三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ミュンヘンでお茶会。そして忍者。/ Japanese Tea Ceremoney in Munich an d Ninja!
Day 654: 2012年5月12日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
It was raining this morning, unlike yesterday... As I had plan with Ina to visit "Japanese Tea Ceremoney" at the Japanese Tea House in English Garden in the afternoon, so we had a relaxed morning.
Even in the afternoon, the rain did not stop completely. It came and went time to time. We went out to the city and looked around the outdoor shop "Globetrotters". Seeing those products, it made me want to buy them. It would be nice to have those outdoor equipments and goods, but I could do without them anyway. "Travelling light" is the principle of adventure riding.
When we got to the Japanese Tea House "Kanshoan" in English Garden, there were some people waiting for the ceremoney. At "Kanshoan" one weekend of each month, open tea ceremoney are held. There are several sessions a day: 2pm, 3pm, 4pm and 5pm. We attended 3pm sesssion.

Then we were invited into the tea house

A lady performing a "guest" came into the tea house. The way she moved was according to the manner. It is almost like "Kata" - the pattern to follow.

Then the host came into the house.

He served a "sweet" to the guest, then he started to make a cup of tea.

The movement of the host was really beautiful - so calm, quiet and slow. That would be the traditional Japanese way. We - Japanese - are forgetting this state of "tranquility" of mind in busy daily life...

After the guest had a cup of tea, they talked about those tea utensils (who made them, what and where they were made from etc).
I was glad to show Ina something Japan at the final day of my stay in Munich.
But actually I do not like the set style of "Sadou" = the way of tea ceremoney after Sen Rikyu as there are to many rules and set forms, movements etc. THe basic of the art of tea would be how a host make a guest to have a good time with his/her artistic sense. The form is not really important, Of course, the movement and forms of making tea, and creating an environment and atmosphere by the host do influence the guest's perception, so it would be good to have some set rules, forms and movement.
This is the words regarding culinary spirit by Masamune Date, the lord of Sendai during the late 16th century to the early 17th century - "A good feast is the host acquires those seasonal tastes, cooks by him herself and provide it to the guset." The spirit of the art of tea should be the same. If we have too many rules, set forms and movements, we might lose the spirit of hosting itself.
Traditinal Japanese life style, especially after Edo period, it was really tranquil and slow paced. In other words, Japanese used to have a "slow lifestyle", But in modern day Japan, we have the totaly opposite lifestyle, really busy and hurry. As the basic of our culture was "slow" and we are having "fast" paced lifestyle, the majority of Japanese, in my opinion, are having difficulty to actualise inner peace.
どうにか、スローライフと現代社会をバランスよく調和できないものですかね? そこに消費文明が終わりかけている今、これからの新しい文明、人類の生き方の鍵があるのではないか、とワシは考えています。
Could we find a balance between the slow lifesyle of traditional Japan and modern life? As culent way of living "Consumptionism" is ending now, in my opinion, the key for a new way of living would lie in the traditional Japanese way of living. If we could come up to the god mixture and find a balance, probably it is the way to go.
In overseas, Asian, especially Japanese traditions and culture are gaining popularity, such as Zen, Philosophy, Martial Arts, Medicines, and cuisines, those who are really into them know better than Japanese themselves.
I think Japanese need to understand our culture better and employ those traditions back to our daily lives, then we could live richer in mind.
WHen we were back home, Laura was there and we chat for a while.
In the evening, there was a TV programme about Ninja, so I watched it with Ina. It was in German but it seemed like it was originally the American programme, so Ninja was a little too exaggerated.
So the day was full of "Japan"! Tomorrow I will have Munich famous "white sausage" breakfast with Ina and Laua, and then around lunch time will head to the town of Höchst near Frankfurt where Katrin lives.
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Munich (La Casa de Laura)
It was raining this morning, unlike yesterday... As I had plan with Ina to visit "Japanese Tea Ceremoney" at the Japanese Tea House in English Garden in the afternoon, so we had a relaxed morning.
Even in the afternoon, the rain did not stop completely. It came and went time to time. We went out to the city and looked around the outdoor shop "Globetrotters". Seeing those products, it made me want to buy them. It would be nice to have those outdoor equipments and goods, but I could do without them anyway. "Travelling light" is the principle of adventure riding.
When we got to the Japanese Tea House "Kanshoan" in English Garden, there were some people waiting for the ceremoney. At "Kanshoan" one weekend of each month, open tea ceremoney are held. There are several sessions a day: 2pm, 3pm, 4pm and 5pm. We attended 3pm sesssion.
Then we were invited into the tea house
A lady performing a "guest" came into the tea house. The way she moved was according to the manner. It is almost like "Kata" - the pattern to follow.
Then the host came into the house.
He served a "sweet" to the guest, then he started to make a cup of tea.
The movement of the host was really beautiful - so calm, quiet and slow. That would be the traditional Japanese way. We - Japanese - are forgetting this state of "tranquility" of mind in busy daily life...
After the guest had a cup of tea, they talked about those tea utensils (who made them, what and where they were made from etc).
I was glad to show Ina something Japan at the final day of my stay in Munich.
But actually I do not like the set style of "Sadou" = the way of tea ceremoney after Sen Rikyu as there are to many rules and set forms, movements etc. THe basic of the art of tea would be how a host make a guest to have a good time with his/her artistic sense. The form is not really important, Of course, the movement and forms of making tea, and creating an environment and atmosphere by the host do influence the guest's perception, so it would be good to have some set rules, forms and movement.
This is the words regarding culinary spirit by Masamune Date, the lord of Sendai during the late 16th century to the early 17th century - "A good feast is the host acquires those seasonal tastes, cooks by him herself and provide it to the guset." The spirit of the art of tea should be the same. If we have too many rules, set forms and movements, we might lose the spirit of hosting itself.
Traditinal Japanese life style, especially after Edo period, it was really tranquil and slow paced. In other words, Japanese used to have a "slow lifestyle", But in modern day Japan, we have the totaly opposite lifestyle, really busy and hurry. As the basic of our culture was "slow" and we are having "fast" paced lifestyle, the majority of Japanese, in my opinion, are having difficulty to actualise inner peace.
どうにか、スローライフと現代社会をバランスよく調和できないものですかね? そこに消費文明が終わりかけている今、これからの新しい文明、人類の生き方の鍵があるのではないか、とワシは考えています。
Could we find a balance between the slow lifesyle of traditional Japan and modern life? As culent way of living "Consumptionism" is ending now, in my opinion, the key for a new way of living would lie in the traditional Japanese way of living. If we could come up to the god mixture and find a balance, probably it is the way to go.
In overseas, Asian, especially Japanese traditions and culture are gaining popularity, such as Zen, Philosophy, Martial Arts, Medicines, and cuisines, those who are really into them know better than Japanese themselves.
I think Japanese need to understand our culture better and employ those traditions back to our daily lives, then we could live richer in mind.
WHen we were back home, Laura was there and we chat for a while.
In the evening, there was a TV programme about Ninja, so I watched it with Ina. It was in German but it seemed like it was originally the American programme, so Ninja was a little too exaggerated.
So the day was full of "Japan"! Tomorrow I will have Munich famous "white sausage" breakfast with Ina and Laua, and then around lunch time will head to the town of Höchst near Frankfurt where Katrin lives.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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