
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 693: 2012年6月20日

Algeciras - Spain to Tanger - Morocco (Dar Bargach)
67,978km to 68,078km = 100km (22km in Spain side / 78km in Morocco side)

今日は7時半に起きるはずが、目が覚めたら8時半!! 目覚ましをかけたんですけど、気が付かないほどに爆睡。まぁ、フェリーは10時半の出発なので10時までに船着場に着けばいいので、慌てず騒がず準備をします。

I woke up at 8:30am. I set the alarm at 7:30am but I did not even realised it went off. I guess I was really tired. My ferry was leaving at 10:30am, so I still had time to get ready, no rush.

9時半過ぎに宿を出て10時前にフェリー乗り場に到着。フェリーに乗るのはウルグアイからアルゼンチンまでラ・プラタ川を越えて以来ですね。他にスペインナンバーのBMW R1200GS Adventureが3台いました。待っている間彼らと会話。

I left the hotel after 9:30am and got to the jetty before 10am. It's been since Urguay - Argentina La Plata river crossing to go on a ferry. There were 3 BMW R1200GS Adventure with Spanish registration.

フェリーに乗り込み、珈琲をおごってもらい、座席でくつろぎます。10時半過ぎに出航! 「いざアフリカ!」ですね。

After we got on the ferry, they treated me a cuppa! Nice. We sat on the seats and relaxed. The ferry left the harbour at 10:30am! Heading to Africa!! I was very excited.


Saying a good-bye to Europe. I will be back soon.


The view of Gibrartar.

30分くらいでアフリカ側が見えてきました。外に出て写真を撮ろうとしたら、ホルへ・ファンにもらった「Parque Extremo」の帽子が風で海に飛んでいってしまいました・・・。とても悲しいです。

30mins later or so, I saw the landscape of Africa! I went outside and took a photo, but my "Parque Extremo" cap given by Jorge Juan Eljuri was blown off by a strong wind!! I was really upset that I lost it...


We arrived Africa!! My first step on African Continent!!


I said a good-bye to Spanish riders and rode into the city of Ceuta. A view of Ceuta on the way to a border to Morocco.


Just before the border, there was a money exchange guy and I asked the rate. It was 1 Euro = 10.80MDH. Not bad. So I exchanged 70 Euros. I asked him if I could join an insurance for motorcycle. But he said there was no agency at the boder and I needed to go back to the city! So I went back to the city.

観光案内所で国際保険証「カルタ・ヴェルデ(Carta Verde)」を購入できる保険屋の場所を訪ねていってみると・・・。

I went to Tourist Information Office and asked where I could get "Carta Verde = Green Card". The staffs were really nice and told me how to get there very clearly.

なんと、スペイン・ナンバーの車両しか出来ないとのこと。うーーーーん!!! 「他に保険屋は無いのかな?」と訊くと親切に教えてくれました。しかし「そっちでも出来るか出来ないかはわからないよ。」とのこと。うーん、もし保険加入できなかったらスペイン本土に帰るしかないので「Hello Good-bye Africa」になるかも、とかなり意気消沈。

I found the agency very easily, but I was told that they can only insure Spanish registered vehicles!! I asked if there was any other, but the staff was not sure if anyone can cover a foreign vehicle here in Ceuta.But anyway, he told me another insurance agency where I might be able to get one. If I could not join a motor insurance, I might have to go back to the mainland Spain... I did not want to end up saying "Hello, Good-bye Africa".


But, there I was told to go to the border... So I went back to the border.


Exiting out Spain was really easy. In fact, I needed to tell an immigration officer to give me an exit stamp on my passport. Otherwise, I could ride through without stopping.


Once I entered Morocco side of the border, soon so called "Guide" came up to me and started to bother me. Immigration and temporary importing processes were fairy easy in Morocco side too. But the "Guide" asked for a tip... Well he told me what to write on the tourist card and the vehicle import document, so I gave him a 5 MDH coin (60US cents). He was not really happy though. 

モロッコに入国!! 30カ国目ですね。入国して直ぐに両替商があったので、今度は98米ドルをディルハムに換金。そして保険屋はその隣に有りました。5日、10日、1ヵ月とそれ以上のプランがあるそうです。5日だけにしましたが、なんと480ディルハム(56米ドル)!! これは高い。でも、仕方ないですね。

Now officeially I entered Morocco! The 30th country on this trip. Just after the border, I found a decent money exchange house, and they accepted US Dollars, so I exchanged US$98 to 840MDHs. I asked where I could buy a moto insurance and it was next door! There were plans of 5days, 10days, monthly and so on. I chose 5 days plan. But it cost 480MDHs (US$56)!! Very very expensive, but I had to join anyway...


I rode along side of the coast. The view was beautiful, but the road condition was not really good.

タンジェ・メド(Tanger Med)から今度は多少内陸に入り、タンジェまで有料道路になります。まぁ、11ディルハムなので1.5米ドルもしないんですけどね。

After Tanger Med (the new port), the road lead to the inland and it became a motorway. The toll was 11MDHs (US$1.50).


I got to Tangier around 2pm Moroccan time (1 hour behind Spanish time). But I could not find the hostel I booked easily. My GPS for Morocco was not routable, so I tried to get there with the way point only. I was so close to the point, but in the old town "Medina", the streets were like Labyrinth. So I hired a taxi to lead me the way. But even taxi was not sure where it was... Then around Kaspa, a man called Abdul came up and said "let me handle it!!"

まぁ、なんだかんだで宿まで辿り着けましたが、宿の人には煙たがれてました。宿には駐車場は無いのですが、近くの「Hotel Continental」の駐車場に4ユーロで停めさせてくれるそうです。そこまで行き、セキュリティーの人に言って中に入れさせてもらいました。アブドゥルはセキュリティーの人に追っ払われてます。

In the end, I could get to the hostel, but a lady at the hostel did not really like Abdul to be around. The hostel did not have a parking space, but they have arrangements with "Hotel Ontinental" nearby and with 4 Euros a day, I could park Esperanza there. The security of the hotel sent Abdul away from the property of the hotel. 

外に出たら、アブドゥルが待っていて、吹っかけて来ます。250ディルハムと!! 50ディルハム(6米ドルくらい)で納得するか、と思いましたが、なかなか諦めません。「あのね、貴方が日本に来て困ってたとして、ワシがその場に居合わせたら、ちゃんと案内してお金は請求しないよ。なんで、お金取るの?親切心からじゃないの??」と。最終的には100ディルハムまで下げて来ましたが、こちらも譲りません。そしてら、「バイクを盗む」って言い出しました。うーん、それは脅しだな。

But the guide was waiting ouside and asked for his guide fee. He said 250MDHs, but I offered 50MDHs for my gratitude. He insisted, but so I did. I told him that if I found a traveller in Japan looking for a place, I would help the traveller without any money. "Didn't you do it from your kindness?" I said. Anyway, he lowered the price to 100MDHs, but I said if he did not want to take 50, that's fine with me. Then he said "I have a family to support and if you do not pay 100MDHs, I have to steal your bike!" He was threatening me now.


I was not sure what kind of connection he had in Medina (he seemed to be well-known in the area. Many people greeted him). Esperanza was in a carpark of a decent hotel and the security gard - Saiid - was a good man, but I would not know who would be taking the nightshift. 


I was very reluctant to pay but with this much if Esperanza would be damaged or stolen, it would not be a good idea. So I gave him 100MDHs... I was so upset as this would not benefit any other future traveller.


ANyway, I checked in to the hostel "Dar Bargach". As it was a really hot day, I took a shower fast. I was net surfing till it got cooler, then I went out to Medina.

なかなかイイ感じでしょ。左に見える白い建物が「Hotel Continental」です。そうそうトモちゃんはここに宿泊予定でしたね。

The view was not bad at all. The white building is "Hotel Continental" where I parked Esperanza. Oh Tomo whom I met at Funky Granada would be staying here tonight.


This "chaoic" atmosphere made me feel I was in Morocco!


This is Gran Mosque. But it was not really "Gran".


In Medina, while I was walking, many guys came to talk to me and wanted to "guide" me. That's why many tourists saying "Moroccans are bothering". They are not telling us the ways from their kindness, rather they just want to make money. Once I got rid of one, another came to me soon. So I got tired wwalking. I could not even ask for a diretion as once I asked, they would follow me all the way.

7時ごろになったので、トモちゃんが着てないかとHotel Continentalを訪ねます。セキュリティーの青年サイードに挨拶し(彼はすごく親切です)、レセプションに訊くと、「まだ到着してないよ。」、と。レセプションのソファーで待たせてもらうことに。

Around 7pm, I wne to Hotel COntinental if Tomo was there. I greeted Saiid and went into the hotel. But she was not there yet. Hummm, she should have arrived Tangier with the 5pm ferry.


I waited for 15mins or so and she showed up. She was lost in Medina too!!


WHile she was checking in, there was a group of Argentinians and they saw me in the beret in Che style. They really liked me in the style and asked me how I was traveling. Once they knew I rode trhough Ruta 40 to Ushuaia, they were very pleased!!


Then with Tomo, I went to Medina again.


A slice of bean cake (?) cost 1MDH. It was cheap and tasty!


A view of Mosque from a plaza.



The local marcket. The atmosphere and those goods sold were so similar to those markets in Bolivia.


The scenery of the streets was also like one in  Bolivia too.


We had a typical Moroccan meal for dinner. Moroccan cuisin is spicy and I like it!


We wnet back to each accomodation around 10pm. After 10:30pm, I heard "Adhaan" calling for the prayers.We will explore Medina even further tomorrow. I kinda like Morocco.


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Day 692: 2012年6月19日

Granada to Algeciras (Hotel Maria Luisa)
67,706km to 67,978km = 272km

English version will be updated later.


Last evening, while I was writing a diary, I met Akane. She was studying in UK and going to be a teacher in Japan. We were talking till late. Ryo, Jeff and Serina went out to a bar late in the evenng, but as I was gonna leave next day (which is today), I went to sleep.


WHen I woke up this morning, my mind was set "I want to step on the African soil and I want to ride Esperanza on African Continent!", so I decided to go to Morocco.


I left the hostel around 1-0:30am after saying good-bye to my friends. To Ageciras, it would take 3 hours and half. Till Malaga, I rode through in land, along the mountains. Around Malaga, I started to see Mediterrerian sea and it got hotter and hotter.


I made a stop at a supermerket some 40km away from Algeciras. I bought a baguet and had a chorizo I bought yesterday for lunch. I add some engine oil to Esperanza as the level was little low.

アルへシラスには3時過ぎに到着。目星を付けておいたホテルは駐車場は無く、近くに無料駐車場がある、とサイトに書いてありましたが、フェリー船着場の駐輪場のことで、安全面が懸念されたので却下。キャンプ場もこの街には無いそうなので、他に宿を当たります。しかしなかなか駐車場を完備した宿は見つかりません。観光案内所は閉鎖してますし、看板を頼りに何軒かホテルを回ります。なかなか見つからず、もう一軒回って駄目だったら近隣の街タリファ(Tarifa)に行ってしまおう思ってましたが、なんとレセプションの目の前に駐車させてくれると。料金も個室30ユーロなので少々高いですが許容範囲なので、ここにしました。Hotel Maria Luisaです。ちょっと街中から離れているんですがね。

I arrived Algeciras just after 3pm. The hotel I checked on a website did not have any parking space. But on the web site, there was a free public parking nearby. I asked at the reception and it turned out to be the motorcycle parking spots at the ferry jetty... It did not look very safe to park Esperanza, so I went look for other accomodation. There was no campsite around Algeciras. The tourist info office was closed down... So I went several hotels / hostels according those signes on the roads. But none had garage / parking space. I thought if next one would not be good, I would go to Tarifa. But next one I visited "Hotel Maria Luisa" was good. It cost 30 Euros (prvate room ensuite, inclduing breakfast) and the owber let me park Esperanza right in front of the front door. So he could keep eyes on Esperanza. It was a little expensive and a little far from the centre of the city, but it was still within m budget, so I decided to stay there.


The owner wasreally kind and wrote down lots of information on a map, like where I could buy a ferry ticket, where a festival would be on, and so on.


Just before I was out to the centre, I checked mails and Facebook, and I found out Tomo arrived Algeciras as well. So I went to visit her at a hostel in downtown.


On the way to downtown, I could see the mountain at the other side of the bay. It must be Gibrartar.


With Tomo, we went to buy ferry tickets. I bought the ticket for 10:30am ferry to Ceuta - Spanish territory in Africa, then I would ride to Tanger, Morocco. She would take a free bus to Tarifa, then she will catch a ferry to Tanger directly tomorrow afternoon.


So now, our schedules were settled, then we walked to a plaza where the festival was held. The view of old town of Alhgeciras.


The plaza was located in the residencial area of the city, and it was 20-30mins walk from downtown. For a small city like Algeciras, the fesitval looked really huge! SOme ladies and girls were in Framenco costumes!!


There were bars/pubs/clubs (?) setup on the site and with round music, everyone was dancing! It's the party time!!


There were nice looking chics too!!


I could not believe that this country had 24% unemployment rate (especially 50% for under 25-year-old). It's good to see people having fun!!


Tomo and I went to a supermarket and bought parma hams, blue cheese, breads and desserts and we had picnic seeing the festival.


So tomorrow, for the first time I will step on African soil. Hopefully I can cross the border to Morocco without any issue.


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Day 691: 2012年6月18日

Granada (Funky Granada)



なのでマラガ - メリーヤは止めてアルへシラス(Algeciras)からアフリカ側のセウタ(Ceuta)に渡る方向で考えてます。とりあえず明日アルへシラスまで行って、色々状況を見てから決めたいと思います。


We cooked pasta for lunch. While cooking we met a Japanese girl Tomo, so we invited her to have lunch with us. We made 2 kinds of pasta, and we ate too much!




Jeff was in chrge of cooking meats. We cook the meats with charcoal.


The meat is ready now!


Let's eat!!


I like this kind of things in hostels.


I will ride to Algeciras. It would be around 270km, so it would be an easy one.


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Day 690: 2012年6月17日

Granada (Funky Granada)

I will update the English version later.


I went to Alhambra with RYo today. As it was open from 8:30am, so we left the hostel around 8am.


We walked up the hills and there were shoe shine men telling us which way to take to Alhambra, but they ask for money instead. The way they showed us was not wrong, but we were almost there and either way we could get to Alhambra.


We bought the tickets yesterday, so we did not line up to buy one this morning, but actually we could not go inside of Alhambra without showing our tickets... The building shown below did not look Arabic, it rather looked more like Renaissance architecture.


There were some sections where we had to show the tickets and those sections weere opened from 9am. So we waited at the entrance.


Inside the rooms were decorated with Islamic carving. I wanted to see them!


The ceilings were also decorated. They looked like a night sky with stars.


It would take long time to carve like these and the cost would be enomous.


However, all the decorations look a like and I got bored after a while.


The palace reflected on a pool. In the photo, it looks beautful, but in reality, the pool was prety dirty...

で、チケットで入れる部分は早々に終了!! ものの30分も経ってないくらいで見て周れました・・・。しかも、チケット無しで入れる場所にも同じようにイスラム模様の彫刻がある建物あるし・・・。14.30ユーロの価値は??

We finished the "paid" section of Alhambra witin 30 mins or so... And there were some buildings in "free" sections had those arabic carvings. So I was little upset as the ticket cost 14.30 Euros...


Then we visited the museum of Alhambra in the Renaissance like building. We could go in without showing the ticket (I wasn't sure if it was free or not), and the collections were not really great. But we found out the buildig was built by the king Carlos I (Holy Roman Emperor Karl V). So it was truely built during Renaissance period.

There was another section (upper garden) requiring a ticket to enter, but nothing was really special. Alhambra, it wasn't that bad, but if I knew, I would not buy a ticket. I could have seen almost the same things without a ticket. It was not as good as I expected.


We went back to the hostel before lunch time. As Ryo was going for Paragliding in Sierra Nevada this afternoon and Anne the hostel staff was also going, so I desided to join them. It was 80 Euros, little expensive, but it would be a great experience to fly without any motor!


With Ryo, I went to have lunch at a buffet restaurant. For 11 Euros, the quality of the foods wasn't bad and we had a good time chatting about our trips. We also reminded ourselves some words in Chinese Mandarin (we both studied Mandrin before, but we forgot almost everything!).


After lunch, we walked up to the view point where we could see the city and Alhambra.


It was a really hot day!! We walked back to the hostel and until 5pm, we waited Anne to pick us up. From a plaza in the city, our instructor, Romain, a French fluent in Spanish and English,  drove us to the endge of Sierra Nevada.


The view from the moutain was excellent!!


Anne and myself.


There was a couple before us, so we waited there for a while. So we were taking cool photos like this.

そしていよいよワシらの番!! 残念ながら、風が良くないらしく、いつもより短いフライトになるので割引してくれると(60ユーロに)。

Then it came our turn! Unfortunately, the winds were not good and Romain reckonned we could not have much airbourne time. So he told us if we could come back tomorrow or he could give us a discount. So we took the discount option.

飛びます!! おおおーーーーー、飛んでる、飛んでる。ヒツジもサンカクも大喜び!!

We caught a wind, then ran down the hill and took a flight! Wow!!!!! It was amazing feeling actually flying!! Mr. Sheep and Sankaku were very happy too!!

飛行機とは全く違った感じです。ローマンはワシにコントロールさせてくれて、右へ左へ旋回。バイクに乗るのとちょっと力のかけ方や体重の移動なんかが似ていて楽しい!! これは病み付きになるかも。

It was totally different feeling than flying on airplanes. Romain let me control the paraglider and I turned left to right, roight to left. It was very exciting. The way controlling the paraglider was similar to the way controlling a motorcycle, so it was interesting to me. It could be addictive and it wouldbe my another hobby!

最後はローマンに操縦を渡して、アクロバット旋回で地上まで降りてくれました。これはスゴイ! (写真はリョウ君です)。Then in the end, Romain took over the control of the paraglider. He did acrobatic turning and it was awesome!! Then we landed safely! (the photo shown is Ryo)


I was in the air for 5 mins or so, but it was really really awesome time.


In the end, Anne took a flight and it was already 10pm!! We drove back to the city and



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Day 689: 2012年6月16日

Valencia to Granada (Funky Granada)
67,207km to 67,706km = 499km


It was a sunny day! I will ride to Granada!!


Valencia is fanous for rice production and orange production. Around the city, there were rice paddies. There were mountains as well, which made a nice scenery.


Also there were orane orchards as well. But they were surrounded by the walls, so I could not pull over my bike and take a photo.


Leaving Catalunya and entering Province of Alicante, the scenery changed, it became rocky.

そしてアンダルシア州に入ると、めちゃくちゃ気温が上がり暑い!! 山の上に城なんてあって、ちょっと素敵です。

Then once I entered Andalucia, it became really hot!! There was a castle on top of the mountain. Nice.


I arrived Granada around 3:30pm. The hostel "Funky Granada" is located at the centre of the city and has a garage, so it was pretty good for me.


I met Ryo from Japan who walked all the way of pilgrimage with his 20kg backpack! After checked-in, we went to buy tickets for Alhambra.


It cost 14.30 Euros, it was a little expensive, but it's Alhambra.

There were groups of girls marching around the city. I reckoned they were protesting against something.


Ryo's flip-flops were broken, so we looked for a new pair. But it was hard to find. There was none in thouse souvenir shops and we could not find any supermarket.

何軒か聞いて周ってようやく、中国人経営の雑貨商を発見!! ここでビーサンを3ユーロで購入。ブラジルのハバイアナのパッチモンです。ワシのとそっくり!!

After we asked several shops and finally we found a Chinese grocery shop selling one!! He bought a pair for 3 Euros. It really looks like my Havaiana!!


Then we wanted to see Alhambra from a distance, but it was really hot, so after seeing it like below, we gave up.


For dinner, we had paella at the hostel. A lady was cooking a big serve of Paella!!


Almost ready??


There were girls from California (they were exchange students studying architecture), Aussies, Chuvvi from India and us 2 Japanese on the table.


Tomorrow we will visit Alhambra. I am excited!!


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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