
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 472: 2011年11月9日

Mendoza, Argentina to Santiago de Chile (Moai Viajero B&B)
44,756km to 44,965km = 209km (Argentinian side)
44,965km to 45,118km = 153km (Chilean side)
Total = 362km




DSCF0275.jpg7号線を進みます。ガソリン・スタンドを過ぎて右折。昨日は砂嵐で見えませんでしたが、なんと目の前には雪を頂いた山々が!! こんなにキレイな景色だったのですね。




DSCF0292.jpgDSCF0298.jpg左手にバイクが2台停まっていて、2人がこちらに手を振ったので、「あ、ここだ。」と気が付きました。2人はドイツからのカップル。2台のSUZUKI DR350で南米を旅しています。「バイクは20年もの」、というので。「友達のマーク&クレアと同じだね」というと、「彼らには3日前にヴァルパライソで会ったよ。でも2人は明日帰るんだ」と。どうやらクレアのお父さんが入院したらしく急遽の帰国とか。旅を早めに切り上げるのは残念ですが、お父さんが回復することを願います。






DSCF0314.jpgのっけから、急激に山を下っていきます。7時過ぎにサンティアゴの市街に入ります。目指すは以前ショックを買いに来た時に泊まった「Moai Viajeo B&B」。GPSがちゃんと働いてくれて迷わず到着。



Day 472: 09 NOV 2011

Mendoza, Argentina to Santiago de Chile (Moai Viajero B&B)
44,756km to 44,965km = 209km (Argentinian side)
44,965km to 45,118km = 153km (Chilean side)
Total = 362km

The blackout was over just after the midnight. My plan today was to ride to Puente del Inca, less than 200km away from Mendoza, so it should be an easy day.

I left the hostel around 10am and went to the BMW dealer to clean the air filter. Cristian let me use the workshop, so I unloaded luggages and took off the side panel etc to accesss the filter. With compressed air, a mechanic clean the filter. As expected, there was quite lots of dust in.

Re-installed the air filter and reassembled the panel etc, I got ready to go. But I realied the front seat was not set properly, so I had to unload the luggages again, and set the seat properly, then geared up again... So I left the dealer after 11am.

I took RN7, and I passed the petrol station I filled gas yesterday. Then I took a right turn where I met the dust dtorm yesterday. Then I saw snow capped mountains in front of me!! I could not see them yesterday due to the storm. They were beautiful.

On the way to Uspallata, gradually altitude got higher. The scenary was nice on the way. I enjoyed riding on RN7. Very different experience than yesterday.

At Uspallata I had lunch. Winds got stronger from here. I arrived Puente del Inca, but it was really cold and windy. I was planning to camp here, but I had a second thought. It would be freezing to spend a night here. The day light was still prenty and I would be able to make to Santiago easily from there.

I was thinkng like that and kept riding, so I almost missed the monument of "Puente del Inca". I saw 2 motorcyclists waving to me, so I realised it was there. They were a German couple travelling with their 20-year-old SUZUKI DR350. I told them they were just like Mark&Claire, and they said they met Mark&Claire in Valparaiso 3 days ago!! What a small world. But I wondered why Mark&Claire were there 3 days ago. They should have been down south. Then 2 Germans told me that Mark&Claire were to go home as Claire'S dad is in a hospital.

It was sad to hear that they had to shorten their trip, butI am hoping that her dad will recover soon.

According to Lonely Planet, Puente del Inca is Argentin's the No 1 natunal wonder. But it did not look that great.

From there a few minutes ride, there was a "Mirador" of Aconcagua, the highest peak of South America. So I parked my GS and walked to the mirador.

I could see Aconcagua from far away, but I wanted to see close up. But it was really far to walk. So I asked Mr Sheep if it would be ok to turn back from here. He said no problem. So I took some photos from Aconcagua, and turned back.

The border to Chile was just there. There was a long tunnel, and in the middle of the tunnel, I entered Chilean territory. Immigration and custom facilities were located4km after the tunnel.

The process was easy but a girl at Chilean custom was a bit dodgy. I guess her duty was almost done, so she was in a hurry. She made many mistakes on the documents... When completed it was after 5:30pm. But to Santiago there was just 150km, so I could get there before the sunset.

Soon I started to make a steep descending of the mountain. I was heading to "Moai Viajero B&B" where I stayed when I went there to t\get the Wilbers shock absorber.

I got to Santiago just after 7pm. My GPS worked well and I got to the hostel without getting lost. Well done.

I parked my GS in the garage and checked in. As soonas I unloaded the gears, I put the bike cover over her, as the dog "Pepe" is famous for peeing on bike wheels!!

Well, I will visit Carlos @ Motouring tomorrow and I will spend another night in Santiago. Then I will go to Vina del Mar!!


Day 471: 2011年11月8日

Mendoza (PlanB Hostel)
44,691km to 44,756km = 65km






スパーク・プラグ交換、エンジン、ギア、ファイナルドライブのオイル交換、エア・フィルター交換、などなど。全部で1,700ペソなので400ドルです!!! 高いですけど、まぁ、これは必要経費ですからね。

5時過ぎに出発。7号線をしばらく走り「A Rep. de Chile(チリ共和国へ)」のサインが出ました。遠くに雲がかかってるな、と思いながら走っていると、どうやら雲ではなくて砂埃みたいです。

給油をして、チリ国境方面へ右折すると、風が強くなり、砂嵐が!!! 視界ゼロ。折れた枝などが飛んできます。車も路肩に避けたり、ハザードを点けてノロノロ走行したり。下手をすると追突事故が起こる可能性もあります。












Day 471: 08 NOV 2011

Mendoza (PlanB Hostel)
44,691km to 44,756km = 65km

As my GS would not be ready until 4pm today, I spent slow morning. When I was having breakfast, I met Canadian couple Baba and Elena. Baba is originally from India and Elena is originally from Russia. They took a year off and travelling South America.

I asked a girl at the reception by what time I should check out and she said "anytime is fine!", so I could stay here until afternoon.

I spent time surfing Internet and talking to Baba and Elena. They invited me for lunch. They made pasta and cooked brown rice! When was the last time I had brown rice?? It was long time ago.

As we were talking it became 3:30pm! So I said good-bye to Baba and Elena and left the hostel. I caught a taxi to the BMW Dealer.

It was 40,000km service done again (as at Santa Cruz, they missed out several things), changed engine, gear and final drive oil, changed air filter, oil filter, spark plugs etc. It was a big job and came with a big price tag!! 17,000 Pesos,a little over US$400!! But this was the necessary expense, and it should be money well spent.

I geared up and left the dealer around 5pm. I was heading South on RN7, then went around to north west. I saw a sign "A Rep. de Chile (To Republic of Chile)" and kept going. I filled up the tank just before a turn off to the right.

I saw clouds far away and I was concerned. And As I got closer, I realised it was dust!! Suddenly there were wind blowing so strong and soon I was covered by the dust. I entered the middle of the great dust storm!!

Visivility was almost zero. Broken brunches were blown everywhere. Dust got inside the helmet and my eyes and mouth were full of dust.

Cars pulled over or flushing hazard lights and driving slowly. I pulled over at the side of the road, but the wind was so strong and I was almost knocked over.

I kept going for a few kms, but I gave up. As it was so poort visibility, I could crush into someone or someone might crush into me.

I tried to make a U-turn, but it was a hard job to do. As I could not see any incoming car from both side and wind was blowing so hard, I had to hold my GS very steady not to drop her.

I managed to make a U-turn and head back to Mendoza. I came to the turn off and saw thepetrol station. It was covered by dust now. A little moment ago when I was filling gas, it was clear...

On the way back to Mendoza was not easy. Dust storm now covered large area and everyone was driving slowly. The city was in the dust storm too. Firstly I was thinking to go back to the dealer, but it was already 6:30pm, so I decided to go back to the hostel.

I made it to the hostel. Baba went out to the Bus terminal to buy bus tickets to Cordoba leaving tonight, but Elena was there. I re-checked in and started wipe off dust from my GS. Dust everywhere. I just got the air filter changed today, but it should be full of dust now. I will go back to the dealer tomorrow to make it clean...

While I was cleaning my GS and got the gears off, the storm calmed down. But I heard that there would be a chance of hail storm tonight, so I might be lucky to come back to Mendoza.

Due to the dust storm, the entire city lost electricity. As myself was covered by dust, I wiped off dust from my jacket, pants, boots, gloves, helmet and so on. They I took a shower.

After shower, Baba and Elena served me a dinner. It was the same pasta from lunch time, but it was a great treat! Thanks!! Under candle lights, we had good dinner and good talks.

They left to the bus terminal around 9:30pm. I said good-bye to them.

Well now it is 10:30pm but the city is still blacked out. So I will go to sleep. Hopefully the electricity will be back by tomorrow morning!


Day 470: 2011年11月7日

Alta Gracia to Mendoza (PlanB Hostel)
44,078km to 44,691km = 613km





Mina Claveroという街までは高原を走っていきます。岩がゴツゴツとした地形。ワィンディングを抜けていきます。これは厭きませんね。しかも標高2,000㍍以上なので涼しい。Paso Jama(パソ・ハマ)とAfi del Valle以外でアルゼンチンで初めて暑くない土地を走りました。

Mina Claveroはもう低地なので暑い。ここで給油とタイヤの空気圧の調整。朝空気圧を計ったら低かったもので(アルタ・グラシアのスタンドで調整しようとしましたが、空気入れのノズルが長すぎでスポークにあたり、空気を入れられませんでした)。

ここからValle Doloresまでの道はお洒落な宿(ロッジ)、レストラン、キャンプ場などが沢山道脇にありました。コルドバやサン・ルイスあたりから週末を過ごしに来るのでしょうか。

Valle Doloresは以外にデカイ街でビックリ。信号で引っかかります。暑いので、ちょっと嫌になります。ようやく街を抜けてQuinesを目指します。




DSCF0270.jpgDSCF0271.jpgしかも360度見渡す限り地平線で低木だらけなのは、NSWのアウトバックを思い出させます。「...but no matter how far or how wide I roam, I still call Australia home.」

DSCF0268.jpgここで44,444km達成!!! 33,333kmはエクアドルの南部で達成でしたね。あれから何ヶ月経ったのでしょう。4-5ヶ月経ちましたね。




Genco Automotivesというディーラー。BMWを始めいろんな車のディーラーも兼ねてます。対応してくれたのはクリス。サンタ・クルスでのサービス内容を見せると、やはり色々やってないところがあると。エンジン・オイル(フィルターを含む)、ミッション・オイル、ファイナル・ドライブ・オイル、スパークプラグの交換、エア・フィルターの清掃か交換、ジェネレーター・ベルトの交換、などなどを頼みました。


宿は「PlanB Hosel」という宿。ロンプラに載っていた一番安い宿にタクシーに連れて行ってもらったのですが、同じ住所ですが、宿が新しくなっている。案の定、値段が上がってます。朝飯付きでドミが68ペソ(WiFi有り)。高い。


日没は8時半ごろでした。明日サービスは4時に終わると言うので、Puente del Incaまでなら2時間でいけるそうなので、明日出発しようかな。

Day 470: 08 NOV 2011

Alta Gracia to Mendoza (PlanB Hostel)
44,078km to 44,691km = 613km

I could sleep well last night. It was very exceptional thing that I slept in the house 2 doors next to Ernesto's place.

I left the hostel by 8:30am (actually it was 9:30am in Cordoba time). I headed to the Route 20. Firstly I had to climbed up mountains. I went through curves and curves, then at a hill top, I looked back down the plain beneath. I looked where Alta Gracia should be. A nice view. One day will I be back here again?

Until a town called "Mina Clavero", the road was twisty and I went through rocky terrerian. As the altitude was over 2,000m, so it was fresh and cool. Except just after Paso Jama and around Tafi del Valle, I have been riding in very hot climate in Argentina, the cool climate was a treat for me.

Down to Mina Clavero, there was already a low land, so it got really hot. I filled my the tank and adjusted the tyre pressure (when I checked it this morning, it was low. I tried to pump it up in AltaGracia, but the nosle of the air pump was too long to fit to the wheels).

From MIna Clavero to Valle Dolores, the road was twisty and there were many fancy cottages, campsites, restaurants along side of the road. I guess there would be many visitors from Cordoba and San Luis on weekends.

Valle Dolores was a big town. I stucked in traffic lights many times. It was really hot and I got really frustrated. Finally I got out of the town, and kept going west on RN20.

Now, the road was straight for miles of miles. There was a plain until the horizon. It reminded me of Australia.

I passed Quines and 20kms from there it was Lujan. Here I filled up the tank and hFrom there to Encon, itbecame more like Australia.

There were mush just like in the Outback of NSW and those trees with yellow flowers, I could see the same on Stuart Hwy of Northern Territory.

"...but no matter how far or how wide I roam, I still call Australia home."

In the middle of the way to Encon, my GS reached to 44,444km on her clock! We made 33,333km in the south of Ecuador, so it's been 4-5 months sice then.

From Encon, I turned left to RN142 to Mendoza. Around 80km from Encon, it started to be a winery region. Yes, Mendoza is a famous wine region in Argentina (but I cannot drink wine...)

I arrived Mendoza before 5pm. Then I started to look for the BMW dealer to service my GS. From the web, I could find 2 places. I went 1 of them, and I was at the right adrress, but I saw no BMW... Well, the info was posted on 2006, so it could be relocated.

Then I went to another one, Genco Automotives. Which I could find at the BMW International website. So it should be there.

But it was hard to locate the places. I asked many times, but I could not get there. My GPS was no use...

Finally I found a Harley Davidson dealer, and ask a guy how I could get there. And I made it!

Genco Automotives is a dealer for BMW cars, and other brands as well as BMW Mottrad dealer. It looked really modern and the service manager Cristian was very nice. I could expect a good service there. But I worry the price! Well in Argentina, everything is expensive!!

I left my GS and luggages there.  I just took what I needed for a night and took a cab (Cristian called it for me) to a city.

I was dropped at the hostel (the cheapest on Lonely Planet). But te hostel had a different name and it looked really new!

Wel I am at "PlanB Hostel". It is a new hostel and the price was much higher than the one on Lonely Planet. But as it was already 7pm and I was so tired after riding more than 600km, so I checked in here. 68 Pesos for a dorm (WiFi) including breakfast. The room and facilities are very clean.

Cristian said my GS will be ready by 4pm tomorrow. Puente del Inca would be just 2hours from Mendoza. As the sun set around 8:30pm, so I should be able to make it there easily.


Day 469: 2011年11月6日

Quilino to Alta Gracia (Sol de Polen)
43,885km to 44,078km = 193km



9号線に交わり、コルドバの北の街Jesus Mariaのガソリン・スタンド「YPF」でWiFiがあったのでそこで珈琲を飲みながらネット。ここでも色々な人から声をかけれれます。アルゼンチン人はコロンビア人みたく人なっつこいですね。そして給油。

Jesus Mariaから50キロでコルドバに入ります。高速で2ペソの交通料を払います。遠目で見ても大都市です。コルドバには用は無いのですが、せっかく来たので、セントロくらいは見ておこうと、エスペランサを進めます。

DSCF0146.jpgDSCF0147.jpgSan Martin Plazaで写真と撮ろうとしたらここでも何人かに声を掛けられました。写真を撮り、一路アルタ・グラシア(Alta Gracia)へ。ここでも2ペソの高速料金。街は30キロ先です。



DSCF0159.jpgDSCF0240.jpg遂に来ました。彼の「モーターサイクル南米旅行記(Diarios de Motocicleta)」はここから始まるんですね。彼の遺体が眠るキューバのサンタ・クララ、終焉の地ボリビアのラ・イゲラを訪ねて、今度は彼が育った家です。

DSCF0175.jpgDSCF0208.jpg家は現在博物館になっていて、彼の幼少期、少年期、青年期の写真を始め、玩具、手紙、彼と友人アルベルトが南米旅行記に使用したバイク、「La Poderosa(ポデローサ号)」と同じ型のNorton 500ccが展示してあったりします。






昼飯は2軒となりの「Sol de Polen」にてキューバ飯を。宿も経営してるのでここに泊まることに。65ペソ。個室WiFiあり。




Day 469: 06 NOV 2011

Quilino to Alta Gracia (Sol de Polen)
43,885km to 44,078km = 193km

I spent a week in my tent until last night. Finally I could sleep on a bed. But, but!! There were severalmosquitos in the room and I got bitten on my feet, wrists, fingers... So I could not have a good night sleep....

Igot ready by 8am and said good-bye to the owner of the hostel, then went to a petrol station for breakfast. I bought cookies and a bottle of water. There were a few buses carrying high-school students at the station. So while I was having breakfast, they asked me many questions.

On the route 157, I kept riding south. Then 157 met the route 9, and I arrived Jesus Maria. Here I found "WiFi" at YPF petrol station, so I had a cup of espresso and updated my blog. Here again some people asked me questions. Argentinians seem to be like Colombians, very friendly and curious. I filled up gas there.

From Jesus Maria, Cordba was 50km away. From a distance, it looked a big city and inside of the city, it was a big city. Oh, I got to pay 2 pesos at atoll booth. I did not have anything to do in this big city, but as I came I went to the main plaza to take a few photos.

I parked my GS in the front of Plaza San Martin, then a few people came to ask me questions! I am enjoying friendliness of Argentinians!!

Then I went to Alta Gracia. At the exit of Cordoba, I paid 2 pesos at a toll booth again.

Alta Gracia is located around 30km south west of Cordoba. The town is quite large. I reckoned it was much smaller town when Ernesto lived there. There were Jacaranda on the streets and in the gardens. They reminded me of Australia. It seemed to be anice town.

I asked where the house of Ernesto at Information centre. But to get there, there were many signs on the street, so I did not need ask at the information.

I parked my GS just in front of the house. Finally I came here. I visited his Mausoleum atSanta Clara, Cuba where his body is resting. I visited La HIguera, where he was killed. Then I came to the place where he grew up! His "Motorcycle diaries" started here.

Now the house is kept as a museum. the photos of his childhood, youth and family were displayed. Also the same Norton 500 motorcycle as "La Poderosa" he and his friedn Alberto used for their trip of "Motorcycle Diaries".

There was an audio room showing the interview of his childhood friends and his nany. So we could get into unknown side of him. They said he was an "ordinary" boy. Well, he was more intelligent and deligent than average kids though!

The most facinating thing was that he grew up in the house. Here with his family love, good friends, good people of this town, he built up his personality, later became a legend.

There was a room displaying photos of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chaves when they together visited there in 2006! I wish I was there at thatt time!! From the photos, Fidel look very charming.

There were lots of visitors at the house of Ernesto. As I parked my GS in the front of the house, many people talked to me.

I had lunch at "Sol de Polen", 2 houses next to the house of Ernesto. As it operates as a hostel, I decided to stay there. 65 Pesos for a single room (with shower / toilet) and with WiFi.

After checked in, I went out for a walk. The town should look completely different from the day Ernest walked there, but when I saw old houses and trees, I was thinking if he saw the same.

I went to a supermarket to buy a guard and bonbilla to have "Yerba Mate" from now on. I bought "CBse" brand yerba de mate as I heard it would be the best from the owner of the hostel at Quillino.
As this hostel does not have kithcen, I will have my first "mate" with my own mate set at a camping or a hostel with a kitchen.

Now I will go to have dinner and have a rest.


Day 468: 2011年11月5日

Cafayate to Quilino (Hopidaje El Chuna)
43,337km to 43,885km = 548km

例の如く周りは遅くまで騒いでました。アルゼンチンのキャンプ場はこんな感じなのか? ブッシュ・キャンプをしないとあの静けさは味わえないのかなぁ。


DSCF0135.jpgDSCF0138.jpg先ずは307号線をTafi delValleに向かいます。舗装路ですがボコボコです。くねくねと登っていきます。上から見下ろす風景はなかなか!途中キレイな舗装になったりまたボコボコになったり。


Tafi del ValleはSan Miguel de Tucuman(トゥクマン)の避暑地だとか。峠の最高点からしばらく下ったところに街は有ります。行く先の山に雲がかかってるのが気になります。

Tafi del Valleを過ぎたところで工事中の為しばらく足止め。そして先ほどの雲の中へ。どんどん下っていきます。


ようやく山を降りてMonterosへ。12時過ぎです。ここまで来ると暑い!! ガソリン・スタンドで昼飯を食べて、157号へ。Simocaという街で給油。


Friasを過ぎてSan Antonioという街(地図に載ってる)で宿を探そうとしましたが、街自体が無いのか、知らぬ間に通り過ぎたか、次の街Recreoに到着。




暑いし単調だし、気が滅入ります。「こうなればDean Funesという街を目指すか!」と思って走ってたら、その途中のQuilinoという街があり、そこに「Hospidahe(宿)」とうサインがあったので、そこの宿に行って見ました。




明日はコルドバに立ち寄って、そこから30キロくらい先、エルネストの過ごした街Alta Graciaに向かいます。


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
Copyright ©  -- M-26-Julio 羊とめぐる冒険 BMW R1200GSで世界一周の旅 --  All Rights Reserved

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