三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 517: 2011年12月24日
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
今朝ウベが訪ねてきました。Hospedaje Jorgitoの裏庭にキャンプしているのだそう。ウベはKTMを売りに出すのだそうで、洗車したり、ネットに宣伝を出したりと朝は忙しいので午後5時に待ち合わせしました。

皆様、メリー・クリスマス! 皆様がよい1日を過ごされますように。
Day 517: 24 DEC 2011
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
This morning Uwe came to my hostel to see me. It's good to see my old friend! As he had to do a few things this morning and afternoon, so we made an appointment at 5pm.
With Nezumi, I went to the town to see Paul. We discuss a few things and made an appointment at 5pm, so with Uwe we can make a plan for riding down to Ushaia.
Then Nezumi wantedto buy a pair of trousers, so we shopped around a few outdoor shops.
Back to the hostel, I made pasta. It was well done and I was surprised with myself. I could cook!
I chat with Nezumi and others and had a nap, then went to the campground where Uwe was.
3 adventure riders making a plan for the new year while having beer and coffee. We decided to leave EL Calafate on 27th and head down to Ushaia.
We went buy some beef and cooked them on a parrilla (grill). Paul knows how to cook beef in Argentinian style, so we was in charge! Buen asadero.
It took time to cook, but the meats were very tasty. Buen hecho, Paul. We talked till late and at 12 mid night, people celebrated the Xmas day with some fireworks. It was a fun evening with my good friends.
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
今朝ウベが訪ねてきました。Hospedaje Jorgitoの裏庭にキャンプしているのだそう。ウベはKTMを売りに出すのだそうで、洗車したり、ネットに宣伝を出したりと朝は忙しいので午後5時に待ち合わせしました。
皆様、メリー・クリスマス! 皆様がよい1日を過ごされますように。
Day 517: 24 DEC 2011
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
This morning Uwe came to my hostel to see me. It's good to see my old friend! As he had to do a few things this morning and afternoon, so we made an appointment at 5pm.
With Nezumi, I went to the town to see Paul. We discuss a few things and made an appointment at 5pm, so with Uwe we can make a plan for riding down to Ushaia.
Then Nezumi wantedto buy a pair of trousers, so we shopped around a few outdoor shops.
Back to the hostel, I made pasta. It was well done and I was surprised with myself. I could cook!
I chat with Nezumi and others and had a nap, then went to the campground where Uwe was.
3 adventure riders making a plan for the new year while having beer and coffee. We decided to leave EL Calafate on 27th and head down to Ushaia.
We went buy some beef and cooked them on a parrilla (grill). Paul knows how to cook beef in Argentinian style, so we was in charge! Buen asadero.
It took time to cook, but the meats were very tasty. Buen hecho, Paul. We talked till late and at 12 mid night, people celebrated the Xmas day with some fireworks. It was a fun evening with my good friends.
Day 516: 2011年12月23日
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
で、今日はパタゴニアのハイライトの1つ、「ペリート・モレノ氷河(Glaciar Perito Moreno)」に行ってきました。宿の面々と行ったので、エスペランサではなくバスで行きましたが。



Day 516: 23 DEC 2011
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
Today I visited "Glaciar Perito Moreno (Perito Moreno Glacier)". I went with friends at the hostel, so I caught a bus. Before we left the hostel, Fukura Nezumi arrived, so he joined us.
We left the hostel after 12, and went to the bus terminal. We got the tickets, then we went to a supermarket to buy some foods and snacks.
The galacier is located around 80km west of the town. It took 1hr and half to get there. At the entrance of the national park, we had to pay the entrance fee of 100pesos (US$25). It's expensive, but I was sure it was worth spending the much.
The scenery on the way was pretty good. Then we saw the glacier!!! An amazing view. We got off at the car park, then we walked to the view platforms.
I was really glad that I went there. Mr. Sheep was also very happy to be there.
The wind was strong and cold, but we did not care, we just kept watching he glacier.
We had lunch there and walked around the trail to see the glacier from different side. We spent a few hours there and got really chilly, so we went to a cafe at the car park. Anyway the ice falls would happen later in the afternoon.
Just before 6pm, we went back to see the glacier. Then we saw a small ice fall and a big one!! It was so exciting to see them. We were all satisfied.
The bus came to pick us up around 7pm. In the way back to the town, all the way I was sleeping. Once we got back to the town, we went to the supermarket and bought some beef and cooked steak for dinner! Argentinian beef is excellent!!
Well, tomorrow I will visit Paul and Uwe in town.
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
で、今日はパタゴニアのハイライトの1つ、「ペリート・モレノ氷河(Glaciar Perito Moreno)」に行ってきました。宿の面々と行ったので、エスペランサではなくバスで行きましたが。
Day 516: 23 DEC 2011
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
Today I visited "Glaciar Perito Moreno (Perito Moreno Glacier)". I went with friends at the hostel, so I caught a bus. Before we left the hostel, Fukura Nezumi arrived, so he joined us.
We left the hostel after 12, and went to the bus terminal. We got the tickets, then we went to a supermarket to buy some foods and snacks.
The galacier is located around 80km west of the town. It took 1hr and half to get there. At the entrance of the national park, we had to pay the entrance fee of 100pesos (US$25). It's expensive, but I was sure it was worth spending the much.
The scenery on the way was pretty good. Then we saw the glacier!!! An amazing view. We got off at the car park, then we walked to the view platforms.
I was really glad that I went there. Mr. Sheep was also very happy to be there.
The wind was strong and cold, but we did not care, we just kept watching he glacier.
We had lunch there and walked around the trail to see the glacier from different side. We spent a few hours there and got really chilly, so we went to a cafe at the car park. Anyway the ice falls would happen later in the afternoon.
Just before 6pm, we went back to see the glacier. Then we saw a small ice fall and a big one!! It was so exciting to see them. We were all satisfied.
The bus came to pick us up around 7pm. In the way back to the town, all the way I was sleeping. Once we got back to the town, we went to the supermarket and bought some beef and cooked steak for dinner! Argentinian beef is excellent!!
Well, tomorrow I will visit Paul and Uwe in town.
Day 515: 2011年12月22日
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
夜にヤス君とセオ君が帰ってきたので、明日ペリート・モレノ(Perito Moreno)氷河を見に行くことに。楽しみです。
Day 515: 22 DEC 2011
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
I went to a supermarket with Chihiro. We made salmon rissotto.
We did some exercise in this afternoon. We trained our abbs. Then we watched the TV series.
I cooked beef steak for dinner. It was excellent!
In the evening, Yasu and Seo came back from El Chaltan. We will visit Gracier Perito Moreno tomorrow.
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
夜にヤス君とセオ君が帰ってきたので、明日ペリート・モレノ(Perito Moreno)氷河を見に行くことに。楽しみです。
Day 515: 22 DEC 2011
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
I went to a supermarket with Chihiro. We made salmon rissotto.
We did some exercise in this afternoon. We trained our abbs. Then we watched the TV series.
I cooked beef steak for dinner. It was excellent!
In the evening, Yasu and Seo came back from El Chaltan. We will visit Gracier Perito Moreno tomorrow.
Day 514: 2011年12月21日
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
昨日は3時半まで起きていましたが、7時半過ぎには目が覚めてしまいました。韓国人の女の子は朝チェックアウトし、ヤス君と韓国人のソン君はひとまずエル・チャタンに行きフィッツロイを見てくると言うので、昼頃チェックアウトすることに。明日またここに戻ってくるそうです。Buen viaje!

Day 514: 21 DEC 2011
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
I woke up around 7:30am even though I was up till 3:30am last night. The Krean girl left this morning, and Yasu and Seo left to El Chalten around lunch time. They will come back here tomorrow.
I went to the town to check the availability of the hostel during Xmas period for Paul. I went around several hostels. Then I went to a supermarket to buy groceries. I bought 400g of beef as I was thinking to cook a steak tonight.
When I went back to the hostel, Chihiro became a new manager of the hostel. As the owner couple has a restaurant and busy this time of the year, they need someone to take care of the hostel.
In the late afternoon, Keisuke and Ryosuke came to the hostel. They came back from El Chalten (Fitz Roy). We watached a Japanese DV series "Trick".
We got salmons heads from the ownerand we cooked salmon head soup and pasta for dinner. We talked till 2am.
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
昨日は3時半まで起きていましたが、7時半過ぎには目が覚めてしまいました。韓国人の女の子は朝チェックアウトし、ヤス君と韓国人のソン君はひとまずエル・チャタンに行きフィッツロイを見てくると言うので、昼頃チェックアウトすることに。明日またここに戻ってくるそうです。Buen viaje!
Day 514: 21 DEC 2011
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
I woke up around 7:30am even though I was up till 3:30am last night. The Krean girl left this morning, and Yasu and Seo left to El Chalten around lunch time. They will come back here tomorrow.
I went to the town to check the availability of the hostel during Xmas period for Paul. I went around several hostels. Then I went to a supermarket to buy groceries. I bought 400g of beef as I was thinking to cook a steak tonight.
When I went back to the hostel, Chihiro became a new manager of the hostel. As the owner couple has a restaurant and busy this time of the year, they need someone to take care of the hostel.
In the late afternoon, Keisuke and Ryosuke came to the hostel. They came back from El Chalten (Fitz Roy). We watached a Japanese DV series "Trick".
We got salmons heads from the ownerand we cooked salmon head soup and pasta for dinner. We talked till 2am.
Day 513: 2011年12月20日
Gabernador Gregores to El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
48,228km to 48,569km = 341km
今日準備をしてガレージに行ったら、なんとリアタイヤがぺっちゃんこ!! 2回目のパンクです。どうやら鋭い石がタイヤを貫いたみたいですね。パンク修理キットを持っていますが、せっかく街に居るのでタイヤ屋さんでちゃんと治してもらおう、思い空気を入れてタイヤ屋さんまで。が、しかし、「バイクのタイヤは修理しない。」と。しかしもう一軒あるとのことで、そちらにいってみました。
トレス・ラゴス(Tres Lagos)まで80キロ付近でチャリダー発見。スピードを落としてみると、どうやら日本人。停めて話をしたら、やはり日本人でした。彼はフクラ・ネズミ君。初海外でブエノスアイレスかパタゴニアを自転車で走るツワモノです。やはり藤旅館を目指しているとのことで、そこで再会を誓い別れました。Buen viaje!!
トレス・ラゴスからは舗装路になります。ここまで斜め後ろからの追い風だったので燃費が良かったのですが、ここから向かい風になります。なので燃費ががた落ち。あれよあれよという間に、オンボード残り航続距離計が下がっています。あとカラファテまで120キロと標識が出ましたが、残り航続距離が150キロ! このまま風が強くなり燃費が落ちたら、ガス欠??、とちょっとビビリながら走ってました。

Day 513: 20 DEC 2011
Gabernador Gregores to El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
48,228km to 48,569km = 341km
When I went to see my GS at the garage, I found the rear tyre was flat. It looked like a sharp rock on the dirt raod puncture the tyre. It would be my 2nd puncture on this trip. I have a puncture repair kit with me, but as I was in the town, I thought it would be better to fix it properly at a tyre shop. So I pumped some air into the tyre and rode to a tyre shop. But the guy told me he would not do a motorcycle tyre, so I went to another one.
There I took the rear wheel off the GS and the guy found the puncute hole. Then he used drill(?) to make the hole larger and sticked a gummy worm into the hole!! (I could have done the same with my repair kit!!). I thought he would strip the tyre off the wheel and apply a patch from inside. With the methodhe had done, I did not even need to take off the wheel... It cost me 20APs (US$5). But anyway the puncture was fixed and I could continue riding south.
Back to the hostel, I put all the lagguages on my GS and went to a petrol station to fill the 2ltr bottle I bought yesterday.
As soon as out of the town, there was Ruta 29. I took a left turn there. The road became a gravel road. The wind was srong but manageable. As the wind was blowing to south east, it was kind of the tail wind. I had to lean my GS to right hand side to keep riding straight. I could cruise on around 80km/h. I filled the 2ltr of petrol on the way.
Around 80km before Tres Lagos, I saw a cyclist. I slowed down and looked at him, and he was a Japanese. I parked my GS and greeted him.His name is Fukura Nezumi, cycling from Benos Aires down to Ushuaia. This is his 1st trip oversea! He has got balls. He was heading to El Calafate, so I will see him there in a few days. Buen viaje!
From there, the wind picked up very strong, and sometimes I was pushed to left. As there were ruts, the gravels mounted up at the side, my handle was taken and I was a bit scared. But I hanged on and managed go through. It was kinda fun riding in that condition!
From Tres Lagos, the road became paved again. But the wind became the head wind and the fuel consumption increased a lot. I started to worry if I had enough fuel to get to El Calafate. When I saw a sign "El Calafate 120km", I got only 150km worth of fuel on board. If the wind got stronger and the consumption increased, I might not to get to El Calafate...
A beautifl lake and snow capped montains started to appear on the way. I pulled over my GS and took some photos. But the wind was so strong. Very uncomfortable.
When I arrived the town of El Calafate, the onboard fuel calcurator was showing I got only 19km worth of fuel! If I did not have 2ltr extra petrol, I should have run out of petrol just before the town!!
After fill the tank, I went to the Japanese hostel "Fuji Ryokan". Even though the owner couple was gone out, the guest let me in. Luckily I got a bed!
I wiped my GS and then started to sew the patch on the riding glove. As I had to sew the leather, it was rallly tough! I broke 2 needles!!
The owner couple came back and I spoke with Mr. Shimafuji till 3:30am. It was fun talking to him.
Tomorrow I will have a relax day.
Gabernador Gregores to El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
48,228km to 48,569km = 341km
今日準備をしてガレージに行ったら、なんとリアタイヤがぺっちゃんこ!! 2回目のパンクです。どうやら鋭い石がタイヤを貫いたみたいですね。パンク修理キットを持っていますが、せっかく街に居るのでタイヤ屋さんでちゃんと治してもらおう、思い空気を入れてタイヤ屋さんまで。が、しかし、「バイクのタイヤは修理しない。」と。しかしもう一軒あるとのことで、そちらにいってみました。
トレス・ラゴスからは舗装路になります。ここまで斜め後ろからの追い風だったので燃費が良かったのですが、ここから向かい風になります。なので燃費ががた落ち。あれよあれよという間に、オンボード残り航続距離計が下がっています。あとカラファテまで120キロと標識が出ましたが、残り航続距離が150キロ! このまま風が強くなり燃費が落ちたら、ガス欠??、とちょっとビビリながら走ってました。
Day 513: 20 DEC 2011
Gabernador Gregores to El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
48,228km to 48,569km = 341km
When I went to see my GS at the garage, I found the rear tyre was flat. It looked like a sharp rock on the dirt raod puncture the tyre. It would be my 2nd puncture on this trip. I have a puncture repair kit with me, but as I was in the town, I thought it would be better to fix it properly at a tyre shop. So I pumped some air into the tyre and rode to a tyre shop. But the guy told me he would not do a motorcycle tyre, so I went to another one.
There I took the rear wheel off the GS and the guy found the puncute hole. Then he used drill(?) to make the hole larger and sticked a gummy worm into the hole!! (I could have done the same with my repair kit!!). I thought he would strip the tyre off the wheel and apply a patch from inside. With the methodhe had done, I did not even need to take off the wheel... It cost me 20APs (US$5). But anyway the puncture was fixed and I could continue riding south.
Back to the hostel, I put all the lagguages on my GS and went to a petrol station to fill the 2ltr bottle I bought yesterday.
As soon as out of the town, there was Ruta 29. I took a left turn there. The road became a gravel road. The wind was srong but manageable. As the wind was blowing to south east, it was kind of the tail wind. I had to lean my GS to right hand side to keep riding straight. I could cruise on around 80km/h. I filled the 2ltr of petrol on the way.
Around 80km before Tres Lagos, I saw a cyclist. I slowed down and looked at him, and he was a Japanese. I parked my GS and greeted him.His name is Fukura Nezumi, cycling from Benos Aires down to Ushuaia. This is his 1st trip oversea! He has got balls. He was heading to El Calafate, so I will see him there in a few days. Buen viaje!
From there, the wind picked up very strong, and sometimes I was pushed to left. As there were ruts, the gravels mounted up at the side, my handle was taken and I was a bit scared. But I hanged on and managed go through. It was kinda fun riding in that condition!
From Tres Lagos, the road became paved again. But the wind became the head wind and the fuel consumption increased a lot. I started to worry if I had enough fuel to get to El Calafate. When I saw a sign "El Calafate 120km", I got only 150km worth of fuel on board. If the wind got stronger and the consumption increased, I might not to get to El Calafate...
A beautifl lake and snow capped montains started to appear on the way. I pulled over my GS and took some photos. But the wind was so strong. Very uncomfortable.
When I arrived the town of El Calafate, the onboard fuel calcurator was showing I got only 19km worth of fuel! If I did not have 2ltr extra petrol, I should have run out of petrol just before the town!!
After fill the tank, I went to the Japanese hostel "Fuji Ryokan". Even though the owner couple was gone out, the guest let me in. Luckily I got a bed!
I wiped my GS and then started to sew the patch on the riding glove. As I had to sew the leather, it was rallly tough! I broke 2 needles!!
The owner couple came back and I spoke with Mr. Shimafuji till 3:30am. It was fun talking to him.
Tomorrow I will have a relax day.