三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 336: 2011年6月25日
Huaraz (Jo's Place)

バスはChavin Express。メルカドの近くです。メルカドで朝飯を食べてチケットを買いに行ったら、次は11時だそうです。8時半のバスはさっき出たばっかり・・・。まざ、仕方が無いので時間をつぶします。
途中コーデイアラ・ブランカの頂たちが見えて絶景! 写真を撮りたかったのですが、窓が汚くていい写真は撮れそうに無いのでやめました。


さて明日はCAÑION DEL PATOとLagunas Llanganucoを訪れます。トクさん曰く「CAÑION DEL PATO は南米の中でもある意味トップクラスの絶」だ、そうです。楽しみだなぁ。
Day 336: 25 JUN 2011
Huaraz (Jo's Place)
I was still caughing this morning, so I decoded to catch a bus to Chavin.
The bus company is "Chavin Express", located near Mercado. I had breakfast at Mercado and went to buy a ticket arast bus back to Haraz ound 9am, but the bus just left (8:30am) and the next bus was 11:00am. Well, I had to kill time now.
Just before 11am, I went to a bus terminal (different location than the ticket office), but the bus did not come on time. And they started to load stuff, so we left after 11:30am...
On the way to Chavin, I could se the peaks of COrdillera Blanca and it was an amazing view. I wanted to take phtos, but the window was so dirty - unable to take a good photo.
The road was paved mostly, but I did not know why all curves were not paved at all. It was rough gravel surface. If I came by GS, I gotta be very careful there.
Arrived Chavin after 2pm. The last bus back to Huaraz would be 4pm... So I got less than 2 hours to see a museum and a ruin site.
I went to the museum first. It was built by Japanese aid. It was a small museum, but the collections of it were pretty good. Chavin was one of the oldest civilisation in South America.
Then I walked to the site. It took 20 mins to get there (not sure why, there was no moto-taxi in the town).
The admission was 10 Soles. The building structure was built around 800BC. Although it was that old, the structure of the buildings were well presereved. Inside the structure, there were tunnels, and the statue of the god "Lanzon" was displayed. It was very mysterious feeling to see that.
I could catch 4pm bus back to Huaraz. It took more than 3 hours to get back (Lonely Planet said 2 hours!).
Tomorrow, I will head to Canon del Pato and Lagunas Llanganuco. Acccording to my friend Toku-san, Canon del Pato is one of the best scenery in South America. I am looking forward seeing it.
Huaraz (Jo's Place)
バスはChavin Express。メルカドの近くです。メルカドで朝飯を食べてチケットを買いに行ったら、次は11時だそうです。8時半のバスはさっき出たばっかり・・・。まざ、仕方が無いので時間をつぶします。
途中コーデイアラ・ブランカの頂たちが見えて絶景! 写真を撮りたかったのですが、窓が汚くていい写真は撮れそうに無いのでやめました。
さて明日はCAÑION DEL PATOとLagunas Llanganucoを訪れます。トクさん曰く「CAÑION DEL PATO は南米の中でもある意味トップクラスの絶」だ、そうです。楽しみだなぁ。
Day 336: 25 JUN 2011
Huaraz (Jo's Place)
I was still caughing this morning, so I decoded to catch a bus to Chavin.
The bus company is "Chavin Express", located near Mercado. I had breakfast at Mercado and went to buy a ticket arast bus back to Haraz ound 9am, but the bus just left (8:30am) and the next bus was 11:00am. Well, I had to kill time now.
Just before 11am, I went to a bus terminal (different location than the ticket office), but the bus did not come on time. And they started to load stuff, so we left after 11:30am...
On the way to Chavin, I could se the peaks of COrdillera Blanca and it was an amazing view. I wanted to take phtos, but the window was so dirty - unable to take a good photo.
The road was paved mostly, but I did not know why all curves were not paved at all. It was rough gravel surface. If I came by GS, I gotta be very careful there.
Arrived Chavin after 2pm. The last bus back to Huaraz would be 4pm... So I got less than 2 hours to see a museum and a ruin site.
I went to the museum first. It was built by Japanese aid. It was a small museum, but the collections of it were pretty good. Chavin was one of the oldest civilisation in South America.
Then I walked to the site. It took 20 mins to get there (not sure why, there was no moto-taxi in the town).
The admission was 10 Soles. The building structure was built around 800BC. Although it was that old, the structure of the buildings were well presereved. Inside the structure, there were tunnels, and the statue of the god "Lanzon" was displayed. It was very mysterious feeling to see that.
I could catch 4pm bus back to Huaraz. It took more than 3 hours to get back (Lonely Planet said 2 hours!).
Tomorrow, I will head to Canon del Pato and Lagunas Llanganuco. Acccording to my friend Toku-san, Canon del Pato is one of the best scenery in South America. I am looking forward seeing it.
Day 335: 2011年6月24日
Huanchaco to Huaraz (Jo's Place)
35,004km to 35,375 = 371km
今日は多少咳が出ますが大分調子いいです。8時には出発の準備完了。先ずは太陽と月の神殿(Huaca del Sol y de la Luna)。 モチェ文化が残した遺跡です。モチェはチャンチャンを残したチムー王国の前身です。日干し煉瓦で造られた巨大ピラミッド的神殿です。トルヒーヨの南に位置してます。



本当はカスマに1泊してからコーディエラ・ブランカ(Cordillera Blanca = 白い山脈)の拠点ワラス(Huaraz)に行くつもりだったのですが、博物館の管理人が「3時間でいけるよ」と言うので行くことに。時刻は3時過ぎ。
出発して直ぐに警官に止められましたが、「日本から来たのか!」と上機嫌。握手までして、「3-4時間かかるけど日暮れまでには着くよ! 気をつけてな!」と笑顔で見送られました。

そしていきなり目の前には氷河を頂いた山脈が! コーディアラ・ブランカです。美しいですね。これは来た甲斐がありました。GPSで高度を見ると4,256メートルとありました。今までで一番高い峠かも。
ウアラスの街には6時前に到着。宿は目星が着いていたのでGPSに場所をセットしてあったので直ぐに見つかりました。Jo's Place。テントは8ソルです。白い犬ホワイティーが可愛い。
明日はチャビン遺跡(Ruinas de Chavin)に行く予定です。バイクでいこうかそれともバスで行こうか、考え中です。
Day 335: 24 JUN 2011
Huanchaco to Huaraz (Jo's Place)
35,004km to 35,375 = 371km
I was still caughing bt was much better this morning. I was ready by 8am to go. First, I visited Huaca del Sol y de la Luna. Those huge monuments were built by Moche. Moche was the earlier culture of Chimu left Chan Chan. So those monuments - pyramid like temples - were also made out of adobes. Lot of adobes. They were localted the south of Torjillo.
There wasn't any clear sign on Panamerican Hwy (might be there, but I could not find it), so I had to ask locals a few times to get there.
Huaca del Sol - the temple of the sun - did not hold its shape, but I could see how big it was. I climbed up the temple and saw those workers there. They told me I could not enter here and go to Huaca de la Luna - Temple of the moon - and the museum. Not sure if thetemple f the sun was under restoration or under excavation, anyway some works were going on.
The admission for the museum and the temple of the moon was 12 Soles. Inside the useum, no photo was allowed. There were a good collecions of ceramics of Moche. Moche ceramics were very interesting. Lots of shapes, lots of expression. I like them. There were potteries of sea liones as well. They were beaten to death in El Nino ears, when there was less fish (sea lions attacked the fishermans nets and distroyed them, that's why they were considered as a pest).
The I went to the temple of te moon Itwas also built with adobes, but there were still those sculpures on the wall with colours. Surprising to see they still have colours.
Then I headed south. I was stopped at a police check-point. I was hearing those bad things about Pervian police, but they just asked for documents (especially he insurance). They let me go asseeon as I showed the insurance paper. They were friendly too. Was I just lucky?
I had lunch at Chao. Then I passed Chimbote and Casma. Near Casma, there was anoher archiological site "Sechin" and I visited there. The admission was 6 Soles.
The wall curvings of Sechin was impressive! Cartoon like design. They were jst like those characters of "Futurama". liked them a lot.
I was planning to stay a night in Casma, but it was still around 3pm and the guy at the museum of Sechin told me it would take 3 hours to Huaraz, so I decided to head to Huaraz.
I was stopped at a police check-pint as soon as I started, but they became friendly when they knew I was from Japan. They told me it woud take 3-4 hours to Huaraz, but I should be there before the sunset.
According to GPS, there was 140km to Huaraz. Huraz was the major city of Cordillera Blanca, so I thought even though it would be a dirt road, the condition would be good. But it was a long, long way.
From the coast to 4,200m pass, so there were lots of curves. There were constructions as wel and the gravel parts were hard to ride. The condition of dirt sections were rough as well.
Then I came to paved section again. I could ride easily. Suddenly I could see snow capped peaks of Cordillera Blanca!! Ver, very beautiful. I was glad I came here. Acording to GPS, the highest point of the pass was 4,256m. It could be the highest pas I've bee so far.
The hostel I stayed was "Jo'S Place".The campsite cost 8 Soles. I dropped my GS at the parking space when I tried to move her a bit forward (somehowthe side stand was not down..., very strange). The left pannier got dent again... I need to fix it with a hummer somewhere.
I will visit he ruins of Chavin tomorrow. Still decidng if I go there by bus or ride there.
Huanchaco to Huaraz (Jo's Place)
35,004km to 35,375 = 371km
本当はカスマに1泊してからコーディエラ・ブランカ(Cordillera Blanca = 白い山脈)の拠点ワラス(Huaraz)に行くつもりだったのですが、博物館の管理人が「3時間でいけるよ」と言うので行くことに。時刻は3時過ぎ。
出発して直ぐに警官に止められましたが、「日本から来たのか!」と上機嫌。握手までして、「3-4時間かかるけど日暮れまでには着くよ! 気をつけてな!」と笑顔で見送られました。
そしていきなり目の前には氷河を頂いた山脈が! コーディアラ・ブランカです。美しいですね。これは来た甲斐がありました。GPSで高度を見ると4,256メートルとありました。今までで一番高い峠かも。
ウアラスの街には6時前に到着。宿は目星が着いていたのでGPSに場所をセットしてあったので直ぐに見つかりました。Jo's Place。テントは8ソルです。白い犬ホワイティーが可愛い。
明日はチャビン遺跡(Ruinas de Chavin)に行く予定です。バイクでいこうかそれともバスで行こうか、考え中です。
Day 335: 24 JUN 2011
Huanchaco to Huaraz (Jo's Place)
35,004km to 35,375 = 371km
I was still caughing bt was much better this morning. I was ready by 8am to go. First, I visited Huaca del Sol y de la Luna. Those huge monuments were built by Moche. Moche was the earlier culture of Chimu left Chan Chan. So those monuments - pyramid like temples - were also made out of adobes. Lot of adobes. They were localted the south of Torjillo.
There wasn't any clear sign on Panamerican Hwy (might be there, but I could not find it), so I had to ask locals a few times to get there.
Huaca del Sol - the temple of the sun - did not hold its shape, but I could see how big it was. I climbed up the temple and saw those workers there. They told me I could not enter here and go to Huaca de la Luna - Temple of the moon - and the museum. Not sure if thetemple f the sun was under restoration or under excavation, anyway some works were going on.
The admission for the museum and the temple of the moon was 12 Soles. Inside the useum, no photo was allowed. There were a good collecions of ceramics of Moche. Moche ceramics were very interesting. Lots of shapes, lots of expression. I like them. There were potteries of sea liones as well. They were beaten to death in El Nino ears, when there was less fish (sea lions attacked the fishermans nets and distroyed them, that's why they were considered as a pest).
The I went to the temple of te moon Itwas also built with adobes, but there were still those sculpures on the wall with colours. Surprising to see they still have colours.
Then I headed south. I was stopped at a police check-point. I was hearing those bad things about Pervian police, but they just asked for documents (especially he insurance). They let me go asseeon as I showed the insurance paper. They were friendly too. Was I just lucky?
I had lunch at Chao. Then I passed Chimbote and Casma. Near Casma, there was anoher archiological site "Sechin" and I visited there. The admission was 6 Soles.
The wall curvings of Sechin was impressive! Cartoon like design. They were jst like those characters of "Futurama". liked them a lot.
I was planning to stay a night in Casma, but it was still around 3pm and the guy at the museum of Sechin told me it would take 3 hours to Huaraz, so I decided to head to Huaraz.
I was stopped at a police check-pint as soon as I started, but they became friendly when they knew I was from Japan. They told me it woud take 3-4 hours to Huaraz, but I should be there before the sunset.
According to GPS, there was 140km to Huaraz. Huraz was the major city of Cordillera Blanca, so I thought even though it would be a dirt road, the condition would be good. But it was a long, long way.
From the coast to 4,200m pass, so there were lots of curves. There were constructions as wel and the gravel parts were hard to ride. The condition of dirt sections were rough as well.
Then I came to paved section again. I could ride easily. Suddenly I could see snow capped peaks of Cordillera Blanca!! Ver, very beautiful. I was glad I came here. Acording to GPS, the highest point of the pass was 4,256m. It could be the highest pas I've bee so far.
The hostel I stayed was "Jo'S Place".The campsite cost 8 Soles. I dropped my GS at the parking space when I tried to move her a bit forward (somehowthe side stand was not down..., very strange). The left pannier got dent again... I need to fix it with a hummer somewhere.
I will visit he ruins of Chavin tomorrow. Still decidng if I go there by bus or ride there.
Day 334: 2011年6月23日
Huanchaco (Naylamp)


さてと、今日は早めに寝て明日に備えます。明日はHuaca del SolとHuaca de la Lunaを見学した後Casmaまで出るつもりです。時間があればSechin遺跡も見学したいなぁ。
Day 334: 23 JUN 2011
Huanchaco (Naylamp)
I wasn't really well this morning, so I decided to stay one more day to recover. It was the first day not riding my GS in Peru.
It had been cloudy but it was sunny today, so I did some laundry. I washed my riding pants which was washed in San Diego last time, 9 month ago!
Then I went out to Malecon - the beach side blvd for lunch. I found Sue - staying at the same hostel - was doing surfing lesson. She was pretty good!
I had Ceviche and Arroz con mariscos (Seafood rice) at a restaurant overlooking the beach. It was my first Peruvian Ceviche (I had "Ceviche" at the house of Jorge Juan, but it was different from Peruvian one). It was like row fish marinated in lime juice accompanied by fresh onion slices. The taste was OK. I still prefer Japanese own Sashimi!
Back to the campsite, I had nap. THen in the afternoon, I did some research on where I am heading. Chicken cooked in Papaya souce.
I think I should be well by tomorrow. I will visit Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna, then head to Casma. If I have time, I want to visit the ruin of Sechin as well.
Huanchaco (Naylamp)
さてと、今日は早めに寝て明日に備えます。明日はHuaca del SolとHuaca de la Lunaを見学した後Casmaまで出るつもりです。時間があればSechin遺跡も見学したいなぁ。
Day 334: 23 JUN 2011
Huanchaco (Naylamp)
I wasn't really well this morning, so I decided to stay one more day to recover. It was the first day not riding my GS in Peru.
It had been cloudy but it was sunny today, so I did some laundry. I washed my riding pants which was washed in San Diego last time, 9 month ago!
Then I went out to Malecon - the beach side blvd for lunch. I found Sue - staying at the same hostel - was doing surfing lesson. She was pretty good!
I had Ceviche and Arroz con mariscos (Seafood rice) at a restaurant overlooking the beach. It was my first Peruvian Ceviche (I had "Ceviche" at the house of Jorge Juan, but it was different from Peruvian one). It was like row fish marinated in lime juice accompanied by fresh onion slices. The taste was OK. I still prefer Japanese own Sashimi!
Back to the campsite, I had nap. THen in the afternoon, I did some research on where I am heading. Chicken cooked in Papaya souce.
I think I should be well by tomorrow. I will visit Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna, then head to Casma. If I have time, I want to visit the ruin of Sechin as well.
Day 333: 2011年6月22日
Huanchaco (Naylamp)
32,961km to 35,004km = 43km




博物館はパンアメリカンに出て直ぐ近くにあるのですが、見逃してしまいました。引き返して入館。うーん、大したことないですね。発掘された遺物は何処に所蔵されているのか?? それにしてもこの壷の絵、エジプトのトト神に見えませんか?


日干し煉瓦造りの遺跡を見た後ウアンチャコの街を見て思ったのですが、この街は100年後どんな姿なのだろうか?と。まぁ、現在の文明が続いていればドンドン新生されていくのでしょうが、今の建造物は100年持つのかな? 怪しいな。
Naylampに行きテントを建てて(10ソル)今度はコレクティーボでトルヒーヨの街へ(1.60ソル)。「カシネリ博物館(Museo Cassinelli)の所蔵品は素晴らしい」とロンプラにあったので行ってみたくなったのです。それにしてもコレクティーボ、暴走します。道端に立ってたり歩いている人を見かけるたびに減速、声を掛けて乗せるか断られるか、で加速を繰り返します。そんなに加速をしてたら燃費悪いよ・・・。
そしたらマーク&クレアが飯屋に現れました! Naylampの前まで来たのですがガレージが無そうなので、昨日ワシが泊まってたHuanchaco Gardenに泊まってるとのこと。マークのXT600 Tenereのフォークシールが壊れたのでトルヒーヨで部品を探すので数日滞在するとか。
Day 333: 2011年6月22日
Huanchaco (Naylamp)
32,961km to 35,004km = 43km
I got up at 6am. I was not feeling very well. I was caughing more this morning. So I was goinf to decide if I was gonna stay in Huanchaco or go south after visiting Chan Chan and other sites.
I was to pay the rent (15 Soles), but I only had 50 Soles note (last night I wanted ti oay, but they did not have change), and they still did not have change. So one of the staff went somewhere to get change and finally I could leave at 9am.
The ruins of Chan Chan was located near Huanchaco (between Huanchaco and Trujillo). The combined ticket (admission for a musuem, and 2 other sites) cost 12 Soles.I was glad that I came here by motorcycle as it would be to far to walk from Huanchaco.
The site was massive. All those dunes look-a-like stuff were the structures of the great city of Chan Chan. In fact, Chan Chan was the largest Pre-Colombian city in South America and the largest adobe city in the world.
Inside the palace, there were some carvings left intact. Those of fish, pelicans etc. Pretty impressive. In the middle of the palace, there was a spring (pond), and it still had water.
In the end there was the place for the king and beyond there, there was a tomb of the kings. The most important place of the palace. I wonder how magnificent Chan Chan was when Chimu Kingdom was at its best.
I learnt Chan Chan was the capital of Chimu Kingdom, which was once mightier than Inca Empire. But CHimu was conquered by Inca sometimes around 1470s. The battle was fearce and Inca forced Chimu peaople to migrate elsewhere. It was just 60 years before the fall of Inca Empire by Franciso Pizaro. Chimu was the culture of Adobe, but rich in seafood and crops. On the othe end, Inca was the culture of stone building, depending on corns and potatos. The battles of 2 totally different culture deciding the champion of Pre-Colombian South America is, to me, very interesting.
The museum was nearby, but it was hard to find (the sign was not obvious from Panamerican Hwy on the way to Trujillo). The collection was really poor. But I payed attention to one pottery - the picture on the pottery looked like the Egyptian god, Toth. Interesting.
Those other 2 sites, Huaca de Emeralda and Huaca del Iris, were interesting, but were hard to find. I had to ask locals to find them. here were hairless dogs at the sites. The bleed of the dog was special in Peru.
It was 12 noon when I finished visiting all of 4 sites. I wasn't better and I wanted to visit a museum (Museo Cassinelli) , so I decided to go back to Huanchaco.
I had lunch in Huanchaco at a reastaurant called Menukand. I had Lomo Soltado (what I had yesterday in Lambayeque), and it was good again. I like this dish. Then I went to Naylamp. This time I could find it. The campsite cost 10 Soles, with hot shower and WiFi. A good deal.
After I pitched my tent, I caught a Collectivo to Trujillo to visit Museo Cassinelli. But it was closed... On the door, it said open from 3pm to 6pm, but even I waited after 3pm, none was there. I asked a staff of Repsol Petrol Station next door, if the museum would be open. She checked her watch and said "From 4pm". Hummmm, I doubted. So I gave up and went back to the campsite.
It was 4:30pm when I came back. But I did not see Mark & Claire. They supposed to come today. Where were they?
I went to have dinner at the restaurant Menuland. While I was talking to the girl of the restaurant, there was a school kids marching. It was an anniversaly of the school. Every year they have the marching.
Then Mark and Claire showed up at the restaurant! They were staying at the campsite I was yesterday! (They came to Naylamp, but did not see the garage, so they went to another site). As Mark's XT600 Tenere had broken fork seals, they had to stay here for a while to find the parts.
I am caughing pretty hard still. So I wonder if I should leave tomorrow.
Huanchaco (Naylamp)
32,961km to 35,004km = 43km
日干し煉瓦造りの遺跡を見た後ウアンチャコの街を見て思ったのですが、この街は100年後どんな姿なのだろうか?と。まぁ、現在の文明が続いていればドンドン新生されていくのでしょうが、今の建造物は100年持つのかな? 怪しいな。
Naylampに行きテントを建てて(10ソル)今度はコレクティーボでトルヒーヨの街へ(1.60ソル)。「カシネリ博物館(Museo Cassinelli)の所蔵品は素晴らしい」とロンプラにあったので行ってみたくなったのです。それにしてもコレクティーボ、暴走します。道端に立ってたり歩いている人を見かけるたびに減速、声を掛けて乗せるか断られるか、で加速を繰り返します。そんなに加速をしてたら燃費悪いよ・・・。
そしたらマーク&クレアが飯屋に現れました! Naylampの前まで来たのですがガレージが無そうなので、昨日ワシが泊まってたHuanchaco Gardenに泊まってるとのこと。マークのXT600 Tenereのフォークシールが壊れたのでトルヒーヨで部品を探すので数日滞在するとか。
Day 333: 2011年6月22日
Huanchaco (Naylamp)
32,961km to 35,004km = 43km
I got up at 6am. I was not feeling very well. I was caughing more this morning. So I was goinf to decide if I was gonna stay in Huanchaco or go south after visiting Chan Chan and other sites.
I was to pay the rent (15 Soles), but I only had 50 Soles note (last night I wanted ti oay, but they did not have change), and they still did not have change. So one of the staff went somewhere to get change and finally I could leave at 9am.
The ruins of Chan Chan was located near Huanchaco (between Huanchaco and Trujillo). The combined ticket (admission for a musuem, and 2 other sites) cost 12 Soles.I was glad that I came here by motorcycle as it would be to far to walk from Huanchaco.
The site was massive. All those dunes look-a-like stuff were the structures of the great city of Chan Chan. In fact, Chan Chan was the largest Pre-Colombian city in South America and the largest adobe city in the world.
Inside the palace, there were some carvings left intact. Those of fish, pelicans etc. Pretty impressive. In the middle of the palace, there was a spring (pond), and it still had water.
In the end there was the place for the king and beyond there, there was a tomb of the kings. The most important place of the palace. I wonder how magnificent Chan Chan was when Chimu Kingdom was at its best.
I learnt Chan Chan was the capital of Chimu Kingdom, which was once mightier than Inca Empire. But CHimu was conquered by Inca sometimes around 1470s. The battle was fearce and Inca forced Chimu peaople to migrate elsewhere. It was just 60 years before the fall of Inca Empire by Franciso Pizaro. Chimu was the culture of Adobe, but rich in seafood and crops. On the othe end, Inca was the culture of stone building, depending on corns and potatos. The battles of 2 totally different culture deciding the champion of Pre-Colombian South America is, to me, very interesting.
The museum was nearby, but it was hard to find (the sign was not obvious from Panamerican Hwy on the way to Trujillo). The collection was really poor. But I payed attention to one pottery - the picture on the pottery looked like the Egyptian god, Toth. Interesting.
Those other 2 sites, Huaca de Emeralda and Huaca del Iris, were interesting, but were hard to find. I had to ask locals to find them. here were hairless dogs at the sites. The bleed of the dog was special in Peru.
It was 12 noon when I finished visiting all of 4 sites. I wasn't better and I wanted to visit a museum (Museo Cassinelli) , so I decided to go back to Huanchaco.
I had lunch in Huanchaco at a reastaurant called Menukand. I had Lomo Soltado (what I had yesterday in Lambayeque), and it was good again. I like this dish. Then I went to Naylamp. This time I could find it. The campsite cost 10 Soles, with hot shower and WiFi. A good deal.
After I pitched my tent, I caught a Collectivo to Trujillo to visit Museo Cassinelli. But it was closed... On the door, it said open from 3pm to 6pm, but even I waited after 3pm, none was there. I asked a staff of Repsol Petrol Station next door, if the museum would be open. She checked her watch and said "From 4pm". Hummmm, I doubted. So I gave up and went back to the campsite.
It was 4:30pm when I came back. But I did not see Mark & Claire. They supposed to come today. Where were they?
I went to have dinner at the restaurant Menuland. While I was talking to the girl of the restaurant, there was a school kids marching. It was an anniversaly of the school. Every year they have the marching.
Then Mark and Claire showed up at the restaurant! They were staying at the campsite I was yesterday! (They came to Naylamp, but did not see the garage, so they went to another site). As Mark's XT600 Tenere had broken fork seals, they had to stay here for a while to find the parts.
I am caughing pretty hard still. So I wonder if I should leave tomorrow.
Day 332: 2011年6月21日
Jaen to Huanchacho
34,450km to 32,961km = 511km
今日のメインイベントであるシパン王墓博物館(Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipan)はチクラヨから20キロほど北のラムバイェケ(Lambayeque)という街にあります。11時半頃に到着。


トルヒーヨ手前で右折。サーファーの街ウアンチャコへ。この近くにはチャンチャン遺跡(Ruinas de Chan Chan)があるんです。昨晩クレアからキャンプが出来るホステルの情報をメールでもらったのでそこにしようかなと。トルヒーヨはデカイ街なので行きたくないので、ここが無難ですね。
GPSで座標をセットしてたお陰で迷わずにキャンプ場つきホステルに到着しました。Huanchaco Garden。4台のRVが停まってます。みんな良さそうな人たちです。しかしネットを開いて気が付いたのですが、クレアが送ってくれた宿は違うのです!! 「Hostel Camping Naylamp」というのですが、ワシのは違います。うーん、5ソル高いけど、まぁいいか。
Day 332: 21 JUN 2011
Jaen to Huanchacho
34,450km to 32,961km = 511km
It was a long ride day! From Jaen to Huanchacho, near Trujillo. I was plannijng to stay at Chiclayo today, but I pushed further. More than 500km, again.
From Jaen to Olmos, riding through the valley, next to a river, it was a very amusing ride. Going through those curves after curves was vert enjoyable, especially now I am not carrying the tyre!
Just before Olmos, I tooka left turn to Chiclayo. Then scenery became boring and I just rode and rode.
The museum of Kings Tumbs of Sipan (Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipan) was located in Lambayeque around 20kms north of Chiclayo. The entrance fee was 10 Soles.While buying a ticket, a street dog seemed to like me a lot and was staying around me. He followed into the car park and guarding my GS! What a nice dog!
The collection of the museum was amazing. I liked those anual shaped potteries. They were so cute. Sipan culture was flourished 1100 years ago or so. Looking at those artifacts burried with the kings, we could see how mighty the power of the rulers was in those days. Unfortunately no camera was allowed inside, so no photo here...
I had lunch in Lambayeque. It cost me 9 Soles, but it was one of the best lunch I had recently. It was stire fried beef and veges with rice (and Inca Cola). Very nice.
In Chiclayo, the traffic was chaotic. I hate those Moto-taxis. Also Peruvian drivers manner is really bad. I have seen many people threw away trush from the cars... I did not see that in Colombia and Ecuador.
The road from Chiclayo to Trujillo (Panamerican) goes through a desert. The view was quite nice. I missed the route to Cajamarca, but I was glad to see this view.
Last night, Claire sent me an information about a hostel with a campsite in Huanchaco. I entered GPS way point, so I could get there without getting lost. But somehow I came to another hostel (Huanchaco Garden) with a campsite! I realised that after I conneted to Internet again. The place I am staying is not bad. there are 4 RVs camping here and they are all nice people. The cost of the campsite 15 Soles, 5 Soles more than "Hostel Camping Naylamp" recommended by Claire.
Tomorrow I will visit Chan Chan, and Las Huacas del Sol y de la Luna.
Jaen to Huanchacho
34,450km to 32,961km = 511km
今日のメインイベントであるシパン王墓博物館(Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipan)はチクラヨから20キロほど北のラムバイェケ(Lambayeque)という街にあります。11時半頃に到着。
トルヒーヨ手前で右折。サーファーの街ウアンチャコへ。この近くにはチャンチャン遺跡(Ruinas de Chan Chan)があるんです。昨晩クレアからキャンプが出来るホステルの情報をメールでもらったのでそこにしようかなと。トルヒーヨはデカイ街なので行きたくないので、ここが無難ですね。
Day 332: 21 JUN 2011
Jaen to Huanchacho
34,450km to 32,961km = 511km
It was a long ride day! From Jaen to Huanchacho, near Trujillo. I was plannijng to stay at Chiclayo today, but I pushed further. More than 500km, again.
From Jaen to Olmos, riding through the valley, next to a river, it was a very amusing ride. Going through those curves after curves was vert enjoyable, especially now I am not carrying the tyre!
Just before Olmos, I tooka left turn to Chiclayo. Then scenery became boring and I just rode and rode.
The museum of Kings Tumbs of Sipan (Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipan) was located in Lambayeque around 20kms north of Chiclayo. The entrance fee was 10 Soles.While buying a ticket, a street dog seemed to like me a lot and was staying around me. He followed into the car park and guarding my GS! What a nice dog!
The collection of the museum was amazing. I liked those anual shaped potteries. They were so cute. Sipan culture was flourished 1100 years ago or so. Looking at those artifacts burried with the kings, we could see how mighty the power of the rulers was in those days. Unfortunately no camera was allowed inside, so no photo here...
I had lunch in Lambayeque. It cost me 9 Soles, but it was one of the best lunch I had recently. It was stire fried beef and veges with rice (and Inca Cola). Very nice.
In Chiclayo, the traffic was chaotic. I hate those Moto-taxis. Also Peruvian drivers manner is really bad. I have seen many people threw away trush from the cars... I did not see that in Colombia and Ecuador.
The road from Chiclayo to Trujillo (Panamerican) goes through a desert. The view was quite nice. I missed the route to Cajamarca, but I was glad to see this view.
Last night, Claire sent me an information about a hostel with a campsite in Huanchaco. I entered GPS way point, so I could get there without getting lost. But somehow I came to another hostel (Huanchaco Garden) with a campsite! I realised that after I conneted to Internet again. The place I am staying is not bad. there are 4 RVs camping here and they are all nice people. The cost of the campsite 15 Soles, 5 Soles more than "Hostel Camping Naylamp" recommended by Claire.
Tomorrow I will visit Chan Chan, and Las Huacas del Sol y de la Luna.