三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
メディナをグルグルと。/ Going around Medina
Day 694: 2012年6月21日
Tanger (Dar Bargach)
I heard Athaan around 3:30 in the morning! Yes, I am in an Islamic country.
I got up at 8am and had breakfast (provided by the hostel). Olive pickles were really good. Also mint tea was done very well. Not too sweet and very refreshing.
As I had an appointment with Tomo at 10am, I went to Hotel Continental. I greeted Saiid.
A view of Mediterrerean sea from the terrace of Hotel Continental. Mr. Sheep felt the air of Africa and he got tougher now?

メディナの狭い路地を抜けて、見晴らしのいいところへ。ここは砲台ですね。 いつ頃の大砲なんでしょうかね? デカイのは第2次大戦ですか、ね。下の写真はもっと古い形ですね。
Through narrow alley of Medina, we came to a place with a nice sea view. Here was an artillery battery. I wondered how old the cannons were at the battery. I guessed the big one was the WWII cannon.

We went back to the alleys and walk through.

There were many kitten on the alleys. This one came closer to us once it saw us! So cute!!

The contrast of white buildings and blue sea was good.

We walked for a while and realised tht we were out of Medina. There was a building where guarded by several security guards. It looked like an important government facility or something. We asked the guards for a permission to take a photo of the building.

We went to markets, souvenir shops and a post office.

昼飯はケバブ!! 初アラブ諸国でのケバブです。鶏肉で、オリーブとか色々具が入っていてなかなか美味い。25ディルハム。
We had kebabs for lunch. This was the first kebab in Arabic country. Chicken, olives and some other vegetables in it. It was quite good. 25MDHs.

Actually, we did not see much Kebab shops in town. There were more Kebab shops in Germany, Switzerland and Italy than in Tangier.
We walked around the town after lunch and had mint tea at a tea house in front of Hotel Continental. Those guys at the tea house were bothering us. "Let me take to a souvenir shop." "You don'T need to buy. Just have a look." "Let me take you to ~." Something like those. I don't kow why they made lies like showing me a card of Hotel Continental and "I am working here. So you can trust me." or "I was living in NY and now I am living in Toredo, Spain." As they were like that, we could not trust them; hence, they were not getting any business from us.
Tomo was to go to the ferry terminal after 4pm (the terminal was minutes away from the hotel), we still had time, so we went back to Medina. We had fruit juice and she bought some fruits.
We went back to the hotel and picked up her luggages, then walked to the terminal. She would like to get to Sevilla if she could get a bus from Algeciras, but if not, she will get to Sevilla tomorrow. So we might be able to catch up again.
I went bac to the hostel and took a shower. I made some researches on accomodations in Sevilla.
8時ごろメディナに行ってモロッコ風パイを買って夕飯。イカが入っているのが美味しかったですね。と、いうかイスラム教徒はイカ食べていいのですかね? ユダヤ教徒は食べないはずですけど。
I went to Medina again after 8pm to buy some foods. I bought 3 Moroccan style pies. The one with squid was pretty good! And I wondered if Muslims eat squid. Jewish is prohibited to eat squid but I am not sure about Muslim.
Well, just kike I spent the 2nd day in Morocco.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Tanger (Dar Bargach)
I heard Athaan around 3:30 in the morning! Yes, I am in an Islamic country.
I got up at 8am and had breakfast (provided by the hostel). Olive pickles were really good. Also mint tea was done very well. Not too sweet and very refreshing.
As I had an appointment with Tomo at 10am, I went to Hotel Continental. I greeted Saiid.
A view of Mediterrerean sea from the terrace of Hotel Continental. Mr. Sheep felt the air of Africa and he got tougher now?
メディナの狭い路地を抜けて、見晴らしのいいところへ。ここは砲台ですね。 いつ頃の大砲なんでしょうかね? デカイのは第2次大戦ですか、ね。下の写真はもっと古い形ですね。
Through narrow alley of Medina, we came to a place with a nice sea view. Here was an artillery battery. I wondered how old the cannons were at the battery. I guessed the big one was the WWII cannon.
We went back to the alleys and walk through.
There were many kitten on the alleys. This one came closer to us once it saw us! So cute!!
The contrast of white buildings and blue sea was good.
We walked for a while and realised tht we were out of Medina. There was a building where guarded by several security guards. It looked like an important government facility or something. We asked the guards for a permission to take a photo of the building.
We went to markets, souvenir shops and a post office.
昼飯はケバブ!! 初アラブ諸国でのケバブです。鶏肉で、オリーブとか色々具が入っていてなかなか美味い。25ディルハム。
We had kebabs for lunch. This was the first kebab in Arabic country. Chicken, olives and some other vegetables in it. It was quite good. 25MDHs.
Actually, we did not see much Kebab shops in town. There were more Kebab shops in Germany, Switzerland and Italy than in Tangier.
We walked around the town after lunch and had mint tea at a tea house in front of Hotel Continental. Those guys at the tea house were bothering us. "Let me take to a souvenir shop." "You don'T need to buy. Just have a look." "Let me take you to ~." Something like those. I don't kow why they made lies like showing me a card of Hotel Continental and "I am working here. So you can trust me." or "I was living in NY and now I am living in Toredo, Spain." As they were like that, we could not trust them; hence, they were not getting any business from us.
Tomo was to go to the ferry terminal after 4pm (the terminal was minutes away from the hotel), we still had time, so we went back to Medina. We had fruit juice and she bought some fruits.
We went back to the hotel and picked up her luggages, then walked to the terminal. She would like to get to Sevilla if she could get a bus from Algeciras, but if not, she will get to Sevilla tomorrow. So we might be able to catch up again.
I went bac to the hostel and took a shower. I made some researches on accomodations in Sevilla.
8時ごろメディナに行ってモロッコ風パイを買って夕飯。イカが入っているのが美味しかったですね。と、いうかイスラム教徒はイカ食べていいのですかね? ユダヤ教徒は食べないはずですけど。
I went to Medina again after 8pm to buy some foods. I bought 3 Moroccan style pies. The one with squid was pretty good! And I wondered if Muslims eat squid. Jewish is prohibited to eat squid but I am not sure about Muslim.
Well, just kike I spent the 2nd day in Morocco.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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