三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ピレネー、アンドラ、バルセロナ。そしてガウディー!! / Pyrenees, Andorra, Barcelona, and Gaudi!!
Day 685: 2012年6月12日
Toulouse - France to Barcelona - Spain (Casa de Sagrada)
66,415km to 66,799km = 384km
今日も雨!! しかし出発します。ジャン・イヴとエステルに別れを告げ9時に出発。2人には本当にお世話になりました。今度は日本で会いたいですね。
It was raining... But I had to move on! I said good-bye to Jean-Yves and Estelle and left their place around 9am. I really thank them for their hospitality and friendship!! Hopefully we will see each other again in Japan or in France!
The rain was not that hard, but in Toulouse, there was the morning traffic jam. So it took a while to get outside of the city. I headed to Andorra - a small country in Pyrenees between France and Spain.
As I got close to Pyrenees, it got higher and igher. The rain stopped but it got colder and colder!
I rode up to the mountains through the curves. It got higher and higher.

Those curves of Pyrenees!!

There were around 180km from Toulouse to Andorra. The 28th country on this trip. There was a duty free area just after the border. As petrol was cheaper here, I filled up the tank.

Then, I climbed up even higher. The higest point of the pass was little over 2,400m. It was snowing a bit at the top of the pass. No wonder it was cold.

Then I made a sharp descend. I bought breads, cheese and parma ham for lunch.
アンドラは小国ですが、40キロくらい走りましたね。そして29カ国目スペインに突入!! まぁ、実際アルゼンチンからドイツまでの乗り継ぎでバルセロナに一回降り立って入るんですね。一晩空港で過ごしたし。でもまぁ、陸路では初めてなので29カ国目です。
Andrra is a small country but I rode for 40km from French side to Spanish side. Then I entered Spain - the 29th country! Actualy, I was already in Barcelona, Spain when I came to Europe from Argentina - I had to stay a night at the airport... But by land, to enter Spain it was the first time today, so it's still the 29th country.

スペインに入った途端、天気雨。しかしそれからは快晴。なかなか風景も良し。で、66,666キロ達成!! おめでとうエスペランサ。55,555キロはパラグアイのイグアス移住区でオカモトさんとアスンシオンに向かう途中に達成でしたね。懐かしいなぁ。
Then Esperanza reached 66,666km on her clock! She acieved 55,555km near Colonia Yguazu, Paraguay when I was riding withMr. Okamoto to Nuestra Senora de Asuncion. It seems it was suh a long time ago.

There was a casttle (or a church) on top of a hill surrounded by a villeage in Spain as well. Those sceneries make me feel like I am in Europe.

Before Barcelona, I saw distinct rocky mountains in front of me. In the photo they might not look special, but with the bare eyes, they were pretty impressive.

I visited a friend just before I got to Barcelona. Rocio I met in Xacatecas, Mexico! I did not know she was studying in Barcelona,but she sent me a birthday message the other day and I found out she was near Barcelona. So I went to see her.
彼女に会うのは1年半以上ぶりです。ワシのスペイン語が上達しているのに彼女もビックリ!! 以前は英語で会話してたのに(彼女は英語の先生だったのでペラペラ)、今日はスペイン語で会話。明日バルセロナの街を案内してくれることになりました。
It's been more than 1 year and half since we met in Xacatecas. SHe was surprised with my Spanish! I could barely speak Spanish when I was in Xacatecas. We were talking in English at that time (she was an English teacher), but now we could make conversations in Spanish.
I left er apartment around 5:30pm and arrved Barelona around 6pm (there was traffic jam). I went to a Japaese hostel "Acropolis Barcelona" as there was a parkings space for a motorcycle. Unfortunally the hostel was under renovation, but I could park Esperanza there and I was going to stay at another hostel in the city centre "Casa de Sagrada".
Mr. Yata - the owner of the hostel - told me to visit Parc Grall as it was nearby. A there were escalators, it was really easy access to the park.
From a hill, I could see the city of Barcelona and the sea.

Of cource, Temple of Sagrada Familia - designed by Antonio Gaudi could bee seen too.

This Park Guell was also designed by Gaudi.

He designed the buildings harmonised with nature. I did not expect see his design so easily.

The view of Sagrada Familia from the balcony of the hostel I am staying. Isn't it amazing?

Mr. Yata cooked dinner for me! Thanks!!
In the night, the church is lighted up!

こんなに手軽に名所が見れていいんですかね?? 明日はロシオとおデートです。
I was amazed that I could see the UNESCO world heritage site so easily! Tomorrow I am going out with Rocio.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Toulouse - France to Barcelona - Spain (Casa de Sagrada)
66,415km to 66,799km = 384km
今日も雨!! しかし出発します。ジャン・イヴとエステルに別れを告げ9時に出発。2人には本当にお世話になりました。今度は日本で会いたいですね。
It was raining... But I had to move on! I said good-bye to Jean-Yves and Estelle and left their place around 9am. I really thank them for their hospitality and friendship!! Hopefully we will see each other again in Japan or in France!
The rain was not that hard, but in Toulouse, there was the morning traffic jam. So it took a while to get outside of the city. I headed to Andorra - a small country in Pyrenees between France and Spain.
As I got close to Pyrenees, it got higher and igher. The rain stopped but it got colder and colder!
I rode up to the mountains through the curves. It got higher and higher.
Those curves of Pyrenees!!
There were around 180km from Toulouse to Andorra. The 28th country on this trip. There was a duty free area just after the border. As petrol was cheaper here, I filled up the tank.
Then, I climbed up even higher. The higest point of the pass was little over 2,400m. It was snowing a bit at the top of the pass. No wonder it was cold.
Then I made a sharp descend. I bought breads, cheese and parma ham for lunch.
アンドラは小国ですが、40キロくらい走りましたね。そして29カ国目スペインに突入!! まぁ、実際アルゼンチンからドイツまでの乗り継ぎでバルセロナに一回降り立って入るんですね。一晩空港で過ごしたし。でもまぁ、陸路では初めてなので29カ国目です。
Andrra is a small country but I rode for 40km from French side to Spanish side. Then I entered Spain - the 29th country! Actualy, I was already in Barcelona, Spain when I came to Europe from Argentina - I had to stay a night at the airport... But by land, to enter Spain it was the first time today, so it's still the 29th country.
スペインに入った途端、天気雨。しかしそれからは快晴。なかなか風景も良し。で、66,666キロ達成!! おめでとうエスペランサ。55,555キロはパラグアイのイグアス移住区でオカモトさんとアスンシオンに向かう途中に達成でしたね。懐かしいなぁ。
Then Esperanza reached 66,666km on her clock! She acieved 55,555km near Colonia Yguazu, Paraguay when I was riding withMr. Okamoto to Nuestra Senora de Asuncion. It seems it was suh a long time ago.
There was a casttle (or a church) on top of a hill surrounded by a villeage in Spain as well. Those sceneries make me feel like I am in Europe.
Before Barcelona, I saw distinct rocky mountains in front of me. In the photo they might not look special, but with the bare eyes, they were pretty impressive.
I visited a friend just before I got to Barcelona. Rocio I met in Xacatecas, Mexico! I did not know she was studying in Barcelona,but she sent me a birthday message the other day and I found out she was near Barcelona. So I went to see her.
彼女に会うのは1年半以上ぶりです。ワシのスペイン語が上達しているのに彼女もビックリ!! 以前は英語で会話してたのに(彼女は英語の先生だったのでペラペラ)、今日はスペイン語で会話。明日バルセロナの街を案内してくれることになりました。
It's been more than 1 year and half since we met in Xacatecas. SHe was surprised with my Spanish! I could barely speak Spanish when I was in Xacatecas. We were talking in English at that time (she was an English teacher), but now we could make conversations in Spanish.
I left er apartment around 5:30pm and arrved Barelona around 6pm (there was traffic jam). I went to a Japaese hostel "Acropolis Barcelona" as there was a parkings space for a motorcycle. Unfortunally the hostel was under renovation, but I could park Esperanza there and I was going to stay at another hostel in the city centre "Casa de Sagrada".
Mr. Yata - the owner of the hostel - told me to visit Parc Grall as it was nearby. A there were escalators, it was really easy access to the park.
From a hill, I could see the city of Barcelona and the sea.
Of cource, Temple of Sagrada Familia - designed by Antonio Gaudi could bee seen too.
This Park Guell was also designed by Gaudi.
He designed the buildings harmonised with nature. I did not expect see his design so easily.
The view of Sagrada Familia from the balcony of the hostel I am staying. Isn't it amazing?
Mr. Yata cooked dinner for me! Thanks!!
In the night, the church is lighted up!
こんなに手軽に名所が見れていいんですかね?? 明日はロシオとおデートです。
I was amazed that I could see the UNESCO world heritage site so easily! Tomorrow I am going out with Rocio.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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