三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
南米ラスト・ラン / The final ride in South America
Day 635: 2012年4月23日
Buenos Aires (Ueno Sansou Buenos Aires)
61,294km to 61,336km = 42km
I brought Esperanza to the airport today. I left the hostel around 8:15am. I said good-bye to Akira as he was off to Rosario today.
I walked to Retiro station and tooka train to Florida station. I went to Dakar Motos to pick up Esperanza. I left my tank bag at the hostel, so I could not put the GPS on the bike... So I asked Javier how to get to the airport. I also input GOS cordinate into the GPS just for in case.
I got on the highway but I took the wrong turn at a junction (I should have taken the right but In took the left), so I got lost for a while. I managed to come back on the right truck and lept going on the highway.
But there wasn't any sign of "Airport" or any airplane mark showing the way to the airport. So I started to wonder if I was on the right way. I pulled over on the road side and checked the GPS. I was on the right truck.
I got to the cargo area of the airport just after 10:30am. Franco - the broker - was waiting for me at the gate and he gave me a document to pass the gate. After passing the gate, I went to the loading area to weight Esperanza. It was 259kgs (with the panniers and tools). The freight fee depends just on the cubic volume. The weight is just for the reference


After weighting, I put Esperanza on the pallet and took off the front wheel and disconnected the battery.
I took off the panniers, and then Martin started to tie down Esperanza on the pallet. As I took off the front wheel, it would make the cost cheapr by US$200.

The panniers were fixed at the front of the pallet.

The goods can be stored with the bike are only riding gears, tools, and spare parts. Any liquid should be taken out, so I took of a glue from the puncture repair kit.
Once it's ready, Martin started to wrap the pallet.


Esperanza was carried by a forklift to the storage area. I will see you in Munich, Esperanza!

I took a collectivo for airport staff back to the city. It cost AR$20.
I came back to the hostel around 2pm. I had lunch with Ikezou and Seiichi. It was really cold day even it was sunny.

夜はステーキを! ビフェ・デ・チョリソーです。味噌ダレ、大根おろし、ワサビで食べて美味い! 用意してくれたユミちゃん、レイカちゃんありがとう。
Yumi and Reika prepared steaks for dinner. Bife de Chorizo, the best part of beef filet. With miso based sauce, mushed radish, and wasabi, it was excellent. Thanks guys!

As I completed a big task today, I chat with the friends until late.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Buenos Aires (Ueno Sansou Buenos Aires)
61,294km to 61,336km = 42km
I brought Esperanza to the airport today. I left the hostel around 8:15am. I said good-bye to Akira as he was off to Rosario today.
I walked to Retiro station and tooka train to Florida station. I went to Dakar Motos to pick up Esperanza. I left my tank bag at the hostel, so I could not put the GPS on the bike... So I asked Javier how to get to the airport. I also input GOS cordinate into the GPS just for in case.
I got on the highway but I took the wrong turn at a junction (I should have taken the right but In took the left), so I got lost for a while. I managed to come back on the right truck and lept going on the highway.
But there wasn't any sign of "Airport" or any airplane mark showing the way to the airport. So I started to wonder if I was on the right way. I pulled over on the road side and checked the GPS. I was on the right truck.
I got to the cargo area of the airport just after 10:30am. Franco - the broker - was waiting for me at the gate and he gave me a document to pass the gate. After passing the gate, I went to the loading area to weight Esperanza. It was 259kgs (with the panniers and tools). The freight fee depends just on the cubic volume. The weight is just for the reference
After weighting, I put Esperanza on the pallet and took off the front wheel and disconnected the battery.
I took off the panniers, and then Martin started to tie down Esperanza on the pallet. As I took off the front wheel, it would make the cost cheapr by US$200.
The panniers were fixed at the front of the pallet.
The goods can be stored with the bike are only riding gears, tools, and spare parts. Any liquid should be taken out, so I took of a glue from the puncture repair kit.
Once it's ready, Martin started to wrap the pallet.
Esperanza was carried by a forklift to the storage area. I will see you in Munich, Esperanza!
I took a collectivo for airport staff back to the city. It cost AR$20.
I came back to the hostel around 2pm. I had lunch with Ikezou and Seiichi. It was really cold day even it was sunny.
夜はステーキを! ビフェ・デ・チョリソーです。味噌ダレ、大根おろし、ワサビで食べて美味い! 用意してくれたユミちゃん、レイカちゃんありがとう。
Yumi and Reika prepared steaks for dinner. Bife de Chorizo, the best part of beef filet. With miso based sauce, mushed radish, and wasabi, it was excellent. Thanks guys!
As I completed a big task today, I chat with the friends until late.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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