三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
- 2025.03.10 [PR]
- 2011.02.20 目指せカルタヘナ! / Sailing to Cartagena!
- 2011.02.20 クナの村にカニとロブスターを食べに! / Visited Kuna VIllage!
- 2011.02.20 サンブラス諸島へ!エメラルドグリーンの海に白い砂浜!! / San Blas Islands. Beautiful beaches!!
- 2011.02.20 船へ!海へ!カリブ海!! ゲロゲロ~!! / To Carribean Sea!
- 2011.02.20 パナマ運河にWunderbar! / Panama Canal and Wunderbar at Puerto Lindo
San Blas Islands (Coco Bango) to Samewhere in Carribean sea
Day 209: 18 Feb 2011
San Blas Islands (Coco Bango) to Samewhere in Carribean sea
Well, today we were sailing pretty much whole day. It would be 26 hours sailing to Cartagena. The ship left San Blas around 6am and luckily I took a seasick tablet before then. Sea swelled bigger than first day and I did not feel good but better than first day.
Danny and Murray were also feeling not so good but managing ok.
I slept whole afternoon after lunch. After dinner, I was sleeping in the TV room and when I woke up it was 5am... I brushed my teeth and went into my bed. Somehow I could survived the day.
Day 208: 2011年2月17日
San Blas Islands (Coco Bango)
先ずはBar Yeniでカニとロブスターが茹で上がるまで冷たい飲み物を飲みながら歓談。ジョンの話は相変わらず面白いです。クナのおっさんマメに働きます。ここぞとばかりに小銭稼ぎか!?
Day 208:17 Feb 2011
San Blas Islands (Coco Bango)
Today I visited Kuna Village with John, Josh, Dr. John and Adam. John and Josh invited us to eat KIng Crabs and Lobsters at the village. Yes, I wanted to have a good meal and experience something different, I hopped on to the Kuna boat.
It took 20-30mins to get to the village. The houses and buildings weere made by concrete or coco leaves (I reckon). The population of 500, I was surprised that there could be so many people. Kuna guy said the governent supplies electricity cheaply to the village, so they can have cold bear and drinks, TV and DVD and so on. While our lunch was prepared, we had cold drinks at "Bar Yeni"
As alway, John's stories are so amazing, he took his F650GS to Cuba and rode to near Guantanamo Bay. He campted in a mountain and in the middle of the night, he was draggled out from his tent by military!! I think none has done this kind of things before him! He should write a book!
We went to another house for lunch. King Crabs and lobsters were yammy! They were served with fried chicken and boilded rice. I was so full and satisfied!
We took the Kuna boat back to our ship, carrying lots of big lobsters and 3 big fish. They were to be our dinner. How wonderful!
At dinner time, lobster in curry sauce, grilled fish, boild rice and salad were surved. If I stayed in this ship too long, I will be fat!!
After dinner, we wathced movies. Curious case of Benjamin Button and Motorcycle Diaries. Looking at young Che travelling around, I felt like riding my GS right now!
TOmorrow we will leave to Cartagena. I hope my body is used to with swells...
Stahrlatte to San Blas Islands (Coco Bandera)
Day 207: 16 Feb 2011
Stahrlatte to San Blas Islands (Coco Bandera)
We started to sail at 6am. I took a seasick tablet before the sailing or the sea was calmer, I felt much better today. Daniel, Danny and Murray seemed to be fine today as well.
We picked up some more passengers at Porto Benia, they are German family and German couple.
Then we headed to San Blas Islands! The sea was so beautiful!!
We ankared at Coco Bandera. There were islands with Coconuts trees, white sandy beach, green and blue water, the perfect location of lovers. We jumped in the water as soon as we ankered!
We swung the rope to jump intote water. It was all fun, fun, fun.
In the evening, we had BBQ dinner on the island. The moon was almost full and beautiful. Everyone had good time together. Especially John the throttle meister was having fun! He is the amazing guy. He took his F650 GS to Cuba and rode around the country. He camped near Guantanamo Bay and in the middle of the night, he was dragged out of his tent by military! He had lots of fun stories to tell.
Till late we talked and danced....
Puerto Lindo to Stahrlatte
29,345 to 29,346 = 1km
Panama City to Puerto Lindo
29,185km to 29,345 = 160km
アメリカ人のダニー(DR650)も参加して4人で近くの食堂で夕飯。その後ドイツ人のアレックス(R1200GSA)とオリー(KTM 990Adventure)も参加して楽しい夕食になりました。