三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
Day 316: 05 JUN 2011
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
It was a beautiful day! It was the best weather so far in Ecuaor. We decided to go out to the town to take some photos of the beautiful city.
But befre then, we got to do some painting jobs. Adam and I needed to paint our pannier lacks and Mark needed to paint his new panner blackets.
Then we walked to Centro of the city, around Cathedral, and took some photos. Cuenca is very beautiful city but we could not have a good photos due to bad weather. I liked Quito Vieja, but Cuenca is, I reckon, better than Quito VIeja.
We had lunch at Copperlia then walked back to the hostel. Adam and I went to SuperMaxi to get some supplies. I bought Ziplock bags to put my MSR stove. Now my pannier won't smell like petrol.
I was testing how I carry the things on the bike again. And I found the pillion seat protector was a little short on right side. So I added a piece of cloth from the backpack. I am not good at sewing at all, but I managed to do it quite well. Now the seat is well protected. I am happy with the new setup. I am lookng forward riding on the bike again.
Adam and I went out in the evening to take some photos of Churches and buildings. For the first time on this trip, I took out my tripods and used!! Then with Mark and Claire, we had pizzas at the pizzeria on the first floor of our hostel. They served pretty good pizzas.
Tomorrow I will get a CamelBak and used tyre tube. Then we will have Cuy with Cesar!
Day 315: 2011年6月4日
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
バスに乗ってクエンカまで。クエンカに着いたのは5時過ぎ。一日がかりの遠足です。ウベたちは明日カハス国立公園(Parque Nacional Cajas)に行くそうですが、天気が悪そうなのでワシはパス。
夜はセザールを交えて夕食会。またタージ・マハールでインド料理。今日はチキン・カレーを頼みました。ここのメシは美味い! セザールに色々これから先の情報を聞いたり、色んな話をして楽しい夜でした。話を聞いているうちに太平洋海岸まで行ってみようということになり、明日作戦会議。セザールは仲間たちと9月にインドをバイクで旅するそうです。しかもインドでバイクを買って1ヶ月間。やるな、セザール。
Day 315: 04 JUN 2011
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
Last night I received a bad news - Eduarudo, one of Canada KLR trio, passed away in Guatemala due to a traffic accident. I would like to send my deepest condolences to his family, Derrick and Colin.
I went to Ingapiroca, the most important Inca ruin in Ecuador. The member were, Uwe, Oliver, Elena, Elizabeth and her sister, Mr. Sheep and myself. Adam, Mark and Claire were busy with the bikes, so not going with us.
We went to the mus terminal by taxi and caught 9am bus to Ingapirca. It was a long way to get there, but what made it slow was too many stops on the way. As usual in Latin America, people got on-n-off on on the road, not at the bus terminal... It took 2 1/2 hours.
The admission was US$6p.p.! Very expensive. For locals, it cost US$2. There was a pack of Llamas near the entranc e of the site. Mr. Sheep was very happy to see his friends there.
Ingapirca is the site conbination of Pre-Inca culture Canares and Inca. The stones used by Canares were more round shaped and not evened. However, those used by Inca were perfectly crafted and were built without any cement or plaster.
There was a guide for each group. We got a Spanish speaking guide. Amazingly I could understand the most of waht she explained. My Spanish listening has improved a lot since I left Medellin.
The temple was made by the special stone blocks. The stone was greensih and called "Andes Verde (Green)" There was no any space between each stone. Surely we cannot insert the thinnest paper in between.
After lunch we hiked around the site. There were some rocks left by Incas and the cliff looks like a human face. It was fun walking around the site.
By the time when we came back to Cuenca, it was 5:30pm or so. It was very tiring riding on the bus.
In the evening, we had dinner with Cesar at Taj Mahar. He told us lots about South Ecuador and Peru. He is planning to go to India with his mates and buy motorcycles there and ride around India for a month! Very interesting man, he is.
He suggested to have Cuy while in Ecuador and we decided to have one each on Monday. It will be very interesting!
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
宿に戻りワッシャーはトップボックス・ホルダーのワッシャーを流用し事なきを得ましたが、バイクカバーが袋に入りません。しかし工具を入れているSW Motechのタンクバックの袋にバイクカバー入れることが出来ました。作った袋は工具入れとして使います。残念なことにMSRを入れたタッパーはヒビが入ってしまいました・・・。きつすぎたんですね。そこでジップロック・バッグを使うことにしました。これならスペースも無駄にならない!?
それから郵便局にトップボックスを持っていきました。重い・・・。重量を測ったら10.5キロもありました。金額は151ドル!! 高い!!!!! しかし捨てるのにはもったいないしトップボックスを買うとしたらもっとします。ゴジラロック、トップボックス・ホルダー、服、DVDドライブ、Mont・Bellのビーサン、手袋などなど、色々入ってますからね。
Day 314: 03 JUN 2011
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
I have been working on my GS from this morning. FIrst, I cleaned the air cleaner. It was a dry (paper) type, so I just bushed it against the floor. Although I rode on dirt, it wasn't that dirty. Somehow it took time to put back side panel.
I took off the top box holder. The bolts holding the pillers sustaining the plate I could not screw in completely, so I needed to buy spacers.
I had lunch with Adam at a Colombian Restaurant. Almuerzo was US$1.60. Then I went to look for spacers and pick up the bag I ordered yesterday. I went to all hardware shops nearby, but they did not have the light spacer for me. The bag was well made, but it seemed like little too small to fit the bike cover. Ouch...
I also bought a tapperware toput my MSR fuel stove, so that it does not make the pannier smelly.
Back to the hostel, I tried to fit the bike cover into the bag, but it did not fit. Luckily I had another bag used to put tools and the bike cover fit perfectly in it. The bag made was now used as a tool bag. Also I could use the spacers of the top box holder.
I put the MSR stove into the tapper wear, but it was too tight and the case got cracked.... But I realised the better idea, to use Ziplock bags to put the stove. The Ziplock bags would not take up any extra space.
When I was about to go to a post office to take the top box, Marta - the owner of the hostel, asked me to change the room as there would be 4 girls coming today. I was using 4 bed room dorm alone, and she asked me to move to a private room for extra US$1 a night. And I agreed.
After moving the room, I went to the post office. Carrying the top box for 5 blocks was pretty hard. When it was scaled, it weighed 10.5kgs! Lots of weight loss I made. With lower sentre gravity and less weight, now my GS should handle much better than before.
I made a pillion seat protector using my backpack (against scratches from straps and the tyre). Now I am satisfaied with the setup. Only concern is how I can carry water. I am considering buying a Camelbak brader.
After dinner, I went to see a classic concert in Old Cathedral. It was free and pretty good.
TOmorrow I will go to Ingapirca, the one of the most important Inca ruin in Ecuador.
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
それからTatoo Adventure Shopへ行きCamelbakの下見。色々なオプションを考えて今日は買わずに退散。
Day 313: 02 JUN 2011
Cuenca (La Casa Cuencana)
We went to a shop where I could make a bag for my bike cover. Blanca told us last night where to go. It will cost US$5 to make one with a draw code. I lost the bag in Durango, Mexico and it was hard to pack the cover neatly.
Then we went to Tatoo Adventure Shop to check out Camel Bak. Now I got more ideas how to setup the bike.
Back to the hostel, I started to test diffrent ways of carryng tyres and stuffs. Carrying the tyre at the back of the bike or on the top of rear seat. I took off the top case and selected things I don't need, then I could make 10kgs lighter!!
At lunch time, we went out for lunch at Mercado. Everyone was having the roast pork, but I had one with Tatsuya before, so I had something different. I tried Humita, the Ecuadorian snack, and it was sweet. I kinda liked the taste but Claire did not like it.
In the afternoon, I continue testing setups, and finally I could see a better setup. Carring tyres on the top of the rear seat and put dry sacks in the middle of the tyre. By doing so I could make the centre of gravity lower. The handling of the bike will improve a lot for sure.
I was so tired, so I decided not to go to the film festival and go to bed early.
I wonder how much it will cost to send the top case back to Japan....