
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 371: 2011年7月30日

Puno (Kusillo's Posada)

















Day 371: 30 JUL 2011

Puno (Kusillo's Posada)

As I slept well, I was feeling much better this morning. The breakfast served here was excellent! Sr. Domingo, the staff of the posada, was very friendly and we had a good conversation over the breakfast.

I walked to the harbour to catch a boat to those floating islands of Uros. The fare was 10 Soles and additional 5 Soles for entering the islands.

The boat was very slow as it was discribed on Lonely Planet. I could see garbages were floating on the lake. Peruvians seemed to be lack of the scense of protecting environment...

I could see those floating islands as the boat progressed. We doced on of the island where the local Uros boy explained about Lake Titikaka, life of Uros and how the islands made. The islands were made out of "Totora" and those Uros boats as well. In Ancient Egypt, those boats floating on Nile looked exactly the same as those Uros boats. It would be very interesting to find out why 2 separate culutes developed the same design of the boats when there was (said) no direct connection between them.

It was really amazed to see the islands were floating. We took the "Totora" boat to another island. A young kid and a lady were rawing the boat, but it did not go anywhere. So motor powered boat pushed the "Totora" boat. The fare was 5 Soles.

On another island, there were tons of tourist. There were shops and restaurant, but it was so touristic, so I took another boat back to Puno.

The boat was full of Peruvians. They threw plastic bags and other garbages out to the lake... I really felt bad to see that. WHen I was riding through Peru, I saw many times that Peruvians threw those trushes out from the buses. I saw the same in other Latin American countries, but I saw the most in Peru.

I came back to the harbour just before 12 noon. I had lunch and walked to iPeru tourist information to know how I could get to the ruins of Cutimbo. But I felt a little sick again, so I went back to the hostel and had a nap till 6pm.

I will visit Cutimbo tomorrow and then head to the border. I will be in Bolivia, the 14th country on this trip, tomorrow.


Day 370: 2011年7月29日

Chivay to Puno (Kusillo's Posada)
38,224km to 38,539km = 315km

本当に毎日毎日ペルー人にはムカつきます。朝7時前にワシの部屋のドアがノックされたかと思うと、ガチャガチャって鍵を使ってドアを開けてきました。ワシはウトウトしてたので「何だ!!?」と言ったら、何も言わずにドアを閉めていきました…。「Perdon (ごめんなさい)」とかないのかよ。まぁ、他のツアー客を起こしに部屋を廻ってるのでしょうが、本当に礼儀作法がありません。

しかしパンを部屋で食べようとしたらまたガンガンガンとノックが。「何だ?」とドアを開けたら、「何時にチェックアウトするか?」と。時計を見ると8時10分。「8時半には出るつもりだよ」と言ったら、「8時半までによろしく」と。「おいおい、チェックアウト時間は11時までだろう。接客がなってなぞ」と言ってやりました。 まぁ、ツアーの団体客が来るのでしょうが、本当に自分勝手な国民性が出ています。


チバイは標高3,600㍍です。チバイでも水溜りに氷が張ってました。そこから4,500㍍超まで一気に上がります。そしてそれから峠の最高点4,882㍍までなだらかに上がっていきます。今日はまだ9時過ぎなので寒い!! こりゃ風邪を引きそうだ。






クルス・デル・スルにタイヤを取りに行き、夜飯を食べて今夜は早めに寝ます。明日はウロス島に行けるかな? ヒツジが行きたいと言うので無理をしても行きますかね。

Day 370: 29 JUL 2011

Chivay to Puno (Kusillo's Posada)
38,224km to 38,539km = 315km

Well, I really hate Peruvians. This morning before 7am, someone knocked the door. I was still not fully awake yet.
Then a guy opened the door using a key! I told him "What!" and he closed the door without saying anything. I guess, he was waking up other tourists and made a mistake, but he could say "Sorry" or something.
They are lack of manner...

Then after 8am, I was about to eat breads for breakfast in my room, someone knocked on the door again. I opened the door and asked "What do you want?", then the guy asked me "What time are you leaving?"
I checked the time and it was 8:10am. I told him "I would be ready by 8:30am." And he said "Please leave by 8:30am."
I tod him "Isn't Check out time by 11:00am??" And he said "Yes, but please."
I guess there would be tourist group arriving later in the morning, but their hospitality sucks.

Chivay is at 3,600m high. I could see ice.
I left Chivay around 8:45am. From Chivay, the road went up to 4,500m very rapidly. Then the road continued to go up gradually till the top of the pass - 4,882m.
It was around 9am, so it was very cold!! I might catch cold.

At Canahuas, I turned left to Juliaca - Puno. There were herds of Vicna and Alpacas, shnow capped mountains, and a beautiful lake, the scenery was excellent on the way.
But I was still annoyed by Peruvians bad driving manner...

Once I got to Juliaca, Puno was ust there. Then I saw Lake Titikaka! I learnt about lake Titikaka in the geology class and finally I could see it. Priceless.

There was a hostel called "Manco Capac Inn" popular among Japanese travellers, but there wasn't parking space, so I went to "Q'oni Wasi" and "Kusillo's Posada" shown on Lonel Planet.
"Q'oni Wasi" did not have any parking space, so I went to "Kusillo's". Here I could park my GS inside the hostel.
The entrance was very tight, so I struggled to bring the bike in, but I managed. The room wasn't cheap. 45 Soles a night for a private room (with batch / toilet and breakfast).
Once I checked in and relaxed at my room, I realised I was a bit sick. I had a soar throat.

I went to receive my front tyre TKC80 at Crus Del Sur Cargo and had early dinner then went to sleep early to get better by tomorrow morning.


Day 369: 2011年7月28日

Arequipa to Chivay - Canon del Colca (Hostal Portales)
37,959km to 38,224km = 265km







更に登って峠の最頂点へ。ここの標高は4,882m!! こりゃ凄いわ。観光バスとかも停まってます。周りには氷河を頂いた山々が見えます。ここが今まで一番標高が高いところになりますね。







DSCF7149.jpgDSCF7167.jpgコンドルが見れるというクルス・デル・コンドル(Cruce del Condor)の見晴台へ。ここまで40キロくらいダートでしたね。

DSCF7163.jpgバイクを停めて見晴台まで行くと、いきなり頭の上に大きな影が。コンドルです! 流石にデカイなぁ。グランド・キャニオンでも見たのですが、けっこう上空を飛んでたので大きさは実感できませんでしたが、今日はかなり近くでコンドルの飛翔を見ることができました。





宿に戻りシャワーを浴びるとお湯がちゃんと出ました!! こんだけジャージャーにお湯が出るのはセザールの家以来かも。


Day 369: 28 JUL 2011

Arequipa to Chivay (Canon del Colca)
37,959km to 38,224km = 265km

This morning when I went out to have breakfast, almost all the shops were closed. And I realised, today was the Peruvian Independence Day and public holiday. Canon del Colca could be clouded with full of local tourists... I bought breads at a bakery and had them in my room.

Until 9am I was updating my blog and checking e-mails. Then I left Arequipa to Chavy.

It was easy to get out from Arequipa. I just needed to go straight Ave. Ayachucho which lead to the hwy to Chavy.

There were lots of trucks and buses till Yura, so I had to overtake them often. There were cars lookedlike family day out, so I started to worry that there might not be any room available in Chavy.

At Canahuas, I turned left to Chivay. On the way, I saw those cascades were frozen! I checked the altitude on my GPS and it waas more than 4,400m! No wonder I felt cold. Then the road went up to the highest point of the pass. Where many buses and cars stopped for a rest. The altitude was impressive 4,882m!! It would be the highest point I had ever been. The view was prety good.

From the pass, he road started to descend to Chivay - from 4,882 50 some 3,000m. As I descent it got warmer.

Just before the town of Chivay, there was a check point and I had to pay 35 Soles to get into Canon del Colca... Very expensive.

I thought having lunch here, but nothing seemed to be cheap and good. So I started to find a hostel. I asked several hostels but all said "we are full as it'S a public holiday." Ouch.

One hostel has a huge yard, so I asked if I could pitch a tent. The receptionist said "well, the administrator isn't here, so I am not sure. But it should be fine." So when I come back from Canon del Colca, and if I could not find any hostel, I should camp here.

I gave up having lunch here (I had an idea to have biscuits seeing the canyon) and road to Canon del Colca. After the village of Yanque, the road became the dirt. I thought it would be a flat dirt as lots of tourists vehicles would go through, but it was gravelled, some places were narrowed. It was fun to ride through.

The wind was pretty strong and it was very dusty. There were terrance farms built by Inca all the way. Very impressive view. I imagined the canyon would be like Grand Canyon of the States, but very different.

From the view point, I could lool down the cayon. Very deep but, to me, Grand Canyon was more impressive.

Then I road to the view point called "Cruce del Condor" where Andean Condors could be sighted. I parked my bike and walked down to the view point. Then something flew over my head (made a huge shadow). It was a condor!
It's a very big bird. I saw one in Grand Canyon, but it flew quite high up, so I could not feel the size of the bird. But today, the bord flew just there, so I could enjoy seeing it glyding between the canyon. There was another one I could see far away. The magnificent bords they were.

If I hiked down the cayon, I should have appreciated the great landscape of the canyon more, but just looking down from the view points, Grand Canyon was more impressive. But I was glad to be there at Canon del Colca. It's beautiful and different.

I road the same way back to Chivay. At the town when I was refuelling, I saw the sign of hostel at the right. I ent there and it has a parking space. I asked if they have a room available and they had!
The single room cost 25 Soles. No WiFI though. I parked my GS at the parking space, but it looked like the gate was open through out the day, so I put the bike cover to make her less visible.

As I did not have proper lunch, I went to have early dinner. I found a chicken restaurant nearby. Chicharon de Pollo combonado (Frid chicken with rice, pasa, salada, and chips) cost ony 4 Soles. It was very good.

Back to the hostel and I took shower. The hot shower was excellent. I think it would be the best hot shower since Cesar's place!

Tomorrow I will ride to Puno, the lake side city of Lake Titicaca. I am still wondering if I should go to Islas del Uros.


Day 368: 2011年7月27日

Arequipa (El Alamo Hostal)



ターミナルではTKさんはリマ行きのバス券を。最高級Cruce Del Surのカマ(160度リクライニングシート!!)150ソルです。豪華食事付き、WiFiも飛んでいます。何故だか広告にはGPS付きと。これは乗客には関係ないだろ!!


それから街に戻りジュースとお菓子を買ってLa Raynaのテラスで歓談。日本人サーファーパッカーのシンスケ君も交えて旅話。シンスケ君は6時のバスでリマ行きなので5時半ごろ退却。そのままTKさんと歓談を続けて夕飯は中華。また中華は失敗でした…。うーん、いつになったら美味い中華が食えるのだろう??

DSCF7110.jpgそれから昼飯を食べたレストランで珈琲と焼きプリン(Leche Asado)を食べながら歓談。焼きプリンが美味い!! 

TKさんはこれからペルー北部、エクアドル、コロンビアを抜けて中米諸国、メキシコ、そして日本なので旅中で会うのは最後になりますね。メキシコ・シティのペンション・アミーゴで出会った楽しい仲間。そして革命軍M-26-JulioのメンバーTKさん。別れるのは名残惜しいですが次に会うのは日本ですね。残りの旅を楽しんで!! そして日本に革命の火種を燈そう!!


Day 368: 27 JUL 2011

Arequipa (El Alamo Hostal)

This morning after breakfast I cleaned my GS. ThenI went to see TK before lunch time.
At the final day in Arequipa, we finally found a good restaurant.

We took a collectivo to the Bus Terminal. TK needed to buy a bus ticket to Lima. He bought a ticket for Cruce Del Sur, Cama - 160℃ comfy seat with proper meals and it has WiFi!!  According to the advert, it also has GPS. But we wondered as a passenger why we care if the bu has GPS or not!!??

I recived my front tyre TKC b0, and I asked to send it to Puno. It cost 11 Soles. I could have sent it to Puno from Cusco directly, but there was a huge strike in Puno till recently, so I sent it to Arequipa for safety. But according to all information I heard, the strike was over and there should not be any problem going through Puno now.

We went back to the centro and went back to La Rayna. With Shinsuke - another Japanese backpacker - we talked at the terrace till the evening. Shinsuke had to catch 6pm but to Lima, so he left around 5:30pm.

TK and I went to have dinner at a Chinese Restaurant (Chifa). But it wasn't good again. I wonder when I can have a nice Chinese meal in South America.
Then we went to the restaurant where we had lunch to have coffee. I had Leche Asado and coffee. Leche Asado was just like abaked pudding and nice!

I met TK in Pencion Amigo in Mexico City. We had great time there and seeing the old friend again during the trip was really fun. He is also a member of my revolutionary organisation M-26-Julio.
He will be heading to Lima and North of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, then Central America. He will go back to Japan from Mexico. So it will be the last I see him on this trip. I hope he will have great time on the rest of his trip and bring back his great experiences to Japan.
Buen Viaje mi amigo y que te vaya bien. Nos vemos!!

Tomorrow I will visit Canon del Colca, which is the 2nd deepest canion in the world (the deepest is Canon del Cotohausi, nearby Colca). There, lots of condors sighted, so it will be fun!


Day 367: 2011年7月26日

Arequipa (El Alamo Hostal)


DSCF7107.jpgDSCF7108.jpg今日は朝飯を食べてからネット。何故かWiFiのスイッチがいつも切られていて言わないとオンにしてくれません。それからTKさんを訪ねてLa Raynaのテラスでしばらく歓談。ここからはサンタ・カタリナ修道院(Monestario Santa Catalina)が眺められますし、ミスティ火山と雪山が遠望できる絶景テラス。バイクが停められればいいんですけどね、この宿に。

DSCF7109.jpgそれから昼飯を食べに行って近郊をブラブラ。チーズアイス(Queso Helado)を食べたり、メルカドでフルーツジュースを飲んだり。

サンフランシスコ教会(Iglesia de San Francisco)の広場のベンチに座ってると、ペルー人の兄ちゃんが「マリワナいるか?」と寄って来ました。「いらねぇよ」というと、ワシ等の間に座って「お金ちょうだいよぉ」とたかり始めました。「あっちへ行け、このボケ!」といって撃退。ペルー人マジでウザイ。

夜飯は贅沢にバーガーキング。久しぶりですねぇ。最後にバーガーキングを食べたのはコスタリカですかね。しかし作りかけバーガーを電子レンジに入れてマス・・・。大丈夫か?? さて懐かしのワッパー、さて味は如何に!? うーん、いまいち。やはりレンチンは駄目でした。



Day 367: 26 JUL 2011

Arequipa (El Alamo Hostal)

Today is the anniversary of Cuban Revolution. The title of my blog "M-26-Julio" is coming from the Cuban Revolutionary movement, so this day very important for Cuba and myself and the member of M-26-Julio, but in Peru it is just another usual day.

Today after having breakfast and updated my blog (somehow WiFi was turned off. So I needed to tell the lady boss to turn it on when I want to use it), I went to Hostal La Rayna to see TK.

The view from the terrace of La Rayna was excellent. We could look over Monasterio Santa Catalina, Volcan Misti and other snow capped mountains. If I could park my GS here, it would be nice...

We had lunch and walked around the town. Having Queso Helado (Iced Cheese) and fruit juice in Mercado.

While resting at the plaza of San Francisco Church, one Peruvian boy came to us saying "Do you want Malijuana?". We said "No". THen he sat between us and asking to give him money. I told him to "Fuck off" and he left.

We went to have dinner at Burger King. I wanted to have a Whapper for a long time. It was a little expensive, but I got to have one. The last time I had one at Burger KIng was in Costa Rica.

But I saw the burger was microwaved... And the taste was not like those ones in Australia, Japan and the States.... I was very disappointed.

Then we went to see Tom (The Swiss backpacker I met in Nasca). As he has been many countries and he is very intelligent and has good insight into things, so talking with him was really fun. He is studying SPanish here in Arequipa and will stay here for a while. So we might be able to catch up in Bolivia again. If not, in South East Asia. 

Tomorrow TK and I will go to the bus terminal. He needs to buy a ticket to Lima and I need to get my front tyre.


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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