三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
71日間: 2011年11月2日から2012年4月24日まで (この期間にチリ、パラグアイ、ブラジル、ウルグアイに滞在しています)
アルゼンチン総走行距離:42,401km to 61,336kmkm= 10,068km
(42,401km to 44,965km = 2,564km, 46,338km to 46,959km = 621km, 47,804km to 48,814km = 1,010km, 49,262km to 50,034km = 772km, 50,456km to 55,495km = 5,039km, 61,274km to 61,336km = 62km: Total = 10,068km)
使った金額 (注:通貨単位はアルゼンチン・ペソ)
現金合計: X,XXXペソ - 12ペソ(残った現金) = X,XXXペソ
クレジットカード払い合計: 1,431.31ペソ (325米ドル)
入国とバイク輸入諸手数料: 無料
保険: 326ペソ (3ヶ月)+ 120ペソ(追加2ヶ月)
45,000キロサービス: 1730.10 ARS (@ Mendoza)
50,000キロサービス: (@ MotoPablo in Ushuaia
55,000キロサービス: 950ペソ(@ Dakar Motos in BsAs)
パニア修理代: AR$225 (@ Touratech in BsAs)
タイヤ代: 350米ドル(リア@ウシュアイア)
生活費(食費+宿代+交通費): (現金X,XXXペソ+クレジットXXXペソ)÷71日=1日当り、XXXペソ。(XX米ドル)
車両保険はアルゼンチンで加入したのは隣国ボリビア、チリ、パラグアイ、ウルグアイ、ブラジルで有効です。隣国にいく場合はカルタ・ヴェルデ(Carta Verde)を保険屋さんに作成してもらいましょう。
1. 藤旅館
2. 上野山荘
3. Dakar Motos
アルゼンチン総走行距離:42,401km to 61,336kmkm= 10,068km
(42,401km to 44,965km = 2,564km, 46,338km to 46,959km = 621km, 47,804km to 48,814km = 1,010km, 49,262km to 50,034km = 772km, 50,456km to 55,495km = 5,039km, 61,274km to 61,336km = 62km: Total = 10,068km)
使った金額 (注:通貨単位はアルゼンチン・ペソ)
現金合計: X,XXXペソ - 12ペソ(残った現金) = X,XXXペソ
クレジットカード払い合計: 1,431.31ペソ (325米ドル)
入国とバイク輸入諸手数料: 無料
保険: 326ペソ (3ヶ月)+ 120ペソ(追加2ヶ月)
45,000キロサービス: 1730.10 ARS (@ Mendoza)
50,000キロサービス: (@ MotoPablo in Ushuaia
55,000キロサービス: 950ペソ(@ Dakar Motos in BsAs)
パニア修理代: AR$225 (@ Touratech in BsAs)
タイヤ代: 350米ドル(リア@ウシュアイア)
生活費(食費+宿代+交通費): (現金X,XXXペソ+クレジットXXXペソ)÷71日=1日当り、XXXペソ。(XX米ドル)
車両保険はアルゼンチンで加入したのは隣国ボリビア、チリ、パラグアイ、ウルグアイ、ブラジルで有効です。隣国にいく場合はカルタ・ヴェルデ(Carta Verde)を保険屋さんに作成してもらいましょう。
1. 藤旅館
2. 上野山荘
3. Dakar Motos
Day 643: 2012年5月1日
Munich (La Casa de Laura): Munich - Oberamagau - Austria - Samnaun Dorf (Switzerland)
61,383km to 61,865km= 482km
Today I went for a riding throgh Alps with Laura and her boy friend Derek. She mentioned him on Facebook communications from before, but she was refering him as "friend" so I wasn't sure if he was a "boy" friend. Uwe once told me that in Germany they refer their "boy" or "girl" friends as just "friend". Anyway, I am happy for them having a good relationship.
デレックは教習所の教官。車とバイクのエキスパートです。今日は教習所のBMW F650GS(2汽筒)です。スイス国境近くの免税エリアで買い物するのが今日の目的。「ちょとそこまで」感覚で外国にいけるのは羨ましい限りですね。しかも美しいアルプスの山々を越えながら。
Derek is a driving instructor for both car and motorcycle, so he is an expert of automibiles. He came with a BMW F650GS (2 cylinders) which belings to his driving school. We were to get to the border town of Switzerland side "Samnaun Dorf" where is the tax free zone and would buy some goods there. As a Japanese it is a very emvious thing to go to another country just like that (as Japan is isolated by seas, it is hard for us to get to neighbourhood countries).

We left after 10:30am. There were traffics in Munich city and it took some time to get to Autobahn (as it was a public holiday there were many cars), but once we were on Autobahn, we could fly! I usually cruise under 110km/h on this trip, but today I took off the panniers, so I accelarate more than usual. There were mountains of Alps in front of me.
時速170キロくらいからフロントがぶれ始めたのでちょっとスピードを落とします。今履いているHeidenau Scout K60はちょっとオフ向けのパターンなので高速走行にはあまり向いていないのでしょう。
Around 170km/h, the front handle started to wobble, so I released the throttle a bot to stabilise. The front tyre Esperanza wearing was Heidenau Scout K60, which had kind of an aggressive pattern for dirt road,so it might not be suitable for really fast speed cruising.
After riding some 40km on Autobahn, we started to ride on those local rodes through Alps. Passing through small towns and villeges, we enjoyed those twisty roads. The combination of those houses, moutains, farms, and forrest, the scenery was really exceptional. I liked the landscapes of Americas, but Europe has different kind of beauty.

I could not remember the name of royal palace of Bavarian kings, but we took a rest there. In order to get into the palace, it cost 8.50 Euros, so we just hanged out around the kiosk. There were some Japanese writing on the kiosk, so I could tell here was the popular tourist destination for Japanese. (I checked later on and found out it was Schlob Linderhof).

After a short stop, we restarted to ride through Alps. There was a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains. I wanted to take a photo, but e kept riding! So unfortunately there is no photo of the lake.
On the way, we were caught by a police for speeding... The fine was 25 Euros for 2 of us...
3時前にスイス領内に到着。なんと既にオーストリアを駆け抜けていたとか!! ドイツが20ヶ国目、オーストリアが21ヵ国目、そしてスイスが22ヵ国目です。1日で3ヵ国も走るとは贅沢な感じがします。
We got to the border of Switzerland by 3pm. I did not know but we already passed Austria!! Germany was 20th, Austria was 21st and Switzerland was 22nd country to visit on this trip! 3 countires in a day. Incredible.


As it was a little high in the mountains, so it got little chilly. We had a late lunch there. I could not remember the name again, but what I had was the local favorite dish. Potatos, porks, a fried egg and some herbs. Nice.
昼食後免税店へ。ここはサムナウン・ドルフ(Samnaun Dorf)という街。デレックはタバコやお酒を買ってました。ワシはGPSの充電器を購入。スイス領内なのでスイス・フラン表記ですがユーロも使えます。
After lunch, we went in a duty free store. Oh, the town was called Samnaun Dorf. Derek bought some cigarett and liquars. I bout a charger for my GPS. As it was Swiss territory, everything was in Swiss Francs, but we could use Euros too.

Then I realised that some oil was leaking from the right cylinderhead cover, where I damaged in Brazil. It got some cracks, so it was welded. I noticed it at the airport and I wiped it off, so it was obvious that it started to leak again. So far he leak is not serious, just weeping, but I think I'd better get a new cylinderhead.
Fortunately Derek said he knew some good dealers with good mechanics, and he would take me there Friday. Good.


On the way back, we rode through those twisty roads. We saw the sunset overlooking a lake. Then we rode back to Munich.
I did not expect to see and ride through such a beautiful place from the begining of my trip in Europe. I really thank Laura and Derek.

I will visit some museums tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munich (La Casa de Laura): Munich - Oberamagau - Austria - Samnaun Dorf (Switzerland)
61,383km to 61,865km= 482km
Today I went for a riding throgh Alps with Laura and her boy friend Derek. She mentioned him on Facebook communications from before, but she was refering him as "friend" so I wasn't sure if he was a "boy" friend. Uwe once told me that in Germany they refer their "boy" or "girl" friends as just "friend". Anyway, I am happy for them having a good relationship.
デレックは教習所の教官。車とバイクのエキスパートです。今日は教習所のBMW F650GS(2汽筒)です。スイス国境近くの免税エリアで買い物するのが今日の目的。「ちょとそこまで」感覚で外国にいけるのは羨ましい限りですね。しかも美しいアルプスの山々を越えながら。
Derek is a driving instructor for both car and motorcycle, so he is an expert of automibiles. He came with a BMW F650GS (2 cylinders) which belings to his driving school. We were to get to the border town of Switzerland side "Samnaun Dorf" where is the tax free zone and would buy some goods there. As a Japanese it is a very emvious thing to go to another country just like that (as Japan is isolated by seas, it is hard for us to get to neighbourhood countries).
We left after 10:30am. There were traffics in Munich city and it took some time to get to Autobahn (as it was a public holiday there were many cars), but once we were on Autobahn, we could fly! I usually cruise under 110km/h on this trip, but today I took off the panniers, so I accelarate more than usual. There were mountains of Alps in front of me.
時速170キロくらいからフロントがぶれ始めたのでちょっとスピードを落とします。今履いているHeidenau Scout K60はちょっとオフ向けのパターンなので高速走行にはあまり向いていないのでしょう。
Around 170km/h, the front handle started to wobble, so I released the throttle a bot to stabilise. The front tyre Esperanza wearing was Heidenau Scout K60, which had kind of an aggressive pattern for dirt road,so it might not be suitable for really fast speed cruising.
After riding some 40km on Autobahn, we started to ride on those local rodes through Alps. Passing through small towns and villeges, we enjoyed those twisty roads. The combination of those houses, moutains, farms, and forrest, the scenery was really exceptional. I liked the landscapes of Americas, but Europe has different kind of beauty.
I could not remember the name of royal palace of Bavarian kings, but we took a rest there. In order to get into the palace, it cost 8.50 Euros, so we just hanged out around the kiosk. There were some Japanese writing on the kiosk, so I could tell here was the popular tourist destination for Japanese. (I checked later on and found out it was Schlob Linderhof).
After a short stop, we restarted to ride through Alps. There was a beautiful lake surrounded by mountains. I wanted to take a photo, but e kept riding! So unfortunately there is no photo of the lake.
On the way, we were caught by a police for speeding... The fine was 25 Euros for 2 of us...
3時前にスイス領内に到着。なんと既にオーストリアを駆け抜けていたとか!! ドイツが20ヶ国目、オーストリアが21ヵ国目、そしてスイスが22ヵ国目です。1日で3ヵ国も走るとは贅沢な感じがします。
We got to the border of Switzerland by 3pm. I did not know but we already passed Austria!! Germany was 20th, Austria was 21st and Switzerland was 22nd country to visit on this trip! 3 countires in a day. Incredible.
As it was a little high in the mountains, so it got little chilly. We had a late lunch there. I could not remember the name again, but what I had was the local favorite dish. Potatos, porks, a fried egg and some herbs. Nice.
昼食後免税店へ。ここはサムナウン・ドルフ(Samnaun Dorf)という街。デレックはタバコやお酒を買ってました。ワシはGPSの充電器を購入。スイス領内なのでスイス・フラン表記ですがユーロも使えます。
After lunch, we went in a duty free store. Oh, the town was called Samnaun Dorf. Derek bought some cigarett and liquars. I bout a charger for my GPS. As it was Swiss territory, everything was in Swiss Francs, but we could use Euros too.
Then I realised that some oil was leaking from the right cylinderhead cover, where I damaged in Brazil. It got some cracks, so it was welded. I noticed it at the airport and I wiped it off, so it was obvious that it started to leak again. So far he leak is not serious, just weeping, but I think I'd better get a new cylinderhead.
Fortunately Derek said he knew some good dealers with good mechanics, and he would take me there Friday. Good.
On the way back, we rode through those twisty roads. We saw the sunset overlooking a lake. Then we rode back to Munich.
I did not expect to see and ride through such a beautiful place from the begining of my trip in Europe. I really thank Laura and Derek.
I will visit some museums tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 642: 2012年4月30日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
61,336km to 61,383km = 47km
I slept over again. It was after 9am when I woke up. I still have jet lag, I guess. Ia told me that I could buy an insurance policy for my motorcycle at "ADAC (not AC / DC)" AAA (or NRMA) of Germany. She does things steps ahead! Nice.
After breakfast, she called "Swissport" the shipping agency of British Airways here in Munich. Then she found out Esperanza just arrived. So we were to go out to the city and buy the policy, then I was to pick up Esperanza.
オストバンホフ(Ostbahnhof)まで出て「ADAC」のオフィスにて保険に加入。3ヶ月で315ユーロ(400米ドル)!!! イナの同僚が1年で1,200ユーロ支払っている、とのことなので妥当な値段なのですが、、高い!!! でも、まぁ、仕方がないですね。
We got off the train at Ostbahnhof, then went to "ADAC" office. It cost 315 Euro for 3months (US$400)! It was expensive, but Ina told me her colleague has a motorcycle and she pays 1,200 Euros per annum. So it was not a bad deal.
The lady staff at ADAC was super nice. She gave me lots of maps. Now I can plan my trip in Europe.
Ina had an appointment with her friend, so I went to the station and caught S8 train to the airport. Oh, I had a kebab for lunch at the station. There are around 3 million Turks in Germany, so there are kebab shops everywhere. The kebab was a little different from those of Australia.

At Swissport, I signed on a document and paid 16 Euros, then went to Custom. Custom was located at 2nd floor of Building D.
At Custom, they did not issue any document of temporary import. The staff just stampted on a document which I needed to hand in at the warehouse to pick up Esperanza.
Swissportの倉庫に行くと、エスペランサがありました!! (見えますか??)
At the warehouse of Swissport. Esperanza was there!! Can you see her??


Esperanza carried by a forklift.
Outside of the warehouse, I stripped the wrapping and started to assemble the front wheel, the wind screen and the mirrors. I needed someone to help me out to hold Esperanza while putting the wheel, but it was hard to get hold on anyone. Some came to help me, but their boss said something like "If we break it, we will be liable.).
が、若い衆2人組が助けてくれました!! もう少しで前輪取り付け完了、というところで彼らのボスが来てなにか小言を言ってましたが・・・。しかし前輪を取り付け終わったらボスもにっこり笑って「よい旅を!!」と英語で言ってくれました。だから、感情的には助けてあげたいんだけど、規則的に出来ない、っていうことなんですね。先進国の融通の利かなさ、ですね。良い面と悪い面があります。
But in the end, 2 young men helpted me out. Their boss came just before I was completing the assembling, and he said something to those 2 youngs. He looked really serious. But when I finished putting the wheel, the boss smiled at me and said "Have a nice trip". So I reckoned they wanted to help but by rule, they were not supposed to give me their hands. Inflexibility of a developed country, I guess. There are good sides and bad sides of being a developed country.
ようやく組み立てが終わったので、エスペランサをパレットから降ろします。センタースタンドで立っているので、センターを外したところ、パレットの溝でバランスを崩し、右へガッシャーーーン!!! やってしもうた。
Finally I could put back all the parts, so I was to bring her down from the palette. As she was on the centre stand, I pushed her forward, her front wheel stuck in the gap of the palette, then she fell to the right...
A guy driving a forklift saw her down on the ground, quickly he came and helped me out to pick her up. As I guessed Germans were really kinf.
There were some scratches on the engine bar repaired in Brazil. Also the final drive protector got cracked....
気を取り直して、パニアを取り付けてエンジン始動! セル一発です。空港外れのガソリンスタンドで給油。流石イタリアに近いだけあって「Agip」ですね。空気圧も調整し、家に向かいます。
Well, shit happened. I pushed the cell and the engine started without any problem. I filled petrol at the petrol station nearby the airport. As here is very close to Italia (!?), the petrol station was Agip.

遂にドイツの「アウトバーン」を走りました!! 感動です。が、しかし制限速度は時速120キロ。まぁ、ワシは100キロ前後で巡航してましたが。
On the way to the city, I rode on Autobahn. I had been dreaming of riding on Autobahn. So it was very exceptional feeling riding on. But the speed limit was 120km/h. Well I was cruising around 100km/h.
My GPS did not have a proper European map (it had just a world map), so it could not navigate me. Luckily Ina gave me a print out of how I could get back home, so I managed to come back. I rode 30km or so on AUtobahn and entered "Ring" which lead to the town.
Once I was nearby the apartment, I used the GPS location to get closer to the apartment. Then I was home! It was already after 6pm.
I parked Esperanza and the big ob for the day completed.
Having dinner, I chat with Ina. Today we talked a lots about religions.
TOmorrow is May Day, a public holiday. Laura and her friend will ride to Switzerland, so I will join them.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
61,336km to 61,383km = 47km
I slept over again. It was after 9am when I woke up. I still have jet lag, I guess. Ia told me that I could buy an insurance policy for my motorcycle at "ADAC (not AC / DC)" AAA (or NRMA) of Germany. She does things steps ahead! Nice.
After breakfast, she called "Swissport" the shipping agency of British Airways here in Munich. Then she found out Esperanza just arrived. So we were to go out to the city and buy the policy, then I was to pick up Esperanza.
オストバンホフ(Ostbahnhof)まで出て「ADAC」のオフィスにて保険に加入。3ヶ月で315ユーロ(400米ドル)!!! イナの同僚が1年で1,200ユーロ支払っている、とのことなので妥当な値段なのですが、、高い!!! でも、まぁ、仕方がないですね。
We got off the train at Ostbahnhof, then went to "ADAC" office. It cost 315 Euro for 3months (US$400)! It was expensive, but Ina told me her colleague has a motorcycle and she pays 1,200 Euros per annum. So it was not a bad deal.
The lady staff at ADAC was super nice. She gave me lots of maps. Now I can plan my trip in Europe.
Ina had an appointment with her friend, so I went to the station and caught S8 train to the airport. Oh, I had a kebab for lunch at the station. There are around 3 million Turks in Germany, so there are kebab shops everywhere. The kebab was a little different from those of Australia.
At Swissport, I signed on a document and paid 16 Euros, then went to Custom. Custom was located at 2nd floor of Building D.
At Custom, they did not issue any document of temporary import. The staff just stampted on a document which I needed to hand in at the warehouse to pick up Esperanza.
Swissportの倉庫に行くと、エスペランサがありました!! (見えますか??)
At the warehouse of Swissport. Esperanza was there!! Can you see her??
Esperanza carried by a forklift.
Outside of the warehouse, I stripped the wrapping and started to assemble the front wheel, the wind screen and the mirrors. I needed someone to help me out to hold Esperanza while putting the wheel, but it was hard to get hold on anyone. Some came to help me, but their boss said something like "If we break it, we will be liable.).
が、若い衆2人組が助けてくれました!! もう少しで前輪取り付け完了、というところで彼らのボスが来てなにか小言を言ってましたが・・・。しかし前輪を取り付け終わったらボスもにっこり笑って「よい旅を!!」と英語で言ってくれました。だから、感情的には助けてあげたいんだけど、規則的に出来ない、っていうことなんですね。先進国の融通の利かなさ、ですね。良い面と悪い面があります。
But in the end, 2 young men helpted me out. Their boss came just before I was completing the assembling, and he said something to those 2 youngs. He looked really serious. But when I finished putting the wheel, the boss smiled at me and said "Have a nice trip". So I reckoned they wanted to help but by rule, they were not supposed to give me their hands. Inflexibility of a developed country, I guess. There are good sides and bad sides of being a developed country.
ようやく組み立てが終わったので、エスペランサをパレットから降ろします。センタースタンドで立っているので、センターを外したところ、パレットの溝でバランスを崩し、右へガッシャーーーン!!! やってしもうた。
Finally I could put back all the parts, so I was to bring her down from the palette. As she was on the centre stand, I pushed her forward, her front wheel stuck in the gap of the palette, then she fell to the right...
A guy driving a forklift saw her down on the ground, quickly he came and helped me out to pick her up. As I guessed Germans were really kinf.
There were some scratches on the engine bar repaired in Brazil. Also the final drive protector got cracked....
気を取り直して、パニアを取り付けてエンジン始動! セル一発です。空港外れのガソリンスタンドで給油。流石イタリアに近いだけあって「Agip」ですね。空気圧も調整し、家に向かいます。
Well, shit happened. I pushed the cell and the engine started without any problem. I filled petrol at the petrol station nearby the airport. As here is very close to Italia (!?), the petrol station was Agip.
遂にドイツの「アウトバーン」を走りました!! 感動です。が、しかし制限速度は時速120キロ。まぁ、ワシは100キロ前後で巡航してましたが。
On the way to the city, I rode on Autobahn. I had been dreaming of riding on Autobahn. So it was very exceptional feeling riding on. But the speed limit was 120km/h. Well I was cruising around 100km/h.
My GPS did not have a proper European map (it had just a world map), so it could not navigate me. Luckily Ina gave me a print out of how I could get back home, so I managed to come back. I rode 30km or so on AUtobahn and entered "Ring" which lead to the town.
Once I was nearby the apartment, I used the GPS location to get closer to the apartment. Then I was home! It was already after 6pm.
I parked Esperanza and the big ob for the day completed.
Having dinner, I chat with Ina. Today we talked a lots about religions.
TOmorrow is May Day, a public holiday. Laura and her friend will ride to Switzerland, so I will join them.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 641: 2012年4月29日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
I went to the local "cheeze" market with Laura and Ina. Here Perlach just 3 stations away from the cenre of the city, has a rural / pastral atmosphere, I like it.
It was a small market, but there were stands selling handmade cheese, breads, honey, sausages/salames, soaps and so on. As I could taste them, it made me even happier! Real german made sausages and cheese. I love sausages and cheese. There was a blacksmith as well.


Some people were wearing the traditional Babarian costume. There were 3 guys blowing alphorns and a brass band playing Bavarian musics. It's fun to see those traditional things.

In Babaria, majority is Cathoric, so there would be a cathoric church each town/villege.
In Germany, there are 2 types of cakes: Kuchen and Torte. Kuchen is like sponge cake and Torte is more creamy cake. Ina loves cakes, so she bought 3 different kind of Tortes and we went home to have those with cups of coffee. They were all nice! But I forgot to take a photo...
In the afternoon, Laura went back to her place, so I talked with Ina. About education, history, politics, lifestyle etc, we talked a lot. I knew German has lots of similalities to Japanese, but by talking to her, I realised there were more than I thought. For example, we are generally diligent and are perfectionalists.
Our countries were united around 1870, then we joined the Industrial revolution. We lost the WWII, then the US supported us to re-establish to go against Soviet block. So our fates are similar too.
Of course, our cultures, languages and environments are so differenthave and there are more differences than similarities between us. But I felt that I could learn a lot from Germany somthing I could bring back to Japan for these similarities. Germany can be a "mirrir" of Japan, I reckon.
Ina said the voting rate in Germany is not that high. But she old me there are quite a few referendum taking place in Germany. For example, this is just in Munich region, when the government proposed to build another train line from the city to the airport, for faster access, the people of Munich voted against. As there were already a train line, bus services and a higway connecting to the airport, they did not see any need of the new line. So I guess people's intentions are reflected to politics. Japanese need tolearn from German.
The photo of the brass band above, there was a war memorial behind the band. Japan has no war memorial like this other than Yasukuni Shrine. Germany also lost the war, but they do recognise those faught for the country. They are still hunting down Natzi war criminals. But They separate those criminals and the soldiers. They are not forgetting to commemorate those soldiers.
Everytime I saw those war memorials in Australia, I was thinking "Japan needs to recognise contributions and efforts of those soldiers", but now I saw the memorial in Germany, which is again lost the war. I was very touched.
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Munich (La Casa de Laura)
I went to the local "cheeze" market with Laura and Ina. Here Perlach just 3 stations away from the cenre of the city, has a rural / pastral atmosphere, I like it.
It was a small market, but there were stands selling handmade cheese, breads, honey, sausages/salames, soaps and so on. As I could taste them, it made me even happier! Real german made sausages and cheese. I love sausages and cheese. There was a blacksmith as well.
Some people were wearing the traditional Babarian costume. There were 3 guys blowing alphorns and a brass band playing Bavarian musics. It's fun to see those traditional things.
In Babaria, majority is Cathoric, so there would be a cathoric church each town/villege.
In Germany, there are 2 types of cakes: Kuchen and Torte. Kuchen is like sponge cake and Torte is more creamy cake. Ina loves cakes, so she bought 3 different kind of Tortes and we went home to have those with cups of coffee. They were all nice! But I forgot to take a photo...
In the afternoon, Laura went back to her place, so I talked with Ina. About education, history, politics, lifestyle etc, we talked a lot. I knew German has lots of similalities to Japanese, but by talking to her, I realised there were more than I thought. For example, we are generally diligent and are perfectionalists.
Our countries were united around 1870, then we joined the Industrial revolution. We lost the WWII, then the US supported us to re-establish to go against Soviet block. So our fates are similar too.
Of course, our cultures, languages and environments are so differenthave and there are more differences than similarities between us. But I felt that I could learn a lot from Germany somthing I could bring back to Japan for these similarities. Germany can be a "mirrir" of Japan, I reckon.
Ina said the voting rate in Germany is not that high. But she old me there are quite a few referendum taking place in Germany. For example, this is just in Munich region, when the government proposed to build another train line from the city to the airport, for faster access, the people of Munich voted against. As there were already a train line, bus services and a higway connecting to the airport, they did not see any need of the new line. So I guess people's intentions are reflected to politics. Japanese need tolearn from German.
The photo of the brass band above, there was a war memorial behind the band. Japan has no war memorial like this other than Yasukuni Shrine. Germany also lost the war, but they do recognise those faught for the country. They are still hunting down Natzi war criminals. But They separate those criminals and the soldiers. They are not forgetting to commemorate those soldiers.
Everytime I saw those war memorials in Australia, I was thinking "Japan needs to recognise contributions and efforts of those soldiers", but now I saw the memorial in Germany, which is again lost the war. I was very touched.
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Day 640: 2012年4月28日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
朝起きたらもう11時!? 「寝過ごした!」と思ったらそりゃそうですよね。アルゼンチンではまだ午前6時なんですから。まぁ、時差ボケってやつですかね。
It was already 11am when I woke up! I slept in. But it was 6am in Argentinian time, so I would say it was due to a jet rag.

It was fine in Munich again today. It was more like summer than spring. I had a chat with Ina at the balcony. We talked about Politics of Germany and Japan etc. Talking with Ina, I can learn lots about Germany.
We went out to the city. I met Wolfgang and Gunter - the friends of Ina at the open air market in front of a Cathedral. According to Ina, the market would be held 3 times a year and it will be on until next weekend. There were lots of stands selling sausages, beer, cakes, antiques, dairy groceries etc.

As it was saturday, there were lots of people enjoying lunch and shopping there. There were a few people in traditional Babarian outfits. The State of Bavaria, where Munich locates, is the south of Germany, so there are strong influences from Italy. So unlike other parts of Germany, people here enjoy eating outside.

Ina and I took a bus to the old town of Munich where the royal palace of Bavarian king "Residenz" located. It was gorgeous! The town itself was so neat and nicely done. There were many similarity between Latin American colonial cities and here Munich, but in Munich everything was more in order, I felt.

I was amazed with the wealth of the kings of Bavaria. They were not the kings of entire Germany, but they could build such a wonderful palace. The wealth of the Bavarian kings were imcomparable with hunble Japanese feudal loards or Shogun... I wonder if those came from exploitation of peasants or trading of goods, such as salt, made Munich economy so strong to support the royal family. As far as I read the stories of Ludwig I, he seemed to be a nice ruler, so the wealth came from trading.

Wecaught a bus again and went around the old town. Then we went back to the apartment. Laura was there, so we had mate and had a chat aboutmy trip in Latin America.

Then in the evening, Ina took me to a classical music concert! Quartet of a flute, a violine, a viola and a cell played musics composed by Mozart. What made interesting was, a musisian Christoph Well read letters f Mozart written during the period when those music were composed.

I could not understand the contents of the letters as they were in German, but according to Ina, Mozart wrote jokes and many things written were very personal. So from thse letter, we could feel the personality of Mozart himself. I wish I could understand them and enjoy the concert more.
Anyway, the musics and players were excellent!! I am surely in Germany :) After a break they played until 10pm. With such a wonderful playing, we did not realise it was that late. Time flied.
Tomorrow is sunday. I will have breakfast with Laura and will go to the local cheese market.
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I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Munich (La Casa de Laura)
朝起きたらもう11時!? 「寝過ごした!」と思ったらそりゃそうですよね。アルゼンチンではまだ午前6時なんですから。まぁ、時差ボケってやつですかね。
It was already 11am when I woke up! I slept in. But it was 6am in Argentinian time, so I would say it was due to a jet rag.
It was fine in Munich again today. It was more like summer than spring. I had a chat with Ina at the balcony. We talked about Politics of Germany and Japan etc. Talking with Ina, I can learn lots about Germany.
We went out to the city. I met Wolfgang and Gunter - the friends of Ina at the open air market in front of a Cathedral. According to Ina, the market would be held 3 times a year and it will be on until next weekend. There were lots of stands selling sausages, beer, cakes, antiques, dairy groceries etc.
As it was saturday, there were lots of people enjoying lunch and shopping there. There were a few people in traditional Babarian outfits. The State of Bavaria, where Munich locates, is the south of Germany, so there are strong influences from Italy. So unlike other parts of Germany, people here enjoy eating outside.
Ina and I took a bus to the old town of Munich where the royal palace of Bavarian king "Residenz" located. It was gorgeous! The town itself was so neat and nicely done. There were many similarity between Latin American colonial cities and here Munich, but in Munich everything was more in order, I felt.
I was amazed with the wealth of the kings of Bavaria. They were not the kings of entire Germany, but they could build such a wonderful palace. The wealth of the Bavarian kings were imcomparable with hunble Japanese feudal loards or Shogun... I wonder if those came from exploitation of peasants or trading of goods, such as salt, made Munich economy so strong to support the royal family. As far as I read the stories of Ludwig I, he seemed to be a nice ruler, so the wealth came from trading.
Wecaught a bus again and went around the old town. Then we went back to the apartment. Laura was there, so we had mate and had a chat aboutmy trip in Latin America.
Then in the evening, Ina took me to a classical music concert! Quartet of a flute, a violine, a viola and a cell played musics composed by Mozart. What made interesting was, a musisian Christoph Well read letters f Mozart written during the period when those music were composed.
I could not understand the contents of the letters as they were in German, but according to Ina, Mozart wrote jokes and many things written were very personal. So from thse letter, we could feel the personality of Mozart himself. I wish I could understand them and enjoy the concert more.
Anyway, the musics and players were excellent!! I am surely in Germany :) After a break they played until 10pm. With such a wonderful playing, we did not realise it was that late. Time flied.
Tomorrow is sunday. I will have breakfast with Laura and will go to the local cheese market.
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I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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