三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Grand Canyon North Rim to South Rim
15,636km to 15,992km = 356km
今日は6時に起きて7時には出発の準備ができました。売店にWiFiがあるのでメールをチェックしてから出発。ノースリムの見所Point ImperialとVista Encantadaなどに行くつもりだったんですが、道が封鎖されてます…。仕方がないのでサウスリムに行くことに。ノースリムからサウスリムまで飛べば16キロ。しかし鳥では無いので、陸路だと345キロの遠回りしなければなりません。
Jacob Lakeでとりあえず給油。オイルをチェックすると窓の半分以下なのでオイルを足すことに。もうオイル交換してから3000キロ以上走ってますからね。
キャメロン(Cameron)で64号線に入りサウスリムへ。途中View Pointとあるので入ってみると、入園料1ドル。View Pointにお金を払うの初めてです。小コロラド川渓谷(Little Colorado River Gorge)だそうです。ナバホの土地にあるので彼らが管理しているようです。なかなか見晴らしが良いですよ。グランドキャニオンに負けてないかも。1ドルは安いな。ここでも露店で色々売ってます。魅力的なのもありますが、荷物になるので買いません。
デザートヴュウ(Desert View)でサウスリムと最初の絶景です。見晴台もあってなかなかいいですね。
Day39: 2010年9月1日
Grand Canyon North Rim to South Rim
15,636km to 15,992km = 356km
I got up at 6am and checked e-mail (General Store has WiFi) and left there at 7:30am.
I was gonna go to Point Imperial and Vista Encantada but the road was closed! I gave up and headed to South Rim. If you can fly, it is 16km to South Rim, but on land it is 345km!
At Jacob Lake I checked the engine oil level. It was below half of the check window, so I topped it up. It's been more than 3,000km since the service at Anderwerks.
I opened the pannier and found oil was leaking. Also water got inside. That's no good. Anyway I wiped off oil and water.
Marble Canyon area is beautiful. There is Navajo Indian Reserve around here, so beside the road I could see lots of stoles selling Native arts.
At Cameron Turing into the route 64. I saw "View Point" sign and I turned in. There was a gate and the entree fee of $1. This is Little Colorado River Gorge, located in Navajo Tribal Park.
The view was great. It is nothing less than Grand Canyon. $1 is a bargain.
Entering South Rim from East Entrance. Desert View is the first stop. Here has a watch tower and the view is so good. I prefer South than North.
Arriving at Grand Canyon Village after so many view points. The campground costs $18 a night. I will stay for 2 nights.
Unfortunately, the rim trail around Visitor Centre is under construction and closed. But still I could enjoy other parts of the rim trail and see lots of magnificent views of the canyon.
Tomorrow I will take shuttle buses to go around the park.
Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park to Grand Canyon North Rim
15,174km to 15,636km = 462km
8時には用意が出来て出発。Sunrise Pointに行きます。もう太陽が登ってしまったせいか、昨日と方が良かったです。それから公園内の見所を回って11時まで堪能しました。ここは良い所ですね。
ここからザイオン国立公園(Zion Nat'l Park)へ。近いので1時半には着きました。ザイオンと聞くとユダヤのパレスチナ移住問題を思い出します。しかもワシはいまベーグル持ってるし。
Day38: 31Aug2010
Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park to Grand Canyon North Rim
15,174km to 15,636km = 462km
I wanted to wake up before the sunrise but it was too cold to get up. I got up at 7am and was ready to go by 8am.
I went to Sunrise Point. As the sun had already gone up, the view was prettier yesterday. Anyway I went through all view points in the park and had great time.
By 11am, I came back to Visitor Centre. Here has free WiFi, so I checked e-mail. Also made a couple of calls. One was to Asiana air, they confirmed my cancellation of the ticket and refunded. Another one was to Kenji, who I met in Yellowstone. He told me I can stay at his place in Las Vegas. But somehow I could not get through to him...
I tried a few times but the same result. Kenji, please e-mail me if you see this!
I went to Zion Nat'l Park. It is very close to Bryce. The entrance fee is again $12. It was very hot and the road is under construction. I gotta stop many times and waited under the sun. I was't enjoying at all. Finally around 2:30pm, I arrived at Visitor Centre. Visitors must take a shuttle bus to those scenic points. I looked around the centre and I found nothing really fascinating in Zion, so I decided to leave. I'm sorry to those who like Zion Nat'l Park but I did not have good time there. May be next time.
As I did not want to go through the same road again, I took the Route 9 to west and took the route 59 to east. I wasted $12 and 2hours and half there.
Now I am in Arizona, 5th State of this trip. I had to wind 1 hour backward. Arrived at North Rim of Grand Canyon around 4:30pm. The entrance fee is $12 and the campground is $18.
Quickly set up the tent and went to Bright Angel Point.
Yes, the view is magnificent! This is Grand Canyon!! Mr. Sheep was also so excited.
Tomorrow I will go around the view points of North Rim, then ride to South Rim, where 356km away from here.
Day37: 2010年8月30日
Salt Lake City to Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park
14,612 to 15,174km = 562km
Redwood RoadにあるBMWディラーに行ったら月曜日は休み…。しかし中に人がいるので聞いてみると、彼らも休みなんだけど特別にメンテしてもらってるとのこと。試しにメカニックに聞いてみると、ハンドルを真っ直ぐにするのくらいならやってくれるとのこと!ラッキー。
待ってる間、他のお客さんと話していたら、ブライズ渓谷国立公園(Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park)良いとの事なのでそれで行くことに。
ブライス渓谷国立公園の入園料は12ドル。North Campgroundでキャンプ。15ドルです。テントを建ててSunset Pointで夕暮れの景色を楽しみます。素晴らしい景色です。これはカナダには無かったなァ。アメリカ、やるな。
明日は公園内を見て回って、出来ればグランドキャニオンのノースリム(North Rim)に行きたいです。
Day37: 30Aug2010
Salt Lake City to Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park
14,612 to 15,174km = 562km
It started raining early in the morning. It stopped around 7am and I got up and went to restroom. When I came out, it was raining hard...
I killed time surfing Net. Oh last night just before I went to sleep, I could connect to the network.
Around 8:30am, the rain got smaller, so I geared up and went to the BMW Dealer on Redwood Road. My tent was still very wet...
Arrived at the dealer, it is closed on Monday! Ouch!
But there were people inside and they were getting their bikes survived. I asked the mechanic if he can aline my handle bar. He said Ok!
While waiting guys told me to take the route 12, if I am going to Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park.
The mechanic tried to fix the alinement by whacking the tire against the wall. But it did not work. He loosen the cramp of the fork and finally it was alined after a few trial. And he did it for free! Thanks!
Now it's 10:30am. The rain stopped and I took off.
First I took the route 15 till Nephi, then the route 89 to Sigurd, then the route 24 to Torrey.
The scenery of the route 12 is awesome! Corner after corner, it presents great views. The windings are also fun to ride through. This is the one of the best road I've ever ridden (in term of scenery)!
Thanks to those guys at the BMW dealer, I really enjoyed riding through the route 12.
The entrance fee for Bryce Canyon Nat'l Park is $12. Tenting at a campground costs $15. I am camping at North Campground.
After setting up the tent, I went to Sunset Point. The view is magnificent! I cannot describe how wonderful the US Nat'l Parks are.
Tomorrow I will go through the park and hopefully get to The North Rim of Grand Canyon.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park to Salt Lake City
13,941km to 14,612km = 671km
今日は晴れ!せっかくなので89号でソルトレイクシティーまで行くことにします。途中にグランドテットン国立公園(Grand Teton Nat'l Park)もありますので、15号で行くよりは楽しいはず。
公園内で時間がかかった分、バシバシ走ります。ワイオミング州からアイダホ州に入り更ユタ州へ。三州を跨ぎます。ベアレイク(Bear Lake)が青くて綺麗でした。写真が撮れなかったのが残念です。
Day36: 29Aug2010
Yellowstone Nat'l Park to Salt Lake City
13,941km to 14,612km = 671km
It was sunny! So I was to take the route 89 to Salt Lake City. There is Grand Teton Nat'l Park on the way, so it's more fun than the route 15.
As it rained last night, I spent long time trying to dry my tent. I could take off after 9am.
As the speed limit in the park is 45mile/h(70km/h), it was after 11am when I left the park. But I enjoyed the scenery I could not see much yesterday.
Just before the exit if the park, a big bull bison was walking in the middle of the road. He just walked pass beside me. Was little scary.
South gate of Yellowstone Nat'l Park is just minutes away from Grand Teton Nat'l Park.
The mountains (Grand Teton Range) are great. They remind me if Canadian Rocky. Also the route has lots of winding, so I highly recommend this route.
Today I rode through Wyoming, Idaho and Utah, 3 States!
Bear Lake lying between Idaho and Utah is so beautiful. I could not take any photo though.
I stopped at McDonald's for WiFi. I checked the location of the BMW dealer in SLC. My handle bar is not aligned, after the drop at Teslin. As the front tire is almost due, so I will change it and also align the handle bar.
Arrived at SLC after 7pm. I found KOA campground. I knew it would be expensive, but I wanted to take shower and do laundry. Also here has free WiFi. It costs $28....
But I could not log on to WiFi! Anyway I took shower and did laundry.
I wonder how far can I go tomorrow. That's depending on if I can get the tire changed soon.
Yellowstone Nat'l Park : Day 2
13,706km to 13,941km = 235km
NorrisからMadisonまでは道が工事中なので結構足止めを喰らいました。 Fountain Paint PotやMidway Geyser Basinなどなかなか見所が満載。雨が降ってましたが楽しめますね。
何だか風邪をひいたみたいです。インフォメーションを見るとOld Faithful Geyserの次の噴射は3時55分とあります。嵐が来たので身動きが取れないので、次と噴射まで待つことに。 時間が来ると雨が止まりました!しかも今回の噴射は前回のよりも大きいです。待ってて良かった。
雨が止んだ所で次を目指します。 しかし出発した途端雨が降り始めました。Yellowstone Lakeは殆ど何も見ずに過ぎ去りました。Mud Volcanoは雨が土砂降りでしたがバイクを降りて見学。なかなか迫力ありますな。あとは、Yellowstone RiverのUpper Fallsを見学してテントに戻ります。 公園内だけを走ったのに235キロも走りました。大体80キロで巡航しているので、燃費がいいです。バイクのコンピュータに、よるとリッター当たり22.7キロでした。
インスタントラーメンの夕飯を食べてイエローナイフで貰っユンケル黄帝液を飲んで寝る準備です。隣りのハーレー乗りのおっちゃんはソルトレイクシティー(Salt Lake City)からなのでどのルートで行けばいいか、BMWのディラーは何処かなど聞いたりしました。 明日はソルトレイクシティーです。
Day35: 2010年8月28日
Yellowstone Nat'l Park : Day 2
13,706km to 13,941km = 235km
This morning it was fine. But it was deceptive.
I went to see Mammoth Hot Springs. Hot Springs formed terraces and they are beautiful. Hot water running down the terraces is quite a view. It got cloudy, so I'd better hurry.
Next attraction was Norris Geyser Basin. Here has blue hot springs, boiling springs, steaming holes and geysers. One if the geysers, Steamboat Geysers, if it erupts, the water reaches 3 times higher than Old Faithful Geysers. But it is unpredictable. The last major erupt was in 2005. I enjoyed walking around the basin. So many of different thermal activities can be seen here.
It started raining. Soon I wore the rain jacket on top. So no worry to get wet. Between Norris and Madison, road works going on. So I was delayed in the rain. Fountain Paint Pot and Midway Geyser Basin were fun even though it was raining.
Arrived at Old Faithful after 1:30pm, I had lunch first. Then walked to Old Faithful Geyser. There were lots of people waiting for an eruption. Looked like it was coming in a minute. And yes, it erupted! At the same time rain poured. After the eruption ceased, I went into Information Centre. I felt little dizzy. Have I caught flu!? Thunder storm came and I stayed there and had a good rest. The next eruption was 3:55pm, so I decided to wait for that. When the time came, the rain stopped. The eruption this time was much bigger than last one. Luckily I waited for this.
Now I headed to Yellowstone Lake. But the rain was pourimg again, so could not see much. I made quick stops at Mud Volcano ans Upper Falls, then went b
back to the cam site. Spoke with the Herley guys from Salt Lake City and they told me to take the route 89, going throgh Grand Teton Nat'l Park to SLC.
As I wasn't feeling so well, I went to sleep early.