三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
キャデラックとアサードと / Argentinian Asado in Brazil - Easter lunch with Alfredo & Giana
Day 620: 2012年4月8日
Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
I was invited by Alfredo and Giana for the Easter lunch today. They told me they would pick me upafter 11am, so I was waiting for them in front of the apartment....
They came to pick me up with a classic Cadillac!!

As the number plate shown, it was made in 1950. It's 62 years old car. Soooo cool!
高速道路をキャデラックで飛ばす! 気分は最高です。
Driving on a freeway on a Cadillac. Priceless!!

Then at their home......
アルゼンチン・アサード!!! そうアルフレッドさんはアルゼンチン出身なのです。コスティージャ(アバラ肉)、チョリソー、マタンブレなどを炭火でジックリと焼きます。
There was Argentinian Asado!!! Alfredo is from Argentina, that's why. Constilla (ribs), chorizis and matambre were cooked with charcoal. Very slowly cooked.

The brother of Alfredo making chorizos skewered. It started to rain.

アルフレッドさんとジアナさんののご友人たちも集まり、焼きあがったチリソーを食べながら歓談していると、雨が強くなって来ました!!! 風も強くなり傘の下まで吹き込んでくるので、ガレージに非難。
Friends of Alfredo and Giana came and having chorizos just cooked, we talked. Then the rain got really heavy and the wind picked up. So we escaped to the garage.
Alfredo's sons and their family arrived. We started to have asado! The real Argentinian asado in Brazil. As it was cooked by the real Argentinians, wonderful. So I forgot to take any photo!
The Cadillac parked at the garage.

Alfredo and his sons and friends like classic cars. Everyone was talking so enthusiasitically. They were speaking in Spanish, so I could understand quite a lot, but I just concentrated on listening.
In the afternoon, everyone went back home. I was talking with Alfredo and Giana about Japan, bears and watches.
そして3人と愛犬ニナと記念撮影。帰りはDudge RAM2500で家まで送っていただきました。2人には3週間前に窮地を救ってくださり、またそれからもいろいろ気にかけていただいて、本当にお世話になりました!! Arifgatou Alfredo-san, Giana-san!!
The photo with Alfredo, Giana and myself holding their beloved Nina. They drove me home with Dudge RAM 2500! I really thank their hospitality and friendship. They came to rescue me to Curitiba 3 weeks ago and have been good friends to me since. Arigatou Alfredo-san and Giana-san!!

This is the gift they gave me.
チェのキーホルダー!!! これお気に入りです!!!
A key chain of "Che"!!! How wonderful!! I really like it.

家に戻ってしばらくするとアンジェラが別荘から戻って来ました。向こうでは雹まで降ったそうです!! そしてドロールは明日の夕方戻ってくるので、明日クリチバに出発しようと思ってたのですが、火曜日出発に延期しました。
Angela came back from the farm house. She told me there was a hail storm!! And she told me Dolor will be home by tomorrow afternoon. I was thiniking to leave to Curitiba tomorrow but I decided to leave on tuesday.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
I was invited by Alfredo and Giana for the Easter lunch today. They told me they would pick me upafter 11am, so I was waiting for them in front of the apartment....
They came to pick me up with a classic Cadillac!!
As the number plate shown, it was made in 1950. It's 62 years old car. Soooo cool!
高速道路をキャデラックで飛ばす! 気分は最高です。
Driving on a freeway on a Cadillac. Priceless!!
Then at their home......
アルゼンチン・アサード!!! そうアルフレッドさんはアルゼンチン出身なのです。コスティージャ(アバラ肉)、チョリソー、マタンブレなどを炭火でジックリと焼きます。
There was Argentinian Asado!!! Alfredo is from Argentina, that's why. Constilla (ribs), chorizis and matambre were cooked with charcoal. Very slowly cooked.
The brother of Alfredo making chorizos skewered. It started to rain.
アルフレッドさんとジアナさんののご友人たちも集まり、焼きあがったチリソーを食べながら歓談していると、雨が強くなって来ました!!! 風も強くなり傘の下まで吹き込んでくるので、ガレージに非難。
Friends of Alfredo and Giana came and having chorizos just cooked, we talked. Then the rain got really heavy and the wind picked up. So we escaped to the garage.
Alfredo's sons and their family arrived. We started to have asado! The real Argentinian asado in Brazil. As it was cooked by the real Argentinians, wonderful. So I forgot to take any photo!
The Cadillac parked at the garage.
Alfredo and his sons and friends like classic cars. Everyone was talking so enthusiasitically. They were speaking in Spanish, so I could understand quite a lot, but I just concentrated on listening.
In the afternoon, everyone went back home. I was talking with Alfredo and Giana about Japan, bears and watches.
そして3人と愛犬ニナと記念撮影。帰りはDudge RAM2500で家まで送っていただきました。2人には3週間前に窮地を救ってくださり、またそれからもいろいろ気にかけていただいて、本当にお世話になりました!! Arifgatou Alfredo-san, Giana-san!!
The photo with Alfredo, Giana and myself holding their beloved Nina. They drove me home with Dudge RAM 2500! I really thank their hospitality and friendship. They came to rescue me to Curitiba 3 weeks ago and have been good friends to me since. Arigatou Alfredo-san and Giana-san!!
This is the gift they gave me.
チェのキーホルダー!!! これお気に入りです!!!
A key chain of "Che"!!! How wonderful!! I really like it.
家に戻ってしばらくするとアンジェラが別荘から戻って来ました。向こうでは雹まで降ったそうです!! そしてドロールは明日の夕方戻ってくるので、明日クリチバに出発しようと思ってたのですが、火曜日出発に延期しました。
Angela came back from the farm house. She told me there was a hail storm!! And she told me Dolor will be home by tomorrow afternoon. I was thiniking to leave to Curitiba tomorrow but I decided to leave on tuesday.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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