
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 366: 2011年7月25日

Juliaca to Arequipa (El Alamo Hostal)
37,696km to 37,959km = 263km








ユラの街を過ぎるともうアレキパです。流石に大都市ゴミゴミしてますね。宿はアダムに教えてもらった所に行こうと思ってたのですが、GPSのコードがどうもずれています。有名なHome Sweet Homeというホステルの近くなのでそれを頼りに。そうするとアヤクーチョ(Ayacucho)通り沿いに2軒バイクを停められる宿を発見。一軒は個室35ソルで敷地内にバイクが停められますが外から丸見え。もう一軒はガレージがあり個室30ソル。ここにしました。エル・アラモ(El Alama)ホステルです。WiFIあり。

DSCF7079.jpgDSCF7083.jpgシャワーを浴びて、街散策。TKさんが泊まっているラ・レイナ(LA Rayna)を訪ねましたが、あいにく出かけているとのこと。メモを残してプラサ・デ・アルマス付近をブラブラ。流石に火山の石を使った建築で「白い街」と言われるだけあってなかなかのものです。

その後昼飯。そうしたらウワラスのJo's Placeで出会ったチャリダーと再会! 彼らも今日ここに着いてコルカ渓谷とコトハウシ渓谷をトレッキングするそうです。



DSCF7099.jpg夕方TKさんと再会ししばらく歓談した後クイを食べに行きました。Are Quipayというちょっと高級レストラン。揚げてあるクイ一匹が35ソル。それにオコパというジャガイモ料理をつけました。

その後カフェで珈琲を。やはりCafe Dos x 3が懐かしい。


Day 366: 25 JUL 2011

Juliaca to Arequipa (El Alamo Hostal)
37,696km to 37,959km = 263km

Last night I was taking with Jose about pill-bug till late. We wondered what would be the common diet of pill-bug. We should check it on Wiki.

We left the hotel before 8am. Jose was heading toPuno, 45km away from Juliaca. I should see him in La Paz again. Until then, have a nice trip, my friend.

Juliaca was very chaotic city. It would be hard to get out of the city without a GPS. Refueled at a petrol station near the end of the city.  The guy at the station, started to knock my pannier and asking me questions on my GS. I told him "Don't touch, idiot!" and he just backed off. I really dislike the attitude of Peruvians.

The way to Arequpa was pretty flat. Once went up to 4,000m plus, the altitudedid not change for a ling time. There were snow capped mountains, lakes, vicunas, alpacas, rivers. Even though there wasn't much curves, I could enjoy riding through. THe highest pass was, according to the GPS, 4,462m.

I said it before, but I have to say it again. The driving behaviour of Peruvians is really terrible. Even though I was coming through. The worst cases were those drivers using my lane to going through curves (those curves weren't sharp at all), even though they could clearly see me coming from opposite side! They did not care about others, just care about themselves. I have met many nice Peruvians, but I really dislike Peruvians.

The last 70kms or so to Arequipa starts a descend. From 4,000m to 3,000m. Once passing the town of Yura, Arequipa was just there. I was thinking to stay at a hostel Adam told me. But somehow the GPS way point wasn't correct on my GPS, so I used the address of "Home Sweet Home". Then I found the hostel with a garage. The rate was 30 Soles for a private room (with bath/toilet).

I took shower and went out to the town. As Areqipa is called "iudad de Blanco", those buildings made of white volcanic stones were pretty.

In the afternoon, I went to see my friend TK at Hostal La Rayna. We went out to have a cuy! It was a fried cuy but it tasted pretty good. It cost 35 Soles. A bit expensive but it was really good. The one I had in Cuenca, Ecuador was oven roasted, so it's hard to say which was better.

After dinner, we went to a cafe. I miss Cafe Dos x 3...

Tomorrow is the day of Cuban Revolution. I am very exsited!


Day 365: 2011年7月24日

Cusco to Juliaca (Hotel San Martin)
37,347km to 37,696km = 349km


朝はいつものように7時半に起きて朝食。Yoshi DR650と歓談。彼はクスコで日本から書類が送られてくるのを待ってそれからブラジルへ国境越え。トランス・アマゾニカをするそうです。なので彼との再会はタイミングが合えばウシュアイア、会わなければ日本ということになりますね。Buen Viaje, mi amigo!



DSCF7050.jpgフリアカまであと20キロを切った地点でチャリダーを目撃!! あれはイド氏に違いない!! ということで路肩にバイクを停めて再会を祝します。彼はクスコを出た後しばらく風邪を引いて3日間寝込んでいたのだそう。まだ咳が止まらないとのこと。チャリダーは大変ですね。今日はフリアカで1泊とのことなのでワシもフリアカに泊まることに。

フリアカには2時ごろ到着。昼飯を食べて、イド氏と待ち合わせているプラサ・デ・アルマス(中央広場)へ。バイクが駐車できる宿を探し回りましたが、あるところは高いのばかり。仕方が無いのでその中でも一番安いHotel San Martinに決定。ツインで80ソル・・・。でもWiFI付き。


Day 365: 24 JUL 2011

Cusco to Juliaca (Hotel San Martin)
37,347km to 37,696km = 349km

Today is 365th day since I left Japan! Time has past so quick!! I have met many wonderful people and seenmany places. I rally had great time past 1 year. Thank you all!! I will continue having great trip.

I woke up at 7:30am as usual. Having breakfast and chat with Yoshi DR650. It was sad to leave this place, but I had to move on! I said good-bye to those hosts of Hospidaje Estrellita and took off around 9am.

It was sunday, so there was less traffic. The best day to get out from the city. But for a while, there were small towns along the highway, so I had to ride slowly.

Then when the road opened up,I could cruise @ 100-110km/h. There were snow capped mountains, lakes and some ruins. Nice. But I was still suffering from bad driving behaviour of Peruvians. Why they did not stop overtalking when they saw me coming on the opposite lane? They simply did not care and continue overtaking slow vehicles using my lane!!

Cusco was at around 3,400m high and Juliaca was at 3,850 high, so there wasn'T much up and down. Around 20km before Juliaca, I saw a cyclist. It was Jose! I pulled over and greeted him.

He got a sick after leaving Cusco and end up staying a small town for 3 days. He was to stay in Juliaca today, so I decided to stay there as well. We would meet @ Plaza de Armas.

Juliaca was very busy and chaotic city. Many things looked unfinished and half demolished. I had late lunch and went to Plazsa de Armas.

It was hard to find a cheap accomodation with a parking. We went to many places but those with a parking were expensive. But in the end, we had to pick up the cheapest one "Gran Hotel San Martin Inn". 80 Soles for a twin room...

Jose will head to Puno tomorrow and I will head to Arequipa. I will see him again in La Paz.


Day 364: 2011年7月23日

Cusco (Estrellita)

今日はクスコでの最後の日。まぁ、いつもの通りCasa del Inkaの友に会いに行きました。が、しかしマサさんとレオンは闇市に行ってるとのコト。しかもCasa del InkaのネットがつながらないのでワシのIT技術を駆使してトラブルシューティング。が、しかしモデムにアクセスするパスワードが間違っているみたいで問題が判らずに何も出来ず・・・。

DSCF7051.jpgマサさんたちはなかなか帰ってこないのでYoshi DR650とメルカドへ昼飯。そしてCafe Dos x 3で珈琲を。ようやく常連になれたのにこの店に来るのも最後ですねぇ。寂しくなります。

それからCasa del Inkaに戻ったら業者が来ていてネット修復。なんと韓国人グループが設定を変えたらしいです。女将のサユリちゃん、怒ってました。ケンちゃんがなんとマチュピチュから戻ってきました。本当はチケットの予約がなかったので入れないところが、まだシステムが変わったばかりだから特別に入れたそうです。しかしアグアス・カリエンテスのチケット売り場では短期旅行者が日程中にマチュピチュに行けないので泣いている人もいたそうです。酷いな、ペルー。


しばらくしたらマサさんとレオンが帰ってきたのでしばらく歓談。寒くなってきたので一旦宿に戻り厚着をして再びCasa del Inkaへ。

今日はクイを食いに行こうということになり「Kusikuy」というレストランに行きましたが、クイ一匹60ソル。他のメニューも高い!! しかもクイが出来るのに1時間も待つとのことなので、近くのイスラエル料理屋で夕飯。

テラスでいつのもように酒盛り。この変わらない毎日に今日でお別れです。マサさんとケンちゃん、マナミちゃんにはラパス辺りで再会できるかな? イトウちゃん、お医者さんを目指してこれからも精進して! レオンよ、また地球の何処かで再会しよう!!

Day 364: 23 JUL 2011

Cusco (Estrellita)

Today is my final day on Cusco. As usual I went to see my firends in Casa del Inka. But Masa and Leon were out to Mercado Negro. And there was a problem @ Casa del Inka. Internet connection was down. Juli asked my to check. I tried to troubleshoot, but somehow I could not access to router/modem (wrong user name or password), so I could not do anything.

Yoshi DR650 and I went to Mercado for lunch and had a cup of coffee @ CafeDos x 3. Now I am treated as a regular @ the cafe, but it will be my last visist there. I will miss this cafe.

Then we went back to Casa del Inka. Internet connection was fixed. The technician found out that Korean guys changed the configuration somehow. Sayuri - the lady owner of the hostel - was very upset with those Koreans...

Ken-chan was back from Machu Picchu. Luckily Manami and he could get tickets to Machu Picchu without booking. But he said at the ticket office in Aguas Calientes, those shortterm travellers could not get their tickets to Machu Picchu, and some of them were crying... We had no clue why Peruvian government suddenly changed the system (without any notice).

Ken-chan was exploring Machu Picchu in his racoon suit. He was so popular among other travellers. But in the end, an officer asked him to take off the suit and tried to delete his photos! Luciky photos were safe, but this episode is showing how narrow minded Peruvians are.

Masa and Leon came back from Mercado Negro. It got colder, so I went back to my hostel to change to warmer clothes, then came back to Casa del Inka again.

We were to have Cuy today. So We went to "Kusikuy" restaurant nearby. But 1 roasted cuy cost 60 Soles and other dish was also expensive. The waiter told us we had to wait for 1 hour for the cuy to be served, so we left there. Instead, we went to Israeli restaurant.

In the evening, we had drinks at the terrace of Casa del Inka till late. This "everyday" life is over today. I will miss Masa, Leon, Manami, Ken-chan and Ito-chan. Buen viaje, mis amigos.


Day 363: 2011年7月22日

Cusco (Estrellita)
37,222km to 37,347km = 125km

DSCF7033.jpg今日はアダムたちがサンタ・テレサ(Santa Teresa)に出発する日。Yoshi DR650とワシは途中のモライ(Moray)遺跡まで見送りに行きました。このモライ遺跡は段々畑が円形になった遺跡。定説では農業試験場だったとか。一番上と下で5度の温度差があるので収穫量を上げることが出来たとか。本当かな?


DSCF7025.jpgDSCF7028.jpgしかし風景は素晴らしい。雪山が目前を圧倒しています。見晴らしのいいところでしばしの休憩。なんでこんな素晴らしい風景の元で生まれ育ったのにペルー人はガツガツしているんだろう? アダムもYoshi DR650もペルー人に対してはワシと同じ感想を持っています。



DSCF7038.jpgDSCF7041.jpgDSCF7039.jpg一番上から、遺跡の中心部まで下がっていきます。階段がなかなか良いアイデアしてるんですよ。やるな、インカ。中心部には石が積んであって、そこにコカの葉とかお供え物がされたらしい。水路が走っているのも見えます。基本構造は段々畑と変わらないので、やはり農業試験場だったのでしょうか。Yoshi DR650は「王様のトイレですよ」と言ってましたが。なるほど、水路で水を運んできて水洗式ね。肥料も貯まるし一石二鳥!!


下から登るのはちょっとシンドイですね。Yoshi DR650はまだ高地順応してないし二日酔いなのできつそう。

上まで登ってしばらく休憩。ここでアダムたちとはお別れです。かれらはサンタ・テレサで1泊し、アグアス・カリエンテスからマチュピチュに行く予定です。Buen Viaje mis amigos!! Nos vemos pronto!!

Yoshi DR650とクスコまで帰り、宿の近くのメルカドで昼飯。そしてYoshi DR650はフロントタイヤを購入し(ピレリMT21)交換。ワシはホコリを拭き拭き。

それからCasa del Inkaに行きマサさんたちと夕飯。Cafe Dos x3にて珈琲を。本当は明日アレキパに向けて出発と思いましたが、せっかくYoshi DR650もいるので、もう1泊決定!! 出発は日曜日です。TKさん、アレキパでお待たせして申し訳ない!!

Day 363: 22 JUL 2011

Cusco (Estrellita)
37,222km to 37,347km = 125km

Today Adam, Mark & Claire left Cusco to Santa Teresa, so Yoshi DR650 and I followed them to the ruins Moray. The ruins of Moray is a unique archeological site. According to archeologists, it was a farming experiment site (there is 5℃ difference between the top and the bottom of the site). It looks very unique and I visited so many site and I am kinda bored with those sites, but this site was fresh and interesting.

After having breakfast, we got ready and left the hostel around 9am. It took a while to get out of Cusco, but once we were out, we enjoyed riding through curves and magestic scenery. However, I was annoyed by Peruvians driving manner....

We stopped at a view point to take a few photos of the snow capped mountains. The scenery of Peru is really beautiful. But I wonder why people grew up seeing these beautiful landscape would have that bad driving manner....

From the town of Maras to the ruins, the road became dirt. But easy one. The admission of the site was 10 Soles. Looking down the site from the top of the basin, it was quite impressive. This site does not look like anything else. I could not find anything like there was people living nearby. When I visit Inca site, Ialways wonder why they built those city up on the mountains. But this site was very different. The basic construction was the same as the terrace farms, but it was constructed in the circular shapes that made the site so unique.

We went down to the centre of the circle. The stone stairs were made so cleverly. In the centre of the circle, those stones were piled and coca leaves and others were placed as offerings. There was a water channel from top to bottom (for irrigation).

We were looking up the top of the site and suddenly something came up to YOshi's brain. He said "This site must be a toilet of the Inka!". Well done Yoshi. That expains better than those archeologists.

Those tourist group formed a circle in the centre and hands-in-hands, they started some rituals....

It was hard to climb up to the top. We had a rest for a while and said good-bye to Adam, Mark & Claire. We would catch up in La Paz or somewhere in Bolivia.

Yoshi DR650 and I went to back to Cusco, then had lunch at Mercado. Yoshi bought a front tyre (Pirreli MT21) and fit it at the hostel. 

In the evening, we went out for dinner with Masa and Leon. As Yoshi is here and I feel sad to leave Cusco, I decided to stay one more day. I am letting TK await for me in Arequipa, so I will leave here on Sunday and will get there on Monday.


Day 362: 2011年7月21日

Cusco (Estrellita)

DSCF7023.jpg今日はマサさんアツミちゃん、サワちゃんとピサックに行くので朝飯後Casa del Inkaへ。ケンちゃんとマナミちゃんは無事朝起きてマチュピチュに向かったとのこと。レオは風邪気味なのでお留守番。

女子大生組は朝が遅いので出発したのは12時前。1時間でピサックの街へ。先ずは昼飯を食べてマーケットをブラブラと。いろんな土産物が売ってます。 女子大生組は結構ペルー人に付きまとわれるので、薬指に指輪をはめて少しでも攻撃をかわそうと指輪を物色。アツミちゃんは指輪を15ソルで購入。


DSCF7022.jpgそれからピサックの遺跡を登りはじめましたが、チケットを持ってないと入れない!! ちょっと前まではチケットいらなかったのに!! ワシの10日間周遊券は期限切れ、マサさんはチケット持ってないし、女子大生組は周遊券を持っているのですが、サワちゃんがチケットを紛失! チケットは1人70ソルもするし(4つの遺跡に入れる1日券。しかし1日で4つどう廻るのか???)、どうしようかと…。



帰りはコレクティーボでクスコまで。Cafe Dos x 3で珈琲とチーズケーキを。ここの珈琲とケーキは最高です。

一旦宿に戻り日記を書いていたらYoshi DR650がようやく到着!! しばらくぶりの再会を祝います。
夜はみんなでコンドリートでアンティクーチョを。 Casa del Inkaのテラスにて酒盛り。明日はアダムたちを見送りがてらモライ(Moray)あたりまでツーリングに行きますかね。

Day 362: 21 JUL 2011

Cusco (Estrellita)


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
Copyright ©  -- M-26-Julio 羊とめぐる冒険 BMW R1200GSで世界一周の旅 --  All Rights Reserved

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