三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
むしろ加齢臭、大丈夫! / Aging gracefully
Day 636: 2012年4月24日
Buenos Aires (Ueno Sansou Buenos Aires)
This morning I went to the office of the shipping agent in the city to pay the fee. As I was carrying lots of cash, so I asked Nana to accompany me.
10時半にオフィスに到着し、マルコスを呼んでもらいます。マルコスに請求書をもらい、隣の銀行で支払い。1,628.05米ドル。アルゼンチン・ペソで7,195.98。ペソで支払い、レシートを持ってオフィスの7階に行って航空運送状(Air waybill)と引き換えます。すんなりいくかと思ったら、「65ペソ足りないんだけど・・・」、と窓口の人。「え、マルコスがこの金額でいいと言ってたよ。請求書にもそう書いてるし。」、とワシ。
We got to the offce around 10:30am and asked for Marcos. I received a bill (US$1,628 or AR$7,195.98) from Marcos and we went to the bank next door to deposit the fee into the account. We went back to the office building at the 7th floor where I should received the Air waybill. I thoughtbit would go without any issue, but the guy at the counter said "it's AR$65 short." I replied "Marcos said I just needed to deposit this amount to the account."
なのでもう一度マルコスを呼んでもらい、金額を確認。やはりワシが支払った金額でよかったとのこと。なので無事に航空運送状(Air waybill)を受け取ることが出来ました。
So I asked to call Marcos and checked if I needed to pay AR$65 extra. He said the amount I paied was correct. I received the Air waybill correctly.
Marcos told me that the cargo would arrive Munich on the 27th, the same day as I arrive Munich. So it would be the best scenario for me, i can pick up Espeanza and ride to my friend's place directly.
We went to a Chinese buffet restaurant for lunch. It cost AR$49 but it was a good value we reckoned.


Yumi made "Oden" Japanese favorite hot pot. She was preparing from the morning!! It was wonderful, full of flavours, excellent!! Raddish, potatos, eggs, fish balls etc.


After dinner, I don't know why but we talked about "aging oder" which would come out from the back of ears. Generally speakng any man over 30 years old would have this oder.... So I asked Nana to check. And she said I was fine! No oder!!
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Buenos Aires (Ueno Sansou Buenos Aires)
This morning I went to the office of the shipping agent in the city to pay the fee. As I was carrying lots of cash, so I asked Nana to accompany me.
10時半にオフィスに到着し、マルコスを呼んでもらいます。マルコスに請求書をもらい、隣の銀行で支払い。1,628.05米ドル。アルゼンチン・ペソで7,195.98。ペソで支払い、レシートを持ってオフィスの7階に行って航空運送状(Air waybill)と引き換えます。すんなりいくかと思ったら、「65ペソ足りないんだけど・・・」、と窓口の人。「え、マルコスがこの金額でいいと言ってたよ。請求書にもそう書いてるし。」、とワシ。
We got to the offce around 10:30am and asked for Marcos. I received a bill (US$1,628 or AR$7,195.98) from Marcos and we went to the bank next door to deposit the fee into the account. We went back to the office building at the 7th floor where I should received the Air waybill. I thoughtbit would go without any issue, but the guy at the counter said "it's AR$65 short." I replied "Marcos said I just needed to deposit this amount to the account."
なのでもう一度マルコスを呼んでもらい、金額を確認。やはりワシが支払った金額でよかったとのこと。なので無事に航空運送状(Air waybill)を受け取ることが出来ました。
So I asked to call Marcos and checked if I needed to pay AR$65 extra. He said the amount I paied was correct. I received the Air waybill correctly.
Marcos told me that the cargo would arrive Munich on the 27th, the same day as I arrive Munich. So it would be the best scenario for me, i can pick up Espeanza and ride to my friend's place directly.
We went to a Chinese buffet restaurant for lunch. It cost AR$49 but it was a good value we reckoned.
Yumi made "Oden" Japanese favorite hot pot. She was preparing from the morning!! It was wonderful, full of flavours, excellent!! Raddish, potatos, eggs, fish balls etc.
After dinner, I don't know why but we talked about "aging oder" which would come out from the back of ears. Generally speakng any man over 30 years old would have this oder.... So I asked Nana to check. And she said I was fine! No oder!!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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