三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ドイツ!!! / Germany!!!
Day 639: 2012年4月27日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
My flight left Barcelona at 8:10am. It arrived Munich, Germany around 10:30am. I picked up my checked-in luggage and went to the cargo area of the airport.

To get to the cargo area, I needed to catch a subway (1 stop. 1.20Euro).
Esperanza was shipped with British Airline, but I wasn't sure where the office was located, so I went to the office of Lufthansa cargo. The receptionist was very kind and he told me where I should find the office of my broker. It would be located at teh 5th floor of Building G.

It was hard to walk with the heavy lugages. I took for granted the heavy load Esperanza has been taking. I arrived Building G, but the lift was out of service... I took the stairs to the 5th floor...
Finally I got to the 5th floor. I was so exhausted. The staff told me that Esperanza was at Frankfurt and she would be in Munich on 2nd of May!! I could not believe it but what I could do. I just need to wait for her arrival.
I took a train to Laura's place. From the airport to the central station "Ostbanhof" t took around 30mins. As I had to cross 4 zones, the ticket cost 10Euros!! Expensive but it was valid for a day. Withi the zones, I could ride multiple transports (trains, buses and trams).

I got off the train at Ostbanhof and had a sandwitch for lunch. I got on a train (S7 line) and got off at Perlach, just 2 stops from central.
Just 2 stations from central, the scenery changed dramatically. There were firmfieldsaround and the mountains of Alps could be seen! What a wonderful city Munich is!
I came to the closest station from Laura's place, but I wasn't sure how I could get there. I did not have any map. I checked on Googlemap how I could get to her place by motorcycle only...

とりあえず人に訊いてみよう、ということで近くのカフェまで重い荷物を持って歩きます。幸いドイツは英語が通じる! 直ぐに行き方を教えてくれました。
I went to a cafe nearby and asked a gentleman the way. As he spoke good English, I could get the direction straight away!!
It was just less than 5mins walk away fron the station. Now Laura is living at her friend's place, so I will stay with her mum. Laura told me that her mum would be home after 2pm. It was just after 1pm, so I was waiting in front of the apartment.
見知らぬ髭面のアジア人がアパートの前で佇んでいるのは近所の人に怪しまれるかな? なんて思ってましたが、近所のおばさんが声を掛けてくれて、椅子を出してくれました。「疲れるでしょ、座んなさい。」
I was thinking that an Asian with full of facial hair with luggages standing in front of an apartment would make neighbours suspect me. But a lady talked to me and offered me a chair. "You should be tired, please take a seat." How wonderful. Then her son brought me a cold drink.
In Munich, it was a fine day. Really really nice day to have a nap on the chair outside. I fell in asleep a bit and when I woke up, it was arealy after 2:30pm. As where I was sitting was hidden from the entrance of the apartment, Laura's mum might not see me. So I press the bell, and she was there. It was the first time to meet Ina - Laura's mum. She speaks good English and very open minded and kind hearted. We talked a lot from the begining.
After 5pm, Laura came to visit me. It's been more than 1 year since Cuba. We wanted to talk more, but she needed to go to her motorcycle lesson.
イナとワシは友人のBBQパーティーに参加。ソーセージが美味い!! 10時過ぎにローラも来て旅の話やら大学の話やら。
Ina took me to a BBQ party hosted by her friends. I love German sausages!! Laura came to join us after 10pm and we talked about her uni life and my trip.
Just like this, my first day in Germany ended.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Munich (La Casa de Laura)
My flight left Barcelona at 8:10am. It arrived Munich, Germany around 10:30am. I picked up my checked-in luggage and went to the cargo area of the airport.
To get to the cargo area, I needed to catch a subway (1 stop. 1.20Euro).
Esperanza was shipped with British Airline, but I wasn't sure where the office was located, so I went to the office of Lufthansa cargo. The receptionist was very kind and he told me where I should find the office of my broker. It would be located at teh 5th floor of Building G.
It was hard to walk with the heavy lugages. I took for granted the heavy load Esperanza has been taking. I arrived Building G, but the lift was out of service... I took the stairs to the 5th floor...
Finally I got to the 5th floor. I was so exhausted. The staff told me that Esperanza was at Frankfurt and she would be in Munich on 2nd of May!! I could not believe it but what I could do. I just need to wait for her arrival.
I took a train to Laura's place. From the airport to the central station "Ostbanhof" t took around 30mins. As I had to cross 4 zones, the ticket cost 10Euros!! Expensive but it was valid for a day. Withi the zones, I could ride multiple transports (trains, buses and trams).
I got off the train at Ostbanhof and had a sandwitch for lunch. I got on a train (S7 line) and got off at Perlach, just 2 stops from central.
Just 2 stations from central, the scenery changed dramatically. There were firmfieldsaround and the mountains of Alps could be seen! What a wonderful city Munich is!
I came to the closest station from Laura's place, but I wasn't sure how I could get there. I did not have any map. I checked on Googlemap how I could get to her place by motorcycle only...
とりあえず人に訊いてみよう、ということで近くのカフェまで重い荷物を持って歩きます。幸いドイツは英語が通じる! 直ぐに行き方を教えてくれました。
I went to a cafe nearby and asked a gentleman the way. As he spoke good English, I could get the direction straight away!!
It was just less than 5mins walk away fron the station. Now Laura is living at her friend's place, so I will stay with her mum. Laura told me that her mum would be home after 2pm. It was just after 1pm, so I was waiting in front of the apartment.
見知らぬ髭面のアジア人がアパートの前で佇んでいるのは近所の人に怪しまれるかな? なんて思ってましたが、近所のおばさんが声を掛けてくれて、椅子を出してくれました。「疲れるでしょ、座んなさい。」
I was thinking that an Asian with full of facial hair with luggages standing in front of an apartment would make neighbours suspect me. But a lady talked to me and offered me a chair. "You should be tired, please take a seat." How wonderful. Then her son brought me a cold drink.
In Munich, it was a fine day. Really really nice day to have a nap on the chair outside. I fell in asleep a bit and when I woke up, it was arealy after 2:30pm. As where I was sitting was hidden from the entrance of the apartment, Laura's mum might not see me. So I press the bell, and she was there. It was the first time to meet Ina - Laura's mum. She speaks good English and very open minded and kind hearted. We talked a lot from the begining.
After 5pm, Laura came to visit me. It's been more than 1 year since Cuba. We wanted to talk more, but she needed to go to her motorcycle lesson.
イナとワシは友人のBBQパーティーに参加。ソーセージが美味い!! 10時過ぎにローラも来て旅の話やら大学の話やら。
Ina took me to a BBQ party hosted by her friends. I love German sausages!! Laura came to join us after 10pm and we talked about her uni life and my trip.
Just like this, my first day in Germany ended.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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