三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
帰って来ました!! / I am back!!
Day 625: 2012年4月13日
Curitiba to Balneario Camboriu (La Casa de Dolor&Angela)
59,460km to 59,684km = 224km
It's friday the 13th. Well I slept in as it was late last night.
My favorite cheese breads (pao de queijo) were served for breakfast. Nice!!
And I bought an air ticket on line. Leaving Buenos Aires in the evening of 25th and arrving Munich in the morning of 27th. Finally. I arrived South America last Feb the 19th, so I would be in South America more than 1 year and 2 months.
Daniel went to see a doctor for his injury of left shoulder. He injured while he was snowboarding in France. I wsa surfingnet while he was away. As my schedule to Germany was finalised, I sent some e-mails to my friends in Europe.
Daniel came back just after noon. We had hand made lasagna, deep fried manjocas (yukas), and a pudding made from sweet corn. They were all good.
After lunch, Daniel and I talked for a while. We've just been reunited after 1 year, but now I have to say good-bye to him.
As I wanted to get to Balneario Camboriu before the dusk, so I left his apartment around 3pm. Daniel escourted me to the entrance of the highway.
It's been since Colombia that we rode together.
It started to rain and soon it got heavier, so we stopped at a petrol station and waited for the rain to ease.

Just before we were toleave the petrol station, I realised the light bulb of the headlight was busted. The last time I replased it was when I met Paul in Chile. It was when Esperanza had 45,000km on the clock. So the bulb busted just after 15,000km!! It was a short life.
次のガソリンスタンドPetro Brasで給油(Petro Brasにしかハイオク・ガソリンが無いため)。電球を売ってないか訊きましたが、エスペランサに合う電球は置いてないと。なので部品屋まで走ります。
そして無事に新品の電球を購入! 小雨の降る中、電球を交換。そんなこんなでもう4時半過ぎてしまいました。
I could buy a new liht bulb there. I changed the bulb there under the light rain. It was alrady after 4:30am. To the highway, I just needed to go straight on the road we were on, so I said good-bye to Daniel there. Thanks a lot, my friend! See you again!!

After a while, the road became twisty and going down hill. It was raining hard on the way to Curitiba and it was raining hard this time again!!! Then it became foggy too. It wasn't the ideal condition of riding twisty rode. I was very cautious.
Before I completed to descend the mountains, the rain was cleared. Bt it was still clouded. I cruised on the highway straight to Itajai.
The sun set before 6am. It became dark. Fortunately, I got a new headlight bulb.
I got to the apartment of Dolor&Angela. They were still at the work, but I had the house key, so I had no problem to get into the apartment.
I was abscent for just 3 days only, but I felt "I am back." The place became "my home".
Dolor&Angela came home after 9pm. We had the late dinner together. I talked about Daniel, Tomita-san and days in Curitiba.
I came "home", but I have to keep going. I will head down south on sunday. Yes, I am the adventure rider.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Curitiba to Balneario Camboriu (La Casa de Dolor&Angela)
59,460km to 59,684km = 224km
It's friday the 13th. Well I slept in as it was late last night.
My favorite cheese breads (pao de queijo) were served for breakfast. Nice!!
And I bought an air ticket on line. Leaving Buenos Aires in the evening of 25th and arrving Munich in the morning of 27th. Finally. I arrived South America last Feb the 19th, so I would be in South America more than 1 year and 2 months.
Daniel went to see a doctor for his injury of left shoulder. He injured while he was snowboarding in France. I wsa surfingnet while he was away. As my schedule to Germany was finalised, I sent some e-mails to my friends in Europe.
Daniel came back just after noon. We had hand made lasagna, deep fried manjocas (yukas), and a pudding made from sweet corn. They were all good.
After lunch, Daniel and I talked for a while. We've just been reunited after 1 year, but now I have to say good-bye to him.
As I wanted to get to Balneario Camboriu before the dusk, so I left his apartment around 3pm. Daniel escourted me to the entrance of the highway.
It's been since Colombia that we rode together.
It started to rain and soon it got heavier, so we stopped at a petrol station and waited for the rain to ease.
Just before we were toleave the petrol station, I realised the light bulb of the headlight was busted. The last time I replased it was when I met Paul in Chile. It was when Esperanza had 45,000km on the clock. So the bulb busted just after 15,000km!! It was a short life.
次のガソリンスタンドPetro Brasで給油(Petro Brasにしかハイオク・ガソリンが無いため)。電球を売ってないか訊きましたが、エスペランサに合う電球は置いてないと。なので部品屋まで走ります。
そして無事に新品の電球を購入! 小雨の降る中、電球を交換。そんなこんなでもう4時半過ぎてしまいました。
I could buy a new liht bulb there. I changed the bulb there under the light rain. It was alrady after 4:30am. To the highway, I just needed to go straight on the road we were on, so I said good-bye to Daniel there. Thanks a lot, my friend! See you again!!
After a while, the road became twisty and going down hill. It was raining hard on the way to Curitiba and it was raining hard this time again!!! Then it became foggy too. It wasn't the ideal condition of riding twisty rode. I was very cautious.
Before I completed to descend the mountains, the rain was cleared. Bt it was still clouded. I cruised on the highway straight to Itajai.
The sun set before 6am. It became dark. Fortunately, I got a new headlight bulb.
I got to the apartment of Dolor&Angela. They were still at the work, but I had the house key, so I had no problem to get into the apartment.
I was abscent for just 3 days only, but I felt "I am back." The place became "my home".
Dolor&Angela came home after 9pm. We had the late dinner together. I talked about Daniel, Tomita-san and days in Curitiba.
I came "home", but I have to keep going. I will head down south on sunday. Yes, I am the adventure rider.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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