三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 292: 2011年5月12日
Ipiales, Colombia to Otavalo, Ecuador
31,304km to 31,464km = 160km
Colombia 31,304km to 30,308km = 4km
Ecuador 31,308km to 31,464km = 156km
早速両替商のオヤジがやってきたのでレートの交渉。1,900ペソ=1ドルとまぁまぁです。他のオヤジは1,950ペソ= 1ドルでした。
コロンビア側でペルミソをキャンセルし(ペルミソと延長許可を渡しただけ。バイクもチェックしないし、本当に良いのか?というくらい簡単でした)、イミグレで出国手続き。ここでアメリカ人ライダーのスティーブン(geoMeo.org FirstGiving.com/fundraiser/gepmeo/mdg2 - Project 2011 10,000miles = education for 10,000girls)と出会いました。彼はブエノスアイレスから初めてウシュアイアまで降りて北上してきたそうです。10,000マイルの旅なのでカリで終了だとのこと。全部で45日間だそうです。弾丸ライダーだな。それにしても「10,000人の女の子と出会う」じゃなくて、「10,000人の女の子に教育の機会を」というのは立派です。ワシは「10,000人の女の子と出会う」派ですが…。
「BIENVENIDOS A ECUADOR(エクアドルにようこそ)」と標識が出てます。今回の旅12カ国目です。交通整理の警官にイミグレとアドゥアナの場所を訊き早速入国。
軽く街を散策。Plaza de Ponchosという広場でマーケットが開かれてます。アルパカ、リャマなどのアンデス原産の毛を使ったセーター、ポンチョ、マフラー、袋、鞄などが売っています。ポンチョが欲しいな。アルパカのぬいぐるみなんかもあってヒツジも喜んでます。
ネットカフェでメールチェックしてたらジミーとジーが声をかけてきました!なんて小さな世界なのだろう!彼らが泊まってるホテルは1人8ドルで駐車場は別の建物の中ですが駐車場完備。ネットは無し。うーん、そっちに移ろうかな?念のためにHostal Ricon Del Viajeroという安宿をあたってみました。WiFi付で個室10ドルでバストイレは共同。バイクを停めるスペースはあります。しかし、明日は空きが無いと…。残念。
隣のHostal Valle del Amancerは個室バストイレ共同で11ドル。駐車スペースは近くにあり。WiFiもあって11ドル。明日空きあり。でも部屋はかなり狭いですね。うーんどうしよう?
6時半過出ぎにかけようとしたらポパヤンの宿で一緒だったピエールがいました。なんたる偶然!しかもピエールはカオルさんと待ち合わせしてるとのこと。カオルさんキトに行くんじゃなかったけ?彼もカオルさんと今日街で出くわして7時ごろに会う約束をしてるのだとか。まだ7時にはなってないのでピエールとカオルさんを迎えに。しかしHostal Los Andesにはカオルさんは宿泊していません。向かいのホステルにもいないし、近くのHostal Las Ponchosにもいません。ピエールが待ち合わせ場所間違えたか?
ジーがちょっと具合が悪くなったのでジミーとジーは宿へ。ワシとピエールも宿へ。明日はサン・ペドロ湖(Lago San Pedoro)までピエール歩いてみます。3時間くらいの道のりだそうです。
Day 292: 12 MAY 2011
Ipiales, Colombia to Otavalo, Ecuador
31,304km to 31,464km = 160km
Colombia 31,304km to 30,308km = 4km
Ecuador 31,308km to 31,464km = 156km
This morning I got up at 6am and left the hotel at 7am. As my GS was parked at another hotel in front, it took time to carry the luggages.
It was easy to get to the border. From the town, just got to Pan American Highway and the border was just there.
As soon as I came to the border, those guys came to me. They were a money exchange guy and "guides". I asked the money exchange guy how much the rate was and he said COP1,900 = US$1. It was not bad deal.
I went to Aduana to cancel Permiso. All I had to do was handing in Permiso and the permission of the extension of Permiso. No check on the motorcycle or nothing.
Then I went to Immigration to get stamp out. At the queue, I saw another motorcyclist Steven, who was riding from Buenos Aires down to Ushuaia, then riding up to Colombia. He was doing this trip for a good course - 10,000miles = education for 10,000girls. You can check his website out (geoMeo.org FirstGiving.com/fundraiser/gepmeo/mdg2 - Project 2011).
The wait was not long at all. And I got the stamp out of Colombia. Another money exchange guy came to me and offered me COP1,950 = US$1. I asked him if you could do better. And gave me COP1,900 = US$1. If the rate was the same, I would exchange with the first guy.
Back to the carpark, I echanged COP to US$ and went to Ecuador side of the border.
"Bienvenidos a Ecuador", I saw the sign. I asked a policeman where were Migracion and Aduana, and he told me where. Actually it was easy to find out.
To enter Ecuador, I needed to fill in a tourist card and then get stamp in (free of charge). Then I went to Aduana.
At Aduana, I needed to copy of Passport, Driver's License, and the vehcle title. So I went to a copier to make copies. It was 10cent each copy. Getting Permiso was easy. I just needed to hand in copies (the officer did not even ask for the original), and the officer keyed in the detailes to the computer. Then he went to check my GS to see VIN and License Plate were the same as the documents.
The road condition of Ecuador side of Pan American Highway was good. The country spending in infrustructre and education has lots of prosperity.
The petrol price was clazyly cheap. US$1.48/galon for regular (Extra) and US$2.15/galon for premium (Super).
Riding through curves and I got to Ibarra, the middle sized city. Then another 23km, I got to Otavalo, where is famous for Indigena Market.
As my GPS did not have the map of Ecuador, once I got to Otavalo, I had no idea where the hostels were. So I made a stop at the road side and checked on Lonely Planet. Hostal Maria was cheapest option and the closest from where I was, so I went there.
But the room was US$12 a night. I asked for a dorm but only private rooms were available. It had a car space and got hot shower, so I decided to stay here. My mistake was I did not check if there was WiFI availale before I checked-in!!
I went out for a walk in the town. At Plaza de Ponchos, there were stales selling indigenous goods, ponchos, sweaters, bags etc made from Alpaca / Llama wool. I want to buy a poncho. It looks cool and warm. There were Alpaca soft toys on the market and Mr. Sheep was very happy to see his friends from South America.
Then I went to Plaza Bolivar, here was a big head statue of Ruminawi. I don't kno who he is but he must be an Inca Hero as here was the part of Inca Empire.
I had set lunch for US$1.75! Cheap. But in Popayan, set lunch was COP3,000, so it was not that cheaper than in Colombia.
After that, I was checking e-mail at Internet Cafe, and Jimmy and Ji found me there! What a coincident! They said the hostel they were staying cost US$p.p with a car parking space (although it was located at another building). But there was no WiFi. The deal sounded better, so I was onsidering to move to their hostel. Also we went to another hostel "Hostal Ricon Del Viajero". It had a space for motorcyle, coming with WiFI, but no room available.
Next door "Hostal Valle del Amancer" had a single private room for US$11 with a parking space nearby, coming with WiFI. Should I move here??
Then we went look around the market and food market. There were full of fruits and veges. Selling very cheaply. A poncho cost US$15-20. It'S little expensive, but I want to get one.
Jimmy and Ji went back to their hostel to take a rest. We made an appointment around 7pm for dinner.
I went back to the hostel and writing a diary. Around 7pm, just I was about
82日間(しかしメキシコやキューバにいったので実際は56日間): 2011年2月19日から2011年5月11日まで
コロンビア総走行距離:29,346km to 30,308km = 962km
使った金額 (注:通貨単位はコロンビア・ペソ。US$1 = COP1,800)
合計: 1,430,000ペソ (794米ドル)
引き出した現金: 1,620,000ペソ-残ったお金190,000ペソ =1,430,000 ペソ
入国とバイク輸入諸手数料: 無料
バイク関連費用: サービスとリアタイヤ代(クレジットカード払い)
特別外交費: メキシコへの往復
生活費(食費+宿代+交通費): 1,430,000ペソ÷56日=1日当り25,535ペソ (大体14.18米ドル)
コロンビアでもいろいろありましたが楽しかったですよ。まぁ、日記をごらんになっている方は何が「いろいろ」なのかお分かりでしょうが…。よく訊かれる治安についてですが、全く問題ないです。10年くらい前までは治安は悪かったのでしょうが、メデジンを歩いていても問題ないです。コロンビアは今まで訪れたラテンアメリカの国の中では一番「洗練 = シビライズド」されてますね。 続く・・・。
ペルミソの延長は基本的にパスポートの滞在許可の日付まで伸ばせます。ワシの場合キューバに行った時に出国して再入国してるのでまた60日の滞在許可が出ていたので、それに合わせてペルミソも延長されました。必要な書類のコピー(パスポート、新しい入国スタンプのあるページ、登録証書、オリジナルのペルミソ)と何で延長したいか説明する手紙をDIAN(アドゥアナ = 税関)に提出して電話で連絡が来るのを待ちます。電話が来たら何日の何時にバイクのインスペクションをすると指定されるので、バイクを持っていきます。バイクはDIANの前のバイク専用駐輪場(1,000ペソくらい)に停めて係りの人を呼びに行きます。インスペクションはいたって簡単。バイクの車種、色、書類とバイクのVINとナンバープレートがあってればOK.
車両保険は必ず加入しなければならないのかは疑問です。加入してなくて警察の検問で罰金を請求されたという話も聞きます(500,000ペソ = 280米ドル)。カルタヘナで最低3ヶ月から加入できる保険屋「Sura - www.sura.com」を見つけましたので、加入しました。83,285ペソ(約45米ドル)でした。45ドルは高いですが、検問で2回くらい保険に加入してるか訊かれましたので、入っていてよかったです。
1. カルタヘナ: Hotel Holiday (1泊20,000ペソ)とHostal Media Luna(1泊24,000ペソ)にはバイクを停められるスペースがあります。両方ともWiFIあり。
2. 地方のモーテルは1人12,000ペソくらいから。
3. メデジンはHostal Medellin(1泊18,000ペソ)とKiwi Houseにバイクを停められます。WiFIあり。
4. ManizalesはHostal Lassio(1泊30,000ペソ)のガレージに駐車できます。WiFIあり。
5. CaliはHostal Casa Blanca(1泊15,000ペソ)でしょう。WiFIあり。
6. PopayanはHotel Capital(1泊12,000ペソ)で中庭に駐車できるそうです(マーク、クレアとアダム談)。 WiFI無し。
7. IpialesはHotel Emperador(1泊20,000ペソ)にて、向かいのHOtel Los Andesの駐車場を使わせてもらえます。WiFi無し。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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Day 291: 2011年5月11日
Popayan (Hostaltrail) to Ipiales (Hotel Emperador)
30,962 to 31,304 = 342km
エル・ボルド(EL Bordo)辺りの風景はなかなか良かったです。緑の山に青い空。渓谷もあり、道もこの辺は悪くなく走ってて楽しかったですね。
丁度12時前なのでパストで昼飯。本当はここからコチャ湖(Lago de la Cocha)を見に行きたかったのですが、標識が見当たらずそのままイピアレス方面に向かってしまいました。まぁ、キレイな湖だと言うけれど、これからチチカカ湖とか見るからいいか。
パストからイピアレスまでは90キロ足らず。順調に行って2時前に街の入り口まで来ました。そのままサントゥリオ・ラス・ラハス寺院(Santurio Las Lajas)に向かいます。8キロです。
この寺院は数年前に誰かのブログで写真を見て、すっごくキレイだなぁと思ったんです。何処になるんだろう?と思ったらコロンビア。コロンビアの何処にあるのか知らなかったのですが、カルタヘナで調べてイピアレス近郊にあることが判明。ずっと訪れたかったところなんです。駐車場にバイクを停めてしばらく歩きます。ちょっと下に下がって行きます。何故だか小さなオベリスクに「las Lajas」と刻んであります。なんで?
マークとクレアが教えてくれたオテル・エンペラドール(Hotel Emperador)に宿を取りました。1泊20,000ペソ。駐車場は無いのですが向かいのオテル・ラス・アンデスの駐車場に停めていいと。
Day 291: 11 MAY 2011
Popayan (Hostaltrail) to Ipiales (Hotel Emperadore)
30,962 to 31,304 = 342km
Recently I sneez a lot and have itchy eyes, the typical symptoms of hey fever, but I am not sure what is causing my alergy.
I got up at 6am and got ready before 7am. Kaoru was also leaving to Ipiales today, catching 7:30am bus, so if lucky we can meet in Ipiales. If not, we will see agai in Quito.
I left the car park at 7am. Popayan is a small town, so it was easy to get out of the town. Canadian KRL Trio said the road condition between Popayan and Pasto was really bad. And they were right.
There were lots of potholes, gaps, gravels... and lots of curves made me hard to overtake those trucks blocking the way. If I went fast, I could not avoid those potholes, so I got to slow down.
But around El Bordo, the condition got better and the view was great. Green mountains, blue sky, valley - one of the bet scenary I've seen in Colombia. But the road condition went bad again soon.
I saw 3 or 4 places landslides blocking one lane completely and left alone. I was not sure why the Government would not improve the road in this region of the country. Maybe something to do with gerrilla?
Lots of white butterflies were flying ove the the road... I don't like butterflies...
There were 250km or so to Pasto, bt it took me 4 1/2 hours to get there. It was around 12 noon, so I had lunch in Pasto. And I wanted to visit Lake La Concha, but I could not find the sign and I was already on the way to Ipiales. Well, I will see Lake Titicaca and other magnificent lakes later, so I can let it go...
From Pasto, Ipiales is just less than 90km away. I got to the fringe of Ipiales before 2pm, so I went to see Santurio Las Lajas, 8km away from the town. This church is built on a gorge. I saw a photo of this church on Internet many years ago (it was very beautiful) and since then I always wanted to visit this church.
Parked my GS at a carpark, walking towards the church. As I walked down, I saw a river dpwn the gorge and faterfall on the way. Then I saw the top of the church. Very pretty!
I like the way this church building was constructed. Mr Sheep and The Triangle were also very happy to see the church. Please see the photos above. It was against sunlight when I took photos, so I went to the other side to take photos. But it was under restoration... But I could take nice photos.
Back to the car park, I had to climb up and it was little hard, I saw a restaurant selling BBQed Cuy. Yes, here is very close to Ecuador.
I checked-in at Hotel Emperador where Mark and Claire told me. Though there was no car park, I could park my GS at Hotel Las Andes, the opposite of the Hotel Emperador. The rate was COP20,000 a night. After I settled in, I went for a walk in the town and had early dinner.
I was very tired for riding on the bad road, so I took shower and had early night.
Tomorrow I am crossing to Ecuador, my 12th country on this trip (11th country with my GS). I sould be able to get to Otavalo, 160km away, by the lunch time.
Papayan (Hostaltrail)
ポパヤンまで送ってもらって、ジミーとジーにはキトで再会を誓って別れました。宿でしばらくネットをして昼飯。今日は機能歩いてて見つけた3,000ペソの店で。スープ、ドリンクと定食で3,000ペソ。ボリュームもあるし味もRIco(美味しい)! これは破格ですね。
Day 290 : 10 MAY 2011
Papayan (Hostaltrail)
This morning I got up at 6am to go to Silvia - Tuesday Indigena market - with Kaoru, Jimmy and Ji. The market is open on tuesday only, so I reckon I am lucky to be here.
Kaoru and I walked to the hotel Jimmy and Ji stayed. They got Toyota people mover, so can carry lots of stuffs. Nice. They took off all back seats and made storage box and put camping matresses on top. They paid COP35,000 a night for the hotel including an evening parking space.The price is no different from a dorm room at a hostel. Two travelling together is very good. I envy them (I recently failed to do so, but still want to travel with someone special!!!)
The ride to Silvia took around 1 hour. We climbed up hill quite high. In the end, the road became unpaved.
In Silvia, there were lots of Indegena people dressing in their traditinal costume. I thought they would be very set back, but they were quite friendly and some even said "Hola! Buenos dias!" to us. Nice.
The market itself was not for tourists at all. It was for local people, so those veges, fruits, meats, panelas etc were sold in the market. We did not have proper breakfast, so we were snacking empanadas and walked around the market. Jimmy and Ji bought oranges and bananas just for COP1,000. Very cheap.
Some locals greeted us in Japanese! What a surprise in such a remote village. Some called out to me "Che!" Well, Che is very popular everywhere.
The market was not big and within less than 1 hour we looked through the most of things. As Indegena people were friendly, we asked if we could take there photos, but they wanted money for that.....
Jimmy and Ji were planning to get to Pasto today, so we left there around 9:30am. But on the way back, police stopped traffic. A policeman was saying "Bicycle...". We thought 2 bicycle tied behind the car would be the problem, but it turned out to be "Bicycle race". He said we had to wait for 30mins to get those racers passing through here. So we waited.
The speed of those bicycles were quite fast. When the group of cyclists passed, it was quite a view.
Jimmy and Ji dropped us in Popayan. We will see again in Quito. Have a safe and nice trip! Nos vemos pronto, mis amigos!!
Back to the hostel, I surfed Internet for a while and went for lunch with Kaoru. We went to a restaurant offering COP3,000 lunch set menu. It came with a drink and soup too. The volume and taste of meal were great. For COP3,000, it was for sure the best meal ever I had in Colombia!!
Back to the hostel, we watched a Chinese movie "Red Cliff". Kaoru was sleepying in the middle of the movie, but I enjoyed watching it.
After the movie I had a nap too. Then we went out for dinner around "Mundcenter". There were street stands selling BBQ scewers and stir fried intestines. They cost COP1,000 each and very nice.
They were not enough to fill our stomach, so we were walking back to Mundocenter and someone came from behind, yelling "Acha---- (Just like Jacky Chan)". I turned around and it was Adam!!
He stays at Hotel Capital, wher Mark and Claire told us via e-mail for COP12,000 a night. He could park his DR in the courtyard. There is no kitchen and WiFI, but just for a night, it would be the perfect place to stay. He will be heading 6hours to get there.to San Agustin tomorrow. We had Tamales together. We will see again in QUito for sure.
Tomorrow, I am heading to Pasto. It will be 300km ride but the road is pretty in bad shape, so it will take 6 hours to get there. If I could get there much quicker, I would get to Ipiales - the border town.
Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel) to Papayan (Hostaltrail)
30,814km to 30,964km = 150km
Day 289 : 09 MAY 2011
Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel) to Papayan (Hostaltrail)
30,814km to 30,964km = 150km
Although the rain stopped at 7pm, the street was still wet when I woke up this morning, showing how much water poured down last night. It was overcasted, but it seemed like to be OK to take off.
I got ready by 8:30am, said good-bye to Mike, Adam and Canadian KRL trio. It was fun to be with those guys. With Adam, we will catch up in Quito, where he is planning to take Spanish class, for sure.
It was supposed to be easy getting out of Cali, but I was caught in a traffic. It took around 30mins to get out, but after that the ride was smooth.
Few up and down, some twisty roads, nice views, I was enjoying riding to Popayan. It rained a bit on the way, but it was not that heavy, so no problem.
I got to Popayan by 12 noon and checked-in Hostaltrail, where Kaoru should be. But there was no parking space for my GS, I got to park her at a 24hr secure parking. Luckily Colin - a friend of the owner of the hostel, took me to a car park and he knows peope there, so it is secure. The cost was COP3,000 a day, not a bad deal. Kaoru was out to the town.
When I got ready to go out for lunch, I saw Kaoru in the kitchen about to cook lunch, so we went out for lunch togeter. There was a bicycle race going on in the town (luckily I came in tothe twon before it started), so there were heaps of policemen and many of the streets was blocked.
THe White City was nice. But it was hard to walk on the street as there was no traffic light to stop cars and motorcycles. Looking at CHurches, old stone bridges etc.
Coming back to the hostel, I contacted with Jimmy and made an appointment for tonight. Then I had a nap. Around 6:30pm, Jiimmy came by, so we went out for dinner. The white CIty looked good in the night as well. Jimmy and Ji will go to Slivia tomorrow and then taking off to Pasto, so Kaoru and I will join them to Silvia to see Indigena market.
Back to the hostel, we made a friend with a French guy, PJ. He will go to Silvia tomorrow too, so we will bump to him in the market tomorrow.