三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ピカソとガウディ / Picasso and Gaudi
Day 687: 2012年6月14日
Barcelona (Casa de Sagrada)
It's Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna's birthday. Happy Birthday, Comandante.
天気は良し。朝は洗濯をしてから出かけました。先ずはピカソ博物館(Museu Picasso)へ。流石世紀の巨匠ピカソの博物館、行列です。
It was a sunny day. I washed my clothes and went out to Picasso museum. It seemed to be a popular tourist destination, so here was a long queue.

But luckily 2 guys in front of my were Japanese - Kaoru and Hide, so I was chatting with them while waiting. So I did not feel like waiting that long and we could get into the museum.
In this museum, there were paintings from his youth and paitings from the later period of his life. Those paintings from his youth, they were not like "Picasso" which I knew. Unfortunately taking photo was prohibited.
Among those paintings from his youth, there were some with humour. And then his style was becoming to be like "Picasso".
I had seen some of paintings of Picasso before, but it was the first time to see so many of his paintings at once. There were many interesting pieces. But some looked like as he did not put much effort.
I had a bocadillo and a drink for lunch with Kaoru and Hide. Then they took a touristic bus to a football stadium. Have a good trip!

ワシは、地下鉄に乗り、グエル公園(Parc Guell)を再び訪ねました。公園内で一番高い丘トレス・クルス(Tres Cruz)からはバルセロナの街が見渡せます。
I took a metro to Parc Guell again. I climeb up to Tres Cruz on the highest hill in th epark. There I could see the city of Barcelona clearly.

Then I went down to the plaza. One street performer (?) liked my "Che" style and he asked me to take a photo together. Some how he was in Chinese style outfit.

The broken tiles were used for ceiling as well. As Gaudi used curves a lot, the tiles needed to be broken to cover the curved surfaces.

The famous lizard.

THe view of the park from the main gate.

In the evening, I went out to have typical SPanish dinner with Mr. Yata. I wondered what would be served.
We caught metro to downtown. This is Central Post Office.

矢田さん行きつけのレストランへ。が、しかし、一ヶ月前にオーナーが代わったとのこと!! 矢田さんはしばらく日本に帰っていらしたので、ビックリ。馴染みの店が変わるのはショックですね。
We went to a restaurant where Mr. Yata had been eating at for 20 years. But just a month ago, the owner of the restaurant had changed. As Mr. Yata was in Japan for a while recently, he did not know and was shocked.
しかし、料理のクオリティーは落ちてないそうです。11ユーロでこのボリューム!!! 前菜、パエリア(写真は2人前です)、そしてメインの肉料理(後ろのは矢田さんの分)。デザートもついてワシは大満足です。
However, the quality of foods served was not lowered, and for just 11 Euros, I could have this much!! An entree, Paella (the photo show was for 2 people), and the main dish (beef in cream sauce). It came with a desert too!

Then we went to Spainish Plaza to watch the fountain show. It was amazing and the night view of the city was beautiful.

A shopping centre near by the plaza used to be a bull fighting stadium.

The basement of the stadium was lifted for 5m or so! Amazing!!
そんなこんなで楽しい夜でした。矢田さんありがとうございました!! 明日はバルセロナを発ち、ヴァレンシアに向かいます。
Thanks for a great evening, Mr. Yata. I will leave Barcelona tomorrow to Valencia.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Barcelona (Casa de Sagrada)
It's Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna's birthday. Happy Birthday, Comandante.
天気は良し。朝は洗濯をしてから出かけました。先ずはピカソ博物館(Museu Picasso)へ。流石世紀の巨匠ピカソの博物館、行列です。
It was a sunny day. I washed my clothes and went out to Picasso museum. It seemed to be a popular tourist destination, so here was a long queue.
But luckily 2 guys in front of my were Japanese - Kaoru and Hide, so I was chatting with them while waiting. So I did not feel like waiting that long and we could get into the museum.
In this museum, there were paintings from his youth and paitings from the later period of his life. Those paintings from his youth, they were not like "Picasso" which I knew. Unfortunately taking photo was prohibited.
Among those paintings from his youth, there were some with humour. And then his style was becoming to be like "Picasso".
I had seen some of paintings of Picasso before, but it was the first time to see so many of his paintings at once. There were many interesting pieces. But some looked like as he did not put much effort.
I had a bocadillo and a drink for lunch with Kaoru and Hide. Then they took a touristic bus to a football stadium. Have a good trip!
ワシは、地下鉄に乗り、グエル公園(Parc Guell)を再び訪ねました。公園内で一番高い丘トレス・クルス(Tres Cruz)からはバルセロナの街が見渡せます。
I took a metro to Parc Guell again. I climeb up to Tres Cruz on the highest hill in th epark. There I could see the city of Barcelona clearly.
Then I went down to the plaza. One street performer (?) liked my "Che" style and he asked me to take a photo together. Some how he was in Chinese style outfit.
The broken tiles were used for ceiling as well. As Gaudi used curves a lot, the tiles needed to be broken to cover the curved surfaces.
The famous lizard.
THe view of the park from the main gate.
In the evening, I went out to have typical SPanish dinner with Mr. Yata. I wondered what would be served.
We caught metro to downtown. This is Central Post Office.
矢田さん行きつけのレストランへ。が、しかし、一ヶ月前にオーナーが代わったとのこと!! 矢田さんはしばらく日本に帰っていらしたので、ビックリ。馴染みの店が変わるのはショックですね。
We went to a restaurant where Mr. Yata had been eating at for 20 years. But just a month ago, the owner of the restaurant had changed. As Mr. Yata was in Japan for a while recently, he did not know and was shocked.
しかし、料理のクオリティーは落ちてないそうです。11ユーロでこのボリューム!!! 前菜、パエリア(写真は2人前です)、そしてメインの肉料理(後ろのは矢田さんの分)。デザートもついてワシは大満足です。
However, the quality of foods served was not lowered, and for just 11 Euros, I could have this much!! An entree, Paella (the photo show was for 2 people), and the main dish (beef in cream sauce). It came with a desert too!
Then we went to Spainish Plaza to watch the fountain show. It was amazing and the night view of the city was beautiful.
A shopping centre near by the plaza used to be a bull fighting stadium.
The basement of the stadium was lifted for 5m or so! Amazing!!
そんなこんなで楽しい夜でした。矢田さんありがとうございました!! 明日はバルセロナを発ち、ヴァレンシアに向かいます。
Thanks for a great evening, Mr. Yata. I will leave Barcelona tomorrow to Valencia.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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