三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
チェの道を走る / Riding through Ruta del Che
Day 403: 2011年9月1日
Samaipata to La Higuera (Posada Casa Del Telegrafista)
40,209km to 40,401km = 192km
今日はいよいよ「チェ・ゲバラの道(Ruta del Che)」を走ります。9時に出発。

サマイパタからヴァジェグランデ(Valle Grande)までは舗装路です。マタラル(Mataral)まで西に走りそこから南下します。多少のワインディングがある道です。
先ずはエルネストの遺体が晒された病院エル・セニュール・デ・マルタ(El Senor de Malta)へ。ここの病院は未だに機能しています。




それから街に戻り、給油と昼飯。一路ラ・イゲラ村(La Higuera)に向かいます。

ラ・イゲラまでは所々の分岐点に「Ruta del Che」とあるので迷わずにいけます。プカラ(Pucara)という村までは谷沿いのダート。デス・ロードよりも荒れていますが、いい風景です。大体3速から4速で走る感じでダートを抜けていきます。

プカラからしばらくしてラ・イゲラへの分岐点があります。ここからが悪路!! のっけからガレてます。しかしガレ場は直ぐに終わりさっきの同じ感じのダート。しかし所々酷いガレ場だったりして走りにくい。1速と2速で走ります。距離10キロ足らずと短いのですがなかなかラ・イゲラに到着できません。ようやくラ・イゲラに到着したのは3時半ごろ。


オバちゃんは「Comunal Hostel」を経営しているようで宿に泊まるか、と訊いてきました。行ってみると、バイクを中に入れにくそうなので、アダムやトレントに勧められた「Posada Casa Del Telegrafista」にしました。
Day 403: 01 SEP 2011
Samaipata to La Higuera (Alojamiento Telegrafia)
40,209km to 40,401km = 192km
Today I went through "Ruta del Che". I left the posada at 9am. The owner couple Trent and Charlie treated me nice and gave me information where I could stay in La Higuera and Sucre. Thanks.
The road to Viallegrande was almost all the way paved. As usual in Latin America, some part of the road were dirt. Probably the reason why they were left unpaved was lack of funding but....
Until Mataral kept going west then turn lef to south. THe road was a little twisty but not too much.
As soon as entering Vallegrande, it became dirt. The centre of the town was paved, but the rest was pretty badly shaped dirt roads... It would be hard to ride through to La Higuera...
Firstly I went to the hospital "EL Senor de Malta" where Ernesto's body was exposed ad photographed. THe hospital was still in operation.
The "laundry" building was located at the backyard of the hospital. I could ride into the backyard.
I have seen the photos and video footage of the place,and now finally I was there. The building was covered by aitograph of those visitors from around the world. It shows how popular Ernesto is in this day.
I stood inside the building and imaginig where his head was, his feet were. It was 44 years ago, his body was here.
Then I went to the Plaza where the tourist office located. In order to visit the "graveyard" of Ernesto, I had to go with a guide.There was a little musuem at the plaza exhibiting arheological artifacts at the groud foor and photos, falendar od his guerrilla acticities in Bolivia and so on at the 1st floor.
The entrance was 10Bs. It was interesting to see those photos of him.
The guide hopped on the back seat of my GS and we went to the "graveyard". It was located near the community cemetary of the town and was discovered in 1997 due to testimony of obe guy who burried Ernesto and his mates.
7 bodies including Ernesto were found here. NOw the place was covered by a building (built on 2007). Inside there were tomb stones of those 7 guerrillas and phots of Ernesto from his infany to his death.
Then he took me to another graveyard where other member if guerrillas were burried. Here was known as "Tania's grave". She was the member of his guerrilla and was belonged to Joaquin's platoon.
Back to the centro, filled up petrol and had lunch and continued "Ruta del Che". The road to Pucara was dirt but it wasn't that bad. Worse than "Death ROad" but I could ride on 3rd or 4th gear. He scenery was excellent. On any junction, there was a sign "Ruta del CHe", so I could navigate the way easily.
But after the junction of La Higuera from the main dirt, the condition was pretty bad... Rough gravel trail. The rocks were really big and loose, so I had to be careful not to drop my GS. There were rough sections through out the way, so just less than 10km, as I had to ride with 1st or 2nd gear, it took long time to get to La HIguera. I got there after 3pm.
The village of La Higuera was really small. Only 44 people living there. At the centre of the village - the plaza - there were the statute of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and behind the statue the famous head statue of him.
As I parked my GS in front of the statue, a lady came around and asked me if I wanted to visit the primary school where he was shot. I said, "Yes, please." I asked her to take some photos of me with the statues.
The primary school was located just 100m up from the plaza. The entrance fee was 10Bs. It was very plain building. Nothing much there. Just photos of Ernesto and the original gate used when he was shot, and photos of visitors. But "here" he was shot and died.
I stayed a night at "Posada Casa Del Telegrafista" recommended by Adam and Trent. It was realy nice place. No electricity though!!
I was writing diary and it got dark. As La Higuera is at 2,020m, it got chilly after the dark. 3 tourists and 1 Bolivian tour guide arrived after the sunset. After dinner, we went to a bar to watch a move "Fidel". It was in Spanish and no subtitle, but it was a nice way to spend a night at La Hiuera.
Tomorrow I will try to get to Sucre. The distance is not far, but the road will be tough.
Samaipata to La Higuera (Posada Casa Del Telegrafista)
40,209km to 40,401km = 192km
先ずはエルネストの遺体が晒された病院エル・セニュール・デ・マルタ(El Senor de Malta)へ。ここの病院は未だに機能しています。
それから街に戻り、給油と昼飯。一路ラ・イゲラ村(La Higuera)に向かいます。
ラ・イゲラまでは所々の分岐点に「Ruta del Che」とあるので迷わずにいけます。プカラ(Pucara)という村までは谷沿いのダート。デス・ロードよりも荒れていますが、いい風景です。大体3速から4速で走る感じでダートを抜けていきます。
Day 403: 01 SEP 2011
Samaipata to La Higuera (Alojamiento Telegrafia)
40,209km to 40,401km = 192km
Today I went through "Ruta del Che". I left the posada at 9am. The owner couple Trent and Charlie treated me nice and gave me information where I could stay in La Higuera and Sucre. Thanks.
The road to Viallegrande was almost all the way paved. As usual in Latin America, some part of the road were dirt. Probably the reason why they were left unpaved was lack of funding but....
Until Mataral kept going west then turn lef to south. THe road was a little twisty but not too much.
As soon as entering Vallegrande, it became dirt. The centre of the town was paved, but the rest was pretty badly shaped dirt roads... It would be hard to ride through to La Higuera...
Firstly I went to the hospital "EL Senor de Malta" where Ernesto's body was exposed ad photographed. THe hospital was still in operation.
The "laundry" building was located at the backyard of the hospital. I could ride into the backyard.
I have seen the photos and video footage of the place,and now finally I was there. The building was covered by aitograph of those visitors from around the world. It shows how popular Ernesto is in this day.
I stood inside the building and imaginig where his head was, his feet were. It was 44 years ago, his body was here.
Then I went to the Plaza where the tourist office located. In order to visit the "graveyard" of Ernesto, I had to go with a guide.There was a little musuem at the plaza exhibiting arheological artifacts at the groud foor and photos, falendar od his guerrilla acticities in Bolivia and so on at the 1st floor.
The entrance was 10Bs. It was interesting to see those photos of him.
The guide hopped on the back seat of my GS and we went to the "graveyard". It was located near the community cemetary of the town and was discovered in 1997 due to testimony of obe guy who burried Ernesto and his mates.
7 bodies including Ernesto were found here. NOw the place was covered by a building (built on 2007). Inside there were tomb stones of those 7 guerrillas and phots of Ernesto from his infany to his death.
Then he took me to another graveyard where other member if guerrillas were burried. Here was known as "Tania's grave". She was the member of his guerrilla and was belonged to Joaquin's platoon.
Back to the centro, filled up petrol and had lunch and continued "Ruta del Che". The road to Pucara was dirt but it wasn't that bad. Worse than "Death ROad" but I could ride on 3rd or 4th gear. He scenery was excellent. On any junction, there was a sign "Ruta del CHe", so I could navigate the way easily.
But after the junction of La Higuera from the main dirt, the condition was pretty bad... Rough gravel trail. The rocks were really big and loose, so I had to be careful not to drop my GS. There were rough sections through out the way, so just less than 10km, as I had to ride with 1st or 2nd gear, it took long time to get to La HIguera. I got there after 3pm.
The village of La Higuera was really small. Only 44 people living there. At the centre of the village - the plaza - there were the statute of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and behind the statue the famous head statue of him.
As I parked my GS in front of the statue, a lady came around and asked me if I wanted to visit the primary school where he was shot. I said, "Yes, please." I asked her to take some photos of me with the statues.
The primary school was located just 100m up from the plaza. The entrance fee was 10Bs. It was very plain building. Nothing much there. Just photos of Ernesto and the original gate used when he was shot, and photos of visitors. But "here" he was shot and died.
I stayed a night at "Posada Casa Del Telegrafista" recommended by Adam and Trent. It was realy nice place. No electricity though!!
I was writing diary and it got dark. As La Higuera is at 2,020m, it got chilly after the dark. 3 tourists and 1 Bolivian tour guide arrived after the sunset. After dinner, we went to a bar to watch a move "Fidel". It was in Spanish and no subtitle, but it was a nice way to spend a night at La Hiuera.
Tomorrow I will try to get to Sucre. The distance is not far, but the road will be tough.