三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
現金獲得大作戦!! / A day trying to get cash out!
Day 631: 2012年4月19日
Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
Well, as I could not cash out yesterday, I was a bit nervous this morning. Mosquitos bothered me early and it got really cold early in the morning, I woke up a few times. So I did not have much sleep...
Javier & Sandra came to the workshop around 9:30am. They were talking to Clark, who was gonna taking his bike to the airport. His front tyre was completely flat, so Javier fixed it.


The tube installed was made in Vietnam and in poor quality. Also it was too narrow for his rim and tyre. Javier fit a new tube and Clark was off to go!
I went to the bank nearby and tried to cash out with my Japanese bank card.
ちょっとドキドキしながら、1,000ペソ引き出しと入力。そして、ATMがガラガラと現金を数える音が聞こえて着ました! やった1,000ペソ取得!! そしてもう一度1,000ペソ引き出します。1日の最高引き出しは2,000ペソまでなんです。これは「Banelco」のシステムなので、街に出て「Link」のシステムを試すことに。
I input to withdraw AR$1,000 to the ATM. I worried a bit but I heard the machine started to count the bills!! I could cash out AR$1,000! Then I did the same again and got AR$2,000 in total. The maximum daily withdrawal in Argentina is AR$2,000. The ATM was "Banelco" system, so I went to the city to try with "LINK" one.
Why do I need to cash out lots of pesos? Well, for shipping my bike, I need to have US$1,800 in cash (pesos in equal value would be fine too). As I have some US$ in hand, so I need to withdraw at least AR$6,000.
街までは列車で。片道0.90ペソ。フロリダ通りの「LINK」と看板が出ている銀行で引き出しを試みます。オーストラリアのカードでも引き出し出来ました! やはり昨日思った通り「Banelco」システムでは使えないってことですね。しかし、過去のレシートを見ていたら、「Banelco」のATMでも引き出ししていたんですよ、ワシ。なのでハビエル&サンドラが言ってた通り、最近海外の口座からの引き出しが制限されているのですね。そして、日本のカードでトライ。そしたら引き出しが出来ました。なので、「Banekco」と「Link」の2つのシステムを使えば、1日1カードにつき4,000ペソまで引き出しが可能ですね。
I took a train to the city. It costs AR$0.90. I walked arond Ave Florida and found a bank with a sign of "LINK". I tried with my Aussie bank card. Then it worked!! I could cash out AR$2,000 successfully. As I thought yesterday, it works with "LINK" network. But this morning I was checking the receipts of past withdrawals, and I was cashing out from "Banelco" ATMs. So as Javier & Sandra said, recently the government made a new policy to restrict foreginer withdrawing cash. But I wonder why... I tried with my Japanese bank card and I could cash out. So if I cash out at "Link" and "Banelco" ATMs, I could get AR$4,000 a day.
But AR$17 will be charged for each withdrawal. Plus Assie and Japanese banls will charge "foregin withdrawal fee". Just cashing out will cost me a lot...
As I could obtain cash I needed, I went back to Dakar Motos.
As I am moving to a Japanese hostel in the city tomorrow, I was sorting my luggages.
I was released from the stress, so I got sleepy and I had a nap.
When I woke up, it was already dark. Clark came back from the airport. He said everyhing went well and his fee would be US$1,600 as he took off the front wheel (the smaller in cubic size, the cheaper the fee will be).
We all had empanadas for dinner.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
Well, as I could not cash out yesterday, I was a bit nervous this morning. Mosquitos bothered me early and it got really cold early in the morning, I woke up a few times. So I did not have much sleep...
Javier & Sandra came to the workshop around 9:30am. They were talking to Clark, who was gonna taking his bike to the airport. His front tyre was completely flat, so Javier fixed it.
The tube installed was made in Vietnam and in poor quality. Also it was too narrow for his rim and tyre. Javier fit a new tube and Clark was off to go!
I went to the bank nearby and tried to cash out with my Japanese bank card.
ちょっとドキドキしながら、1,000ペソ引き出しと入力。そして、ATMがガラガラと現金を数える音が聞こえて着ました! やった1,000ペソ取得!! そしてもう一度1,000ペソ引き出します。1日の最高引き出しは2,000ペソまでなんです。これは「Banelco」のシステムなので、街に出て「Link」のシステムを試すことに。
I input to withdraw AR$1,000 to the ATM. I worried a bit but I heard the machine started to count the bills!! I could cash out AR$1,000! Then I did the same again and got AR$2,000 in total. The maximum daily withdrawal in Argentina is AR$2,000. The ATM was "Banelco" system, so I went to the city to try with "LINK" one.
Why do I need to cash out lots of pesos? Well, for shipping my bike, I need to have US$1,800 in cash (pesos in equal value would be fine too). As I have some US$ in hand, so I need to withdraw at least AR$6,000.
街までは列車で。片道0.90ペソ。フロリダ通りの「LINK」と看板が出ている銀行で引き出しを試みます。オーストラリアのカードでも引き出し出来ました! やはり昨日思った通り「Banelco」システムでは使えないってことですね。しかし、過去のレシートを見ていたら、「Banelco」のATMでも引き出ししていたんですよ、ワシ。なのでハビエル&サンドラが言ってた通り、最近海外の口座からの引き出しが制限されているのですね。そして、日本のカードでトライ。そしたら引き出しが出来ました。なので、「Banekco」と「Link」の2つのシステムを使えば、1日1カードにつき4,000ペソまで引き出しが可能ですね。
I took a train to the city. It costs AR$0.90. I walked arond Ave Florida and found a bank with a sign of "LINK". I tried with my Aussie bank card. Then it worked!! I could cash out AR$2,000 successfully. As I thought yesterday, it works with "LINK" network. But this morning I was checking the receipts of past withdrawals, and I was cashing out from "Banelco" ATMs. So as Javier & Sandra said, recently the government made a new policy to restrict foreginer withdrawing cash. But I wonder why... I tried with my Japanese bank card and I could cash out. So if I cash out at "Link" and "Banelco" ATMs, I could get AR$4,000 a day.
But AR$17 will be charged for each withdrawal. Plus Assie and Japanese banls will charge "foregin withdrawal fee". Just cashing out will cost me a lot...
As I could obtain cash I needed, I went back to Dakar Motos.
As I am moving to a Japanese hostel in the city tomorrow, I was sorting my luggages.
I was released from the stress, so I got sleepy and I had a nap.
When I woke up, it was already dark. Clark came back from the airport. He said everyhing went well and his fee would be US$1,600 as he took off the front wheel (the smaller in cubic size, the cheaper the fee will be).
We all had empanadas for dinner.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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