三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
バルセロナ街歩き。/ A walk in Barcelona
Day 686: 2012年6月13日
Barcelona (Casa de Sagrada)
I explored around the city of Barcelona today. As I had an appointment with Rocio at 1pm, till then I walked around by myself.
先ずは、目と鼻の先のサクラダ・ファミリア(Templo de Sagrada Familia)教会へ。
First, I visited Templo de Sagrada Familia which is just steps away fom the hostel.

There were tons of people queing up for entering Sagrada Familia!!

As the entrance fee was 13 Euros and I had to line up and wait for a long time, I gave up going inside of the temple.
This side (eastern side) was built while Gaudi was alive. Those sculpures were carved in detail.

However, the oppsite side, those sculptures were simpler or more modern. This side was built recently. I wasn't sure if it was designed like this from the begining or jus due to lack of the fund. Anyway, I liked the sculptures of this side better.

It's been more than 100 years since the construction began. It is taking such a long time due to lack of funds, I suppose. As Gaudi said "There is no straight line in nature", he used lots of curves in his architectures. That is why it would cost so much and it takes such a long time to complete.
As I still had time before the appointment, I went to a local market. There were muchers, fishmarkets, vegitable stores etc in the market. I like visiting markets. It's very interesting to see local stuffs.

ハモン・イベリコ(Jamon Iberico)など日本では高級食材が普通にぶら下ってます。美味そう!! 蹄が付いてるのがポイントです。
In a bucher, Jamon Iberico and other Parma Hams were hunged. These are really expensive in Japan (and Australia). They looked really tasty. Yum.

で、1時にロシオとサグラダ・ファミリアで落ち合って、街散策。先ずはガウディ建築のカサ・アシア(Casa Asia)を訪れます。数あるガウディ建築ですが、ここは無料で中には入れるんです。流石バルセロナ在住のロシオ。
Then I met Rocio at 1pm at Sagrada Familia, and we walked around the city. First, she took me to Casa Asia - built by Antonio Gaudi. Other architectures of him would cost some to enter, but this one was free admission! A good job, Rocio.

As the name shows Casa Asia has hints of Asia everywhere. But this was a big surprised for me. A picture of Heidi. Yes, the famous Swiss story but this picture is from Japanese cartoon of Heidi.

After Casa Asia, we visited another apartment done by Gaudi. Here wasn't free amission, so we just saw it from outside.

We visited Plau Catalana,

and went to the harbour,

and we had lunch at a snack bar. I had sandwitches of Jamon Iberico, chorizo and so on. They were good.

カタルーニャ音楽堂(Palau de la Musica Catalana)。これはガウディじゃないです。リュイス・ドメネク・イ・ムンタネー(Lluís Domènech i Montaner)作。ガウディの先生らしいです。なるほど作風が似てますね。
This is Plau de la Musica Catalana - built by NOT Gaudi, by Lluís Domènech i Montaner, who was the teacher of Gaudi. No wonder there were some similarities between their styles.

The gate of Triumph. According to Rocio, it was built by Napoleon.

シウタデリヤ公園(Parc de la Ciutadella)には大噴水があったり。
Finally we visited Parc de la Ciutadella. There was a big fountain. Nice.

Thanks to Roico, I had a great time walking around the city.
Muchisima gracias mi amiga!!
I walked around the city a bit and went back to the hostel. He cooked me dinner again. So nice. We had dinner together and talked till late.
I am thinking to visit Picasso mueum tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Barcelona (Casa de Sagrada)
I explored around the city of Barcelona today. As I had an appointment with Rocio at 1pm, till then I walked around by myself.
先ずは、目と鼻の先のサクラダ・ファミリア(Templo de Sagrada Familia)教会へ。
First, I visited Templo de Sagrada Familia which is just steps away fom the hostel.
There were tons of people queing up for entering Sagrada Familia!!
As the entrance fee was 13 Euros and I had to line up and wait for a long time, I gave up going inside of the temple.
This side (eastern side) was built while Gaudi was alive. Those sculpures were carved in detail.
However, the oppsite side, those sculptures were simpler or more modern. This side was built recently. I wasn't sure if it was designed like this from the begining or jus due to lack of the fund. Anyway, I liked the sculptures of this side better.
It's been more than 100 years since the construction began. It is taking such a long time due to lack of funds, I suppose. As Gaudi said "There is no straight line in nature", he used lots of curves in his architectures. That is why it would cost so much and it takes such a long time to complete.
As I still had time before the appointment, I went to a local market. There were muchers, fishmarkets, vegitable stores etc in the market. I like visiting markets. It's very interesting to see local stuffs.
ハモン・イベリコ(Jamon Iberico)など日本では高級食材が普通にぶら下ってます。美味そう!! 蹄が付いてるのがポイントです。
In a bucher, Jamon Iberico and other Parma Hams were hunged. These are really expensive in Japan (and Australia). They looked really tasty. Yum.
で、1時にロシオとサグラダ・ファミリアで落ち合って、街散策。先ずはガウディ建築のカサ・アシア(Casa Asia)を訪れます。数あるガウディ建築ですが、ここは無料で中には入れるんです。流石バルセロナ在住のロシオ。
Then I met Rocio at 1pm at Sagrada Familia, and we walked around the city. First, she took me to Casa Asia - built by Antonio Gaudi. Other architectures of him would cost some to enter, but this one was free admission! A good job, Rocio.
As the name shows Casa Asia has hints of Asia everywhere. But this was a big surprised for me. A picture of Heidi. Yes, the famous Swiss story but this picture is from Japanese cartoon of Heidi.
After Casa Asia, we visited another apartment done by Gaudi. Here wasn't free amission, so we just saw it from outside.
We visited Plau Catalana,
and went to the harbour,
and we had lunch at a snack bar. I had sandwitches of Jamon Iberico, chorizo and so on. They were good.
カタルーニャ音楽堂(Palau de la Musica Catalana)。これはガウディじゃないです。リュイス・ドメネク・イ・ムンタネー(Lluís Domènech i Montaner)作。ガウディの先生らしいです。なるほど作風が似てますね。
This is Plau de la Musica Catalana - built by NOT Gaudi, by Lluís Domènech i Montaner, who was the teacher of Gaudi. No wonder there were some similarities between their styles.
The gate of Triumph. According to Rocio, it was built by Napoleon.
シウタデリヤ公園(Parc de la Ciutadella)には大噴水があったり。
Finally we visited Parc de la Ciutadella. There was a big fountain. Nice.
Thanks to Roico, I had a great time walking around the city.
Muchisima gracias mi amiga!!
I walked around the city a bit and went back to the hostel. He cooked me dinner again. So nice. We had dinner together and talked till late.
I am thinking to visit Picasso mueum tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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