三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
古美術館と買い物 / Alte Pinakothek and shopping
Day 653: 2012年5月11日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
今日はアルテ・ピナコテーク(Alte Pinakothek=古美術館)に行っていました。
Today I visited Alte Pinakothek = Old Art Gallery.
I got off a train at Marenplatz and went to a Post Office first to send the used maps (South America) and DVDs (photos) to Japan.
今日も天気がいいので新市庁舎(Neues Rathaus)が映えます。
The new town hall (Neues Rathaus) looked stunning with the blue sky.

In Munich, there are 3 ar galleries. Alte = Old, Neue = New and Moderne = Modern. It would be expensive and iring to visit 3 of them, so I decided to visit ony "Old".
The old art gallery "Alte Pinakothek" was built by Ludwig I in 1836. He said that all the arts should be available to pubic eyes! The gallery has the collections of paintings from 15 to 18th century.
ブリューゲル(Brueghel)父子やヴァン・ダイク(Anthony van Dyck)といった世界史で学んだ画家の絵画がこの目で見られるので心躍らせてイザ入館!! 入館料は7ユーロです。
I heard there were paintings of Brueghel (senior and junior) and Anthony van Dyck, whom I learnt in World History during my school. So I was very excited to see their paintings. The entrance was 7 Euros.

Inside the gallery, it looked like this.

Tere were lots of religeous paintings from 15th to 17th century. But I found a very interesting picture.

The head of Priest (?) was choped off (he is bleeding too!)!! I wasn't sure if it was humour or a satire.

This "Passion" by van Dyck, I like very much.

Also those paitings about daily lives of 17th century were very interesting. Those expressions people were making at that time were the same as those of today.

Those paintings by Brueghel (senior and junior) and Peter Paul Rubens were not really my taste, unfortunately.

The ham in this paiting looked so delicious! Tose silver wares looked real as well.

There were paintings depicting the lights in the dark so well. It looked like the light was actually "there".

フランソワ・ブーシェ(François Boucher)作ポンパドゥール婦人(Madame de Pompadour)。フランス王ルイ15世の愛妾で権勢を誇った夫人。流石に豪奢ですね。
The portrait of Madame de Pompadour by François Boucher. She was a lover of Franch Ling Luis XV and she was the most powerful person in France at that time. No wonder her appearance was so gorgeous.

This an could be found in a street now.

I enjoyed the art gallery.
I had a kebab for lunch and walked to "Darr" the outdoor store. I bouht a water heating coil (it can get power from a cigar socket of a car or a motorcycle) and little bottles to pt cooking oil and sauces. Now I am ready to travel around Europe.
It was really fine day and was hot. So after I went home, I had a nap. I had dinner with Ina and talked fora while.
Tomorrow there will be pulic tea ceremony at Japaese Tea house i English Garden. I would like to join it.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Munich (La Casa de Laura)
今日はアルテ・ピナコテーク(Alte Pinakothek=古美術館)に行っていました。
Today I visited Alte Pinakothek = Old Art Gallery.
I got off a train at Marenplatz and went to a Post Office first to send the used maps (South America) and DVDs (photos) to Japan.
今日も天気がいいので新市庁舎(Neues Rathaus)が映えます。
The new town hall (Neues Rathaus) looked stunning with the blue sky.
In Munich, there are 3 ar galleries. Alte = Old, Neue = New and Moderne = Modern. It would be expensive and iring to visit 3 of them, so I decided to visit ony "Old".
The old art gallery "Alte Pinakothek" was built by Ludwig I in 1836. He said that all the arts should be available to pubic eyes! The gallery has the collections of paintings from 15 to 18th century.
ブリューゲル(Brueghel)父子やヴァン・ダイク(Anthony van Dyck)といった世界史で学んだ画家の絵画がこの目で見られるので心躍らせてイザ入館!! 入館料は7ユーロです。
I heard there were paintings of Brueghel (senior and junior) and Anthony van Dyck, whom I learnt in World History during my school. So I was very excited to see their paintings. The entrance was 7 Euros.
Inside the gallery, it looked like this.
Tere were lots of religeous paintings from 15th to 17th century. But I found a very interesting picture.
The head of Priest (?) was choped off (he is bleeding too!)!! I wasn't sure if it was humour or a satire.
This "Passion" by van Dyck, I like very much.
Also those paitings about daily lives of 17th century were very interesting. Those expressions people were making at that time were the same as those of today.
Those paintings by Brueghel (senior and junior) and Peter Paul Rubens were not really my taste, unfortunately.
The ham in this paiting looked so delicious! Tose silver wares looked real as well.
There were paintings depicting the lights in the dark so well. It looked like the light was actually "there".
フランソワ・ブーシェ(François Boucher)作ポンパドゥール婦人(Madame de Pompadour)。フランス王ルイ15世の愛妾で権勢を誇った夫人。流石に豪奢ですね。
The portrait of Madame de Pompadour by François Boucher. She was a lover of Franch Ling Luis XV and she was the most powerful person in France at that time. No wonder her appearance was so gorgeous.
This an could be found in a street now.
I enjoyed the art gallery.
I had a kebab for lunch and walked to "Darr" the outdoor store. I bouht a water heating coil (it can get power from a cigar socket of a car or a motorcycle) and little bottles to pt cooking oil and sauces. Now I am ready to travel around Europe.
It was really fine day and was hot. So after I went home, I had a nap. I had dinner with Ina and talked fora while.
Tomorrow there will be pulic tea ceremony at Japaese Tea house i English Garden. I would like to join it.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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