三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
サン・ペドロ・デ・アタカマ。さらばフレッド / To San Pedro de Atacama. Hasta luego, Gottfreid!!
Day 461: 2011年10月29日
Calama to San Pedro de Atacama (Camping Los Perales)
42,129km to 42,232km = 103km

なのでそのまま出発。道は舗装路。風景は最高!! ここアタカマ砂漠は世界で最も乾燥している土地だとか(南極を除く)。カラマを出て直ぐに警察の検問に引っかかりました。でも書類を見せただけでパス。写真を撮影し先に進みます。


更に進むと岩がちの土地になり、いい風景だ。サンペドロに入る手前で、車やバイクが停まっているのでそこに停まってみました。風化した岩がイイ味出してます。(Valle del Muertos) 4台のYAMAHA XT660Rがいました。彼らはブラジルから来たとのこと。ダニエルもそういえばブラジルではXT660Rに乗ってるとか。ブラジルでは人気なんですね。
結局ロンプラに載っているCamping Los Perelasにキャンプすることに。しかしフレッドはテント持っていないので、アルゼンチンまで足を伸ばすことに。Buen viaje, mi amigo. Nos vemos en Argentina or Alemania!
Day 461: 29 OCT 2011
Calama to San Pedro de Atacama (Camping Los Perales)
42,129km to 42,232km = 103km
Today we just need to ride for 100km to San Pedoro de Atacama, so we had really slow morning. I uploaded photos to my blog and loaded luggages to my GS. We left the hostel around 11am.
We went to a petrol station to refuel or GSs and pump up the tyres. But the nozle of the air pump was too long to fit to our wheel, so we could not pump up our tyres.... I have a hand pump, but more than 2.0bar I cannot pump up any more. (I need to set up the tyre presure as: Front 2.5Bar, Rear 2.9Bar).
So we took off. The land scape of Atacama desert was awesome. But soon after we left Calama, we were stopped at a police check point. But we just showed our documents and they let us go. We took some potos there.
Atacama desert is supposed to be the driest place on earth (except Antiarctica). On the left there were snow capped mountains and on the right, there was a desert. Very nice contrast. We stopped a few times to take photos.
Just before San Pedro, the land scape changed to rocky terrerian. We sawmany cars, nuses and motorcycles parked at the road side, so we pulled over there. It was "Valle del Muertos". Very nice view. There were 4 YAMAHA XT660R from Brazil. My friend Daniel also rides XT660R in Brazil. It is the populer bike in Brazil.
From the "Valle", around 3km to San Pedoro. It's a dusty small town. We wne to to the hostel which Jose recommended, but it was full. I went to another one, but it was full too. I was told that it is a long weekend, so it would be impossible to find any room... I have a tent so I could go to a campground, but Gottfreid doesn't. So he decided to go to Argentina! Buen viaje, mi amigo! Suerte!! Nos vemos en Patagonia o Alemania!!
I went to "La Casa del Sol Naciente" where Uwe recommended. But the campground was full. S0 I went to "Camping Los Perales". The site cost 4,000CLP (US$8).
I had a late lunch and found free WiFI available at the plaza. Good.
Well, as I am really tired, I will have a break tomorrow.
Calama to San Pedro de Atacama (Camping Los Perales)
42,129km to 42,232km = 103km
更に進むと岩がちの土地になり、いい風景だ。サンペドロに入る手前で、車やバイクが停まっているのでそこに停まってみました。風化した岩がイイ味出してます。(Valle del Muertos) 4台のYAMAHA XT660Rがいました。彼らはブラジルから来たとのこと。ダニエルもそういえばブラジルではXT660Rに乗ってるとか。ブラジルでは人気なんですね。
結局ロンプラに載っているCamping Los Perelasにキャンプすることに。しかしフレッドはテント持っていないので、アルゼンチンまで足を伸ばすことに。Buen viaje, mi amigo. Nos vemos en Argentina or Alemania!
Day 461: 29 OCT 2011
Calama to San Pedro de Atacama (Camping Los Perales)
42,129km to 42,232km = 103km
Today we just need to ride for 100km to San Pedoro de Atacama, so we had really slow morning. I uploaded photos to my blog and loaded luggages to my GS. We left the hostel around 11am.
We went to a petrol station to refuel or GSs and pump up the tyres. But the nozle of the air pump was too long to fit to our wheel, so we could not pump up our tyres.... I have a hand pump, but more than 2.0bar I cannot pump up any more. (I need to set up the tyre presure as: Front 2.5Bar, Rear 2.9Bar).
So we took off. The land scape of Atacama desert was awesome. But soon after we left Calama, we were stopped at a police check point. But we just showed our documents and they let us go. We took some potos there.
Atacama desert is supposed to be the driest place on earth (except Antiarctica). On the left there were snow capped mountains and on the right, there was a desert. Very nice contrast. We stopped a few times to take photos.
Just before San Pedro, the land scape changed to rocky terrerian. We sawmany cars, nuses and motorcycles parked at the road side, so we pulled over there. It was "Valle del Muertos". Very nice view. There were 4 YAMAHA XT660R from Brazil. My friend Daniel also rides XT660R in Brazil. It is the populer bike in Brazil.
From the "Valle", around 3km to San Pedoro. It's a dusty small town. We wne to to the hostel which Jose recommended, but it was full. I went to another one, but it was full too. I was told that it is a long weekend, so it would be impossible to find any room... I have a tent so I could go to a campground, but Gottfreid doesn't. So he decided to go to Argentina! Buen viaje, mi amigo! Suerte!! Nos vemos en Patagonia o Alemania!!
I went to "La Casa del Sol Naciente" where Uwe recommended. But the campground was full. S0 I went to "Camping Los Perales". The site cost 4,000CLP (US$8).
I had a late lunch and found free WiFI available at the plaza. Good.
Well, as I am really tired, I will have a break tomorrow.