三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 786: 2012年9月21日
Munich to Bornheim - Germany (Das Haus von Friedel)
83,417km to 83,981km = 564km
さて、今日は忙しい!! 朝7時に起きて、8時前には宿を出ます。何故かというとエスペランサを預けているイナが10時には出かけてしまうので、それまでに出発の準備を整えないといけないのです。
I was busy from the morning. I got up at 7am and left the hostel before 8am. I had to get ready to leave Ina'S place by 10am, but I had to do lots to make Esperanza ready.
I got to Ina's place just after 8:30am. I got changed to riding gears, connected the battery of Esperanza, putting luggages on Esperanza etc. Many stuffs needed to be rearranged, so it took a long time.
I had to put the newly bought backpack and those stuffs I was going to bring back to Japan as well. It took a while to put them all on Esperanza. Finally I was ready after 9:30am.
Thanks, Ina. I will see you in the spring.
Where was heading? It was Bornheim, 180km northwest of Frankfurt. From Munich, according to the GPS, it would be more than 560km away. I was supposed to be heading south down to Turkey next spring, but I was ridning to northern Germany... This sounds really strange, but I could leave Esperanza with Friedel with a confidence.
I rode all the way on Autobahn, so nothing was interesting. One thing I noticed was that the fuel consumption got better probably due to the new rear wheel bearing (23.3km/ltr).
The backpack was sticking out to my back, so I had to sit on the front of the seat. So my bum started hurt soon. I had to make a stop to rearrange the backpack.

Then I could ride more comfortablly.

のジーラが出迎えてくれました!! 2ヶ月ぶりですね。
I got to Friedel's place around 6:30pm. Fridel was in Hanover, so he was going to be back in he evening.
Friedel came back before 10pm. We went for a walk with Sira. We talked many things while walking.
Tomorrow we will have breakfast at Fridel's mum's. Then I will prepare for Esperanza'S hibernation.
これで一安心!? さて、明日はのんびりフレッドとジーラの散歩でもして過ごしますか、ね。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munich to Bornheim - Germany (Das Haus von Friedel)
83,417km to 83,981km = 564km
さて、今日は忙しい!! 朝7時に起きて、8時前には宿を出ます。何故かというとエスペランサを預けているイナが10時には出かけてしまうので、それまでに出発の準備を整えないといけないのです。
I was busy from the morning. I got up at 7am and left the hostel before 8am. I had to get ready to leave Ina'S place by 10am, but I had to do lots to make Esperanza ready.
I got to Ina's place just after 8:30am. I got changed to riding gears, connected the battery of Esperanza, putting luggages on Esperanza etc. Many stuffs needed to be rearranged, so it took a long time.
I had to put the newly bought backpack and those stuffs I was going to bring back to Japan as well. It took a while to put them all on Esperanza. Finally I was ready after 9:30am.
Thanks, Ina. I will see you in the spring.
Where was heading? It was Bornheim, 180km northwest of Frankfurt. From Munich, according to the GPS, it would be more than 560km away. I was supposed to be heading south down to Turkey next spring, but I was ridning to northern Germany... This sounds really strange, but I could leave Esperanza with Friedel with a confidence.
I rode all the way on Autobahn, so nothing was interesting. One thing I noticed was that the fuel consumption got better probably due to the new rear wheel bearing (23.3km/ltr).
The backpack was sticking out to my back, so I had to sit on the front of the seat. So my bum started hurt soon. I had to make a stop to rearrange the backpack.
Then I could ride more comfortablly.
のジーラが出迎えてくれました!! 2ヶ月ぶりですね。
I got to Friedel's place around 6:30pm. Fridel was in Hanover, so he was going to be back in he evening.
Friedel came back before 10pm. We went for a walk with Sira. We talked many things while walking.
Tomorrow we will have breakfast at Fridel's mum's. Then I will prepare for Esperanza'S hibernation.
これで一安心!? さて、明日はのんびりフレッドとジーラの散歩でもして過ごしますか、ね。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 786: 2012年9月20日
Frankfurt to Munich - Germany (Meininger Hostel)
Last evening, it was really intense.
I could make a reservation of a bus to Munich (30 Euros). I should get to Munich by 5pm this afternoon. So all I had to do was spending a night at Ina's place and leaving to Friedel's place next day, that was waht I thought.
The bus was due at 11:30am, so I was spending time at the lounge surfing on Internet. Then I received a message from Ina, saying she would be not home till midnight!!
Oh no!!!
That shocked me a lot as Munich should be really busy by now with tonsof toursits coming for Oktoberfest starting this weekend. The most of hostels would be full....
It was already after 10am, so I had to be hurry to find a hostel and make a booking.
幸いなことに「Memininger Hostel」でドミに空きがある。1泊28ユーロと少々高いですが、まぁ、背に腹は代えられません。早速予約。
Luckily, I could secure a bed at "Memininger Hostel" near Munich Central Bus Terminal. It cost 28 Euros, little expensive, but I need a bed to sleep on tonight.
Another good luck I got this morning. Frankfurt Hostel refunded me of the fee for tonight. Last evening, I asked a guy at the reception but he told me the cancellation was too late, so I would not get a refund. But this morning, a gil at the reception said, "no problem, I will make a refund to your credit card." How nice.
で、バスに乗ってミュンヘンまで5時間半。暇なのでBBCの「Wonders of the Universe」を鑑賞。以前にも見ましたが、これは本当に面白い番組です。「私たちの身体を構成している原子は、過去には星の一部だった」って信じられます?
Then, hopped on the bus to Munich. It would take 5hours andhalf to Munich. I was watching theBBC programme "WOnders of the Universe". I had seen the prgramme once, but it was still educational and interesting. Can you believe that al elements constructing our bodies were once parts of stars?
The bus arrived Munich on time. The hostel was just 5mins walk away from the terminal. Well, the hostel is the one Ogawa was staying a few days ago.
After I checked-in, I had a litle rest and I was writing this blog.
I went to a supermarket and cooked dinner. There was broccolis on a free shelf, so I boiled them. Having fresh vegies is really good!!
Well, I hope I can pick up Esperanza and ride to Friedel's place safely!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Frankfurt to Munich - Germany (Meininger Hostel)
Last evening, it was really intense.
I could make a reservation of a bus to Munich (30 Euros). I should get to Munich by 5pm this afternoon. So all I had to do was spending a night at Ina's place and leaving to Friedel's place next day, that was waht I thought.
The bus was due at 11:30am, so I was spending time at the lounge surfing on Internet. Then I received a message from Ina, saying she would be not home till midnight!!
Oh no!!!
That shocked me a lot as Munich should be really busy by now with tonsof toursits coming for Oktoberfest starting this weekend. The most of hostels would be full....
It was already after 10am, so I had to be hurry to find a hostel and make a booking.
幸いなことに「Memininger Hostel」でドミに空きがある。1泊28ユーロと少々高いですが、まぁ、背に腹は代えられません。早速予約。
Luckily, I could secure a bed at "Memininger Hostel" near Munich Central Bus Terminal. It cost 28 Euros, little expensive, but I need a bed to sleep on tonight.
Another good luck I got this morning. Frankfurt Hostel refunded me of the fee for tonight. Last evening, I asked a guy at the reception but he told me the cancellation was too late, so I would not get a refund. But this morning, a gil at the reception said, "no problem, I will make a refund to your credit card." How nice.
で、バスに乗ってミュンヘンまで5時間半。暇なのでBBCの「Wonders of the Universe」を鑑賞。以前にも見ましたが、これは本当に面白い番組です。「私たちの身体を構成している原子は、過去には星の一部だった」って信じられます?
Then, hopped on the bus to Munich. It would take 5hours andhalf to Munich. I was watching theBBC programme "WOnders of the Universe". I had seen the prgramme once, but it was still educational and interesting. Can you believe that al elements constructing our bodies were once parts of stars?
The bus arrived Munich on time. The hostel was just 5mins walk away from the terminal. Well, the hostel is the one Ogawa was staying a few days ago.
After I checked-in, I had a litle rest and I was writing this blog.
I went to a supermarket and cooked dinner. There was broccolis on a free shelf, so I boiled them. Having fresh vegies is really good!!
Well, I hope I can pick up Esperanza and ride to Friedel's place safely!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 785: 2012年9月19日
Munchen to Frankfurt - Germany (Frankfurt Hostel)
I went to Darmstadt to see if a miracle would occur or not. I took a train to Darmstadt.

"A miracle?" You may wonder. Well, the miracle I would like to see is "4th encounter with Rosana". Yes, Rosana, the girl I met n Santiago, then saw again in Pucon, Chile, and then saw the 3rd time in EL Calafate, Argentina. The episode of the 3rd encounter is here.
It is quite common to see people again who we met on the trip, but a 3rd encounter would be really rear. Especially when ones do not have any contact of each other. Rosana and I did not exchange our contacts...
Also I had a feeling that I would see her again inEl Calafate (I did not know if she would go there). After I came back from Ushuaia - Tierra del Fuego, Fin del Mundo - I stayed at "Fuji Ryokan" in El Caafate with my best friend Yutaka for 20days. I told him that "I have afeeling that I will see Rosana here."
Then it came true! The day when I left El Calafate, I rode towards the edge of the town, I saw Rosana hitchhiking! So a miracle had occurred already. Well, you could say that.

Actualy,I came to Darmstadt in May with Katrin. But I did not think about Rosana at that time. But then while I was in France, Stephan - I met him in Cuenca, Ecuador - sent me a facebook message hat he was living in Sarmstadt, so if I would be nearby, I could come to visit him.
That made me realise a thinng. Rosana once told me she was from somewher near Frankfurt. She mentioned thename of her hmetown, but as I was not familiar with the geography of Germany, I did not know the town and I did not remember the name...
Well, only I know where about she would be is just that. But Ibeieve in"fate"!
The train got closer and closer to Darmstadt as Ispeak.

I got off the train atDarmstadt.

Al I could do was wondering around.
I went to te town centre.

I visited Mathildenhohe. Well, here is the touristic place. So no local would come...

I was so sleepy... I had anap on a bench.
As I had no clue where she would be, so I could not really "find" or "look for" her. I just walked around the town.
I walked around for more than 2 hours.
Then if the miracle occurred?
No, it did not.
Well, at least I tried. I am sure that I will seeher again somewhere in the world!
You may think I am stupid, but I reckon it is important to be serious about this kindof things.
I walked back to the main station and caught a train back to Frankfurt.
After a short rest, I walked to the centre of Franffurt.
The old town of Frankfurt

River Main. Well there aren't much to see in Frankfurt.

The hostel provided us free pasta again this evening. Here I met Kana - a Japanese girl travelling around Europe for 3 months. SHe will move on to other town tomorrow. So, what wouldI do tomorrow?
I was thinking what to do tomorrow, and
unexpected happened!!!
エスペランサを保管してもらっているイナのガレージが実は先約があったことが今日夜になって発覚!!! 急遽明日ミュンヘンに戻ることに。
Ina @ Munich told me that she forgot about her friend is going to use the garage where I store Esperanza. Her friend pre-booked the spot before me, and she has to let him use the garage... So I will return to Munich tomorrow.
Luckily I could contact Friedel near Cologne and he let me store Esperanza in his garage. Thank you, Friedel!!
So, now plan has changed. I will ride to Cologne friday. I am kinda happy as I can ride her again!!
奇跡は起きませんでした。しかも、急激な展開!! これには流石の三郎も焦ります。まぁ、なんとかなるでしょう!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munchen to Frankfurt - Germany (Frankfurt Hostel)
I went to Darmstadt to see if a miracle would occur or not. I took a train to Darmstadt.
"A miracle?" You may wonder. Well, the miracle I would like to see is "4th encounter with Rosana". Yes, Rosana, the girl I met n Santiago, then saw again in Pucon, Chile, and then saw the 3rd time in EL Calafate, Argentina. The episode of the 3rd encounter is here.
It is quite common to see people again who we met on the trip, but a 3rd encounter would be really rear. Especially when ones do not have any contact of each other. Rosana and I did not exchange our contacts...
Also I had a feeling that I would see her again inEl Calafate (I did not know if she would go there). After I came back from Ushuaia - Tierra del Fuego, Fin del Mundo - I stayed at "Fuji Ryokan" in El Caafate with my best friend Yutaka for 20days. I told him that "I have afeeling that I will see Rosana here."
Then it came true! The day when I left El Calafate, I rode towards the edge of the town, I saw Rosana hitchhiking! So a miracle had occurred already. Well, you could say that.
Actualy,I came to Darmstadt in May with Katrin. But I did not think about Rosana at that time. But then while I was in France, Stephan - I met him in Cuenca, Ecuador - sent me a facebook message hat he was living in Sarmstadt, so if I would be nearby, I could come to visit him.
That made me realise a thinng. Rosana once told me she was from somewher near Frankfurt. She mentioned thename of her hmetown, but as I was not familiar with the geography of Germany, I did not know the town and I did not remember the name...
Well, only I know where about she would be is just that. But Ibeieve in"fate"!
The train got closer and closer to Darmstadt as Ispeak.
I got off the train atDarmstadt.
Al I could do was wondering around.
I went to te town centre.
I visited Mathildenhohe. Well, here is the touristic place. So no local would come...
I was so sleepy... I had anap on a bench.
As I had no clue where she would be, so I could not really "find" or "look for" her. I just walked around the town.
I walked around for more than 2 hours.
Then if the miracle occurred?
No, it did not.
Well, at least I tried. I am sure that I will seeher again somewhere in the world!
You may think I am stupid, but I reckon it is important to be serious about this kindof things.
I walked back to the main station and caught a train back to Frankfurt.
After a short rest, I walked to the centre of Franffurt.
The old town of Frankfurt
River Main. Well there aren't much to see in Frankfurt.
The hostel provided us free pasta again this evening. Here I met Kana - a Japanese girl travelling around Europe for 3 months. SHe will move on to other town tomorrow. So, what wouldI do tomorrow?
I was thinking what to do tomorrow, and
unexpected happened!!!
エスペランサを保管してもらっているイナのガレージが実は先約があったことが今日夜になって発覚!!! 急遽明日ミュンヘンに戻ることに。
Ina @ Munich told me that she forgot about her friend is going to use the garage where I store Esperanza. Her friend pre-booked the spot before me, and she has to let him use the garage... So I will return to Munich tomorrow.
Luckily I could contact Friedel near Cologne and he let me store Esperanza in his garage. Thank you, Friedel!!
So, now plan has changed. I will ride to Cologne friday. I am kinda happy as I can ride her again!!
奇跡は起きませんでした。しかも、急激な展開!! これには流石の三郎も焦ります。まぁ、なんとかなるでしょう!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 784: 2012年9月18日
Munchen to Frankfurt - Germany (Frankfurt Hostel)
Yes, it's my first dayas a backpacker. My bus to Frankfurt was to leave at 10am from Central Bus Terminal, so I left home around 9am.
How could I thank to Ina fir her great hospitality and friendship. Thank you, Ina.
I was waiting for a bus at the terminal, but the bus did ot turn up... All passengers waiting for the bus.

The bus came just at 10am. The driver was pretty friendl and the bus was new and clean! For 9 Euros, what more could I ask!?
THe bus was scheduled o get Frankfurt around 4pm, so t would have been 6 hours ride. In order to kill my time on the bus, I watched a movie "Kamome Shokudo (a Japaese movie filmed in Helsinki). The ovie showedthose places I visited in Helsinki, and the story itself was prety interesting. The photo shown below is "Kamome Shokudo (Seagull Tavern)" in Helsinki.

The bs made a lunch break stop at Stuttgart, then went straight to Frankfurt. But there were many sections under construction and it took longer than it was scheduled. We got there after 4:30pm.
And it was raining... Luckily the hostel I booked was very close to the central station where the bus terminated. So I did not get wet too much.
As it was raining, I was surfing on the web. Then the rain cleared. I went out for a short walk around the hostel.
The hostel.

Central Station of Frankfurt.

There are more mordern buildings could be seen in Fankfurt than Munich. I prefer Munich so far.

There were some erotic shops, places around the area...

At the hosel, Pasta was provided for free from 8pm. So I went to the dining where I met Wakako and Junpei. After dinner, we went out for a drink, and we talked a lot about future of Japan. Junpei was very critical and we could have good conversations!
As such, I had a good first day as a backpacker!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munchen to Frankfurt - Germany (Frankfurt Hostel)
Yes, it's my first dayas a backpacker. My bus to Frankfurt was to leave at 10am from Central Bus Terminal, so I left home around 9am.
How could I thank to Ina fir her great hospitality and friendship. Thank you, Ina.
I was waiting for a bus at the terminal, but the bus did ot turn up... All passengers waiting for the bus.
The bus came just at 10am. The driver was pretty friendl and the bus was new and clean! For 9 Euros, what more could I ask!?
THe bus was scheduled o get Frankfurt around 4pm, so t would have been 6 hours ride. In order to kill my time on the bus, I watched a movie "Kamome Shokudo (a Japaese movie filmed in Helsinki). The ovie showedthose places I visited in Helsinki, and the story itself was prety interesting. The photo shown below is "Kamome Shokudo (Seagull Tavern)" in Helsinki.
The bs made a lunch break stop at Stuttgart, then went straight to Frankfurt. But there were many sections under construction and it took longer than it was scheduled. We got there after 4:30pm.
And it was raining... Luckily the hostel I booked was very close to the central station where the bus terminated. So I did not get wet too much.
As it was raining, I was surfing on the web. Then the rain cleared. I went out for a short walk around the hostel.
The hostel.
Central Station of Frankfurt.
There are more mordern buildings could be seen in Fankfurt than Munich. I prefer Munich so far.
There were some erotic shops, places around the area...
At the hosel, Pasta was provided for free from 8pm. So I went to the dining where I met Wakako and Junpei. After dinner, we went out for a drink, and we talked a lot about future of Japan. Junpei was very critical and we could have good conversations!
As such, I had a good first day as a backpacker!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 783: 2012年9月17日
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
As Esperanza is in her hibernation now, I will be a backpacker!
Yes, like this.

However, I don't have an essential item to be a backpacker...
That is a...

なので、マルクスに教えてもらった「SportFundGrube」に買いに行きました。ローゼンハイマー・プラッツ(Rosenheimer platz)駅の駅ビルにあります。
So I went to"SportFundGrube" where Markus told me. It's in the station building of Rosenheimer Platz.
Here those items not sold in other shops, or items from closed shops are sold with the discounted prices. I don't really care about the style, so it's all good for me.
The ranges of backpacks availale are not much there. But it was beter for me to have less choices as I did not need to wonder too much.
I had 3 choices. 45L, 35L and 30L bacpacks available. I wanted to have something not to big, so the 30L backpack caught my attention. It has airflow system at the back, so it would be more comfortale to carry and walk around.
But 1 problem I mighthave with this backpack... if my laptop can be fitted in...
Then my choice will be the 35L one. The 30L one was available only in red and it stands out to much.But the 35L was available in Red, Blue and Brown.
背負い心地は30リッターのほうがいいのですが、これも悪くない。TatonkaのOutback 35というモデル。OutbacKというネーミングがイイ。オーストラリアを思い出させてくれますね。
The 30L was better in comfort but the 35L was not that bad. It's "Tatonka Outback 35". I like the naming Outback". It reminds me of Australia!
なのでこれを購入!! 99ユーロの商品が80ユーロ。
So I bought a brown one! Usually it cost 99 Euros, but it was 80 Euros.

早速背負って、その足でオクトーバーフェストの会場である(今週末から始まります)、Theresien wieseに行って見ました。
I carried it on my back and went to Theresien wiese, where Oktoberfest will be held (it will start from this weekend).
But, I left my SD card at home...
They were putting up those amusement park rides such as ferris wheel.
Back home, I started to pack up. I don't have much to take to Frankfurt, but I have to take quite a few things to Turkey and Egypt. I will go to Frankfurt for 5-6days, then back to Munich, and going to Vienna to fly to Istanbul.
Then a day has gone...
I will catch a morning bus to Frankfurt tomorrow. I am looking forward meeting great people there!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
As Esperanza is in her hibernation now, I will be a backpacker!
Yes, like this.
However, I don't have an essential item to be a backpacker...
That is a...
なので、マルクスに教えてもらった「SportFundGrube」に買いに行きました。ローゼンハイマー・プラッツ(Rosenheimer platz)駅の駅ビルにあります。
So I went to"SportFundGrube" where Markus told me. It's in the station building of Rosenheimer Platz.
Here those items not sold in other shops, or items from closed shops are sold with the discounted prices. I don't really care about the style, so it's all good for me.
The ranges of backpacks availale are not much there. But it was beter for me to have less choices as I did not need to wonder too much.
I had 3 choices. 45L, 35L and 30L bacpacks available. I wanted to have something not to big, so the 30L backpack caught my attention. It has airflow system at the back, so it would be more comfortale to carry and walk around.
But 1 problem I mighthave with this backpack... if my laptop can be fitted in...
Then my choice will be the 35L one. The 30L one was available only in red and it stands out to much.But the 35L was available in Red, Blue and Brown.
背負い心地は30リッターのほうがいいのですが、これも悪くない。TatonkaのOutback 35というモデル。OutbacKというネーミングがイイ。オーストラリアを思い出させてくれますね。
The 30L was better in comfort but the 35L was not that bad. It's "Tatonka Outback 35". I like the naming Outback". It reminds me of Australia!
なのでこれを購入!! 99ユーロの商品が80ユーロ。
So I bought a brown one! Usually it cost 99 Euros, but it was 80 Euros.
早速背負って、その足でオクトーバーフェストの会場である(今週末から始まります)、Theresien wieseに行って見ました。
I carried it on my back and went to Theresien wiese, where Oktoberfest will be held (it will start from this weekend).
But, I left my SD card at home...
They were putting up those amusement park rides such as ferris wheel.
Back home, I started to pack up. I don't have much to take to Frankfurt, but I have to take quite a few things to Turkey and Egypt. I will go to Frankfurt for 5-6days, then back to Munich, and going to Vienna to fly to Istanbul.
Then a day has gone...
I will catch a morning bus to Frankfurt tomorrow. I am looking forward meeting great people there!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************