三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
40,000㌔サービス / 40.000km service @ Ander Motors
Day 401: 2011年8月30日
Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Residencial Boliver)
40,075km to 40,078km = 3km
さて今日は朝からBMWディーラーのAnder Mootrsに行って来ました。場所はハイソなエリアAvenida La Salleにあります。見た目から「ここは違う世界だ」という店構え。流石BMWです。
この店はパリ・ダカール・ラリーに参加するほどの店だとか。だったらメカニックも信頼できるかな? パブロがメカニックのチーフ、オスカルを紹介してくれました。オスカルにも詳細を説明。今日中には仕上がるとのこと。
身の回りのものだけを持ってあとは店に置いていきます。タクシーを呼んでくれて、今日泊まる宿「レジデンシャル・スクレ(Residencial Sucre)」へ。

久しぶりに自分のパソコンからネットにアクセスできました。6日分の日記をアップ。これで肩の荷が下りました。アップし終わったらもうお昼。昨日の宿の近くに中華屋があったのでそこで昼飯。チャーハン18ボリが美味い!! 夜もここにしよう。

さて明日はGSを引き取りに行ってそのままサマイパタ(Samaipata)まで足を伸ばすつもりです。午後にプレ・インカ遺跡のEL Fuerteを見学しようと思っています。
Day 401: 30 AUG 2011
Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Residencial Boliver)
40,075km to 40,078km = 3km
I took my GS to BMW dealer "Ander Motors" from the morning. It's located on Ave. La Salle, the nicer area of the city. The shop had very nice presentation.
As soon as I parked my GS in front of the shop, a few staff came out and greeted me. One of them was Pablo, who I contacted throogha few e-mails. He spoke perfect English, so I could tell him exactly what I needed here.
He introduced me the chief of the service department., Oscar. I also enplained the ame to him. According to Pablo, this shop will join "Paris Dakar Rally" this year. So I guess the quality of the mechanics here would be good.
accomodation for today. He said I could stay at a hotel where they can get the company discount. I asked the price and it was US$85!! It was a 5star hotel. That's tooooo expensive for a traveller, Pablo.
I took stuffs I needed for a day and left everything else at the shop. Pablo caled a cab for me and it took me to a hostel I stay today "Residencial Sucre".
The rate was 110Bs for a private room (shared shower/toilet). Including buffet breakfast and WiFi. The ddorm was 80Bs, but I left my pad lock with Ander Motors, so I went for the private room for better security.
There was a Tucan in the patio of this hostel. I have seen some tucans before, but never this close!
Finally I could access to Internet using my own laptop. I updated my blog as soon as I got into my room.
When I finished updating my blog, it was already lunch time. I went to a CHinese restaurant nearby the hotel I stayed yesterday. Fried rice there was excellent. I would come back here for dinner.
After lunch I took a walk around the city. Back to the hostel, I checked a few things on the net and had a nap. I went back to the same Chinese restautant and order anoher dish. The taste was good but served in small portion....
Tomorrow I will pick up my GS and will ride to Samaipata. Then I am planning to visit the Pre-Inca arheological site "El Fuerte".
Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Residencial Boliver)
40,075km to 40,078km = 3km
この店はパリ・ダカール・ラリーに参加するほどの店だとか。だったらメカニックも信頼できるかな? パブロがメカニックのチーフ、オスカルを紹介してくれました。オスカルにも詳細を説明。今日中には仕上がるとのこと。
身の回りのものだけを持ってあとは店に置いていきます。タクシーを呼んでくれて、今日泊まる宿「レジデンシャル・スクレ(Residencial Sucre)」へ。
久しぶりに自分のパソコンからネットにアクセスできました。6日分の日記をアップ。これで肩の荷が下りました。アップし終わったらもうお昼。昨日の宿の近くに中華屋があったのでそこで昼飯。チャーハン18ボリが美味い!! 夜もここにしよう。
さて明日はGSを引き取りに行ってそのままサマイパタ(Samaipata)まで足を伸ばすつもりです。午後にプレ・インカ遺跡のEL Fuerteを見学しようと思っています。
Day 401: 30 AUG 2011
Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Residencial Boliver)
40,075km to 40,078km = 3km
I took my GS to BMW dealer "Ander Motors" from the morning. It's located on Ave. La Salle, the nicer area of the city. The shop had very nice presentation.
As soon as I parked my GS in front of the shop, a few staff came out and greeted me. One of them was Pablo, who I contacted throogha few e-mails. He spoke perfect English, so I could tell him exactly what I needed here.
He introduced me the chief of the service department., Oscar. I also enplained the ame to him. According to Pablo, this shop will join "Paris Dakar Rally" this year. So I guess the quality of the mechanics here would be good.
accomodation for today. He said I could stay at a hotel where they can get the company discount. I asked the price and it was US$85!! It was a 5star hotel. That's tooooo expensive for a traveller, Pablo.
I took stuffs I needed for a day and left everything else at the shop. Pablo caled a cab for me and it took me to a hostel I stay today "Residencial Sucre".
The rate was 110Bs for a private room (shared shower/toilet). Including buffet breakfast and WiFi. The ddorm was 80Bs, but I left my pad lock with Ander Motors, so I went for the private room for better security.
There was a Tucan in the patio of this hostel. I have seen some tucans before, but never this close!
Finally I could access to Internet using my own laptop. I updated my blog as soon as I got into my room.
When I finished updating my blog, it was already lunch time. I went to a CHinese restaurant nearby the hotel I stayed yesterday. Fried rice there was excellent. I would come back here for dinner.
After lunch I took a walk around the city. Back to the hostel, I checked a few things on the net and had a nap. I went back to the same Chinese restautant and order anoher dish. The taste was good but served in small portion....
Tomorrow I will pick up my GS and will ride to Samaipata. Then I am planning to visit the Pre-Inca arheological site "El Fuerte".