三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
塗装と学校と生バンド / Paiting, leraning and night outing
Day 418: 2011年9月16日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)

今日は8時に「Motoservi」に行って塗装を始める前にもう片側もマスキング。念入りに新聞紙を貼ります。結局作業が終了したのは10時半!! エスペランサと「Motoservi」従業員とで記念撮影!
乾くのを待ってパニア・フレーム取り付け部やサブフレームなど細かい部分はブラシで手塗り。12時過ぎには仕上がりました。エンジン・バーのオリジナルの色と今回使った色は若干違うので、マスキングされていた部分と塗りなおした部分とでムラがありますが、まぁ、いいでしょう。これでウユニの塩害対策はバッチリです!? マスキングをするのにずっと屈んでたのでエラく疲れました。
昼飯を食べて宿に戻り、シャワー。そして昼寝。3時に学校へ。今日は再帰動詞(Verbos Reflexivos)の説明を受けた後点過去(Preterito Simple)を重点的に。どういう状況では点過去を使うのか、動詞による活用の違いなどきちんと説明してくれるのでわかりやすいですね。
宿に戻りトムとトムの連れオージーのコーリと歓談。夜7時過ぎに夕飯へ出かけました。彼らがウユニで出会ったオージー&イギリス(パット、リサ、マット、ケリー)のグループと飯屋で合流。しかし、ここの飯屋はあまり美味そうではなかったので、一杯だけ飲んで「Joy Ride」というバー・レストランでみんなでタコス40個をシェア。メキシコ式タコスではなくてテックス・メックス式でしたが美味かったです。
Day 418: 16 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I went to "Motoservi" at 8am this morning and started to put more msking on my GS. I completed the one side yesterday, but it was 10:30am when finally I completed the task! So tired.
Then we started to paint with a spray gun. I practice first with a metal chair, but I could not paint evenly. So Jaime showed me how to do it and he painted very well on the engine bar. He painted once and waited to get it dry, then applied more paint on top of it. The finising was pretty good.
Then we changed th ecolour to black and I started to paint the pannier frame. But I placed the spray gun to close to the frame, so again, I painted unevenly... Jimmy took over the job and he did it well. We applied the paint twice on the pannier frame as well.
Waited it to get dry, then I started to hand paint on some chips on the sub-frame and the side stand with a brush. THe colour we used for the engine bar was a little different from the original colour, so there was inconsistency between where was repainted and not. But it looked all right. As I was squwatting while masking my GS, I was so so tired.
After lunch, I went back to the hostel and had a nap. At 3pm, I went to the Spanish class. Today I studied Verbos Reflexivos and Preterito Simple. Lulu explained me very clearly, so I could understand them very well (I reckon).
With TOm and his mate Coli from OZ, I went out for dinner. We met their mates from UK (Matt and Kerry) and OZ (Pat and Lisa) at a restaurant. We had Tacos! They were Tex-Mex style but were really good. Then, we - Tom, Coli, Matt and I went to a bar next door where a live music was about to be played. We ordered drinks and started to drink. And a girl came to our table and said "10Bs each for the live music." We weren't happy as we were ot told that previously. Anyway we paied 10Bs each. The band started to play, but the first few songs were quite bad. They were out of the rhythm. But the leader - the guitar player - was pretty good.
Then a female vocal appeared. After she came along, the band jus got better and better! We enjoyed their performance a lot and really had a good evening (till 3am!).
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
乾くのを待ってパニア・フレーム取り付け部やサブフレームなど細かい部分はブラシで手塗り。12時過ぎには仕上がりました。エンジン・バーのオリジナルの色と今回使った色は若干違うので、マスキングされていた部分と塗りなおした部分とでムラがありますが、まぁ、いいでしょう。これでウユニの塩害対策はバッチリです!? マスキングをするのにずっと屈んでたのでエラく疲れました。
昼飯を食べて宿に戻り、シャワー。そして昼寝。3時に学校へ。今日は再帰動詞(Verbos Reflexivos)の説明を受けた後点過去(Preterito Simple)を重点的に。どういう状況では点過去を使うのか、動詞による活用の違いなどきちんと説明してくれるのでわかりやすいですね。
Day 418: 16 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
I went to "Motoservi" at 8am this morning and started to put more msking on my GS. I completed the one side yesterday, but it was 10:30am when finally I completed the task! So tired.
Then we started to paint with a spray gun. I practice first with a metal chair, but I could not paint evenly. So Jaime showed me how to do it and he painted very well on the engine bar. He painted once and waited to get it dry, then applied more paint on top of it. The finising was pretty good.
Then we changed th ecolour to black and I started to paint the pannier frame. But I placed the spray gun to close to the frame, so again, I painted unevenly... Jimmy took over the job and he did it well. We applied the paint twice on the pannier frame as well.
Waited it to get dry, then I started to hand paint on some chips on the sub-frame and the side stand with a brush. THe colour we used for the engine bar was a little different from the original colour, so there was inconsistency between where was repainted and not. But it looked all right. As I was squwatting while masking my GS, I was so so tired.
After lunch, I went back to the hostel and had a nap. At 3pm, I went to the Spanish class. Today I studied Verbos Reflexivos and Preterito Simple. Lulu explained me very clearly, so I could understand them very well (I reckon).
With TOm and his mate Coli from OZ, I went out for dinner. We met their mates from UK (Matt and Kerry) and OZ (Pat and Lisa) at a restaurant. We had Tacos! They were Tex-Mex style but were really good. Then, we - Tom, Coli, Matt and I went to a bar next door where a live music was about to be played. We ordered drinks and started to drink. And a girl came to our table and said "10Bs each for the live music." We weren't happy as we were ot told that previously. Anyway we paied 10Bs each. The band started to play, but the first few songs were quite bad. They were out of the rhythm. But the leader - the guitar player - was pretty good.
Then a female vocal appeared. After she came along, the band jus got better and better! We enjoyed their performance a lot and really had a good evening (till 3am!).