三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
リア・ショックからオイル漏れ!! スクレに引き返す / Oil leaking from the rear shock absorber. Returned to Sucre
Day 412: 2011年9月10日
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,840km to 41,084km = 244km
彼はルーマニア出身で現在カナダのアルバータ州都カルガリー在住とのこと。話していたらYoshi DR650のこともアダムのことも知っているとのこと。Yoshiとはサンディエゴからメキシコ中部まで一緒だったとか。世界は狭いですね。彼は今日スクレに行き、そこからサンタクルス、アルゼンチン北部、パラグアイと行く予定なので、またどこかで再会できそうですね。

しばらくワインディングを走ります。40キロくらい走ったところで、見晴らしが良くて路肩に停めやすいところがあったので写真撮影。リア・ショックを見たら、なんと!! オイルが漏れているではないですか!!滲み出るってどころか、完全に滴ってます。

女将はワシのこと覚えててくれてて(まぁ出たのが2日前ですから)、また同じ部屋に案内されました。そしてYAMAHA TENEREのダニエルとAdventureのフランクがまだ宿にいました。

Day 412: 10 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,840km to 41,084km = 244km
When I woke up this morning, I felt "I should ride to Uyuni today!", so I got up and got ready. At the dinner of the hostel,I met Stefan riding KLR650. He is originally from Romania and now living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
As we talked, we realised that we have common friends - Yoshi DR650 and Adam!! He rode together with Yoshi from San Diego to the middle of Mexico! Such a small world.
He would be heading to Sucre today, then Sant Cruz, North of Argentina, and Paraguay. So we will bump to each other again somewhere on the way again.
One thing bothered me this morning was I saw a little bit of oil on the shaft of the rear shock absorber. But it wouldn't be far to get to Tucuman - where the next BMW dealer located on the way and the road condition would not be so bad (except between Uyuni and Colchani), so I decided to ride to Uyuni and see how t goes.
We talked for a while and he gave me GPS maps of South America, so when I left the hostel it was already 10:30am!
Getting out of Potosi was a bit hard. At a petrol station, they did not have any octane booster, so I had to go to a car parts shop to get ones. Back to the petrol station, they chared me the "foreginer price" @ 8.70Bs / ltr. Very expensive.
There were lots of curves and I was enjoying riding through those curves. Around 40km from Potosi, ther was a nice view and I could park easily on the road side, so I stopped there to take some photos.
I checked the rear shock absorber, and I found... oil was leaking quite badly...
Now I had to make a decision, whether I should contine riding to Uyuni and then Tucuman to fix the problem. Or I should go back to Sucre or Santa Cruz to fix it. The distance was much shorter to go back to Sucre, so I decided to go back to Sucre. Jaime of "Motoservi" in Sucre was highly recomendedmechanic to rebuid shock aborbers, so I wil ask him monday if he can fix it. One thing I worry is that my shock absorber comes with ESA (Electronically controlling rebound and dumping), so it would make him hard to rebuilt the shock absorber. If he cannot do it, I have to take my GS back to Santa Cruz BMW. It will be the long way riding back there.
I turned back to Potosi and arrived there just before 1pm. I continued riding to Sucre and arrived there just after 3pm. Lucily the streets were not blocked (there is a big festival going on) and a roo was available at the hostel (Pachamama).
After checked-in, I waled to a supermarket to buy stuffs. Near the plaza, a huge parade was going on and there were so many people!
I e-mailed BMW Santa Cruz and they replied that if I have to replace the shock absorber, I have to by a suspension unit (ESA and shock absorber) as BMW does not sell them separatel... And it would take 10-15days to be delivered by DHL...
So I am hoping Jaime @ "Motoservi" can rebuild the sock absorber. Well, tomorrow is Sunday, so "Motoservi" will be closed. I should have a relaxing day then....
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,840km to 41,084km = 244km
彼はルーマニア出身で現在カナダのアルバータ州都カルガリー在住とのこと。話していたらYoshi DR650のこともアダムのことも知っているとのこと。Yoshiとはサンディエゴからメキシコ中部まで一緒だったとか。世界は狭いですね。彼は今日スクレに行き、そこからサンタクルス、アルゼンチン北部、パラグアイと行く予定なので、またどこかで再会できそうですね。
女将はワシのこと覚えててくれてて(まぁ出たのが2日前ですから)、また同じ部屋に案内されました。そしてYAMAHA TENEREのダニエルとAdventureのフランクがまだ宿にいました。
Day 412: 10 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,840km to 41,084km = 244km
When I woke up this morning, I felt "I should ride to Uyuni today!", so I got up and got ready. At the dinner of the hostel,I met Stefan riding KLR650. He is originally from Romania and now living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
As we talked, we realised that we have common friends - Yoshi DR650 and Adam!! He rode together with Yoshi from San Diego to the middle of Mexico! Such a small world.
He would be heading to Sucre today, then Sant Cruz, North of Argentina, and Paraguay. So we will bump to each other again somewhere on the way again.
One thing bothered me this morning was I saw a little bit of oil on the shaft of the rear shock absorber. But it wouldn't be far to get to Tucuman - where the next BMW dealer located on the way and the road condition would not be so bad (except between Uyuni and Colchani), so I decided to ride to Uyuni and see how t goes.
We talked for a while and he gave me GPS maps of South America, so when I left the hostel it was already 10:30am!
Getting out of Potosi was a bit hard. At a petrol station, they did not have any octane booster, so I had to go to a car parts shop to get ones. Back to the petrol station, they chared me the "foreginer price" @ 8.70Bs / ltr. Very expensive.
There were lots of curves and I was enjoying riding through those curves. Around 40km from Potosi, ther was a nice view and I could park easily on the road side, so I stopped there to take some photos.
I checked the rear shock absorber, and I found... oil was leaking quite badly...
Now I had to make a decision, whether I should contine riding to Uyuni and then Tucuman to fix the problem. Or I should go back to Sucre or Santa Cruz to fix it. The distance was much shorter to go back to Sucre, so I decided to go back to Sucre. Jaime of "Motoservi" in Sucre was highly recomendedmechanic to rebuid shock aborbers, so I wil ask him monday if he can fix it. One thing I worry is that my shock absorber comes with ESA (Electronically controlling rebound and dumping), so it would make him hard to rebuilt the shock absorber. If he cannot do it, I have to take my GS back to Santa Cruz BMW. It will be the long way riding back there.
I turned back to Potosi and arrived there just before 1pm. I continued riding to Sucre and arrived there just after 3pm. Lucily the streets were not blocked (there is a big festival going on) and a roo was available at the hostel (Pachamama).
After checked-in, I waled to a supermarket to buy stuffs. Near the plaza, a huge parade was going on and there were so many people!
I e-mailed BMW Santa Cruz and they replied that if I have to replace the shock absorber, I have to by a suspension unit (ESA and shock absorber) as BMW does not sell them separatel... And it would take 10-15days to be delivered by DHL...
So I am hoping Jaime @ "Motoservi" can rebuild the sock absorber. Well, tomorrow is Sunday, so "Motoservi" will be closed. I should have a relaxing day then....