Sunday, so there were no many shops open and there was no car on the street.
I did laundry, clean the helmet and so on in the morning.
I went out for lunch at "Chifa Hong Kong" shown on Loely Planet. The taste wasn't tha tbad, but the serving was very small....
After lunch, I intended to go to "MIrador" locacated the south east of the city. But it got really hot and was uphill, so I gave up on the way.
I went to the supermarket to buy some stuffs for dinner. I cooked soup pasta, but the quality of pasta was really bad...
I had enough rest yesterday and today. So I should explore Sucre more tomorrow.
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
朝から洗濯、ヘルメットの清掃などなど。昼飯はロンプラに紹介されている中華屋「Chifa Hong Kong」へ。
Day 405: 04 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
It's Sunday, so there were no many shops open and there was no car on the street.
I did laundry, clean the helmet and so on in the morning.
I went out for lunch at "Chifa Hong Kong" shown on Loely Planet. The taste wasn't tha tbad, but the serving was very small....
After lunch, I intended to go to "MIrador" locacated the south east of the city. But it got really hot and was uphill, so I gave up on the way.
I went to the supermarket to buy some stuffs for dinner. I cooked soup pasta, but the quality of pasta was really bad...
I had enough rest yesterday and today. So I should explore Sucre more tomorrow.
Day 406: 2011年9月3日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

Day 406: 03 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I had a relaxing day.
When went out for lunch, there was a parade going on the street. I wasn'T sure for which occasion but there have been lots of festival in Bolivia.
I had lunch at Mercado, Mondongo - stewed pork - for 16Bs. It was a little expensive for Mercado meal, but it was excellent.
Back to the hostel, Mark asked me if I wanted to see the workshop he was talking about "Mototservi".
On the way to the workshop, we encountered another parade!
At Motoservi, Mark asked to make his tyre lever head narrower. Jaime, the boss of the workshop, was very freindly and spoke English. The job was assigned to a young applentice but he did a good job!
Back to the hostel, I chat with Mark&Claire about the route hey would be going and other stuffs.
I went out to a supermarket to buy a few things. Dinner @ a restaurant around the hotel. I had Lomito - steak with a fried egg for 12Bs. It was't that bad.
Tomorrow I will go look around the city.
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
Day 406: 03 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I had a relaxing day.
When went out for lunch, there was a parade going on the street. I wasn'T sure for which occasion but there have been lots of festival in Bolivia.
I had lunch at Mercado, Mondongo - stewed pork - for 16Bs. It was a little expensive for Mercado meal, but it was excellent.
Back to the hostel, Mark asked me if I wanted to see the workshop he was talking about "Mototservi".
On the way to the workshop, we encountered another parade!
At Motoservi, Mark asked to make his tyre lever head narrower. Jaime, the boss of the workshop, was very freindly and spoke English. The job was assigned to a young applentice but he did a good job!
Back to the hostel, I chat with Mark&Claire about the route hey would be going and other stuffs.
I went out to a supermarket to buy a few things. Dinner @ a restaurant around the hotel. I had Lomito - steak with a fried egg for 12Bs. It was't that bad.
Tomorrow I will go look around the city.
Day 404: 2011年9月2日
La Higuera to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,401km to 40,682km= 281km
ラ・イゲラからメインのダートまで10キロ足らずですが悪路のため20分以上もかかりました!! ジャンクションから橋まで1時間と聞いていましたが、コンディションはヴァジェグランデからプカラより悪いですね。まぁ、急ぐことはないのでゆっくりと余裕を持たせてダートを走ります。

所々ガレ場があり走りにくい。フラットダートにもフカフカの埃が溜まっているところとか、細かい砂利があったりしてトラクションコントロールが作動しまくり!! 我がエスペランサはスルスルとダートを越えて行きます。

ブルドーザーのおじさん曰く、「10時には道が開通するから」と。時間は9時45分。かなり道の状態は、凄いことになってますが、本当に開通するの?? ここを抜ければ、まぁ、「普通」のダートになると。


その先は橋以前と同じ感じのダートがしばらく続きます。2-3箇所工事中が有り、そして川越!! 結構水量あるじゃないですか。
無事川を越えてまたダートを走ります。ヴィジャ・セラーノ(Villa Serrano)には12時過ぎに到着。昼飯を、と思ったのですが、店が見当たりませんのでそのまま村外れへ。そこで道が二股に別れているので、おじさんに「スクレはどっちですか?」と訊くと、「右に行くとトミナ(Tomina)、そしてスクレだよ」と。地図ではトミナの手前にパディーヤ(Padilla)という村があるはずなんだけど?? まぁ、地元民を信じて右へ。
ここからはコンクリート舗装になります。ようやくダートが終わった!! でも工事中なので片側車線が封鎖されている箇所が多かったですね。
スクレには4時半ごろ到着。昼飯食べてないので腹減りまくり。目的の宿パチャママ(Hostal Pachamama)は直ぐにわかりました。中に入るとマーク&クレアが!! 再会を祝します。エスペランサが埃まみれなので、「珍しい」とクレアが写真をパシャリ。いつも汚れると直ぐに拭いてしまうので。
チェックイン後、速効でメルカドに行き、遅い昼飯(早い夕飯?)。宿に戻りエスペランサを拭き拭き。マーク&クレアは「Cowboys & Ailiens」という映画を見に出かけました。
Day 404: 02 SEP 2011
La Higuera to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,401km to 40,682km= 281km
I left the Posada at 8:30am. It took me more than 20mins to get to the junction to the main dirt from La Higuera, which was just 10km...
Louis told me that it woud be around 1 hour to get to a bridge, and it took 1 hour to get there. It wasn't far but the road condition was worse than from Vallegrande to Pucara.
There was a clear river under the bridge and it was nice stopping there for a moment. The bridge was pretty bog and in good shape, so I expected that teh road condtion would be improved after the bridge. But I was wrong!!
Just after crossing the bridge, there was a left turn, then the road serface became really bad. Hard gravel on really fine dust... It was upslope as well. As my rear tyre was Tourance, it did not grip the fine dust at all. If I opened throttle, engine knocking... The clucth work was very difficult, I smelt the clutch was burning... Then I dropped my GS. Ouch!!
But just 50m away, on the top of the slope, there was a dozer working. I walked up there and asked for a help. He helped me to get the GS up and pushed the GS up on the hill.
He told me the road would be open by 10am. But it was alreay 9:45am! The road looked really in bad shape. Lots of rocks and loose sarface.
But amazingly he cleared the rocks and kinda flatten the sarface. The condition after that was similar to before the bridge. But I came across a creek crossing. It was a little deep but I managed to cross.
I got to Villa Serrano around 12 noon. But I saw no shop open there. So I kept going. The local told me to take right at the end of the village, which would lead to Tomina. Stome paved road continued from Villa Serrano for a while but it became a dirt road again.
One section, there was really hard part. FIne dust sarface. I had to ride really slowly and carefully there. From Tomina, it joined a major dirt road. At Zudanez, I refueled and the road became concrete pavement.
The road went up toaround 3,1000m high. Around the bridge the altitude was around 600m, so there was a huge difference of temparature.
I arrived Sucre around 4:30pm. I could find "Hostal Pachamama" easily. Once I entered the hostel, I saw Mark&Claire!!
After check-in, I went to Mercado for late lunch (or early dinner?). Back to the hostel, I wiped off dirt from my GS. Mark&Claire went out to see a movie (Cowboys & Aliens).
I will have a relaxing day tomorrow.
La Higuera to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,401km to 40,682km= 281km
ラ・イゲラからメインのダートまで10キロ足らずですが悪路のため20分以上もかかりました!! ジャンクションから橋まで1時間と聞いていましたが、コンディションはヴァジェグランデからプカラより悪いですね。まぁ、急ぐことはないのでゆっくりと余裕を持たせてダートを走ります。
所々ガレ場があり走りにくい。フラットダートにもフカフカの埃が溜まっているところとか、細かい砂利があったりしてトラクションコントロールが作動しまくり!! 我がエスペランサはスルスルとダートを越えて行きます。
ブルドーザーのおじさん曰く、「10時には道が開通するから」と。時間は9時45分。かなり道の状態は、凄いことになってますが、本当に開通するの?? ここを抜ければ、まぁ、「普通」のダートになると。
無事川を越えてまたダートを走ります。ヴィジャ・セラーノ(Villa Serrano)には12時過ぎに到着。昼飯を、と思ったのですが、店が見当たりませんのでそのまま村外れへ。そこで道が二股に別れているので、おじさんに「スクレはどっちですか?」と訊くと、「右に行くとトミナ(Tomina)、そしてスクレだよ」と。地図ではトミナの手前にパディーヤ(Padilla)という村があるはずなんだけど?? まぁ、地元民を信じて右へ。
ここからはコンクリート舗装になります。ようやくダートが終わった!! でも工事中なので片側車線が封鎖されている箇所が多かったですね。
スクレには4時半ごろ到着。昼飯食べてないので腹減りまくり。目的の宿パチャママ(Hostal Pachamama)は直ぐにわかりました。中に入るとマーク&クレアが!! 再会を祝します。エスペランサが埃まみれなので、「珍しい」とクレアが写真をパシャリ。いつも汚れると直ぐに拭いてしまうので。
チェックイン後、速効でメルカドに行き、遅い昼飯(早い夕飯?)。宿に戻りエスペランサを拭き拭き。マーク&クレアは「Cowboys & Ailiens」という映画を見に出かけました。
Day 404: 02 SEP 2011
La Higuera to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,401km to 40,682km= 281km
I left the Posada at 8:30am. It took me more than 20mins to get to the junction to the main dirt from La Higuera, which was just 10km...
Louis told me that it woud be around 1 hour to get to a bridge, and it took 1 hour to get there. It wasn't far but the road condition was worse than from Vallegrande to Pucara.
There was a clear river under the bridge and it was nice stopping there for a moment. The bridge was pretty bog and in good shape, so I expected that teh road condtion would be improved after the bridge. But I was wrong!!
Just after crossing the bridge, there was a left turn, then the road serface became really bad. Hard gravel on really fine dust... It was upslope as well. As my rear tyre was Tourance, it did not grip the fine dust at all. If I opened throttle, engine knocking... The clucth work was very difficult, I smelt the clutch was burning... Then I dropped my GS. Ouch!!
But just 50m away, on the top of the slope, there was a dozer working. I walked up there and asked for a help. He helped me to get the GS up and pushed the GS up on the hill.
He told me the road would be open by 10am. But it was alreay 9:45am! The road looked really in bad shape. Lots of rocks and loose sarface.
But amazingly he cleared the rocks and kinda flatten the sarface. The condition after that was similar to before the bridge. But I came across a creek crossing. It was a little deep but I managed to cross.
I got to Villa Serrano around 12 noon. But I saw no shop open there. So I kept going. The local told me to take right at the end of the village, which would lead to Tomina. Stome paved road continued from Villa Serrano for a while but it became a dirt road again.
One section, there was really hard part. FIne dust sarface. I had to ride really slowly and carefully there. From Tomina, it joined a major dirt road. At Zudanez, I refueled and the road became concrete pavement.
The road went up toaround 3,1000m high. Around the bridge the altitude was around 600m, so there was a huge difference of temparature.
I arrived Sucre around 4:30pm. I could find "Hostal Pachamama" easily. Once I entered the hostel, I saw Mark&Claire!!
After check-in, I went to Mercado for late lunch (or early dinner?). Back to the hostel, I wiped off dirt from my GS. Mark&Claire went out to see a movie (Cowboys & Aliens).
I will have a relaxing day tomorrow.