三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ドイツと日本の違いと似たところ / The differences and similarities between Germany and Japan
Day 641: 2012年4月29日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
I went to the local "cheeze" market with Laura and Ina. Here Perlach just 3 stations away from the cenre of the city, has a rural / pastral atmosphere, I like it.
It was a small market, but there were stands selling handmade cheese, breads, honey, sausages/salames, soaps and so on. As I could taste them, it made me even happier! Real german made sausages and cheese. I love sausages and cheese. There was a blacksmith as well.


Some people were wearing the traditional Babarian costume. There were 3 guys blowing alphorns and a brass band playing Bavarian musics. It's fun to see those traditional things.

In Babaria, majority is Cathoric, so there would be a cathoric church each town/villege.
In Germany, there are 2 types of cakes: Kuchen and Torte. Kuchen is like sponge cake and Torte is more creamy cake. Ina loves cakes, so she bought 3 different kind of Tortes and we went home to have those with cups of coffee. They were all nice! But I forgot to take a photo...
In the afternoon, Laura went back to her place, so I talked with Ina. About education, history, politics, lifestyle etc, we talked a lot. I knew German has lots of similalities to Japanese, but by talking to her, I realised there were more than I thought. For example, we are generally diligent and are perfectionalists.
Our countries were united around 1870, then we joined the Industrial revolution. We lost the WWII, then the US supported us to re-establish to go against Soviet block. So our fates are similar too.
Of course, our cultures, languages and environments are so differenthave and there are more differences than similarities between us. But I felt that I could learn a lot from Germany somthing I could bring back to Japan for these similarities. Germany can be a "mirrir" of Japan, I reckon.
Ina said the voting rate in Germany is not that high. But she old me there are quite a few referendum taking place in Germany. For example, this is just in Munich region, when the government proposed to build another train line from the city to the airport, for faster access, the people of Munich voted against. As there were already a train line, bus services and a higway connecting to the airport, they did not see any need of the new line. So I guess people's intentions are reflected to politics. Japanese need tolearn from German.
The photo of the brass band above, there was a war memorial behind the band. Japan has no war memorial like this other than Yasukuni Shrine. Germany also lost the war, but they do recognise those faught for the country. They are still hunting down Natzi war criminals. But They separate those criminals and the soldiers. They are not forgetting to commemorate those soldiers.
Everytime I saw those war memorials in Australia, I was thinking "Japan needs to recognise contributions and efforts of those soldiers", but now I saw the memorial in Germany, which is again lost the war. I was very touched.
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Munich (La Casa de Laura)
I went to the local "cheeze" market with Laura and Ina. Here Perlach just 3 stations away from the cenre of the city, has a rural / pastral atmosphere, I like it.
It was a small market, but there were stands selling handmade cheese, breads, honey, sausages/salames, soaps and so on. As I could taste them, it made me even happier! Real german made sausages and cheese. I love sausages and cheese. There was a blacksmith as well.
Some people were wearing the traditional Babarian costume. There were 3 guys blowing alphorns and a brass band playing Bavarian musics. It's fun to see those traditional things.
In Babaria, majority is Cathoric, so there would be a cathoric church each town/villege.
In Germany, there are 2 types of cakes: Kuchen and Torte. Kuchen is like sponge cake and Torte is more creamy cake. Ina loves cakes, so she bought 3 different kind of Tortes and we went home to have those with cups of coffee. They were all nice! But I forgot to take a photo...
In the afternoon, Laura went back to her place, so I talked with Ina. About education, history, politics, lifestyle etc, we talked a lot. I knew German has lots of similalities to Japanese, but by talking to her, I realised there were more than I thought. For example, we are generally diligent and are perfectionalists.
Our countries were united around 1870, then we joined the Industrial revolution. We lost the WWII, then the US supported us to re-establish to go against Soviet block. So our fates are similar too.
Of course, our cultures, languages and environments are so differenthave and there are more differences than similarities between us. But I felt that I could learn a lot from Germany somthing I could bring back to Japan for these similarities. Germany can be a "mirrir" of Japan, I reckon.
Ina said the voting rate in Germany is not that high. But she old me there are quite a few referendum taking place in Germany. For example, this is just in Munich region, when the government proposed to build another train line from the city to the airport, for faster access, the people of Munich voted against. As there were already a train line, bus services and a higway connecting to the airport, they did not see any need of the new line. So I guess people's intentions are reflected to politics. Japanese need tolearn from German.
The photo of the brass band above, there was a war memorial behind the band. Japan has no war memorial like this other than Yasukuni Shrine. Germany also lost the war, but they do recognise those faught for the country. They are still hunting down Natzi war criminals. But They separate those criminals and the soldiers. They are not forgetting to commemorate those soldiers.
Everytime I saw those war memorials in Australia, I was thinking "Japan needs to recognise contributions and efforts of those soldiers", but now I saw the memorial in Germany, which is again lost the war. I was very touched.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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