三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
いい写真とは? / What makes a good photo?
Day 583: 2012年3月1日
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
今日はパラグアイの祭日。「英雄の日(Dia del los Heroes)」だそうです(「のほほと世界をまわります」調べ。)蚤の市があるということなので、朝はいつもの如くブログの編集。とうとう地図を載せました。タイトル写真の下の「MAP」にカーソルを合わせて「Google Map」をクリックすると、新しいページが開き、Google Map上にワシがこれまで旅した道が示されます(作りかけですが)。どうぞご覧になってください。
夕食は皆でカレー。カオリちゃん、アサミちゃんとタッチが作ってくれました。ありがとう! 食後はなんと日本語ぺらぺらのドイツ娘カトリンさんと歓談。ヒッチハイクで南米を旅しているとのことで、結構面白いキャラクターです。残念ながら明日アルゼンチンに旅立ってしまうとか。写真が趣味とのことで、ワシやシンちゃんが今まで撮った写真について評論していただきました。結構ワシ等枚数は撮っていますが、「イイ写真」となると、殆ど無いんですね。テクニックは無いので「心」で撮っていますが、まぁ、写真にそれが反映してません。これからもう少し写真を撮るときに考えて撮りますか。
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Day 583: 01 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
It's a public holiday in Paraguay - "The day of the heros". In the morinng, we all worked on improving our blog. I added a map to my page menu. It was still under construction, but you could click on it and see how I travelled on Google map.
Flea market would be held today so we heard so we walked to Co-op supermarket.
However, when we got there there wasn't any stand in front of Co-op. There were onky 2 security guards. We asked them where the flea market was held. They said it would be on every sunday... But we found a advert on a notice board saying "Flea Market on 01 MAR 2012".
We asked them, "How about this?" and they said, "Ahhh, that's on another side of the highway." So we walked there.
But when we were about to cross the highway, stong winds picked up and it seemed like a storm was coming. So we headed back to the hostel.
Then luckily Pablo came around with a van with his girl friend Kazumi. He gave us a lift to the flea market.
At the flea market, there wasn't many to see. But there were a stand selling food and cakes. Our attentions were drown there. I bought 6 Dorayaki for 18,000PYG. I will have 2 of them and the rest I shared with others.
After lunch, we all worked on our blog again. WIth Html editing, finally I got something I coould se satisfied with. Then I had a Dorayaki. It was exellent! I love "Anko" (Japanese style read bean paste. Yum). I played Othello with Aki (he won) and Japanese chess (I won).
Tonight we had Curry and Rice in Japanese style. Kaori, Asami and Tacchi prepared it for us. Sharing a meal with friends is really fun.
Afyer dinner, we met Katrin - a Germany girl fluent in Japanese. She is staying at a cotttage of the hostel. She is hitch hiking around South America. A cool girl. She likes photography so Shin and I showed our photos, but she did not give us thumbs up... We have a plenty of photos, but from a photographic point of view, our photos were not really good :(
Now I will think about how to make a photo better when I take a photo.
Then it was mid-night. I thought I was leaving tomorrow, but I think I will stay here till the weekend. This lace is so cozy. And the friends here are so nice.
I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!
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Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
今日はパラグアイの祭日。「英雄の日(Dia del los Heroes)」だそうです(「のほほと世界をまわります」調べ。)蚤の市があるということなので、朝はいつもの如くブログの編集。とうとう地図を載せました。タイトル写真の下の「MAP」にカーソルを合わせて「Google Map」をクリックすると、新しいページが開き、Google Map上にワシがこれまで旅した道が示されます(作りかけですが)。どうぞご覧になってください。
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 583: 01 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
It's a public holiday in Paraguay - "The day of the heros". In the morinng, we all worked on improving our blog. I added a map to my page menu. It was still under construction, but you could click on it and see how I travelled on Google map.
Flea market would be held today so we heard so we walked to Co-op supermarket.
However, when we got there there wasn't any stand in front of Co-op. There were onky 2 security guards. We asked them where the flea market was held. They said it would be on every sunday... But we found a advert on a notice board saying "Flea Market on 01 MAR 2012".
We asked them, "How about this?" and they said, "Ahhh, that's on another side of the highway." So we walked there.
But when we were about to cross the highway, stong winds picked up and it seemed like a storm was coming. So we headed back to the hostel.
Then luckily Pablo came around with a van with his girl friend Kazumi. He gave us a lift to the flea market.
At the flea market, there wasn't many to see. But there were a stand selling food and cakes. Our attentions were drown there. I bought 6 Dorayaki for 18,000PYG. I will have 2 of them and the rest I shared with others.
After lunch, we all worked on our blog again. WIth Html editing, finally I got something I coould se satisfied with. Then I had a Dorayaki. It was exellent! I love "Anko" (Japanese style read bean paste. Yum). I played Othello with Aki (he won) and Japanese chess (I won).
Tonight we had Curry and Rice in Japanese style. Kaori, Asami and Tacchi prepared it for us. Sharing a meal with friends is really fun.
Afyer dinner, we met Katrin - a Germany girl fluent in Japanese. She is staying at a cotttage of the hostel. She is hitch hiking around South America. A cool girl. She likes photography so Shin and I showed our photos, but she did not give us thumbs up... We have a plenty of photos, but from a photographic point of view, our photos were not really good :(
Now I will think about how to make a photo better when I take a photo.
Then it was mid-night. I thought I was leaving tomorrow, but I think I will stay here till the weekend. This lace is so cozy. And the friends here are so nice.
I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!

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