
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 288 : 2011年5月8日

Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)




午後はネット。ジミーとジーはポパヤンのHotel Ciudad Blancoに宿泊中。火曜日の朝に出発とのことなので、明日夕飯でも食べに行こうということになりました。カオルさんも明朝ポパヤンに到着予定なので再会できますね。



さて、明日はポパヤンに向けて出発です。白の都市(Ciudad Blanca)と異名をとるキレイな街だそうです。友人との再会もたのしみですね。

Day 288 : 08 MAY 2011

Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)

We had fun night out last night. Derrick asked two Colombian ladies for dancing and he and Colin had great time. One of the lady said "Quiero Chino (I want Chinese)", so he could take her home, but he came back with us. Laura said "You leave quickly in the morning, not now!" Yes, you are right Laura.

We were so hungry and went to a hotdog stand nearby the hostel to have hotdogs or humbergers.

I thought I would sleep till noon, but I woke up before 9am and got up by 9:30am. After breakfast we talked about last night and things, and went for lunch after 1pm.

Jimmy and Ji e-mailed me saying they were in Popayan staying at Hotel Ciudad Blanco. They will leave Popayan on Tesday, so if I get there on Monday we will have dinner together. Also Kaoru will be in Popayan on Tuesday. It's gonna be fun.

We watched a movie "The A-team". It was quite good. But while watching the movie, a heavy storm came. The rain was puring, thunder roared. I looked down the street from the window, it was flooded... I wonder if the way to Popayan would be safe...

I called my home as it was Mother's day. Mum and Dad were fine.

IIn the evening, we watched "Clash of the Titans" in the evening. It was not very good movie...


Day 287 : 2011年5月7日

Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)








Day 287 : 07 MAY 2011

Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)

I changed my bed last night (moved down below), but it was very uncomfortable to sleep. I checked the bed frame in the morning, and there was a huge gap between each beam. I made them even, so I guess I can sleep well tonight.

Jimmy and Ji left here and went toPopayan. They will stay in Quito for a while, so I will see them there again.

All motorcylists were working on our bies in the car park. Adam was changing sprokets and a chain. To lift up his bike while the wheel was taken off, he used a modified alminum made walking stick. What a clever idea! It is light, compact and cheap to make! He made a holder of the stick between the exhaust and the pannier frame. 

I placed pieces of cardboard between tyre bead and the straps so that the strap would not damege the bead. And then I cleaned my GS. Although it was not raining on the way here, my GS got quite dirty due to the muddy water on the road. I know that once I hit the raod again, it would get dirty, I felt good seeing my GS clean again.

DSCF5075.jpgThen I made photo copies of the maps (Peru and Bolivia) Adam has. I wanted to make colour copies but the copier did not I have colour. But it advised "Black / White and Full Colour"...  I also wanted to make a colour copy of my Driver's License and laminate it for corrupted police.

Adam and I went for lunch. We had a nice lunch at a nice restaurant. The meal cost COP8,000 and fruit juice cost COP3,000, it was worth spending.

 I took a nap in the afternoon. When I woke up, it was raining . But my GS was under the roof, no problem. I was checking hostel options in Popayan, Pasto and Ipiales. We weere watching movies in the evening and I thought another day would pass. But the receptionist at the hostel asked us to go out. So we went out to a pub.


Day 286 : 2011年5月6日

Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)


ダラダラしていたらカナダ人と韓国人カップルのジミーとジーにセントロに行かないかと誘われました。丁度アダムはKLR3人衆の1人デレックを溶接屋に連れて行くのでやることが無かったのでそれに乗っかりました。ジミーとジーは既に昼飯を食べたとのことで昼飯はカナダKRL3人衆とドイツ人姐ちゃんのアンとKooba Barで。5,500ペソ。




そしてカリのセントロを散策。教会を観たり、黄金博物館(MUseo de Oro)を観たり。




Day 286 : 06 MAY 2011

Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)

Well, last night those backpackers at the same room came back late at night (or early in the morning) and made noise, I could not sleep very well. Adam had the same problem too.

After having  breakfast, I updated blog in English. Adam was to take Derek  -  one of Canadian KLR trio - to a welding shop, so I was wondering what to do today. Luckily Jimmy and JI - Canadian & Korean couple asked me if I wanted to join them to look around Centro. As they had lunch already, I went for lunch with KLR trio and Ann - a Gernman girl at Kooba Bar. Almuerzo was COP5,500.

Back from lunch, Jimmy, Ji, Laura (another German girl) and I walked to Centro. We went to see a few churches and the Gold museu (Museo de Oro). There weren't much collection in the museum, but it was free admission and very interesting. The design of artifacts were very similar to those of Mexican pre-hispanic artifacts. There should be a connecion between 2 civilizations. 

We walked back to the hostel and I had a nap. THen I went out for dinner with Adam. The BBQed chorizo I had ws pretty good. Then we went out for a drink with KLR trio. Talking about motorcycle and trip were real fun.


Day 285 : 2011年5月5日

Manizales (Hostal Lassio) to Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
30,547kmto 30,814km = 267km






DSCF5071.jpgカリには12時半頃到着しました。流石に大都市なので車が多いです。GPSに従って今日の宿カサ・ブランカ・ホステル(Casa Blanca Hostel)は簡単に見つかりました。早速チェックイン。10人ドミは15,000ペソ。ここでアダムと再会!カルタヘナで別れてから2ヶ月以上ぶりですね。彼は親友の結婚式に出るため一時帰国してたのでまだコロンビアなんです。



DSCF5065.jpgDSCF5066.jpg帰り道に「Eurocasco」という店を発見。外で写真を撮っていたら中に招かれました。オーナーのアシュリー(Ashley)はイギリス人で10年前にBMW R1100GSで北中南米を走破したライダー。「Lonesome Rhodes」という本まで出版してます。ヨーロッパから直輸入でヘルメット、ブーツ、ジャケットなどを仕入れているので他では買えない質の良いモノがかなり手ごろな値段で買えます。ゴアテックスのライダース・シューズが270,000ペソ(150ドルくらい)なので欲しい!これなら普通に靴としてはけるので・・・。





Day 285 : 05 MAY 2011

Manizales (Hostal Lassio) to Cali (Casa Blanca Hostel)
30,547kmto 30,814km = 267km

I had a good sleep last night as I occupied a double bed by myself. I received an e-mail from Mark and Claire that they were leaving Cali to Popayan this morning. But they said Adam - the British rider who I was with on Starhlatte - would be at Casa Blanca Hostel! That's gonna be fun.

Monica made me a cop of coffee and we had a chat while having breakfast. Then I realised it was nearly 8am, so I got ready. The weather seemed to be fine today.

She opened the garage and gave me a little souvenir - a wooden apple toy. She is a very nice lady. It's a shame that I forgot to take a photo with her....

Getting out of Manizales was very easy. Just going abck he same way as I came. But due to road works, lanes were closed and I had to slow down. One the way to Cartago, I saw road works were going on in many places. In few years time, the road condition of Colombia would be improved, I guess.

Around Pereira, the temp raised up. After Cartago, the highway became doule lanes and the speed limit was 90km/h or 100km/h, so I was cruising at 110km/h. WIth this speed, my GS has better fuel consumption.

I arrived Cali around 12:30pm. 4 hours ride from Manizales. There were traffic in the city but I managed to find Casa Blanca Hostel easily, thanks to my GPS.

The rate of dorm room was COP15,000 a night. There was a secure parking in the same block and I could park my GS for free. I offloaded my gears and went up to the room. Then I saw Adam! It's been more than 2 months since we were apart in Cartagena. He went back to UK for his best mate's wedding, that's why he is still in Colombia. 

We went for lunch and talked about how we were since we left Cartagena. It's good to see my friend again. Then I went to a supermarket to buy some drink and food. 

On the way back to the hostel, I saw a shop "Eurocasco" - a motorcycle clothing shop. I was taking photos of the shop and the owner invited me into the shop. His name is Ashley from UK. He did Alaska to Ushuaia motorcycle trip in 2000. He published his book "Lonesome Rhodes". He imports motorcycle apparels from Europe - those brands only sold at his shop. I saw a pair of riding shoes (Goretex) cost COP270,000 (US$150). As I have a pair of riding boots, a piar of thongs  and a piar of Crocks, I want to have walking shoes. If I did not have a pair of nice riding boots, I would buy the shoes... More comfy to walk around with....

Whil I was talking to Ashley, 3 Canadian riders - KLR trios - staying at Casa Blanca came in. We talked about our trips and bikes. 

Back to the hostel, we talked about our trips. They came up from Ushuaia and heading to Central America, so we exchanged information. Mike - the owner of the hostel joined us - and he told us there was a gun shooting 2 months ago at the corner. A hitman killed 3 guys in the restaurant and shot at a motorcylist - the hitman thought he was the bodyguard of those 3 guys - but the motorcyclist escaped from the shot and the bullet went through the parasol of the hostel. We could see 2 holes on the parasol.... What an exciting story....

Then we went out for dinner and a drink. We had a drink at a bar in the shoping mall. Here, there were lots of hot chicks... Mike said, it is called "Silicon Valley".
You know why!!?


Day 284 : 2011年5月4日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin) to Manizales (Hostal Lassio)
30,340km to 30,547km  = 207km







DSCF5057.jpgマニザレスに入る手前で雨がちらほら。しかし濡れるほどではありません。ノアが進めてくれたPitt Stopという宿をGPSに入れているのでそこまで行きます。が、ガレージがありません・・・。仕方が無いのでクラウディアが進めてくれたAqui me quedoという宿に行きました。が、しかし、ガレージを使っていてバイクが入らないとのこと。しかし女将が友達の宿を紹介してくれました。オスタル・ラシオ(Hostal Lassio)です。Manizales Hostelの隣にあります。まだ開業したばかりなので(全部の部屋が使用可能になってません)、個室しかないとのこと。個室は60,000ペソ(33ドル)もします!しかし、ガレージがあるのはココだけのようです。しかし、女将のモニカが特別に30,000ペソに負けてくれました。ありがとう!


早速着替えて昼飯を食べに。メインストリートまでもにかが着いてきてくれました。有名な(?) エル・カブレ塔(Torre del Cable)が見えます。リフトのオブジェも見えます。昼飯はPollo Marioでバンデハ・チチャロンを(7,500ペソ)。ちょっと高いですが美味かったですね。ここでもアレパが付いて来ました。しかし、この間のサンタ・フェでもPollo屋(チキン屋)はマリオという名前だったな。Pollo屋をやる人はマリオが多いのかな?







Day 284 : 04 MAY 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin) to Manizales (Hostal Lassio)
30,340km to 30,547km  = 207km

Finally I left Medellin. I arrived here more than 2 months ago. I went to Mexico and Cuba around 2 weeks each, so I stayed at Hostal Medellin for around 6 weeks total. Wow, that's a long time.

It was clouded but did not look it was gonna rain. A good day to restart my trip. I was up at 6:30am and changed some setup of luggages and had breakfast. Then it was 8am already. 

I said good-bye to Claudia, Noah, Scott and Chinieboys - Kaoru and Junko, and then I took off. Thank you for all, Claudia! I guess I can see Kaoru soon in Cali or Quito. 

It was fairly easy to get out of Medellin, but there was a Y junction without any sign, and I took left. It was wrong.... Anyway, I could get back to the main highway soon.

At a small town of Caldas, I got into the centro. I followed the GPS and got back to the main highway. But on the way there, at a traffic right, a bus was suddenly reversing and almost hit my GS. I reckon it stopped just a few centmeters away from my front tyre. When I passed the bus, the driver did not appologise me, so I gave him a finger.

Now I had to ride all the way to Manizales. Going through those twisties was fun. Looking down the valley, riding in the valley along side of a river, I was enjoying riding. But I was riding with a concern - 2 tyres strapped on the pillion seat. As they are heavy and mounted fairly high, I gatta be more careful at the curves and when slowing down. 

There were several places with landslides but most of them were already cleared. Only 2 places I had to wait for cleaning up, but here wasn't much delay as I expected. I would get to Manizales earlier than I thought. 

At the junction to Manizales, I took a left turn. Then the pavement of the road got worse. I had to slow down on bumpy surface. Everyone esle on the road was slowing down. Colombia is fairly advanced nation, comparing to other latin Americas, but this kind of bits needs to be improved.

It started sprinkling just before Manizales, but not heavy enough to get wet. I went to a hostel "Pitt Stop" where Noah recommended but there was no garage for my GS. Then I went to "Aqui Me Quedo" where Claudia recommended, but the garage was in use... But the lady owner called her friend's hostel with a garage. 

The hostel "Hostal Lassio" was very close to Aqui Me Quedo. The hostel seems like newly opened and there is no dorm room available at the moment (not furnished yet). There was only private rooms available but cost COP60,000 a night. That's too expensive. But the lady owner - Monica - gave me a discount at COP30,000. So I decided to stay here. She said here is only hostel with a garage. She is very friendly , told me what I can do in this city and sorroundings, and made me a cuppa and fruit drink.  

After settled down, I went to have late lunch. The city is famous with El Cable. I don't know the history behind the cable, but the tower of the cable is the landmark of this city. Also there are lots of artistic objects on the street. Many of them are bulls and caws and they are colourful. That reminds me of Margaret River, WA, Australia.

In the early evening, I took a walk. The night view was pretty good.

Tomorrow, if not raining too hard, I will go to Cali. I am thinking to stay at Casa Blanca, where is known for motorcyclists. Mark and Claire may be still there as the road from Popayan to Pasto is still closed. Kaoru may be in Cali tomorrow as well.  


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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