三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 413: 2011年9月11日
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
今日は9.11テロが起こってから10年なんですねぇ。もうそんなに経つんですね。あれから世界は一変しました。アメリカ合衆国主導の資本消費主義の限界が見えてきたのもアフガン・イラク侵攻後ですね。この10年で確実に世界のパワーバランスが変わりましたね。ワシが今いるラテン・アメリカ諸国の“発展”は目覚しいものがあるのではないでしょうか。我が国日本はどうでしょう? 経済の後退、格差の広がり、特に東日本大震災の影響などなど、あまり明るい方向には向かっていないような。今回の震災の対応をもって政府が無能なのを目の当たりにした国民が立ち上がらないのが不思議なくらいです。逆境の中からこれからの日本の中核となる「何か」を生み出さなくてはいけませんね。さて、この先10年世界はどう変わっていくのでしょうか?
作業をしていたらR1200GS ADVのフランクが起きてきました。「昨晩うるさくて眠れなかったよ。」と。今日ラパスに向かうとのこと。ワシのリア・ショックを見て、「TouratechでOhlinsのショックを購入して送ってもらうか、アルゼンチンの北部の街サルタ(Salta)のMoto DRがショックのオーバーホールのエキスパートだから、その選択もあるよ。」と教えてくれました。ウユニ塩原を超えたライダーがリア・ショックに問題があると「Moto DR」に行くんだそうです。彼の友達もショックからオイルが漏れて、アメリカ合衆国からOhlinsのショックをパラグアイまで取り寄せたそうです。なるほど、その線があったか。ダニエルも起きてきて、「サルタのMoto DRは良かったよ。」と。ここで直せなかったらサルタまで走ってしまうのも有りかな。
宿に戻り昼寝。夜は近くのパリーヤ屋「El Parrillin」にて。チュレータ(骨付き肉のステーキ)が22ボリ。美味い!! 明日もここにしよう。
Day 413: 11 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
It's been 10 years since 9.11. Time realy flies. Since the incident, the world has changed a lot. THe power balance of the world certainly changed, especially in Latin America, where I am now. In Japan, there are no much good news these 10 years, economical down turn, higher unemployment rate, increasing in gap of wealth distribution, the disaster caused by the earthquake and tsunami ealier of this year.... We need to find the way to make better 10 years ahead.
Last night, there were fireworks went on till late (or early in the morning), and it was very noisy. But I got nothing much to do today, so I had a late morning.
After breakfast, I started to clean my GS and unloaded luggages as I will take her to "Motoservi" tomorrow. I had time, so I cleaned the air filter as well.
While I was working on my GS, Frank - R1200GS ADV - came out and started a chat. He said "You can order Ohlins shock from the States and ship it here. Or there is a really good shop in Salta, Argenitina. Moto DR. Many of guys across Salar went there to fix the rear shocks." Hisfriend also had the same problem and he ordered a Ohlins shock from the States to Paraguay (as his visa in Bolivia was running out). So there are a few options I have even if I might not be able to repair the shock.
Daniel also said "Moto Dr at Salta was excelent. They know what theyare doing." So it sounds really good. If Jaime of "Motoservi" cannot repair the shock, I might ride to Salta.
After cleaning my GS, I searched on Internet about the options Frank told me. Then I went for lunch at the near by restaurant. I had "Milanesa de Pollo (Chicken Schnitzel) for 12Bs. It was cheap and good.
After lunch I walked to "Motoservi" to make sure where it was located, so I wouldn't get lots tomorrow.
Back to hostel, I felt soooo sleepy, and had a nap. When I woke up it was 6:30pm already! I went to have dinner at Parrilla neaby "El Parrillin". Chuleta (steak with ones) was 22Bs. It was the really good steakI I should go back there tomorrow.
Well, hopefully Jaime wil say "Yes, I can do it!" tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
今日は9.11テロが起こってから10年なんですねぇ。もうそんなに経つんですね。あれから世界は一変しました。アメリカ合衆国主導の資本消費主義の限界が見えてきたのもアフガン・イラク侵攻後ですね。この10年で確実に世界のパワーバランスが変わりましたね。ワシが今いるラテン・アメリカ諸国の“発展”は目覚しいものがあるのではないでしょうか。我が国日本はどうでしょう? 経済の後退、格差の広がり、特に東日本大震災の影響などなど、あまり明るい方向には向かっていないような。今回の震災の対応をもって政府が無能なのを目の当たりにした国民が立ち上がらないのが不思議なくらいです。逆境の中からこれからの日本の中核となる「何か」を生み出さなくてはいけませんね。さて、この先10年世界はどう変わっていくのでしょうか?
作業をしていたらR1200GS ADVのフランクが起きてきました。「昨晩うるさくて眠れなかったよ。」と。今日ラパスに向かうとのこと。ワシのリア・ショックを見て、「TouratechでOhlinsのショックを購入して送ってもらうか、アルゼンチンの北部の街サルタ(Salta)のMoto DRがショックのオーバーホールのエキスパートだから、その選択もあるよ。」と教えてくれました。ウユニ塩原を超えたライダーがリア・ショックに問題があると「Moto DR」に行くんだそうです。彼の友達もショックからオイルが漏れて、アメリカ合衆国からOhlinsのショックをパラグアイまで取り寄せたそうです。なるほど、その線があったか。ダニエルも起きてきて、「サルタのMoto DRは良かったよ。」と。ここで直せなかったらサルタまで走ってしまうのも有りかな。
宿に戻り昼寝。夜は近くのパリーヤ屋「El Parrillin」にて。チュレータ(骨付き肉のステーキ)が22ボリ。美味い!! 明日もここにしよう。
Day 413: 11 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
It's been 10 years since 9.11. Time realy flies. Since the incident, the world has changed a lot. THe power balance of the world certainly changed, especially in Latin America, where I am now. In Japan, there are no much good news these 10 years, economical down turn, higher unemployment rate, increasing in gap of wealth distribution, the disaster caused by the earthquake and tsunami ealier of this year.... We need to find the way to make better 10 years ahead.
Last night, there were fireworks went on till late (or early in the morning), and it was very noisy. But I got nothing much to do today, so I had a late morning.
After breakfast, I started to clean my GS and unloaded luggages as I will take her to "Motoservi" tomorrow. I had time, so I cleaned the air filter as well.
While I was working on my GS, Frank - R1200GS ADV - came out and started a chat. He said "You can order Ohlins shock from the States and ship it here. Or there is a really good shop in Salta, Argenitina. Moto DR. Many of guys across Salar went there to fix the rear shocks." Hisfriend also had the same problem and he ordered a Ohlins shock from the States to Paraguay (as his visa in Bolivia was running out). So there are a few options I have even if I might not be able to repair the shock.
Daniel also said "Moto Dr at Salta was excelent. They know what theyare doing." So it sounds really good. If Jaime of "Motoservi" cannot repair the shock, I might ride to Salta.
After cleaning my GS, I searched on Internet about the options Frank told me. Then I went for lunch at the near by restaurant. I had "Milanesa de Pollo (Chicken Schnitzel) for 12Bs. It was cheap and good.
After lunch I walked to "Motoservi" to make sure where it was located, so I wouldn't get lots tomorrow.
Back to hostel, I felt soooo sleepy, and had a nap. When I woke up it was 6:30pm already! I went to have dinner at Parrilla neaby "El Parrillin". Chuleta (steak with ones) was 22Bs. It was the really good steakI I should go back there tomorrow.
Well, hopefully Jaime wil say "Yes, I can do it!" tomorrow. Fingers crossed!!
Day 412: 2011年9月10日
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,840km to 41,084km = 244km
彼はルーマニア出身で現在カナダのアルバータ州都カルガリー在住とのこと。話していたらYoshi DR650のこともアダムのことも知っているとのこと。Yoshiとはサンディエゴからメキシコ中部まで一緒だったとか。世界は狭いですね。彼は今日スクレに行き、そこからサンタクルス、アルゼンチン北部、パラグアイと行く予定なので、またどこかで再会できそうですね。

しばらくワインディングを走ります。40キロくらい走ったところで、見晴らしが良くて路肩に停めやすいところがあったので写真撮影。リア・ショックを見たら、なんと!! オイルが漏れているではないですか!!滲み出るってどころか、完全に滴ってます。

女将はワシのこと覚えててくれてて(まぁ出たのが2日前ですから)、また同じ部屋に案内されました。そしてYAMAHA TENEREのダニエルとAdventureのフランクがまだ宿にいました。

Day 412: 10 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,840km to 41,084km = 244km
When I woke up this morning, I felt "I should ride to Uyuni today!", so I got up and got ready. At the dinner of the hostel,I met Stefan riding KLR650. He is originally from Romania and now living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
As we talked, we realised that we have common friends - Yoshi DR650 and Adam!! He rode together with Yoshi from San Diego to the middle of Mexico! Such a small world.
He would be heading to Sucre today, then Sant Cruz, North of Argentina, and Paraguay. So we will bump to each other again somewhere on the way again.
One thing bothered me this morning was I saw a little bit of oil on the shaft of the rear shock absorber. But it wouldn't be far to get to Tucuman - where the next BMW dealer located on the way and the road condition would not be so bad (except between Uyuni and Colchani), so I decided to ride to Uyuni and see how t goes.
We talked for a while and he gave me GPS maps of South America, so when I left the hostel it was already 10:30am!
Getting out of Potosi was a bit hard. At a petrol station, they did not have any octane booster, so I had to go to a car parts shop to get ones. Back to the petrol station, they chared me the "foreginer price" @ 8.70Bs / ltr. Very expensive.
There were lots of curves and I was enjoying riding through those curves. Around 40km from Potosi, ther was a nice view and I could park easily on the road side, so I stopped there to take some photos.
I checked the rear shock absorber, and I found... oil was leaking quite badly...
Now I had to make a decision, whether I should contine riding to Uyuni and then Tucuman to fix the problem. Or I should go back to Sucre or Santa Cruz to fix it. The distance was much shorter to go back to Sucre, so I decided to go back to Sucre. Jaime of "Motoservi" in Sucre was highly recomendedmechanic to rebuid shock aborbers, so I wil ask him monday if he can fix it. One thing I worry is that my shock absorber comes with ESA (Electronically controlling rebound and dumping), so it would make him hard to rebuilt the shock absorber. If he cannot do it, I have to take my GS back to Santa Cruz BMW. It will be the long way riding back there.
I turned back to Potosi and arrived there just before 1pm. I continued riding to Sucre and arrived there just after 3pm. Lucily the streets were not blocked (there is a big festival going on) and a roo was available at the hostel (Pachamama).
After checked-in, I waled to a supermarket to buy stuffs. Near the plaza, a huge parade was going on and there were so many people!
I e-mailed BMW Santa Cruz and they replied that if I have to replace the shock absorber, I have to by a suspension unit (ESA and shock absorber) as BMW does not sell them separatel... And it would take 10-15days to be delivered by DHL...
So I am hoping Jaime @ "Motoservi" can rebuild the sock absorber. Well, tomorrow is Sunday, so "Motoservi" will be closed. I should have a relaxing day then....
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,840km to 41,084km = 244km
彼はルーマニア出身で現在カナダのアルバータ州都カルガリー在住とのこと。話していたらYoshi DR650のこともアダムのことも知っているとのこと。Yoshiとはサンディエゴからメキシコ中部まで一緒だったとか。世界は狭いですね。彼は今日スクレに行き、そこからサンタクルス、アルゼンチン北部、パラグアイと行く予定なので、またどこかで再会できそうですね。
女将はワシのこと覚えててくれてて(まぁ出たのが2日前ですから)、また同じ部屋に案内されました。そしてYAMAHA TENEREのダニエルとAdventureのフランクがまだ宿にいました。
Day 412: 10 SEP 2011
Potosi to Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
40,840km to 41,084km = 244km
When I woke up this morning, I felt "I should ride to Uyuni today!", so I got up and got ready. At the dinner of the hostel,I met Stefan riding KLR650. He is originally from Romania and now living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
As we talked, we realised that we have common friends - Yoshi DR650 and Adam!! He rode together with Yoshi from San Diego to the middle of Mexico! Such a small world.
He would be heading to Sucre today, then Sant Cruz, North of Argentina, and Paraguay. So we will bump to each other again somewhere on the way again.
One thing bothered me this morning was I saw a little bit of oil on the shaft of the rear shock absorber. But it wouldn't be far to get to Tucuman - where the next BMW dealer located on the way and the road condition would not be so bad (except between Uyuni and Colchani), so I decided to ride to Uyuni and see how t goes.
We talked for a while and he gave me GPS maps of South America, so when I left the hostel it was already 10:30am!
Getting out of Potosi was a bit hard. At a petrol station, they did not have any octane booster, so I had to go to a car parts shop to get ones. Back to the petrol station, they chared me the "foreginer price" @ 8.70Bs / ltr. Very expensive.
There were lots of curves and I was enjoying riding through those curves. Around 40km from Potosi, ther was a nice view and I could park easily on the road side, so I stopped there to take some photos.
I checked the rear shock absorber, and I found... oil was leaking quite badly...
Now I had to make a decision, whether I should contine riding to Uyuni and then Tucuman to fix the problem. Or I should go back to Sucre or Santa Cruz to fix it. The distance was much shorter to go back to Sucre, so I decided to go back to Sucre. Jaime of "Motoservi" in Sucre was highly recomendedmechanic to rebuid shock aborbers, so I wil ask him monday if he can fix it. One thing I worry is that my shock absorber comes with ESA (Electronically controlling rebound and dumping), so it would make him hard to rebuilt the shock absorber. If he cannot do it, I have to take my GS back to Santa Cruz BMW. It will be the long way riding back there.
I turned back to Potosi and arrived there just before 1pm. I continued riding to Sucre and arrived there just after 3pm. Lucily the streets were not blocked (there is a big festival going on) and a roo was available at the hostel (Pachamama).
After checked-in, I waled to a supermarket to buy stuffs. Near the plaza, a huge parade was going on and there were so many people!
I e-mailed BMW Santa Cruz and they replied that if I have to replace the shock absorber, I have to by a suspension unit (ESA and shock absorber) as BMW does not sell them separatel... And it would take 10-15days to be delivered by DHL...
So I am hoping Jaime @ "Motoservi" can rebuild the sock absorber. Well, tomorrow is Sunday, so "Motoservi" will be closed. I should have a relaxing day then....
Day 411: 2011年9月9日
Potosi (Hostal Campania de Jesus)

今日は7時半に起きて朝飯。8時半に「The Real Deal」のオフィスに集合。ツアー参加者は13人。3グループに別れます。




こんなに狭くて、暗くて、息苦しい場所で働いている鉱夫は大変ですね。 この鉱山の神TIOにコカの葉をお供えし、96パーセントのアルコールを飲みます(もちろんワシは飲みませんでしたが)。


夕飯はLa Casonaにて。リサ、エミリー、ライアンと相部屋のエドもさんか。エドはイギリス人で旅をしながら「ガンジャ」雑誌の記事を書いているそうです。「ガンジャ」の歴史、政府がどのように扱ってきたか、経済とかそういうことを調べて記事を書いているそうです。すっごく面白い人ですね。
Day 411: 09 SEP 2011
Potosi (Hostal Campania de Jesus)
I went to the office of "The Real Deal" at 8:30am with Lisa ad Emily. Liam was already there. His girl friend Ashley was not joining tour though. There were 13 people doing the tour with "The Real Deal" today. 3 groups were made. Lisa, Emily, Liam, and Ryan from UK were in my group. The tour guide of the group was Pedro. He is very energetic guy! He speaks good English and knows all Aussie slangs!
Our group was named "Donky fxxkers".
Firstly we caught a bus to the place where we got those "Mning tour equipments" - a helmet with a torch, long pants and a jacket against dust, and a pair of long ruber boots.
Then we walked to "Miners Market" to buy some gifts to miners. The gifts prefered were: soft drink, coca leaves, dynamites(!!), and alchole (96%!!). I bought a dynamiteand coca leaves.
In Potosi, there is no regulation on buying/selling dynamites. So anyone, even kids can buy it! Dangerous!! It costs 15 to 24Bs. We would not have many chance to touch dynamites elsewhere, so we took a few photos with dynamites.
After we bought the gifts, we caught the bus to visit a factory where extracting mineras, such as silver and zinc from the rocks.
Then finally we went into the mine! The first section of the mine was very wet and muddy. Then it got really narrow and low clearance. I hit my head many times!! Luckily I was wearing the helmet!
As we walked deeper in the mine, the air got stuffy and dusty. It started smell bad as well. It would be realy hard to work in this condtion. No wonder many people died working in the mines of this mountain. Since 1545, peoplehad been working in the mines. Milliones of people died here...
We went to a place where "TIO" - the devil look-a-like god of minerals was. Here we offered coca leaves and 96% alchole. Pedro explained about mines, miners, life style of miners etc here.
We continued walking inside the mine. Finally we got to the place where miners were actually working. We offered the gifts to them. They blew up 3 dynamites!! The first shock wave wasn't much, but 2nd one was felt pretty big!! Wow.
The miners used dynamites to blew up rocks, so that they can carry rocks and select ones roch in minerals.
Pedoro said the mountain itself is owned by the government. And the most of miners are self employed. Some of them are working for large corporations, but those corporations are foregin owned. And majority of miners prefer freedom than fixed salary. That's why they work for themselves.
We climbed up ladders and got to another mine called "Santa Elena". Then we walked through to anoter exit. When we got out, we appriciate the sun so much!! We entered the mine around 11:30am and got out after 1pm. So we were in the dark for nearly 2hours. But miners would work sometimes more than 20hours a day!! How hard the mining work is!!
We went back to the town and had lunch. Back to the hostel, I took a shower and had a nap. Really tired walking in the mine.
In the evening, I went out with them for dinner. Ed from UK staying at the same hostel as Ryan, sa and Emily joined us. He is very interesting guy, writing articles to a magazone specialised in "Ganja". We talked till late.
Potosi (Hostal Campania de Jesus)
こんなに狭くて、暗くて、息苦しい場所で働いている鉱夫は大変ですね。 この鉱山の神TIOにコカの葉をお供えし、96パーセントのアルコールを飲みます(もちろんワシは飲みませんでしたが)。
夕飯はLa Casonaにて。リサ、エミリー、ライアンと相部屋のエドもさんか。エドはイギリス人で旅をしながら「ガンジャ」雑誌の記事を書いているそうです。「ガンジャ」の歴史、政府がどのように扱ってきたか、経済とかそういうことを調べて記事を書いているそうです。すっごく面白い人ですね。
Day 411: 09 SEP 2011
Potosi (Hostal Campania de Jesus)
I went to the office of "The Real Deal" at 8:30am with Lisa ad Emily. Liam was already there. His girl friend Ashley was not joining tour though. There were 13 people doing the tour with "The Real Deal" today. 3 groups were made. Lisa, Emily, Liam, and Ryan from UK were in my group. The tour guide of the group was Pedro. He is very energetic guy! He speaks good English and knows all Aussie slangs!
Our group was named "Donky fxxkers".
Firstly we caught a bus to the place where we got those "Mning tour equipments" - a helmet with a torch, long pants and a jacket against dust, and a pair of long ruber boots.
Then we walked to "Miners Market" to buy some gifts to miners. The gifts prefered were: soft drink, coca leaves, dynamites(!!), and alchole (96%!!). I bought a dynamiteand coca leaves.
In Potosi, there is no regulation on buying/selling dynamites. So anyone, even kids can buy it! Dangerous!! It costs 15 to 24Bs. We would not have many chance to touch dynamites elsewhere, so we took a few photos with dynamites.
After we bought the gifts, we caught the bus to visit a factory where extracting mineras, such as silver and zinc from the rocks.
Then finally we went into the mine! The first section of the mine was very wet and muddy. Then it got really narrow and low clearance. I hit my head many times!! Luckily I was wearing the helmet!
As we walked deeper in the mine, the air got stuffy and dusty. It started smell bad as well. It would be realy hard to work in this condtion. No wonder many people died working in the mines of this mountain. Since 1545, peoplehad been working in the mines. Milliones of people died here...
We went to a place where "TIO" - the devil look-a-like god of minerals was. Here we offered coca leaves and 96% alchole. Pedro explained about mines, miners, life style of miners etc here.
We continued walking inside the mine. Finally we got to the place where miners were actually working. We offered the gifts to them. They blew up 3 dynamites!! The first shock wave wasn't much, but 2nd one was felt pretty big!! Wow.
The miners used dynamites to blew up rocks, so that they can carry rocks and select ones roch in minerals.
Pedoro said the mountain itself is owned by the government. And the most of miners are self employed. Some of them are working for large corporations, but those corporations are foregin owned. And majority of miners prefer freedom than fixed salary. That's why they work for themselves.
We climbed up ladders and got to another mine called "Santa Elena". Then we walked through to anoter exit. When we got out, we appriciate the sun so much!! We entered the mine around 11:30am and got out after 1pm. So we were in the dark for nearly 2hours. But miners would work sometimes more than 20hours a day!! How hard the mining work is!!
We went back to the town and had lunch. Back to the hostel, I took a shower and had a nap. Really tired walking in the mine.
In the evening, I went out with them for dinner. Ed from UK staying at the same hostel as Ryan, sa and Emily joined us. He is very interesting guy, writing articles to a magazone specialised in "Ganja". We talked till late.
Day 410: 2011年9月8日
Sucre to Potosi (Hostal Campana de Jesus)
40,682km to 40,840km = 158km
マーク&クレアが起きてきたので歓談。彼らは今日は出発しないそうです。そして10時半には出発です。マーク&クレアはこの後ウユニ、塩原、そしてチリに抜けるので、もしかしたらウユニで再会ですが、そうでなかったらチリかアルゼンチンの南部での再会となりますね。Buen viaje, mis amigos!!
ポトシまでは約150キロ。ワインディングを抜けて走ります。スクレは標高2,800㍍。ポトシは4,060㍍!! 世界一標高の高い都市だそうです。

まぁ、フアンがつかまらないので宿探しです。「Residencial Sumaj」というのが安くて駐車スペースもあるのですが、マーク&クレアが前回泊まってよくなかった、というのでスキップ。ロンプラに載っている「Hostal Campana de Jesus」に行って見ました。バイクは駐車できますが個室80ボリ(シャワー・トイレ付。WiFi、朝飯付。)と高い。悪くは無いのですがまだ時間が早いので他をあたってみました。
向かいの「La Casona Hostal」は個室65ボリ(シャワー・トイレ共同。WiFi、朝飯付)と少し安いですが、入り口のギャップが少し高いので却下。「Hostal Maria Victoria」は良かったのですが(個室50ボリ。シャワー・トイレ共同)、WiFiが無いのと朝飯付かないので却下。
結局最初の「Hostal Campana de Jesus」にしました。決める前にもう一度ファンに電話してみましたがつながらず…。明日またかけてみますかね。

チェックインして街散策。虹色の鉱山セロ・リコ(Cerro Rico)が誇らしげにそびえているのが見えます。メルカドなどを見て廻って帰ってきたら3時半。宿の女将さんとしばらく歓談(日本にもオーストラリアにも行ったことがあるそう!!)。安くて美味しい店の場所を教えてくれました。
このような日本の中古車がボリビアでは何処でも見られます。「大阪市下水道局 道路維持作業車」とありますね。
それから明日の鉱山ツアーを申し込みに行きました。Koala Tourがオーストラリア人経営で有名なのですが、とりあえずツーリスト・インフォに行って見ました。
それから4人組とカフェ。5時半近くまで歓談していたので、もう外は寒い!! Tシャツに短パンだったので急いで宿に戻りました。
リサとエメリーは向かいの「La Casona Hostal」に泊まっています。
Day 410: 08 SEP 2011
Sucre to Potosi (Hostal Campana de Jesus)
40,682km to 40,840km = 158km
I got up around 8am. Mark&Claire were planning to leave Sucre today but they decided to stay one more day in Sucre. They will be heading to Uyuni, Salar, then to Chile. If I am not see them in Uyuni or Salar, next place we would bump to each other would be the south of Chile or Argentina. Till then, buen viaje, mis amigos!!
The altitude of Sucre is around 2,800m, whereas Potosi is 4,060m!! which makes Potosi the world'S highest city.
The road to Potosi was paved all the way and in good condition. I could enjoy riding through those curves. Once climbed up to 3,100m high or so, it became a flat plain and I could cruise at 100km/h.
Just 25km before Potosi, the road went up to 3,700m high and more and it got really colder. I arrived Potosi before 1pm. First thing was to feed myself! I found a saltena shop and had 2 saltenas and a cone of ice cream for 13Bs.
Then I called Juan - the local motorcyclist I met in Chochabamba, but I could not reach him. So I left a message on the voice mail. So I needed to find a place to stay. "Residencial Sumaj" was the cheap and popular hostel with parking space, but Mark&Claire stayed here before and they said it was bad... So I skipped "Sumaj".
I went to "Hostal Compana de Jesus" recommended in Lonely Planet. I could park my GS inside, but the private room (with shower/toilet.Wifi and breakfast included) cost 80Bs. Little too expensive. So I went to see other hostels ("La Casona Hostal" - opposite of "Campana de Jesus") and "Hostal Maria Victoria", but "Campana de Jesus" was I reckoned better deal, so I decided to stay there.
After checked in, I walked around the city. The Cerro Rico - the famous mountain of mines could be seen mignificently from the city. I walked around Mercado and plazas.
I was back to the hostel around 3:30pm. I chat with the lady ownerof the hostel. She said she travelled around the world for a year as well and visited Japan and Australia! She told me where to eat and where to visit in Potosi.
Then I went to book Cooperatives mines tour. Koala Tour is owned by an Aussie and famous, but I went to Tourist Information office first. Here I went 4 Aussies, Liam, Ashley, Lisa and Emily. They were booking the tour for tomorrow here. It turned out to be those guides working at the tourist information office used to worked for Koala Tour and now they are independent. So I decided to join them. The tour cost 100Bs (including lunch).
With 4 Aussies I went to have cuppa. We talked till 5:30pm or so, and it got really chilly! I was wearing T-shirt and shorts only, so I rushed back to the hostel.
I went to eat at "Parrilla" on Calle Bolivar. Grilled beef cost 20Bs and it was excellent! I will go back there tomorrow.
It tour starts at 8:30am, so I'd better to go to bed early. Buenas noches!!
Sucre to Potosi (Hostal Campana de Jesus)
40,682km to 40,840km = 158km
マーク&クレアが起きてきたので歓談。彼らは今日は出発しないそうです。そして10時半には出発です。マーク&クレアはこの後ウユニ、塩原、そしてチリに抜けるので、もしかしたらウユニで再会ですが、そうでなかったらチリかアルゼンチンの南部での再会となりますね。Buen viaje, mis amigos!!
ポトシまでは約150キロ。ワインディングを抜けて走ります。スクレは標高2,800㍍。ポトシは4,060㍍!! 世界一標高の高い都市だそうです。
まぁ、フアンがつかまらないので宿探しです。「Residencial Sumaj」というのが安くて駐車スペースもあるのですが、マーク&クレアが前回泊まってよくなかった、というのでスキップ。ロンプラに載っている「Hostal Campana de Jesus」に行って見ました。バイクは駐車できますが個室80ボリ(シャワー・トイレ付。WiFi、朝飯付。)と高い。悪くは無いのですがまだ時間が早いので他をあたってみました。
向かいの「La Casona Hostal」は個室65ボリ(シャワー・トイレ共同。WiFi、朝飯付)と少し安いですが、入り口のギャップが少し高いので却下。「Hostal Maria Victoria」は良かったのですが(個室50ボリ。シャワー・トイレ共同)、WiFiが無いのと朝飯付かないので却下。
結局最初の「Hostal Campana de Jesus」にしました。決める前にもう一度ファンに電話してみましたがつながらず…。明日またかけてみますかね。
それから明日の鉱山ツアーを申し込みに行きました。Koala Tourがオーストラリア人経営で有名なのですが、とりあえずツーリスト・インフォに行って見ました。
それから4人組とカフェ。5時半近くまで歓談していたので、もう外は寒い!! Tシャツに短パンだったので急いで宿に戻りました。
リサとエメリーは向かいの「La Casona Hostal」に泊まっています。
Day 410: 08 SEP 2011
Sucre to Potosi (Hostal Campana de Jesus)
40,682km to 40,840km = 158km
I got up around 8am. Mark&Claire were planning to leave Sucre today but they decided to stay one more day in Sucre. They will be heading to Uyuni, Salar, then to Chile. If I am not see them in Uyuni or Salar, next place we would bump to each other would be the south of Chile or Argentina. Till then, buen viaje, mis amigos!!
The altitude of Sucre is around 2,800m, whereas Potosi is 4,060m!! which makes Potosi the world'S highest city.
The road to Potosi was paved all the way and in good condition. I could enjoy riding through those curves. Once climbed up to 3,100m high or so, it became a flat plain and I could cruise at 100km/h.
Just 25km before Potosi, the road went up to 3,700m high and more and it got really colder. I arrived Potosi before 1pm. First thing was to feed myself! I found a saltena shop and had 2 saltenas and a cone of ice cream for 13Bs.
Then I called Juan - the local motorcyclist I met in Chochabamba, but I could not reach him. So I left a message on the voice mail. So I needed to find a place to stay. "Residencial Sumaj" was the cheap and popular hostel with parking space, but Mark&Claire stayed here before and they said it was bad... So I skipped "Sumaj".
I went to "Hostal Compana de Jesus" recommended in Lonely Planet. I could park my GS inside, but the private room (with shower/toilet.Wifi and breakfast included) cost 80Bs. Little too expensive. So I went to see other hostels ("La Casona Hostal" - opposite of "Campana de Jesus") and "Hostal Maria Victoria", but "Campana de Jesus" was I reckoned better deal, so I decided to stay there.
After checked in, I walked around the city. The Cerro Rico - the famous mountain of mines could be seen mignificently from the city. I walked around Mercado and plazas.
I was back to the hostel around 3:30pm. I chat with the lady ownerof the hostel. She said she travelled around the world for a year as well and visited Japan and Australia! She told me where to eat and where to visit in Potosi.
Then I went to book Cooperatives mines tour. Koala Tour is owned by an Aussie and famous, but I went to Tourist Information office first. Here I went 4 Aussies, Liam, Ashley, Lisa and Emily. They were booking the tour for tomorrow here. It turned out to be those guides working at the tourist information office used to worked for Koala Tour and now they are independent. So I decided to join them. The tour cost 100Bs (including lunch).
With 4 Aussies I went to have cuppa. We talked till 5:30pm or so, and it got really chilly! I was wearing T-shirt and shorts only, so I rushed back to the hostel.
I went to eat at "Parrilla" on Calle Bolivar. Grilled beef cost 20Bs and it was excellent! I will go back there tomorrow.
It tour starts at 8:30am, so I'd better to go to bed early. Buenas noches!!
Day 409: 2011年9月7日
Sucre (Hostel Pachamama)

スーパーに買い物に行く途中古いバイクを発見。これなんていうバイクなんですかね? スクレではたまに見かけるんですよ。カッコいいですね。
Day 409: 07 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostel Pachamama)
Today is my borther's birthday. Happy Birthday, Bro. Also it is Mark's birthday too. Happy Birthday, Mark.
I spent the day as usual. Just relaxing. I organised some of my stuffs in the morning. Then went out for lunch at Mercado. I had "Mondongo" - stew pork cooked in spices. Nice.
I saw an old motorbike while walking to the supermarket. I have seen quite a few of them in Sucre. I wonder what the make of the bikes. Very cool!
Tomorrow I will ride to Potosi, some 150km. There I am looking forward seeing Juan - I met in Cochabamba and dong mining tour.
Sucre (Hostel Pachamama)
Day 409: 07 SEP 2011
Sucre (Hostel Pachamama)
Today is my borther's birthday. Happy Birthday, Bro. Also it is Mark's birthday too. Happy Birthday, Mark.
I spent the day as usual. Just relaxing. I organised some of my stuffs in the morning. Then went out for lunch at Mercado. I had "Mondongo" - stew pork cooked in spices. Nice.
I saw an old motorbike while walking to the supermarket. I have seen quite a few of them in Sucre. I wonder what the make of the bikes. Very cool!
Tomorrow I will ride to Potosi, some 150km. There I am looking forward seeing Juan - I met in Cochabamba and dong mining tour.