三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
トミタさんとクリチバと芝居と誕生会と / Tomita-san, Curitiba, a theatre and a birthday party
Day 624: 2012年4月12日
Curitiba (La Casa de Daniel)
In the morning, I said good-bye to Fabian family and left the farm to Curitiba.
Daniel stopped at the house of Tomita-san, his long term client, to deliver the flowers. Tomita-san is a Japanese migrant. Daniel told him about me before, so Tomita-san welcame me as one of his friends. He knew I fractured my right elbow and he greeted me with some tears. "You are doing very very well2, Tomita-sn said to me.

He came to Brazil nearly 80 years ago when he was 9 years old! It was before WWII. He told me many stories like one when our Emperor and Empress came to Brazil, the life of Japanese migrants during the war etc.
He came to Curitiba 30 years ago and he said at that time it was not a big city yet. Now the city has 2 million habitants and including satelite cities, there are more than 3 million population.
Many of Japanese migrants had hard time, and they did not want their children to suffer the same. So they put a lot of their efforts intoeducation of the 2nd generation. So now many of Japanese-Brazilians are contributing a lot to Brazilian society and respected. I am proud to be a Japanese.
He liked my idea of "contributing to Japan with the experiences I acquire through my trip and directing Japan to better future" and encouraged me. I wanted to speak with him and his wife more, but it was nearly lunch time, so we said good-bye to Tomita-san.
Daniel drove me to his apartment. He would deliver the flowers to other clients in the afternoon.
After lunch, I opened my blog and checked the ranking. I lost lots of places... Now my blog ranking is down to 45th... I did not update my blog just for 2 days and it went down that much. The blog ranking is a serious competition indeed.
I needed to book a flight o Germany but the ticket was still expensive, costs around US$1,400. I received a reply from Dakar Motos and the shipment of my bike to Munich would be cheaper by US$100 than to Frankfurt. So I decided to ship to Munich.
As I was busy with things, Daniel went to deliver the flowers alone.
In the evening, we went for a walk around the neighbourhood. We walked through a park and along the government buildings.

Then his friend Henrique came to pick us up for a theatre. A cousin of their friend was putting an act so we were invited.
The theatre used to be an aminition storage till the begining of 20th century.

The act was in Portugese, of course. I could not really get the theme of the act but I could tell that the actors were pretty good. As taking photo was prohibited, I could not take any photo.
After the act, I asked Daniel and Henrique about the theme of the act, but they could not really explain to me as it was hard for them to understand.
We left the theatre around 11pm and went to his friend Felipe's birthday. We chat for a while (luckily everyone could speak English) and we left there around 12 midnight.

I would like to spend more days in Curitiba but will leave to Balneario Camboriu after lunch tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Curitiba (La Casa de Daniel)
In the morning, I said good-bye to Fabian family and left the farm to Curitiba.
Daniel stopped at the house of Tomita-san, his long term client, to deliver the flowers. Tomita-san is a Japanese migrant. Daniel told him about me before, so Tomita-san welcame me as one of his friends. He knew I fractured my right elbow and he greeted me with some tears. "You are doing very very well2, Tomita-sn said to me.
He came to Brazil nearly 80 years ago when he was 9 years old! It was before WWII. He told me many stories like one when our Emperor and Empress came to Brazil, the life of Japanese migrants during the war etc.
He came to Curitiba 30 years ago and he said at that time it was not a big city yet. Now the city has 2 million habitants and including satelite cities, there are more than 3 million population.
Many of Japanese migrants had hard time, and they did not want their children to suffer the same. So they put a lot of their efforts intoeducation of the 2nd generation. So now many of Japanese-Brazilians are contributing a lot to Brazilian society and respected. I am proud to be a Japanese.
He liked my idea of "contributing to Japan with the experiences I acquire through my trip and directing Japan to better future" and encouraged me. I wanted to speak with him and his wife more, but it was nearly lunch time, so we said good-bye to Tomita-san.
Daniel drove me to his apartment. He would deliver the flowers to other clients in the afternoon.
After lunch, I opened my blog and checked the ranking. I lost lots of places... Now my blog ranking is down to 45th... I did not update my blog just for 2 days and it went down that much. The blog ranking is a serious competition indeed.
I needed to book a flight o Germany but the ticket was still expensive, costs around US$1,400. I received a reply from Dakar Motos and the shipment of my bike to Munich would be cheaper by US$100 than to Frankfurt. So I decided to ship to Munich.
As I was busy with things, Daniel went to deliver the flowers alone.
In the evening, we went for a walk around the neighbourhood. We walked through a park and along the government buildings.
Then his friend Henrique came to pick us up for a theatre. A cousin of their friend was putting an act so we were invited.
The theatre used to be an aminition storage till the begining of 20th century.
The act was in Portugese, of course. I could not really get the theme of the act but I could tell that the actors were pretty good. As taking photo was prohibited, I could not take any photo.
After the act, I asked Daniel and Henrique about the theme of the act, but they could not really explain to me as it was hard for them to understand.
We left the theatre around 11pm and went to his friend Felipe's birthday. We chat for a while (luckily everyone could speak English) and we left there around 12 midnight.
I would like to spend more days in Curitiba but will leave to Balneario Camboriu after lunch tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************