三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
トゥールーズの街 / Toulouse
Day 680: 2012年6月7日
Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
I had a slow morning. I made a reasearch on accomodationsin Barcelona and distance beween cities.
I had lunch with Jean-Yves at home as he came back during his lunch break.
I went out to the city of Toulouse around 3pm. Toulouse is famouse for its brick buildings and there are lots of brick buildings. Oh, but the building (Triumph arch?) was not made with bricks.

トゥールーズの街のシンボル「カピトル」。ここまで来て雨が降ってきたので退散!! だから不完全燃焼です。
This is "Capitole" the symbol of Toulouse. But it started to rain, so I headed back home.

広場にHONDAアフリカ・ツインがあったのでパチリ。何故ホンダは新しいアフリカ・ツインを作らないのでしょう?? There was a HONDA XVR750 Africa Twin at he plaza, so I took a photo of oit. I wonder why HONDA is not making new Africa Twin. It would be popular, I reckon.

In the evening, I showed Jean-Yves and Estelle my photos from Latin America and told them those stories there. It was already midnight! I wil go to bed now.
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I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Toulouse (La Casa de Jean-Yves y Estelle)
I had a slow morning. I made a reasearch on accomodationsin Barcelona and distance beween cities.
I had lunch with Jean-Yves at home as he came back during his lunch break.
I went out to the city of Toulouse around 3pm. Toulouse is famouse for its brick buildings and there are lots of brick buildings. Oh, but the building (Triumph arch?) was not made with bricks.
トゥールーズの街のシンボル「カピトル」。ここまで来て雨が降ってきたので退散!! だから不完全燃焼です。
This is "Capitole" the symbol of Toulouse. But it started to rain, so I headed back home.
広場にHONDAアフリカ・ツインがあったのでパチリ。何故ホンダは新しいアフリカ・ツインを作らないのでしょう?? There was a HONDA XVR750 Africa Twin at he plaza, so I took a photo of oit. I wonder why HONDA is not making new Africa Twin. It would be popular, I reckon.
In the evening, I showed Jean-Yves and Estelle my photos from Latin America and told them those stories there. It was already midnight! I wil go to bed now.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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