三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
玉麺館とスペイン語クラス / Enrolled in Spanish Class
Day 296: 2011年5月16日
Quito (Casa Helbling)
今日はCasa Helblingに引っ越しました。キトに来て2回目の引越しです。Blue Houseは意心地よかったので1日で出るのはちょっと後ろめたさがありますが、仲間のいるCasa Helblingに移動です。
マーク、クレア、アダム、そしてワシと4台のバイク、そしてウベのKTM Adventure 990が明日来るので5台のバイクが同じ宿に集結です。スペースを作るためにオーナーのクラウスがいろいろ物を動かしたりしてます。
チェックインをして洗濯をしたあとアダムとInstituto Geografico Militaria(軍事地理研究所)にエクアドルの地図を買いに行きました。研究所は丘の上にあるので上り坂はちょっとキツイ(標高が高いので)。入り口でIDを渡さなければいけないので免許証を渡して中に入ります。地図は1刷4ドル。かなり詳しい地図なので重宝しそうです。
それからワシは玉麺館に昼飯を。アダムは自炊するので宿で昼飯。玉麺館は日本人バックパッカーの間で湯名な店。宿から直ぐの所にあります(6 de Deciembre通り沿い)。餃子と麻婆豆腐が美味しいとの評判。流石に二つ頼むのは多いので今日は餃子(10個)を。スープとコーラが付いたコンボで4ドル。高いですね。
地元民にも人気があるみたいで込み合ってます。出てくるまで時間がかかりました。で、評判の餃子は?というと、まぁまぁでした。普通の焼き餃子なんです。確かに中米で食べた中華に比べれば普通に美味しいのですが、「絶対食べなければ」っていうほどのものじゃないです。ワシはやはりシドニーの北方手拉麺館の餃子が好きですね。読者のみなさんもシドニーに行ったら是非食べてください。チャイナタウンの外れThomas Street沿いにあります。隣が日本のラーメン屋「麺屋」なので分りやすいです。
その後雨がちらほら降ってきたので宿でアダムとウバと今後の作戦会議。そして雨が止んだのでスペイン語クラスを探しに行きました。2軒見たのですがBanana Spanish Schoolというこじんまりした学校にしました。個人レッスンで1時間6ドル。午後2時から2時間申し込みました。明日から金曜日まで4日間勉強します。
Day 296: 16 MAY 2011年
Quito (Casa Helbling)
Today I moved to Casa Helbling. Blue House was a nice place to stay, but it would be more fun tobe with other motorcyclists. I felt a little sorry to people at Blue House for leaving there in one day, as they were nice to me.
There were 3 motorcycles in the garage of Casa Helbling, and with my GS, there are 4 bikes now. THen tomrrow Uwe's KTM 990 Adventure will come back from the workshop, there will be 5 bikes! So the owner - Claus - was making more space by moving things away.
After checked-in, I did laundry, and then with Adam I went to Instituto Geografico Militaria to buy a road map of Ecuador. The institute was located on the top of hill, so it was hard to climb up (due to high altitude). But it was a nice view from the hill top looking down the city. At the entrance, we had to hand in our IDs. The map cost US$4. It is a quite detailed map, so it will be useful.
Then I went to have lunch at a Chinese Restaurant "Tallarines" on Avenida 6 de Deciembre. This restaurant is very famous among Japanese tourists and I heard especially fried dumplings and mapo-tofu are good. I ordered Combo 7 (Fried dumpings, vege soup and coke) for US$4. It's bit expensive. The place was popular among locals, so it was quite busy.
How were dumplings? Well it was average... Yes, it was much better than other Chinese I had in Central America, but they weren't that good as people said. I stil prefer dumplings of Nortern Style hand made noodle house in Sydney's Chinatown. If anyone goes to Sydney, you should go there and have dumplings and noodles. They are excellent!
Back to Ecador.....
It started splinking, so Adam, Uwe and I were talking about the route we are going to go. Then it seemed the weather got better, Adam and I went to look for a Spanish class. We visited 2 schols and enrolled at Banana Spanish School. It is a small school but poeple are friendly and it comes with Free Bananas!! One o One lesson costs US$6 per hour and we will take 2 hours a day in the afternon.
Back to the hostel, I burned all photos since Mexico till now to DVD. Mark and Claire gave me the GPS map of Ecador. Together with the paper map I bought today, I can navigate through Ecudor uch easier! Thanks Mark and Claire. Then we discussed our next destination. Adam, Uwe and I decided to leave her on Sunday and heading to hot srping. Mark and Claire will jin us if Mark's bike can be fixed by then.
Quito (Casa Helbling)
今日はCasa Helblingに引っ越しました。キトに来て2回目の引越しです。Blue Houseは意心地よかったので1日で出るのはちょっと後ろめたさがありますが、仲間のいるCasa Helblingに移動です。
マーク、クレア、アダム、そしてワシと4台のバイク、そしてウベのKTM Adventure 990が明日来るので5台のバイクが同じ宿に集結です。スペースを作るためにオーナーのクラウスがいろいろ物を動かしたりしてます。
その後雨がちらほら降ってきたので宿でアダムとウバと今後の作戦会議。そして雨が止んだのでスペイン語クラスを探しに行きました。2軒見たのですがBanana Spanish Schoolというこじんまりした学校にしました。個人レッスンで1時間6ドル。午後2時から2時間申し込みました。明日から金曜日まで4日間勉強します。
Day 296: 16 MAY 2011年
Quito (Casa Helbling)
Today I moved to Casa Helbling. Blue House was a nice place to stay, but it would be more fun tobe with other motorcyclists. I felt a little sorry to people at Blue House for leaving there in one day, as they were nice to me.
There were 3 motorcycles in the garage of Casa Helbling, and with my GS, there are 4 bikes now. THen tomrrow Uwe's KTM 990 Adventure will come back from the workshop, there will be 5 bikes! So the owner - Claus - was making more space by moving things away.
After checked-in, I did laundry, and then with Adam I went to Instituto Geografico Militaria to buy a road map of Ecuador. The institute was located on the top of hill, so it was hard to climb up (due to high altitude). But it was a nice view from the hill top looking down the city. At the entrance, we had to hand in our IDs. The map cost US$4. It is a quite detailed map, so it will be useful.
Then I went to have lunch at a Chinese Restaurant "Tallarines" on Avenida 6 de Deciembre. This restaurant is very famous among Japanese tourists and I heard especially fried dumplings and mapo-tofu are good. I ordered Combo 7 (Fried dumpings, vege soup and coke) for US$4. It's bit expensive. The place was popular among locals, so it was quite busy.
How were dumplings? Well it was average... Yes, it was much better than other Chinese I had in Central America, but they weren't that good as people said. I stil prefer dumplings of Nortern Style hand made noodle house in Sydney's Chinatown. If anyone goes to Sydney, you should go there and have dumplings and noodles. They are excellent!
Back to Ecador.....
It started splinking, so Adam, Uwe and I were talking about the route we are going to go. Then it seemed the weather got better, Adam and I went to look for a Spanish class. We visited 2 schols and enrolled at Banana Spanish School. It is a small school but poeple are friendly and it comes with Free Bananas!! One o One lesson costs US$6 per hour and we will take 2 hours a day in the afternon.
Back to the hostel, I burned all photos since Mexico till now to DVD. Mark and Claire gave me the GPS map of Ecador. Together with the paper map I bought today, I can navigate through Ecudor uch easier! Thanks Mark and Claire. Then we discussed our next destination. Adam, Uwe and I decided to leave her on Sunday and heading to hot srping. Mark and Claire will jin us if Mark's bike can be fixed by then.