三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 668: 2012年5月26日
Meran to Firenze (Camping Camerata)
63,716km to 64,134km = 418km
It was partially cloudy and sunny. My tent was wet from dew, so I wanted to let it dry but the sun did not come out as I hoped. So it took a time to dry it up.
I waited till it get completely dry and it was after 9am when I left the campground. The campground was very comfortable - clean andnice facilities and quiet environment. If only I could use WiFi, it would have been great.
I rode on local roads again as motorways would cost a lot. Italian roads generally are not well-maintained as those roads of Germany and Switzerland.
It sprinkled a bit. But nothing serious, so I kept riding. However, I could not enjoy the scenery...
Passed Trento and Verona, then the landscape became flat. It got boring. But as I was riding the local roads, I could not eat kms as much. Those loal roads did not connect the major cities directly, so I had to make turns many times insmall towns.
From Bologna it got more interesting. The road took me in the mountains and I was riding through curves.

Then I saw the city of FIrenze! It was beautiful. All the roofs were in orange colour. I wanted to take a photo, but I could not pull over.
I got to a hostel / campground I checked on web. Unfortunately all beds were occupied, so I would be camping next 2 days. The facilities were not as good as the campground in Lana, but it had WiFi.
I thought I would not be suffering from Hay fever if I came down douth, but I was wrong. The campground was surrounded by cedar trees that causing my allergy....
After I pitched the tent and went to a shopping, it was already 7pm. I made a research on whereabout I would be visiting tomorrow in Firenze. Now it's 10pm, I wil have a nap.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Meran to Firenze (Camping Camerata)
63,716km to 64,134km = 418km
It was partially cloudy and sunny. My tent was wet from dew, so I wanted to let it dry but the sun did not come out as I hoped. So it took a time to dry it up.
I waited till it get completely dry and it was after 9am when I left the campground. The campground was very comfortable - clean andnice facilities and quiet environment. If only I could use WiFi, it would have been great.
I rode on local roads again as motorways would cost a lot. Italian roads generally are not well-maintained as those roads of Germany and Switzerland.
It sprinkled a bit. But nothing serious, so I kept riding. However, I could not enjoy the scenery...
Passed Trento and Verona, then the landscape became flat. It got boring. But as I was riding the local roads, I could not eat kms as much. Those loal roads did not connect the major cities directly, so I had to make turns many times insmall towns.
From Bologna it got more interesting. The road took me in the mountains and I was riding through curves.
Then I saw the city of FIrenze! It was beautiful. All the roofs were in orange colour. I wanted to take a photo, but I could not pull over.
I got to a hostel / campground I checked on web. Unfortunately all beds were occupied, so I would be camping next 2 days. The facilities were not as good as the campground in Lana, but it had WiFi.
I thought I would not be suffering from Hay fever if I came down douth, but I was wrong. The campground was surrounded by cedar trees that causing my allergy....
After I pitched the tent and went to a shopping, it was already 7pm. I made a research on whereabout I would be visiting tomorrow in Firenze. Now it's 10pm, I wil have a nap.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 667: 2012年5月25日
Thalwil - Switzerland to Meran - Italy (Camping Arquin)
63,416km to 63,716km = 300km
It rained a bit last night, but it became a really sunndy day today. Having breakfast with Uwe and Laura, then I got ready.
ローラには5日間本当にお世話になりました。ありがとう!! ウベともまたしばらくお別れですね。新しい仕事、楽しんで!!
I stayed at Laura & Uwe's place for 5 days. Thanks for your hospitality, Laura. And Uwe, it was really really nice to see you again. I hope you will enjoy your new work! Suerte!! Espero que nos vemos en octubre.
GPSに従って走ってましたが、どうも地図で調べた方角と違うような。GPSの地図を広範囲にしてみたら、なんとオーストリア経由で今日の目的地南チロル(Sud Tirol)のメランに行こうとしてます。ウベもフランコもスイスの南東の峠を越えていくのが一番キレイで楽しいと言ってたので、これでは行けません。
I was follwoing the direction the GPS telling, but somehow it lead me to another direction from I knew from the paoer map. I enlarged the GPS map and found out it was leading me to Austria, then crossing into Sud Tirol, Italy. Uwe and Franoc told me that, the route from the southeast of Switzerland to Sud Tirol would be the best route.
So I pulled over and reset my GPS. I headed to Chur, a city in southeast of Switzerland. As I did not have annual motorway pass, I was not allowed to use any motorway in Switzerland. So I was riding local roads. So it took time to progress.
Around Lake Waren, I road up the mountains through curves. I liek riding through mountains with nice views

Just before Chur, I turned off the road to Davos. There were twisty roads and tunnels. But hay fever was killing me and I could not ride through those curves well.

From Davos, I road toward Fluelapass. This was the route Uwe and Franco recommended me to go.

Through the curved, I rode up really high. Snow started to appear.

The stream of snow melt water was so beautiful.

I rode up higher ad higher and the snow got deeper. The altitude was over 2,400m.

The valley with snow was beautiful.

Once I passed the highest point of the pass, the road decent rapidly. There were some places those snow melt water on the road, and once a truck splashed water to me!! It was sooo cold,
Down to the valley, te altitude was around 1,500m.
Then there was another pass - 2,100m high.

After coming back down to valley, the field was covered by the yellow flowers. The contrast with white snow moutains, yellow flowers and green, very nice.
There was a smell of pine trees in the air.

Then I entered Italy! The 24th country on this trip.

なので未だに住民はドイツ語(オーストリア方言)を話すんです。なので標識もドイツ語とイタリア語の二重表記。地名まで二言語で違うんです。例えば地名: Meran=ドイツ語、Merano=イタリア語。表記: Autobahn=ドイツ語、autostrada=イタリア語。
Here Sud Tirol, people speak German (Austrian diarect). It is because during WWII, Hitler gave away this area (used to be a part of Austria) to Mussolini's Italy.All the signs were written in both German and Italian. Also those towns and villages have 2 names - in German and Italian. For example, Meran in German, Merano in Italian.

Sud Tirol is located in the south of Alps and it's warmer. So the buildings of this area look different from those of Germany and Switzerland.

I arrived Lana - a town located south of Meran. I went to a campground. It's been a while since I camped last time. Where was it??

Unlike in Germany and Switzerland, the receptionist could not speak English. He seems to speak only German, so I could not really understand what he said... If he spoke Italian, I would probably understand better.
What I found out was WiFi was not available now...
気休めにヨーグルトを晩飯に食べて、日記をつけたら寝ます!! 明日はフィレンツェを目指します。
Hay fever is still killing me. I took a tablet but it did not work as I expect. I had 500g of Yogult (supposed to reduce hay fever). After I complete my diary, I will go to sleep!
Tomorrow I am heading to Firenze.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Thalwil - Switzerland to Meran - Italy (Camping Arquin)
63,416km to 63,716km = 300km
It rained a bit last night, but it became a really sunndy day today. Having breakfast with Uwe and Laura, then I got ready.
ローラには5日間本当にお世話になりました。ありがとう!! ウベともまたしばらくお別れですね。新しい仕事、楽しんで!!
I stayed at Laura & Uwe's place for 5 days. Thanks for your hospitality, Laura. And Uwe, it was really really nice to see you again. I hope you will enjoy your new work! Suerte!! Espero que nos vemos en octubre.
GPSに従って走ってましたが、どうも地図で調べた方角と違うような。GPSの地図を広範囲にしてみたら、なんとオーストリア経由で今日の目的地南チロル(Sud Tirol)のメランに行こうとしてます。ウベもフランコもスイスの南東の峠を越えていくのが一番キレイで楽しいと言ってたので、これでは行けません。
I was follwoing the direction the GPS telling, but somehow it lead me to another direction from I knew from the paoer map. I enlarged the GPS map and found out it was leading me to Austria, then crossing into Sud Tirol, Italy. Uwe and Franoc told me that, the route from the southeast of Switzerland to Sud Tirol would be the best route.
So I pulled over and reset my GPS. I headed to Chur, a city in southeast of Switzerland. As I did not have annual motorway pass, I was not allowed to use any motorway in Switzerland. So I was riding local roads. So it took time to progress.
Around Lake Waren, I road up the mountains through curves. I liek riding through mountains with nice views
Just before Chur, I turned off the road to Davos. There were twisty roads and tunnels. But hay fever was killing me and I could not ride through those curves well.
From Davos, I road toward Fluelapass. This was the route Uwe and Franco recommended me to go.
Through the curved, I rode up really high. Snow started to appear.
The stream of snow melt water was so beautiful.
I rode up higher ad higher and the snow got deeper. The altitude was over 2,400m.
The valley with snow was beautiful.
Once I passed the highest point of the pass, the road decent rapidly. There were some places those snow melt water on the road, and once a truck splashed water to me!! It was sooo cold,
Down to the valley, te altitude was around 1,500m.
Then there was another pass - 2,100m high.
After coming back down to valley, the field was covered by the yellow flowers. The contrast with white snow moutains, yellow flowers and green, very nice.
There was a smell of pine trees in the air.
Then I entered Italy! The 24th country on this trip.
なので未だに住民はドイツ語(オーストリア方言)を話すんです。なので標識もドイツ語とイタリア語の二重表記。地名まで二言語で違うんです。例えば地名: Meran=ドイツ語、Merano=イタリア語。表記: Autobahn=ドイツ語、autostrada=イタリア語。
Here Sud Tirol, people speak German (Austrian diarect). It is because during WWII, Hitler gave away this area (used to be a part of Austria) to Mussolini's Italy.All the signs were written in both German and Italian. Also those towns and villages have 2 names - in German and Italian. For example, Meran in German, Merano in Italian.
Sud Tirol is located in the south of Alps and it's warmer. So the buildings of this area look different from those of Germany and Switzerland.
I arrived Lana - a town located south of Meran. I went to a campground. It's been a while since I camped last time. Where was it??
Unlike in Germany and Switzerland, the receptionist could not speak English. He seems to speak only German, so I could not really understand what he said... If he spoke Italian, I would probably understand better.
What I found out was WiFi was not available now...
気休めにヨーグルトを晩飯に食べて、日記をつけたら寝ます!! 明日はフィレンツェを目指します。
Hay fever is still killing me. I took a tablet but it did not work as I expect. I had 500g of Yogult (supposed to reduce hay fever). After I complete my diary, I will go to sleep!
Tomorrow I am heading to Firenze.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 666: 2012年5月24日
Thalwil (Das Haus von Laura & Uwe)
63,290km to 63,416km = 126km
I made a research on campsites and hostels in Italy. Then I left the house around 10:30am to Zurich to see Franco.
フランコに会うのは2月の初めにブエノス・アイレスで別れて以来ですね。あれからもう4ヶ月近く経つんですねぇ。街中まで2台のBMWで走ります。中央駅の裏にあるバイク駐車場に停めて目抜き通りバーンホフ・ストラーセ(Bahnhof Strasse)を闊歩。今日は天気が良くて暑いくらい。
It's been nearly 4 months(!) since I saw him last in Buenos Aires. We rode together to the centre of Zurich.
We parked our bikes at the bike parking spots behind Zurich central station (Hauptbahnhof). We walked down Bahnhof Strasse- the main street of Zurich. It became a fine day and it even became hot.

Zurich is a big modern city. I wondered where the world of Heidi gone?? As 70-80% of Switzerland is inhabitable or unsuitable for permanent setlement (due to high altitude), all population gathers in basins or flat lands.
Switzerland has 8 million population.
In the old town, we walked on stone paved streets. There were lots of tourists (including myself!).

Cathedral of Zurich - Grossmunter. Long time ago, breads were given to poors from the tower. So once a year, the church helds a celemony to throw breads from the tower.

We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant. It was Franco's treat. The last time I had Chinese wasin La Paz, Bolivia!! I had pork in Suchuan style and Franco had Thai Green Curry.
Both of them were very good! But they were very expensive... More than SFr. 25 each...

River Limmat flows through Zurich from Lake Zurich. Water was very clear unlike other rivers flowing through big cities. The clock of the tower of St Peterskirch (can be seen in the photo) is the largest clock in Europe.

After seeing the major part of Zurich, we went for a ride to the country side. We rode along side of Lake Zurich and then went south. We rode through cattle farms.
2時間くらい走ったあと、ドリンク休憩。とあるパブに入ったら、なんか雰囲気がおかしいんですね。ちょっとセクシーな服装をしたお姉ちゃんが沢山いるんです。うーん、どうやら間違えたところに入ってしまったのかな?? フランコも初めて入ったのでこんな店とは知らなかった、と。でも辺りには他に店もないので、ドリンクを頼んでテラスで歓談。
After riding 2 hours or so, we made a stop for drinks. We went into a pub(?) but as soon as we opened the door, we saw something strange. There were many girls in sexy outfits in the pub. Well, we entered to the wrong place... Franco had never been in this pub, so he did not know either. But there was no other shop around, so we ordered a drink each and had chat on the terrace.

We could see the backyard from the terrace, and there were a few caravans. We guessed that extra service could be performed there... It looked like thse girls were from Estern Europe.

It was 6:30pm already, so we rode back home. We made a stop on the way and I said good-bye to Franco. I would come back around this region in Autumn, so hopefully we could catch up again.

Tomorrow I will ride to Italy. Pastas, pizzas, gelatos etc, I am looking forward having them!!
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。 I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Thalwil (Das Haus von Laura & Uwe)
63,290km to 63,416km = 126km
I made a research on campsites and hostels in Italy. Then I left the house around 10:30am to Zurich to see Franco.
フランコに会うのは2月の初めにブエノス・アイレスで別れて以来ですね。あれからもう4ヶ月近く経つんですねぇ。街中まで2台のBMWで走ります。中央駅の裏にあるバイク駐車場に停めて目抜き通りバーンホフ・ストラーセ(Bahnhof Strasse)を闊歩。今日は天気が良くて暑いくらい。
It's been nearly 4 months(!) since I saw him last in Buenos Aires. We rode together to the centre of Zurich.
We parked our bikes at the bike parking spots behind Zurich central station (Hauptbahnhof). We walked down Bahnhof Strasse- the main street of Zurich. It became a fine day and it even became hot.
Zurich is a big modern city. I wondered where the world of Heidi gone?? As 70-80% of Switzerland is inhabitable or unsuitable for permanent setlement (due to high altitude), all population gathers in basins or flat lands.
Switzerland has 8 million population.
In the old town, we walked on stone paved streets. There were lots of tourists (including myself!).
Cathedral of Zurich - Grossmunter. Long time ago, breads were given to poors from the tower. So once a year, the church helds a celemony to throw breads from the tower.
We had lunch at a Chinese restaurant. It was Franco's treat. The last time I had Chinese wasin La Paz, Bolivia!! I had pork in Suchuan style and Franco had Thai Green Curry.
Both of them were very good! But they were very expensive... More than SFr. 25 each...
River Limmat flows through Zurich from Lake Zurich. Water was very clear unlike other rivers flowing through big cities. The clock of the tower of St Peterskirch (can be seen in the photo) is the largest clock in Europe.
After seeing the major part of Zurich, we went for a ride to the country side. We rode along side of Lake Zurich and then went south. We rode through cattle farms.
2時間くらい走ったあと、ドリンク休憩。とあるパブに入ったら、なんか雰囲気がおかしいんですね。ちょっとセクシーな服装をしたお姉ちゃんが沢山いるんです。うーん、どうやら間違えたところに入ってしまったのかな?? フランコも初めて入ったのでこんな店とは知らなかった、と。でも辺りには他に店もないので、ドリンクを頼んでテラスで歓談。
After riding 2 hours or so, we made a stop for drinks. We went into a pub(?) but as soon as we opened the door, we saw something strange. There were many girls in sexy outfits in the pub. Well, we entered to the wrong place... Franco had never been in this pub, so he did not know either. But there was no other shop around, so we ordered a drink each and had chat on the terrace.
We could see the backyard from the terrace, and there were a few caravans. We guessed that extra service could be performed there... It looked like thse girls were from Estern Europe.
It was 6:30pm already, so we rode back home. We made a stop on the way and I said good-bye to Franco. I would come back around this region in Autumn, so hopefully we could catch up again.
Tomorrow I will ride to Italy. Pastas, pizzas, gelatos etc, I am looking forward having them!!
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。 I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 665: 2012年5月23日
Thalwil (Das Haus von Laura & Uwe)
It was raining from the morning as forcasted. So we gave up riding the motorcycle to Schaffhausen.
I made a little research about Mauritania. The most interesting tradition I found was "Gavarju" fattening up young girls. In Mauritania, obeased women are considered more beautiful. And also to foster obeased daughters and to have obeased wife(s) is the status of men.
Young girls are forced to eat a lot: 8-10 litres of Camel milk with lots of sugar a day, 2kgs of CousCous mixed with lots of sugar each meal!! If they do not eat a lot, they would be pinched their toes (often crushed). In our society, losing weights is the fad but in Mauritania, it is totally opposite.
Uwe drove me to Schaffhausen, the town near the border to germany, on the motorway. There were many tunnels we drove through. I thought Schaffhausen would be a small country town, but it was quite developed.

There was a statue of William Tell, the hero of Siwss Independence.

The main street was a promenado. It became sunny, good.

ここシャファウゼンにやってきたのは、もちろん「IWC」があるからです。国際捕鯨委員会(International Whaling Commission)ではありませんよ。International Watch Co.です。そうです、スイスと言えば時計。時計産業が盛んなのはジュネーブなどのフランスよりなのですが、ここシャファウゼンの雄「IWC」は時計好きなら必ず知っているブランドですね。特にパイロット・ウォッチで名高い。
Why we came to Schaffhausen? Because I wanted to visit "IWC". It's not "IWC" of International Whaling Commission, but it's International Watch Co. Yes, Switzerland is famous for watchmaking.
Actually watchmaking industry is more concentrated in French side of Swiss such as Geneve, but "IWC" of Schaffhausen is a famous brand for all watch collectors. Especially it is famous for its pilot watches.

本社のビルには時計博物館があり、6スイス・フランで見学できます。残念ながら写真撮影は禁止。IWCの過去から現在までの時計が陳列されています。ワシのお気に入りMark XI(マーク11)もありました。
There was a small museum at the main building of IWC. It cost SFr. 6 to go in. Unfortunately photograph was prohibited. They had ranges of watches from the past to present, including my favorite Mark XI pilot watch.
Then we went to see "Rheinfall" nearby. River Rhein flows from Switzerland, through Germany and Netherlands to North Sea.

Comparing to Las Cascadas de Iguazu, it was smaller (of course), but with melting water from Alps, there was enough water and it was spectecuar.

家に戻りネットにつないで見るとWorld Dream Touringの山田達矢さんからイランおよび中央アジアのビザ取得に関する情報がおくられて。山田さんありがとうございます!!
Back home, when I checked mails, my friend Tatsuya sent me information on obtaining visas for those middle eastern and central Asian countries. Thanks Tatsuya!
夕飯はスイスの南東部山岳地帯の伝統料理「ピッツォチェリ・ディ・ポスキアヴォ(Pizzoccheri di Poschiavo」を。なんと蕎麦を使ったパスタ。キャベツ、にんじん、ジャガイモと蕎麦を一緒に茹でて、水切りをした後、チーズをふんだんに絡めて食べる、という料理。パスタを口に入れると、確かに蕎麦なんです。濃厚なチーズの味が口の中に広がり日本人のワシには蕎麦とチーズは面白いコンビネーションでした。でも美味しいですよ。
Uwe and Laura cooked "Pizzoccheri di Poschiavo" a traditional pasta dish from the highland of Southeast Switzerland. The pasta was made from buckwheat. They boiled cabbages, carrots, and potatos with the pasta, then mixed with lots of cheese. It was interesting for me as Japanese eat buckwheat noodle cakked "Soba". When I put the pasta in my mouth, it was certainly nuckwheat noodle. But soon the taste of cheese overwhelmed. I liked it!

Tomorrow I am visiting Franco in Zurich.
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。 I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Thalwil (Das Haus von Laura & Uwe)
It was raining from the morning as forcasted. So we gave up riding the motorcycle to Schaffhausen.
I made a little research about Mauritania. The most interesting tradition I found was "Gavarju" fattening up young girls. In Mauritania, obeased women are considered more beautiful. And also to foster obeased daughters and to have obeased wife(s) is the status of men.
Young girls are forced to eat a lot: 8-10 litres of Camel milk with lots of sugar a day, 2kgs of CousCous mixed with lots of sugar each meal!! If they do not eat a lot, they would be pinched their toes (often crushed). In our society, losing weights is the fad but in Mauritania, it is totally opposite.
Uwe drove me to Schaffhausen, the town near the border to germany, on the motorway. There were many tunnels we drove through. I thought Schaffhausen would be a small country town, but it was quite developed.
There was a statue of William Tell, the hero of Siwss Independence.
The main street was a promenado. It became sunny, good.
ここシャファウゼンにやってきたのは、もちろん「IWC」があるからです。国際捕鯨委員会(International Whaling Commission)ではありませんよ。International Watch Co.です。そうです、スイスと言えば時計。時計産業が盛んなのはジュネーブなどのフランスよりなのですが、ここシャファウゼンの雄「IWC」は時計好きなら必ず知っているブランドですね。特にパイロット・ウォッチで名高い。
Why we came to Schaffhausen? Because I wanted to visit "IWC". It's not "IWC" of International Whaling Commission, but it's International Watch Co. Yes, Switzerland is famous for watchmaking.
Actually watchmaking industry is more concentrated in French side of Swiss such as Geneve, but "IWC" of Schaffhausen is a famous brand for all watch collectors. Especially it is famous for its pilot watches.
本社のビルには時計博物館があり、6スイス・フランで見学できます。残念ながら写真撮影は禁止。IWCの過去から現在までの時計が陳列されています。ワシのお気に入りMark XI(マーク11)もありました。
There was a small museum at the main building of IWC. It cost SFr. 6 to go in. Unfortunately photograph was prohibited. They had ranges of watches from the past to present, including my favorite Mark XI pilot watch.
Then we went to see "Rheinfall" nearby. River Rhein flows from Switzerland, through Germany and Netherlands to North Sea.
Comparing to Las Cascadas de Iguazu, it was smaller (of course), but with melting water from Alps, there was enough water and it was spectecuar.
家に戻りネットにつないで見るとWorld Dream Touringの山田達矢さんからイランおよび中央アジアのビザ取得に関する情報がおくられて。山田さんありがとうございます!!
Back home, when I checked mails, my friend Tatsuya sent me information on obtaining visas for those middle eastern and central Asian countries. Thanks Tatsuya!
夕飯はスイスの南東部山岳地帯の伝統料理「ピッツォチェリ・ディ・ポスキアヴォ(Pizzoccheri di Poschiavo」を。なんと蕎麦を使ったパスタ。キャベツ、にんじん、ジャガイモと蕎麦を一緒に茹でて、水切りをした後、チーズをふんだんに絡めて食べる、という料理。パスタを口に入れると、確かに蕎麦なんです。濃厚なチーズの味が口の中に広がり日本人のワシには蕎麦とチーズは面白いコンビネーションでした。でも美味しいですよ。
Uwe and Laura cooked "Pizzoccheri di Poschiavo" a traditional pasta dish from the highland of Southeast Switzerland. The pasta was made from buckwheat. They boiled cabbages, carrots, and potatos with the pasta, then mixed with lots of cheese. It was interesting for me as Japanese eat buckwheat noodle cakked "Soba". When I put the pasta in my mouth, it was certainly nuckwheat noodle. But soon the taste of cheese overwhelmed. I liked it!
Tomorrow I am visiting Franco in Zurich.
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Day 664: 2012年5月22日
Thalwil (Das Haus von Laura & Uwe)
It was a beautiful weather. From the morning, Uwe went out to do something with his prospecting job. After he came back, we planned to ride to Schaffausen, but he did not come back even after 12 noon.
So I made researches on the route I would be taking from now on. What I found out was there is a special treaty between Japan and Austria, so even Austria is a apart of Schengen Agreement counries, Japanese can stay there for 180 days.
The problem would be Austria is surrounded by other Schengen countires, so when I would be leaving Schengen area, I would be classified as "Overstayed". I guess I would be leaving Schengen area from Slovenia or Hungary, and I am hoping the immegration process would be casual.
Then another thing I was researching was visa conditions for Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Almost all the countries I am planning to go through after Turkey require a visa...
Especially Iran, to get a temporary vehicle importation permit, I need to have a carnet. Also it looks like I have to apply the Russian visa from Japan, so I would have to go back to Japan next spring to do those beurocratic works.
Anyway, I could find out many things while waiting for Uwe. He came back after 1pm and as I guessed he got the work! From next week, he will be asigne to Mauritania, West Africa as an enginner at a gold mine for 3 weeks. That sounds very interesting.
As he had to sort out a few things at home, we had lunch at the town and stayed at home. I continued my research in the afternoon.
So I did not do any sightseeing today. We would do it tomorow but according to weather focasts, it would be raining....
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Thalwil (Das Haus von Laura & Uwe)
It was a beautiful weather. From the morning, Uwe went out to do something with his prospecting job. After he came back, we planned to ride to Schaffausen, but he did not come back even after 12 noon.
So I made researches on the route I would be taking from now on. What I found out was there is a special treaty between Japan and Austria, so even Austria is a apart of Schengen Agreement counries, Japanese can stay there for 180 days.
The problem would be Austria is surrounded by other Schengen countires, so when I would be leaving Schengen area, I would be classified as "Overstayed". I guess I would be leaving Schengen area from Slovenia or Hungary, and I am hoping the immegration process would be casual.
Then another thing I was researching was visa conditions for Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Almost all the countries I am planning to go through after Turkey require a visa...
Especially Iran, to get a temporary vehicle importation permit, I need to have a carnet. Also it looks like I have to apply the Russian visa from Japan, so I would have to go back to Japan next spring to do those beurocratic works.
Anyway, I could find out many things while waiting for Uwe. He came back after 1pm and as I guessed he got the work! From next week, he will be asigne to Mauritania, West Africa as an enginner at a gold mine for 3 weeks. That sounds very interesting.
As he had to sort out a few things at home, we had lunch at the town and stayed at home. I continued my research in the afternoon.
So I did not do any sightseeing today. We would do it tomorow but according to weather focasts, it would be raining....
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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