三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
クスコでの最後の夜 / My last night in Cusco
Day 364: 2011年7月23日
Cusco (Estrellita)
今日はクスコでの最後の日。まぁ、いつもの通りCasa del Inkaの友に会いに行きました。が、しかしマサさんとレオンは闇市に行ってるとのコト。しかもCasa del InkaのネットがつながらないのでワシのIT技術を駆使してトラブルシューティング。が、しかしモデムにアクセスするパスワードが間違っているみたいで問題が判らずに何も出来ず・・・。
マサさんたちはなかなか帰ってこないのでYoshi DR650とメルカドへ昼飯。そしてCafe Dos x 3で珈琲を。ようやく常連になれたのにこの店に来るのも最後ですねぇ。寂しくなります。
それからCasa del Inkaに戻ったら業者が来ていてネット修復。なんと韓国人グループが設定を変えたらしいです。女将のサユリちゃん、怒ってました。ケンちゃんがなんとマチュピチュから戻ってきました。本当はチケットの予約がなかったので入れないところが、まだシステムが変わったばかりだから特別に入れたそうです。しかしアグアス・カリエンテスのチケット売り場では短期旅行者が日程中にマチュピチュに行けないので泣いている人もいたそうです。酷いな、ペルー。
しばらくしたらマサさんとレオンが帰ってきたのでしばらく歓談。寒くなってきたので一旦宿に戻り厚着をして再びCasa del Inkaへ。
今日はクイを食いに行こうということになり「Kusikuy」というレストランに行きましたが、クイ一匹60ソル。他のメニューも高い!! しかもクイが出来るのに1時間も待つとのことなので、近くのイスラエル料理屋で夕飯。
テラスでいつのもように酒盛り。この変わらない毎日に今日でお別れです。マサさんとケンちゃん、マナミちゃんにはラパス辺りで再会できるかな? イトウちゃん、お医者さんを目指してこれからも精進して! レオンよ、また地球の何処かで再会しよう!!
Day 364: 23 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
Today is my final day on Cusco. As usual I went to see my firends in Casa del Inka. But Masa and Leon were out to Mercado Negro. And there was a problem @ Casa del Inka. Internet connection was down. Juli asked my to check. I tried to troubleshoot, but somehow I could not access to router/modem (wrong user name or password), so I could not do anything.
Yoshi DR650 and I went to Mercado for lunch and had a cup of coffee @ CafeDos x 3. Now I am treated as a regular @ the cafe, but it will be my last visist there. I will miss this cafe.
Then we went back to Casa del Inka. Internet connection was fixed. The technician found out that Korean guys changed the configuration somehow. Sayuri - the lady owner of the hostel - was very upset with those Koreans...
Ken-chan was back from Machu Picchu. Luckily Manami and he could get tickets to Machu Picchu without booking. But he said at the ticket office in Aguas Calientes, those shortterm travellers could not get their tickets to Machu Picchu, and some of them were crying... We had no clue why Peruvian government suddenly changed the system (without any notice).
Ken-chan was exploring Machu Picchu in his racoon suit. He was so popular among other travellers. But in the end, an officer asked him to take off the suit and tried to delete his photos! Luciky photos were safe, but this episode is showing how narrow minded Peruvians are.
Masa and Leon came back from Mercado Negro. It got colder, so I went back to my hostel to change to warmer clothes, then came back to Casa del Inka again.
We were to have Cuy today. So We went to "Kusikuy" restaurant nearby. But 1 roasted cuy cost 60 Soles and other dish was also expensive. The waiter told us we had to wait for 1 hour for the cuy to be served, so we left there. Instead, we went to Israeli restaurant.
In the evening, we had drinks at the terrace of Casa del Inka till late. This "everyday" life is over today. I will miss Masa, Leon, Manami, Ken-chan and Ito-chan. Buen viaje, mis amigos.
Cusco (Estrellita)
今日はクスコでの最後の日。まぁ、いつもの通りCasa del Inkaの友に会いに行きました。が、しかしマサさんとレオンは闇市に行ってるとのコト。しかもCasa del InkaのネットがつながらないのでワシのIT技術を駆使してトラブルシューティング。が、しかしモデムにアクセスするパスワードが間違っているみたいで問題が判らずに何も出来ず・・・。
それからCasa del Inkaに戻ったら業者が来ていてネット修復。なんと韓国人グループが設定を変えたらしいです。女将のサユリちゃん、怒ってました。ケンちゃんがなんとマチュピチュから戻ってきました。本当はチケットの予約がなかったので入れないところが、まだシステムが変わったばかりだから特別に入れたそうです。しかしアグアス・カリエンテスのチケット売り場では短期旅行者が日程中にマチュピチュに行けないので泣いている人もいたそうです。酷いな、ペルー。
しばらくしたらマサさんとレオンが帰ってきたのでしばらく歓談。寒くなってきたので一旦宿に戻り厚着をして再びCasa del Inkaへ。
今日はクイを食いに行こうということになり「Kusikuy」というレストランに行きましたが、クイ一匹60ソル。他のメニューも高い!! しかもクイが出来るのに1時間も待つとのことなので、近くのイスラエル料理屋で夕飯。
テラスでいつのもように酒盛り。この変わらない毎日に今日でお別れです。マサさんとケンちゃん、マナミちゃんにはラパス辺りで再会できるかな? イトウちゃん、お医者さんを目指してこれからも精進して! レオンよ、また地球の何処かで再会しよう!!
Day 364: 23 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
Today is my final day on Cusco. As usual I went to see my firends in Casa del Inka. But Masa and Leon were out to Mercado Negro. And there was a problem @ Casa del Inka. Internet connection was down. Juli asked my to check. I tried to troubleshoot, but somehow I could not access to router/modem (wrong user name or password), so I could not do anything.
Yoshi DR650 and I went to Mercado for lunch and had a cup of coffee @ CafeDos x 3. Now I am treated as a regular @ the cafe, but it will be my last visist there. I will miss this cafe.
Then we went back to Casa del Inka. Internet connection was fixed. The technician found out that Korean guys changed the configuration somehow. Sayuri - the lady owner of the hostel - was very upset with those Koreans...
Ken-chan was back from Machu Picchu. Luckily Manami and he could get tickets to Machu Picchu without booking. But he said at the ticket office in Aguas Calientes, those shortterm travellers could not get their tickets to Machu Picchu, and some of them were crying... We had no clue why Peruvian government suddenly changed the system (without any notice).
Ken-chan was exploring Machu Picchu in his racoon suit. He was so popular among other travellers. But in the end, an officer asked him to take off the suit and tried to delete his photos! Luciky photos were safe, but this episode is showing how narrow minded Peruvians are.
Masa and Leon came back from Mercado Negro. It got colder, so I went back to my hostel to change to warmer clothes, then came back to Casa del Inka again.
We were to have Cuy today. So We went to "Kusikuy" restaurant nearby. But 1 roasted cuy cost 60 Soles and other dish was also expensive. The waiter told us we had to wait for 1 hour for the cuy to be served, so we left there. Instead, we went to Israeli restaurant.
In the evening, we had drinks at the terrace of Casa del Inka till late. This "everyday" life is over today. I will miss Masa, Leon, Manami, Ken-chan and Ito-chan. Buen viaje, mis amigos.