三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
2日間: 2012年4月16日から2012年4月17日まで
ウルグアイ総走行距離: 60,756km to 61, 275km= 519km
使った金額 (注:通貨単位はウルグアイ・ペソ)
現金合計: 2,235ペソ - 1,200(残った現金) = 1,035ペソ
クレジットカード払い合計: 2,912ペソ
ホテル代: 900ペソ
フェリー代: 2,012ペソ
入国とバイク輸入諸手数料: 無料
保険: アルゼンチンで加入した保険が有効
バイク関連費用: 無し
生活費(食費+宿代+交通費): (現金1,035ペソ+クレジット900ペソ)÷2日=1日当り、967.5ペソ。(48米ドル)
初日はブラジルとの国境のチュイ(Chuy)ホテルに泊まりました。2日目はコロニア・デル・サクラメント(Colonia del Sacramento)にてホステルに泊まりました (Hostel Colonia)。ドミトリーで350ウルグアイ・ペソ(17.5米ドル)です。中庭にバイク駐車可能。WiFiあり、朝食付き。施設は特に可もなく不可もなく。
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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ウルグアイ総走行距離: 60,756km to 61, 275km= 519km
使った金額 (注:通貨単位はウルグアイ・ペソ)
現金合計: 2,235ペソ - 1,200(残った現金) = 1,035ペソ
クレジットカード払い合計: 2,912ペソ
ホテル代: 900ペソ
フェリー代: 2,012ペソ
入国とバイク輸入諸手数料: 無料
保険: アルゼンチンで加入した保険が有効
バイク関連費用: 無し
生活費(食費+宿代+交通費): (現金1,035ペソ+クレジット900ペソ)÷2日=1日当り、967.5ペソ。(48米ドル)
初日はブラジルとの国境のチュイ(Chuy)ホテルに泊まりました。2日目はコロニア・デル・サクラメント(Colonia del Sacramento)にてホステルに泊まりました (Hostel Colonia)。ドミトリーで350ウルグアイ・ペソ(17.5米ドル)です。中庭にバイク駐車可能。WiFiあり、朝食付き。施設は特に可もなく不可もなく。
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Day 629: 2012年4月17日
Chuy to Clonia del Sacramento (Hostel Colonial)
60,765km to 61, 274km = 509km
Today is my mum and nephew's birthday. Happy Birthday!!
The plan today was to get to Colonia del Sacramento via Montevideo - the capital of Uruguay. Colonia is the town located on the shore of River La Plata, the oposite side of Buenos Aires. I would take a ferry accross the river and get to Buenos Aires tomorrow.
It was overcasted and cool, so it was a nice climate to ride.
I got to Immigration at the edge of the town. I fill out the entry card and got a stamp. Then I got the temporary import permission fairy easy too. I could leave there around 9am. I head down south on the route 9.
しばらく走ると、砦「フエルテ・サン・ミゲル(Fuerte San Miguel)」があります。国道を東にそれて砦に。入園は無料。
Soon, I saw a sign of "Fuerte San Miguel」 - 18 century fortress built by Spanish against Portugese progress to this area. It was free admission. Nice.
Although the size was small, the construction of the structure was good. I walked to the main gate and realised that those cannons could cross-fire the enemies.
I could not go inside the fortress as it was to open from 12 noon. I rode around the fortress and then went back to the highway.
The cloud got thicker and it started to rain. It got heavier and hearier. As my rear tyre has no much left, I was nervous to ride. But fortunately I could get through the wet section pretty soon.
I fill the tank at Rocha. I should be able to get to Colonia without another refuel.
そしてパン・デ・アスーカル(Pan de Azucar)という小さな街のガソリンスタンドで昼飯。クロワッサンにハムとチーズが挟まったものですが、何故だかクロワッサンが甘い。あ、なるほど、「パン・デ・アスーカル(砂糖のパンという意味)」だからですね。しかし甘いパンにハムとチーズのコンビは美味しくないです。
Then I had a quick lunch at Pan de Azucar. I had a ham and cheeze croissant at a petrol station, but the croissant was sweet. It was a strange combination of a sweet croissant and ham and cheese. But, the town was "Pan de Azucar (sugar bread)"! No wonder!!
Then I got to Montevideo. Actually it would be closer to get to Colonia bypassing Montevideo, but since I was a kid, the name of this capital caputed my mind. So I decided to visit it.
But there were lots of traffic!!
Now I had to care about how much fuel left in the tank. As I would fly my bike from Buenos Aires, the tank has to be near empty. So I was calculating the distance and fuel consumption, but as I entered Montevideo, I had to recalculate...
I rode throuh the downtown, but it seemed nothing much to see, so I left to Colonia.
I toomk the route 1 to the west. I put 2 litres of fuel on the way.
I arrived Colonia just after 4pm. I went to the port to buy a ferry ticket. There are 3 ferry operators but only Buquebus does the ferry service for vehicles. Tmorrow morning, there are 4:30am (slow service, 3 hours) and 10:30am (fast service, 1 hour) services to choose. In the afternoon, there is 7:30pm service, which is a little late. So I chose 10:30am service even though it was more expensive. It costs around US$109!!
それから宿を探します。ロンプラに載っている「Hostel Colonia」の中庭にバイクを停めさせてくれる言うので、ここにしました。ドミで350ペソ。
Then I looked for an accomodation. "Hostel Colonial" shown on Lonely Planet could let me park my bike inside the patio, so I chose to stay there. 1 dorm bed costs 350 U Pesos.
I waled around the downtown before dusk.
Then I watched the sunset from the jetty.
I could see the sun setting over the river. Yes, the river La Plata. It's not a sea. The other side is Argentina but I could not see the shore.
I had dinner at a street stand. Choripan Uruguayan style. Look at the volume of the Choripan!
In the evening, I met Alex from Germany staying at the same room. He is a nice guy!
I will be back to Argentina tomorrow. The ferry will be only 1 hour ride, so I would not be able to relax on the boat.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Chuy to Clonia del Sacramento (Hostel Colonial)
60,765km to 61, 274km = 509km
Today is my mum and nephew's birthday. Happy Birthday!!
The plan today was to get to Colonia del Sacramento via Montevideo - the capital of Uruguay. Colonia is the town located on the shore of River La Plata, the oposite side of Buenos Aires. I would take a ferry accross the river and get to Buenos Aires tomorrow.
It was overcasted and cool, so it was a nice climate to ride.
I got to Immigration at the edge of the town. I fill out the entry card and got a stamp. Then I got the temporary import permission fairy easy too. I could leave there around 9am. I head down south on the route 9.
しばらく走ると、砦「フエルテ・サン・ミゲル(Fuerte San Miguel)」があります。国道を東にそれて砦に。入園は無料。
Soon, I saw a sign of "Fuerte San Miguel」 - 18 century fortress built by Spanish against Portugese progress to this area. It was free admission. Nice.
Although the size was small, the construction of the structure was good. I walked to the main gate and realised that those cannons could cross-fire the enemies.
I could not go inside the fortress as it was to open from 12 noon. I rode around the fortress and then went back to the highway.
The cloud got thicker and it started to rain. It got heavier and hearier. As my rear tyre has no much left, I was nervous to ride. But fortunately I could get through the wet section pretty soon.
I fill the tank at Rocha. I should be able to get to Colonia without another refuel.
そしてパン・デ・アスーカル(Pan de Azucar)という小さな街のガソリンスタンドで昼飯。クロワッサンにハムとチーズが挟まったものですが、何故だかクロワッサンが甘い。あ、なるほど、「パン・デ・アスーカル(砂糖のパンという意味)」だからですね。しかし甘いパンにハムとチーズのコンビは美味しくないです。
Then I had a quick lunch at Pan de Azucar. I had a ham and cheeze croissant at a petrol station, but the croissant was sweet. It was a strange combination of a sweet croissant and ham and cheese. But, the town was "Pan de Azucar (sugar bread)"! No wonder!!
Then I got to Montevideo. Actually it would be closer to get to Colonia bypassing Montevideo, but since I was a kid, the name of this capital caputed my mind. So I decided to visit it.
But there were lots of traffic!!
Now I had to care about how much fuel left in the tank. As I would fly my bike from Buenos Aires, the tank has to be near empty. So I was calculating the distance and fuel consumption, but as I entered Montevideo, I had to recalculate...
I rode throuh the downtown, but it seemed nothing much to see, so I left to Colonia.
I toomk the route 1 to the west. I put 2 litres of fuel on the way.
I arrived Colonia just after 4pm. I went to the port to buy a ferry ticket. There are 3 ferry operators but only Buquebus does the ferry service for vehicles. Tmorrow morning, there are 4:30am (slow service, 3 hours) and 10:30am (fast service, 1 hour) services to choose. In the afternoon, there is 7:30pm service, which is a little late. So I chose 10:30am service even though it was more expensive. It costs around US$109!!
それから宿を探します。ロンプラに載っている「Hostel Colonia」の中庭にバイクを停めさせてくれる言うので、ここにしました。ドミで350ペソ。
Then I looked for an accomodation. "Hostel Colonial" shown on Lonely Planet could let me park my bike inside the patio, so I chose to stay there. 1 dorm bed costs 350 U Pesos.
I waled around the downtown before dusk.
Then I watched the sunset from the jetty.
I could see the sun setting over the river. Yes, the river La Plata. It's not a sea. The other side is Argentina but I could not see the shore.
I had dinner at a street stand. Choripan Uruguayan style. Look at the volume of the Choripan!
In the evening, I met Alex from Germany staying at the same room. He is a nice guy!
I will be back to Argentina tomorrow. The ferry will be only 1 hour ride, so I would not be able to relax on the boat.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Day 628: 2012年4月16日
Porto Alegre - Brazil to Chuy - Uruguay (International Hotel)
60,235km to 60,765km = 530km (Brazil = 521km / Uruguay = 9km)
Today I was to enter Uruguay. Plinio did not come to teh apartment this morning. He might be busy with other things, I reckoned. I left the apartment by 8:30am.
But I made a wrong turn at the exit of the freeway, so I end up coming back to the city. I wasted 30mins or so...
To Pelotas, 200km or so, the freeway was very boring. I refelled at Pelotas and headed to Chui, the border town to Uruguay. I saw a sign stating "600km to Montevideo" the capital of Urguay.
The way from Pelotas to Chui, it became more boring than before. Some swamps, cattle farms and farms. The scernery wasn't that bad at all. But as there were many animals crossing the road, the speed limit was 60km/h!! And there were many speed cameras. I had to be careful with my speed.
The view was like. Not bad at all, isn't it?
時々動物の死骸があって臭い。鷲などの鳥が集っていて、バイクが近づくと飛び去るので危ない! 制限速度が60キロなのも納得です。
There were some carcassess of animals on the road, and they stunk!! There were birds like eagles eating those carcasses, and when I approaced, they flew away. So it was dangerous too. No wonder the speed limit was 60km/h.
There was immigration / custom office before the town of Chui. I stamped out Brazil and cancelled the temporary import of my bike. I don't know why but it took around 20mins at Custom to cancel the permit. It was just before 4pm.
Then I entered the town of Chuy. Well the town is spelled Chui in Brazil and Chuy in Uruguay. The town looks like located in between the border of 2 countries. It is the tax free zone and it has a little chaotic atmosphere to me.
Oh, now I entered Urugua, the 19th country on this trip.
I went to a money exchange to exchange Reals to US$ and Uruguay Pesos (I got US$529 and 2,235 U Pesos).
I decided to spend 1 night here but I wondered if I should go through the immigration or not, so I rode to the edge of the town where immigration / custom office locates.
The officer told me that if I would stay in Chi onight, I could come back there tomorrow to do the immigration process.
I went back to the town and foud an accomdation. I went to a supermarket and the prices are really high in Uruguay as I heard from so many people...
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。 I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Porto Alegre - Brazil to Chuy - Uruguay (International Hotel)
60,235km to 60,765km = 530km (Brazil = 521km / Uruguay = 9km)
Today I was to enter Uruguay. Plinio did not come to teh apartment this morning. He might be busy with other things, I reckoned. I left the apartment by 8:30am.
But I made a wrong turn at the exit of the freeway, so I end up coming back to the city. I wasted 30mins or so...
To Pelotas, 200km or so, the freeway was very boring. I refelled at Pelotas and headed to Chui, the border town to Uruguay. I saw a sign stating "600km to Montevideo" the capital of Urguay.
The way from Pelotas to Chui, it became more boring than before. Some swamps, cattle farms and farms. The scernery wasn't that bad at all. But as there were many animals crossing the road, the speed limit was 60km/h!! And there were many speed cameras. I had to be careful with my speed.
The view was like. Not bad at all, isn't it?
時々動物の死骸があって臭い。鷲などの鳥が集っていて、バイクが近づくと飛び去るので危ない! 制限速度が60キロなのも納得です。
There were some carcassess of animals on the road, and they stunk!! There were birds like eagles eating those carcasses, and when I approaced, they flew away. So it was dangerous too. No wonder the speed limit was 60km/h.
There was immigration / custom office before the town of Chui. I stamped out Brazil and cancelled the temporary import of my bike. I don't know why but it took around 20mins at Custom to cancel the permit. It was just before 4pm.
Then I entered the town of Chuy. Well the town is spelled Chui in Brazil and Chuy in Uruguay. The town looks like located in between the border of 2 countries. It is the tax free zone and it has a little chaotic atmosphere to me.
Oh, now I entered Urugua, the 19th country on this trip.
I went to a money exchange to exchange Reals to US$ and Uruguay Pesos (I got US$529 and 2,235 U Pesos).
I decided to spend 1 night here but I wondered if I should go through the immigration or not, so I rode to the edge of the town where immigration / custom office locates.
The officer told me that if I would stay in Chi onight, I could come back there tomorrow to do the immigration process.
I went back to the town and foud an accomdation. I went to a supermarket and the prices are really high in Uruguay as I heard from so many people...
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。 I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
39日間: 2012年3月8日から2012年4月15日まで
ブラジル総走行距離: 56,257km to 60,756km = 4,499km
使った金額 (注:通貨単位はレアル R$)
現金合計: R$2,900 - R$1,225 (残った現金) = R$1,675
250 (レッカー代)
400 (修理代)
200 (病院代)
214.78 (治療費) クレジットカード払い
クレジットカード払い合計: 1,098.18レアル
ヘッドライトの電球代: 24.15レアル
郵便代: 75.4レアル
入国とバイク輸入諸手数料: 無料
保険: アルゼンチンで加入した保険が有効
バイク関連費用: 上記のレッカー・修理費とヘッドライトの電球代24.15レアル
生活費(食費+宿代+交通費): (現金850レアル+クレジット783.85レアル)÷39日=1日当り、41.89レアル。(23.27米ドル)
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
39日間: 2012年3月8日から2012年4月15日まで
ブラジル総走行距離: 56,257km to 60,756km = 4,499km
使った金額 (注:通貨単位はレアル R$)
現金合計: R$2,900 - R$1,225 (残った現金) = R$1,675
250 (レッカー代)
400 (修理代)
200 (病院代)
214.78 (治療費) クレジットカード払い
クレジットカード払い合計: 1,098.18レアル
ヘッドライトの電球代: 24.15レアル
郵便代: 75.4レアル
入国とバイク輸入諸手数料: 無料
保険: アルゼンチンで加入した保険が有効
バイク関連費用: 上記のレッカー・修理費とヘッドライトの電球代24.15レアル
生活費(食費+宿代+交通費): (現金850レアル+クレジット783.85レアル)÷39日=1日当り、41.89レアル。(23.27米ドル)
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 627: 2012年4月15日
Balneario Camoboriu to Porto Alregre (La Casa do Pliniol)
59,684km to 60,235km = 551km
It's the day to restart my trip to Buenos Aires. I got up early and got ready before having breakfast with Dolor & Angela.
They came down to the garage to see me off. We hugged and promissed to see each others again! I have received so much kindness from them. Thank you, thank you so so much,my friends!!
I rode south on BR-101 Freeway. After 1 hour ride or so, I could see the capital of Santa Catarina State, Florianopolis. I heard it was a beautiful city located on an island rather than on the mainland. I could only see from the distance, but it looked really a nice city.
途中サンタ・ローザ(Santa Rosa)からオソリオ(Osorio)あたりは湖が多い地帯で、結構な強風が。まぁ、パタゴニアの風に比べたら大したことは無い、って思ってしまうんですけどね。
From Santa Rosa to Osorio, there were many lakes around. And there were strng winds too. If I compare them to the winds of Patagonia, they are nothing, thoug.
今日の目的地はヒオ・グランジ・ド・スル州(Rio Grande do Sul)のポルト・アレグレ(Porto Alegre)です。ドロールの友人プリニオ(Plinio)さん宅に泊めて頂ける事になってるんです。
Today, I was heading to Porto Alegre, the State capital of Rio Grande do Sul. A freind of Dolor - Plinio invited me to his place to stay.
It was around 3 weks ago, I met Plinio at the birthday party of Maccori. Plinio came to celebrate Maccori's birthday and Dolor introduced him to me. Plinio was an airplane engineer and is a pilot. He speaks fluent English, so I would not have any communicaton problem.
I got to Port Alegre by 4pm. But it took a while to find his apartment. There were many ne way in this city...
Finally, I found the apartment around 4:30pm. I beeped the bell, but none was answering. I called his number from a public phone and his wife answered. As we spoke in mixture of English and Portugese, I did not get full picture, but what I understood was Plinio and his wife were at another house rather than the apartment. He was out at that time, so she told me to wait in front of the apartment.
I was waiting for a while and Plinio and his wife came with a Vespa! I parked Esperanza in the garage and tey took e to their apartment. As I guessed, they were living in another house. The house is nder renovation, so I could stay in the apartmen (none is living there now).
"Let'S go for a ride around the city. We dont have much time before the sunset!", Plini said. So Ifollowed their Vespa.
We rode through the down town of the city. There were hstric buildings like Town Hall, Cathedral, a central park and then a theatre. As we rode through, I don't have any photo!
Port Alegre is located on the river side of "Rio Guaiba". This part of the river is like lake and the city used to be flourished as the major port of Rio Grande do Sul. We rode along the river side and we went to a hill to see the sunset. Unfortunately, by the time we got the top of the hill, the sun was set already... But the city view was beautiful.
2人の家に行き、ガレージを見せてもらいました。ハーレーとHONDA CB450、そしてKAWASAKI Vulconがあります。
Then they took me to their house. In the garage, there were Harley Davidson, HONDA CB450 and Kawasaki Vulcon.
マンションに戻る途中、ガソリンスタンドで給油。べスパも給油、と思ったらシートが外れません!! ガソリンタンクはシートの下なんですが、シートを外せないと給油も出来ません。しかも、べスパ、スタンドの目の前でガス欠してるので、もう動きません…。
On the way back to the apartment, Plinio and I went to a petrol station. I refuelled and as his Vespa had no gas at all (the engine stalled a few times just in front of the station), Plinio tried to remove the seat (the gas tank is located under the seat). But it did ot come off at all. The button did not release the clamp (it looks like the part was made in China).
He tried many times but it did not come out. "I will take my tools from the house!", said Plinio. He asked a guy just came to the station on his VW and he gave Plinio a ride back to his home!! How wonderful!!
Pliniocame back with some tools. He tried to release the clamp, but it wasn't working...
So he gave up for today. He asked a motorcyclist to give him a ride home and he came back with his VW Beatle.
If I could give him a ride, that would be better, but I was carrying a tyre, so he could not hop onto the pillion seat.
We came back to the apartment after 9pm. We walked an eatrey nearby and had diner together. We talked a lot but the story below he told me was my favorite. So I share it with you.
The story is about Plinio's friend, I did not get his ame, so let's call his Pablo. He was working for Volvo Truck factory in Brazil.
He went to Sweaden for a traning.
As Pablo did not have a car in Sweaden, his Sweadish colleague offered him a ride to work. He said to Pablo, he would pick him up at 7:15 in the morning.
He came to pick up Pablo at 7:15am as he said. They got to the factory by 7:45am. The work would start at 8am.
The parking lot of the factory was huge, it could fit handreds of cars. There weren't much cars in the parking lot as yet. But his colleague parked his car far away from the building even though there were plent of spaces available nearby the building.
It was a really cold season (in Sweaden!!). Pablo thought why his colleague did not park the car closer to the building, but he did not ask.
The coleague came to pick up Pablo at 7:15am and then arrived by 7:45am. The same deal again, he parked his car far away from the bulding when there were many spaces left.
パブロは思わず質問したそうです。「なんでこんなに離れた所に停めるの? 近くにも沢山スペース空いているじゃないか。」と。
Pablo asked him why he parked his car there when there were many spaces aailable nearby the building.
What do you think how the colleague replied?
He replied, "We arrived here early enough to walk to the building. So I leave those spaces for those who arrive just before the work starts."
素敵だと思いませんか? ワシが目指す未来の日本はこういう考えを皆が持つ国、なんです。ワシはこの話を聞いて流石北欧、先進国だなぁ、って思いました。
Isn't it wonderful!? I am aimng to make Japan like this - everyone can think like this gentleman. I thought the developed nation should be like this. All human being should be like him.
Just like this, I spent a god evening with Plinio. This would be my final night in Brazil, well on this trip.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Balneario Camoboriu to Porto Alregre (La Casa do Pliniol)
59,684km to 60,235km = 551km
It's the day to restart my trip to Buenos Aires. I got up early and got ready before having breakfast with Dolor & Angela.
They came down to the garage to see me off. We hugged and promissed to see each others again! I have received so much kindness from them. Thank you, thank you so so much,my friends!!
I rode south on BR-101 Freeway. After 1 hour ride or so, I could see the capital of Santa Catarina State, Florianopolis. I heard it was a beautiful city located on an island rather than on the mainland. I could only see from the distance, but it looked really a nice city.
途中サンタ・ローザ(Santa Rosa)からオソリオ(Osorio)あたりは湖が多い地帯で、結構な強風が。まぁ、パタゴニアの風に比べたら大したことは無い、って思ってしまうんですけどね。
From Santa Rosa to Osorio, there were many lakes around. And there were strng winds too. If I compare them to the winds of Patagonia, they are nothing, thoug.
今日の目的地はヒオ・グランジ・ド・スル州(Rio Grande do Sul)のポルト・アレグレ(Porto Alegre)です。ドロールの友人プリニオ(Plinio)さん宅に泊めて頂ける事になってるんです。
Today, I was heading to Porto Alegre, the State capital of Rio Grande do Sul. A freind of Dolor - Plinio invited me to his place to stay.
It was around 3 weks ago, I met Plinio at the birthday party of Maccori. Plinio came to celebrate Maccori's birthday and Dolor introduced him to me. Plinio was an airplane engineer and is a pilot. He speaks fluent English, so I would not have any communicaton problem.
I got to Port Alegre by 4pm. But it took a while to find his apartment. There were many ne way in this city...
Finally, I found the apartment around 4:30pm. I beeped the bell, but none was answering. I called his number from a public phone and his wife answered. As we spoke in mixture of English and Portugese, I did not get full picture, but what I understood was Plinio and his wife were at another house rather than the apartment. He was out at that time, so she told me to wait in front of the apartment.
I was waiting for a while and Plinio and his wife came with a Vespa! I parked Esperanza in the garage and tey took e to their apartment. As I guessed, they were living in another house. The house is nder renovation, so I could stay in the apartmen (none is living there now).
"Let'S go for a ride around the city. We dont have much time before the sunset!", Plini said. So Ifollowed their Vespa.
We rode through the down town of the city. There were hstric buildings like Town Hall, Cathedral, a central park and then a theatre. As we rode through, I don't have any photo!
Port Alegre is located on the river side of "Rio Guaiba". This part of the river is like lake and the city used to be flourished as the major port of Rio Grande do Sul. We rode along the river side and we went to a hill to see the sunset. Unfortunately, by the time we got the top of the hill, the sun was set already... But the city view was beautiful.
2人の家に行き、ガレージを見せてもらいました。ハーレーとHONDA CB450、そしてKAWASAKI Vulconがあります。
Then they took me to their house. In the garage, there were Harley Davidson, HONDA CB450 and Kawasaki Vulcon.
マンションに戻る途中、ガソリンスタンドで給油。べスパも給油、と思ったらシートが外れません!! ガソリンタンクはシートの下なんですが、シートを外せないと給油も出来ません。しかも、べスパ、スタンドの目の前でガス欠してるので、もう動きません…。
On the way back to the apartment, Plinio and I went to a petrol station. I refuelled and as his Vespa had no gas at all (the engine stalled a few times just in front of the station), Plinio tried to remove the seat (the gas tank is located under the seat). But it did ot come off at all. The button did not release the clamp (it looks like the part was made in China).
He tried many times but it did not come out. "I will take my tools from the house!", said Plinio. He asked a guy just came to the station on his VW and he gave Plinio a ride back to his home!! How wonderful!!
Pliniocame back with some tools. He tried to release the clamp, but it wasn't working...
So he gave up for today. He asked a motorcyclist to give him a ride home and he came back with his VW Beatle.
If I could give him a ride, that would be better, but I was carrying a tyre, so he could not hop onto the pillion seat.
We came back to the apartment after 9pm. We walked an eatrey nearby and had diner together. We talked a lot but the story below he told me was my favorite. So I share it with you.
The story is about Plinio's friend, I did not get his ame, so let's call his Pablo. He was working for Volvo Truck factory in Brazil.
He went to Sweaden for a traning.
As Pablo did not have a car in Sweaden, his Sweadish colleague offered him a ride to work. He said to Pablo, he would pick him up at 7:15 in the morning.
He came to pick up Pablo at 7:15am as he said. They got to the factory by 7:45am. The work would start at 8am.
The parking lot of the factory was huge, it could fit handreds of cars. There weren't much cars in the parking lot as yet. But his colleague parked his car far away from the building even though there were plent of spaces available nearby the building.
It was a really cold season (in Sweaden!!). Pablo thought why his colleague did not park the car closer to the building, but he did not ask.
The coleague came to pick up Pablo at 7:15am and then arrived by 7:45am. The same deal again, he parked his car far away from the bulding when there were many spaces left.
パブロは思わず質問したそうです。「なんでこんなに離れた所に停めるの? 近くにも沢山スペース空いているじゃないか。」と。
Pablo asked him why he parked his car there when there were many spaces aailable nearby the building.
What do you think how the colleague replied?
He replied, "We arrived here early enough to walk to the building. So I leave those spaces for those who arrive just before the work starts."
素敵だと思いませんか? ワシが目指す未来の日本はこういう考えを皆が持つ国、なんです。ワシはこの話を聞いて流石北欧、先進国だなぁ、って思いました。
Isn't it wonderful!? I am aimng to make Japan like this - everyone can think like this gentleman. I thought the developed nation should be like this. All human being should be like him.
Just like this, I spent a god evening with Plinio. This would be my final night in Brazil, well on this trip.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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