三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ダニエルと再会!!! / Reunion with Daniel!!!
Day 622: 2012年4月10日
Morretes (La Casa de Daniel)
59,229km to 59,460km = 231km
For more than 3 weeks, I have been resting. Today is the day I restart my trip. I got up before 6am and got ready just after 7am.
Dolor&Angela were leaving to their office around 7:30am, sowe went down to the garage together. I said good-bye to them and left the aprtment. Well, I will be back there friday evening thought.
Once I got on the freeway, there were 230km to Curitiba. It was overcsted but it was cool, so it was a nice ride.
But it started to rain a little. After I passed Joinville, the freeway started to ascend and it got cooler.
Unfortunately, just around 70km awayfrom Curitiba, the rain got heavier. As there was no much tread left on the rear tyre and also as I crushed the bike in the rain, I was little nurvous to ride in the rain.
Just before Curitiba, it stopped raining. I got into the city of Curitiba around 10:30am. I followed the GPS and arrived Daniel's place. Usually there would be a slight
I asked the security of the apartment to call Daniel and he came down! It's been more than 1 year since we saw last time in Medellin! It's good to catch up with an old friend.
早速マンションの駐車場へ。ダニエルの愛車SUZUKI V-Strom 1000の隣に駐車。彼のバイクはカナダで登録されたもの。ブラジルのナンバーに切り替えるとなんと15,000ドルの関税がかかるとか!!
I parked Esperanza next to his beloved SUZUKI V-Strom. His bike has a Canadian registration and if he wants to get a Brazilian registration, he has to pay more than US$15,000 for the import duty!!
He bought the bike for US$11,000 in Canada and rode all the way down to Brazil, so the import duty is more than the bike worth... His temporary permit is already expired, so he cannot ride the bike leagally in Brazil now. He just take the bike out and ride around the town now. "I cannot keep the bike like this. So I have to sell this, unfortuantelly." said Daniel.
Elton told me that he sold his California registered BMW R1150GS in Paraguay. So I will ask Elton how he did it.
I picked up some stuffs from Esperanza and hopped on his car. We were going to his farm at nearby town Morretes. His family owns a farm growing floweres.
Morretes is actually very close to the place where I crushed 3 weeks ago. We would take another way rather than Gracioso.
I met his dad, mum and Fabian family who is taking care of the farm.
This is the wind house where they grow flowers.


There were some papirus from Egypt!

Today is the birthday of Frabio - the son of Fabian. So Camillo - Daniel's Dad - grilled many kinds of sausages and celebrated Frabio's birthday!
フラビオはマイケル・ジャクソンが好きだそうで、"ビリー・ジーン"や"Beat it"などの曲に乗って踊りまくるフラビオ。
Frabio likes Michael Jackson! He danced with "Billie Jean" and "Beat it!".

We all played with balons and it was a fun party and fun night.
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Morretes (La Casa de Daniel)
59,229km to 59,460km = 231km
For more than 3 weeks, I have been resting. Today is the day I restart my trip. I got up before 6am and got ready just after 7am.
Dolor&Angela were leaving to their office around 7:30am, sowe went down to the garage together. I said good-bye to them and left the aprtment. Well, I will be back there friday evening thought.
Once I got on the freeway, there were 230km to Curitiba. It was overcsted but it was cool, so it was a nice ride.
But it started to rain a little. After I passed Joinville, the freeway started to ascend and it got cooler.
Unfortunately, just around 70km awayfrom Curitiba, the rain got heavier. As there was no much tread left on the rear tyre and also as I crushed the bike in the rain, I was little nurvous to ride in the rain.
Just before Curitiba, it stopped raining. I got into the city of Curitiba around 10:30am. I followed the GPS and arrived Daniel's place. Usually there would be a slight
I asked the security of the apartment to call Daniel and he came down! It's been more than 1 year since we saw last time in Medellin! It's good to catch up with an old friend.
早速マンションの駐車場へ。ダニエルの愛車SUZUKI V-Strom 1000の隣に駐車。彼のバイクはカナダで登録されたもの。ブラジルのナンバーに切り替えるとなんと15,000ドルの関税がかかるとか!!
I parked Esperanza next to his beloved SUZUKI V-Strom. His bike has a Canadian registration and if he wants to get a Brazilian registration, he has to pay more than US$15,000 for the import duty!!
He bought the bike for US$11,000 in Canada and rode all the way down to Brazil, so the import duty is more than the bike worth... His temporary permit is already expired, so he cannot ride the bike leagally in Brazil now. He just take the bike out and ride around the town now. "I cannot keep the bike like this. So I have to sell this, unfortuantelly." said Daniel.
Elton told me that he sold his California registered BMW R1150GS in Paraguay. So I will ask Elton how he did it.
I picked up some stuffs from Esperanza and hopped on his car. We were going to his farm at nearby town Morretes. His family owns a farm growing floweres.
Morretes is actually very close to the place where I crushed 3 weeks ago. We would take another way rather than Gracioso.
I met his dad, mum and Fabian family who is taking care of the farm.
This is the wind house where they grow flowers.
There were some papirus from Egypt!
Today is the birthday of Frabio - the son of Fabian. So Camillo - Daniel's Dad - grilled many kinds of sausages and celebrated Frabio's birthday!
フラビオはマイケル・ジャクソンが好きだそうで、"ビリー・ジーン"や"Beat it"などの曲に乗って踊りまくるフラビオ。
Frabio likes Michael Jackson! He danced with "Billie Jean" and "Beat it!".
We all played with balons and it was a fun party and fun night.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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