三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
バルセロナ空港での一夜 / A night a the airport - Barcelona
Day 638: 2012年4月26日
Barcelona (Airport)
飛行中はほぼうたた寝。 ”午後5時にバルセロナに到着。アルゼンチンとの時差は5時間なので、12時間のフライトですか。
I slept almost all the way on the plane. The plane arrived Barcelona just after 5pm. There is 5 hours time differnce between here and Argentina. So it was 12 hour flight.
After getting off the plane, I went to "Transit", but I was told to go through immigration as my flight to Munich was scheduled 8am tomorrow morning.
The immigration procedure was very simple. The officer did not check anything and gave a stamp on my passport. I thought about going to the city of Barcelona and spend a night there, but with a hand luggage, I thought it would be hard to walk around. So I remained at the airport. I walked around the airport and checked what were available.

Unfortunately, there was no free WiFi... A money exchange was closed.... As I did not have any Euro with me, so I withdrew 200 Euros from an ATM.
I thought there would be a free WiFI at a cafe, so I had dinner there. It cost me 9 Euros. But there wasn't any free WiFi. At Buenos Aires Ezeiza International Airport, there was free WiFi... I miss Latin America already.
It was still 8pm when I had dinner. I wondered how I could spend 12 hours before the flight. I went to the departure robby, but it was too early for me to check-in. So I sat on a bench and had a nap. Each seat had an arm rest, so I could not lie down.
It wasn't very comfortable sleep, but I slept till midnight. Then I started to chat with Arthur from Ecuador. He lives in Ibiza, Spain now, but as his girl friend is Chilean, he is making an organic tomato farm in Chile and is expanding the business.
We talked a lot but mainly about Ecuador. He is in favour of the President Corea and he proudly said "My country will be better and better!"
I could check-in after 5am. Now I am writing this diary at the boarding gate, but there is no free WiFi...
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Barcelona (Airport)
飛行中はほぼうたた寝。 ”午後5時にバルセロナに到着。アルゼンチンとの時差は5時間なので、12時間のフライトですか。
I slept almost all the way on the plane. The plane arrived Barcelona just after 5pm. There is 5 hours time differnce between here and Argentina. So it was 12 hour flight.
After getting off the plane, I went to "Transit", but I was told to go through immigration as my flight to Munich was scheduled 8am tomorrow morning.
The immigration procedure was very simple. The officer did not check anything and gave a stamp on my passport. I thought about going to the city of Barcelona and spend a night there, but with a hand luggage, I thought it would be hard to walk around. So I remained at the airport. I walked around the airport and checked what were available.
Unfortunately, there was no free WiFi... A money exchange was closed.... As I did not have any Euro with me, so I withdrew 200 Euros from an ATM.
I thought there would be a free WiFI at a cafe, so I had dinner there. It cost me 9 Euros. But there wasn't any free WiFi. At Buenos Aires Ezeiza International Airport, there was free WiFi... I miss Latin America already.
It was still 8pm when I had dinner. I wondered how I could spend 12 hours before the flight. I went to the departure robby, but it was too early for me to check-in. So I sat on a bench and had a nap. Each seat had an arm rest, so I could not lie down.
It wasn't very comfortable sleep, but I slept till midnight. Then I started to chat with Arthur from Ecuador. He lives in Ibiza, Spain now, but as his girl friend is Chilean, he is making an organic tomato farm in Chile and is expanding the business.
We talked a lot but mainly about Ecuador. He is in favour of the President Corea and he proudly said "My country will be better and better!"
I could check-in after 5am. Now I am writing this diary at the boarding gate, but there is no free WiFi...
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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