
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 380: 2011年8月8日

La Paz (Hostel Lion Palace)


右パニアを板金屋に持っていってもう少し歪みを矯正使用としたんですが、なんか蓋の閉まりがかなり改善されているんです。押えられているうちに箱の歪みが矯正されたのでしょうか? まだ完全に隙間が無くなったわけではないのですが、下手にいじらない方がいいかな?と思いとりあえずは様子を見ることに。




帰り道、車のスペアパーツ屋が沢山有るので、オクタン・ブースター売ってないか訊いてみたらありました。STPのOctane Booster。38ボリ。物価の安いボリビアなのにお金が飛んでいきますな。






Day 380: 08 AUG 2011

La Paz (Hostel Lion Palace)

This morning when I asked the receptionist if the slope was made, she said nothing had been made at all. But she asked people around and said to me that it will be done by tomorrow. I hope so.

The right pannier did not close properly, so I thought taking it to a smash repairer to fix, but today when I saw the pannier, it seemed to be much better shape than 2 days ago. I was not sure if it would be water tight, but I thought I should leave it as it is for now.

Jose and I went to a GPS shop to get his GPS, but the shop wasn't open yet. I bought blank DVDs near there to burn photos. After I burned the DVDs, we went to see Kana @ Hotel Alem and went to a Post Office to send the DVDs and used maps home. Then we had a cuppa @ the cafe in the post office.

After having lunch, we went back to the GPS shop and he bought a Garmin eTreks VistaH. Then I asked the staff if he knew where I could buy a military cargo pants. He told me exactly where I could buy them! 

Then we went the place as we were told and found a military shop! I found a military cargo pants in my size for 320Bs. It wasn't cheap, but my cargo pants were almost giving up.

We went to Hotel Milton to see Ken-chanand chat for a while. Then Jose and I went to a seamstress to convert the cargo pants into convertible pants (long pants / shorts) by fitting jippers just like the travel pants. The transformation cost me 60Bs and it would be ready by this thursday.

On the way back to the hostel, I found STP octane booster @ an auto parts shop for 38Bs. As it would be hard to get Premium Petrol in Bolivia, it would be a good idea to use octane booster. After a few research, in Bolivia, there are 2 types of petrols, Gasolina Especial (85RON) and Gasolina Premium (92RON). I asked the staff @ the Auto parts shop if there would be "Gasolina Premium" available outside La Paz, and he said it would be really hard to find one. So I should buy several bottles of octane booster here to avoid knocking using low octane fuel all the time.

Back to the hostel, I researched about octane booster and sent an e-mail to my BMW dealer in Japan to see if it would be Ok to put octane booster into GS.

Around 6pm, we went to Hotel Milton to see our friends. There were Gan-chan, Kana, Yuki, Takashi and Toru waiting for us. Ken-chan staying @ Hotel Milton was having a nap and came down to the robby the latest.

We went to a Chinese restaurant. It was the best Chinese I had recently. As Gan-chan was to leave to Uyuni with 9pn bus, we saw her off. Then we went to a cafe and talked till late.

As Kana and Yuki wanted Jose and I go to Uyuni together. So we might take a bus on Wednesday's night to Uyui. We had to leave my GS and his bicycle at the hostel. Of cource, after we come back to La Paz, we will go to Uyuni on my GS and his bicycle.

Tomorrow (if the slope will be made) I will take my GS to the BMW dealer. I need to fit the front TKC 80 and need to ask about the fog lamp.


Day 379: 2011年8月7日

La Paz (Hostel Lion Palace)







DSCF7379.jpg先ずはプトゥニを眺めてからカラササヤへ。ここには2つの石像と「太陽の門」があります。最初に1つ目の像を。これを実際自分の目で見たときの感動は!! イド氏には理解されませんでしたが、長年ここを訪れたかったので感動は一塩です。両手に何かを持ち厚い唇とウルトラマンみたいな目をしています。












DSCF7440.jpgDSCF7452.jpgプーマ・プンクで興味深いのは、砒素青銅製のローマ字の I 字型をしたかすがいが石材をとめるため使われていた痕が見えることです(実際には、装飾的要素が強いと見られている)。確かにこの巨石たちをこの程度の銅製のカスガイで留められるとは思えません。


DSCF7461.jpg街で軽く腹ごなしをしてからコレクティーボでラパスへ帰着。先ずはBin Bomへ行きアイスを。それから宿に戻りネット。夜はガンちゃんたちと「ケンチャン」にて夕飯。今日はトルーチャちらしを頂きました。美味い。

Day 379: 07 AUG 2011

La Paz (Hostel Lion Palace)

Today I went to the ruins of Tiwanaku with Jose. We had to catch a collectivo to Tiwanaku, but to go to the collectivo stand, we had to walk up the hill quite long time! It took us for a while.

The collectivo stand was located near the cemetary. The fare was 15Bs one way. It spposed to take around 1 1/2 hrs, but there was aheavy traffic near El Alto, so it took longer than we expected.

The view of La Paz from the top of the basin was incredible. We wondered why people chose to built such a big city in this location.

Onece we got out from El Alto, it was a smooth ride to Tiwanaku. We made a brief photo stop where it was a nice view of snow mountains.


Day 378: 2011年8月6日

La Paz - Residencial Sucre to Hostel Lion Palac
38,899km to 38,907km = 8km

DSCF7362.jpg今日は朝8時半頃に起きて出発の準備です。移り先「ライオン・パレス(Hostel Lion Palace)」は直ぐそこなので11ぐらいまでジャケットを乾かしたりのんびりと。そうそう今日8月6日はボリビアの独立記念日なので(まぁ、我々日本人にとっては8月6日は広島の原爆で特別な日ですが)、店が殆ど閉まっていたので朝飯を食うのにも苦労。

11時ごろに出発。しようとしますが、エンジンがなかなかかからない!! ガソリンの質が悪いせいか、直ぐに止まってしまいます。アクセルを開いて無理やり始動。ようやくエンジンがかかります。ふぅー。







DSCF7356.jpgDSCF7357.jpgチェックインをして荷物を部屋に入れてメルカドへ昼飯。それからBin Bomで山盛りアイスをまた食べて「8月6日通り」へ。遠くに雪山も見えます。






Day 378: 06 AUG 2011

La Paz - Residencial Sucre to Hostel Lion Palac
38,899km to 38,907km = 8km

Today I moved to another hostel "Lion Palace".

In the morning, when I went out to have breakfast, almost all the shops were closed. Oh, it was the Indipendence Day of Bolivia, that's why. So it took time to find a shop selling foods...

It was a nice sunny day. My rider's jacket was still wet, so I put it out to dry completely. I got ready by 11am, and I tried to start the engine, but it did not start!!! It seemed the fuel I put in just before I came to La Paz (I asked if it was "Premium" before I put in!!) was low octane... I opened the throttle and finally I could start the engine. The manager told me it would be hard to get High-Octane petrol here in La Paz.... Then I left Residencial Sucre.

The hostel I am moving to was just there, 5 mins walk, but there was heavy traffic jam on the way... Just moving 1 block took 5mins or more!! I saw streets market going on on the way, so I took another route to the hostel. I went down to Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz once, then later took a left turn to uphill.

But there was a street market on the way as well and I was stuck behind cars. Uphill, slow traffic, and bad fuel, my GS started knocking "Kachi kachi kachi kachi..." It was't nice at all. As the stands occupying the foot paths, all pedestrians were walking on the street. So cars stuck there foreever (almost). Combination of uphill and bad feul, my GS constantly knocking and sometimes engine stalled. I did not want to damage the engine!! But I had to climbup the hill anyway to park my GS.

Finally I could go up the hill and got out of the crowd. I parked my GS and asked people where I was and how could I get to "Lion Palace". I took a few rest and headed to Lion Palace.

For a just 5-mins-walh distance, by motorbike, it took me mre than 45mins with 8kms ride!! When I got to Lion Palace, Jose was already waiting in the robby. He said the room was not ready yet (cleaning). 

I asked a receptionist to open the garage. She opened it but it was full of things and a gy was making furniture(?) So she told me to park my GS in one of offfice spaces on the building still empty. She and another guy from the hostel brought a piece of wood. IBut I was sure only with the wood piece, it would be broken once my GS was on. They got a wood block and a brick.

Now I had to try to go up the instant slope! As I guessed the wood piece was brioken in half but I managed to make my GS upon the room.  But How could I bring her down? I asked the guy to make a proper slope by this Monday. He said "Ok". So I expect it will be done by tuesday or so.

I asked him if there was any petrol station with "Gasolna Premium" and he said I could find one on Av. 6 de Agost.

After checked-in, Jose and I went out to the town. We had a huge served ice-ream @ Bin Bom again and went to Av. 6 de Agosto to find the petrol station with Gasolina Preium. We walked around 30 mins and finally found one.

It said on th sign "Premium" and I asked the staff if they had one. She said "Not today. May be next Monday or Tuesday"... Even in such a large city as La Paz, it was hard to find premium petrol... I wonder what would be outside La Paz. I might consider to find "octane booster".

We looked around and found that there was nice scenery sorrunding us. We could see a snow capped mountain and rugged mountains around the city of La Paz. We wondered why people made such a big city in this rugged terrerian. There were plenty of flat plains around La Paz.

We had dinner as Japanese Restaurant "Ken-cha" again. TOday I just had Japanese style stir fried noodle "Yakisoba" 26Bs.It wasn't that good as "Katsu-don".

Tomorrow we will visit "Tiwanaku", where I have been dreaming to visit for more than decade.


Day 377: 2011年8月5日

La Paz (Residencial Sucre)


DSCF7354.jpgそれからイド氏を訪ねてEl Solarioへ。マナミちゃんもやってきたので皆で昼飯を。バーガーキングでと思いましたが、もう少しお金を出せば「ケンチャン」に行けるので、「ケンチャン」にて。今日はペへレイ(こっちの魚)の蒲焼丼(50ボリ)を。なかなか美味いですが、ボリュームがやはりカツ丼にはかないません。



向かいの宿Hostel Lion Palaceに行き、明日からここに移ることに。1人60ボリですが、部屋も広く(3ベッド有ります)、コンティネンタルブレックファースト付き、WiFi付き。いい感じです。




Day 377: 05 AUG 2011

La Paz (Residencial Sucre)

This morning I washed my rider's jacket (which I washed in San Diego last time), rider'S pants and the thermal inner of the jacket.  The manager of the hostel asked me not to use to much water as water is very expensive in La Paz.

Then I went to see Jose. Manami also came there and we went out for lunch together. We thought to have lunch @ Burger King, but with little bit more money, we could have lunch @ "Ken-chan", so we went to "Ken-chan".

The meal @ "Ken-chan" was expensive but very good. Japanese quality (even though it was made by Bolivians, the meals were just like those in Japan). After lunch, Manami went to an Internet Cafe alone.

It started to rain a little bit, so we went to my hostel toget my laundry inside. They were almost dried.

Then we went to see how my side panel and pannier were going. They were still working on fixing them. But it looked like the side panel would be done quite well. But the pannier..., the dents were straightened quite well, but the lid could not be closed comletely (there would be a gap between the pid and the box....). The repairer said it would take another 20 mins to comlete, so we went to Hostel Lion Palace to see if we could move in tomorrow.

The room was very large (3 bed rooms) and the rate would be 60 Bols each, including Continental Breakfast, WiFi, and a private bathroom. Little expensive but a good deal.

We picked up the side panel and the pannier and went back to the hostel to fit them. The side panel was done very well. But I need to take the pannier to a smash repair shop to get more proper fix.

Then we went to a cafe next to the post office. @ 5 bols, we could have a decent expresso. A good value.

Then we had humbergers at a street stand. Tomorrow we will move to Lion Palace. It would be nice to be able to update my blog from the own room.


Day 376: 2011年8月4日

La Paz (Residencial Sucre)



そこに行くとガレージ付のホステルが有りました。「Hostel Lion Palace」。ホステルというかホテルですね、もう。



それからイド氏に会いにEl Solarioへ。しばらくネット。今日は「羊をめぐる冒険」にアクセスできるので4日分の日記を更新。読者の皆様お待たせいたしました。





疲れたのでBim Bomというチキン・バーガー屋でアイスクリームを。10ボリで2種類のアイスが山盛り。しかも美味い。

El Solarioに戻りネット。ドルフ・ラングレン。ミッキー・ロークの猫パンチ、エマニエル坊やなどなどを検索。

夜はミルトンに行きケンちゃん、マナミちゃん、エリカちゃんと共に夕飯をBim Bomへ。バーガーが食べたかったのに、「バーガーは無い」と。仕方が無いのでフライドチキンを。チキンは美味かったですが、ポテトが冷めていてNG。色々話して夜は深けたのでした。明日は昼前にみんなでEl Solarioに集合ということになりました。

Day 376: 04 AUG 2011

La Paz (Residencial Sucre)

Today I was about oing to the BMW dealer, but the manager of the hostel told me there were a few repairers of car bampers, so they might be able to fix my side panel. So I went there to ask if they could fix it.

I went the street where I was told the repairs located, but I saw none. There was a hostel nearby where my firends, Ken-chan, Manami, and Eriko staying. So I went there to visit them. Ken-chan and Manami went to Death Road cycling tour from the morning, so they weren't there, but Erika was. She told me they would be back in the afternoon, so I told her I would be back in the afternoon.

I asked the manager of the hostel where those repairs would be. He told me that it was next street down the hill. So I went.

There, I found a hostel with a garage. It was very new and looked more like hotel than hostel. I went there to ask the price. 80 Bolivianos for a private room with shower/toilet. Including continental breakfast and WiFI connection. Not cheap at all, but not a bad deal. I should consider to move here as my hostel does not have WiFi nor breakfast but cost we 60 Bols.

The repairs were around the hostel. I went into one. I took my digital camera with me and show them. They said, they could fix it and the pannier as well. So I went back to the hostel to get those and brought them back to the repairer.

They said it would cost me 150 Bols and would be done by tomorrow afternoon. So I paid the deposit and left them there.

They I went to see Jose @ El Solario. I could access to my blog today and could update diaries for 4days. We went to Mercado for lunch and Jose wanted to find a GPS, so we went to a street where outdoor shops located. On the way there, I guess we passed the area called "Mercado de Brujos (Witches market), and there were dried lambs hanged.... Very horrible things to see. I gues those would be used for the rituals, but why lambs..... So poor..... I wasn't carrying Mr. SHeep with me, but he would be shocked to hear the story....

We visited all of the outdoor shops, but none carried GPS. But a staff @ Tattoo told us where we could find GPS and we went there.

There were 2 shops carrying GPSs. We asked price of those models and the cheapest one cost around US$200. Jose memorised the model names and would research on the net.

In the evening, we visited Ken-chan, Manami and Eriko and went to Bim Bom for dinner. We talked about the histry of Tiwanaku, Death road etc.

Tomorrow the side panel and the right pannier will be back. Hopefully they would do the good job.


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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