
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 361: 2011年7月20日

Cusco (Estrellita)

アダムは風邪をひいてますし、Yoshi DR650は来ないしなので今日一日クスコに留まるとこに。


それからマサさんを尋ねにCasa del Inkaへ。レオンはぶっ倒れているのでケンちゃんを伴ってメルカドに昼飯。そしてCafe Dos x 3で珈琲を。

それからマナミちゃんを尋ねにEl Pumaへ。ここでマナミちゃんの連れアツミちゃんと出会いました。彼女たちは大阪外語大学でスペイン語を専攻してる才女。なかなか面白い娘達ですね。これからの活躍に期待します。

DSCF7015.jpgDSCF7016.jpg夜は皆でカレーの食べ放題を。ケンちゃん、みんなの注目の的です。そしてCasa del Inkaのテラスで夜遅くまで酒盛り。

さて明日は出発の予定ですが、Yoshi DR650は明日クスコに到着だっていうし、どうしますかね。聖なる谷を日帰りでアダムたちと走って(彼等はマチュピチュに向かいます)クスコに戻ってYoshi DR650と再会しますかね。

Day 361: 20 JUL 2011

Cusco (Estrellita)

We decided to stay one more day in Cusco. Adam was a little bit sick yesterday and he needed to work on his bike and Mark & Claire also needed to work on their bikes.

I cut up my Lonely Planet and devided it into each country (the idea was from Mark & Claire). Now I don't need to bring the heavy book around!

I went to see Masa @ Casa del Inka. Leon was down, so Masa, Ken-chan and I went to have lunch @ Mercado. Then, we had a good cup of coffee @ Cafe Dos x 3.

We went to El Puma to visit Manami. Where we met Atsumi, a manami's friend. They are the students of Osaka International Language College, specialising in Spanish. They are very interesting girls and I am hoping they will bring somethig blighter to our country after this trip.

We went to Indian Curry Buffet for dinner. Ken-chan took all attentions as he was wearing his racoon suit!!

Tomorrow, Adam, Mark & Claire and I am heading to Valle Sagrado (they are continuing to Santa Teresa). I think I will return to Cusco to see Yoshi DR650. Then on Friday, I will head to Arequipa. 


Day 360: 2011年7月19日

Cusco (Estrellita)

DSCF7012.jpgDSCF7013.jpg朝起きたらワシの軍パンのケツの部分がやぶれてます!! ありゃりゃ。もう何回直しに出したことでしょうか。この旅以前からずっと履き続けて来たので捨てるのはつらいです。でももういい加減直すのも・・・。クスコに来てから2回直しに出しているんですよね。


それからCasa del Inkaに行くと、ケンちゃんという日本人パッカーがいました。彼なかなか面白いです。そしてマナミちゃんというとっても明るい娘もいていきなり賑やかになってます。ケンちゃんは違う宿の友達とピサックへ。マナミちゃんは体調が悪しということで、マサさんとレオンとメルカドに昼飯。Cafe Dos x 3でカフェといつものコース。


さてと明日は出発の予定でしたが、アダムの体調も良くないしYoshi DR650はまだ来ないし、なので延泊決定。木曜日には出発します。が、YoshiDR650、木曜日にクスコ到着とのこと。どうしようかなぁ。

Day 360: 19 JUL 2011

Cusco (Estrellita)
This morning I found my pair of trousers got holes on bums.... It has been fixed for many times (I took it twice to the seamstress to fix). So it looked like I had to let it go. 

So I went to look for a new pair of trousers. There were many outdoor stores in Cusco. But those trousers were very expensive and I could not find anything I like. I went to a local clothing shop, but those cargo pants I was looking for weren't really cool and cost 50 Soles at least. I heard there are quite a few  army disposable shops in La Paz, so I decided to fix old pair of trousers.

I went to Casa del Inka. There were new omers. Ken-chan and Manami from Japan. They were very interesting characters and it was fun talking with them. Manami wasn't well and Ken-chan went to Pisac with other friends, so Masa, Leon and I went to Mercado for lunch. Then we went to Cafe Dos x 3 for a good cup of coffee.

At dinner time, we went to Israeli restaurant nearby. Copa Amrica, the match between Urguay and Peru was on the TV. But Urguay got 2 goals and won. Those Peruvians were really upset.

In the evening, we were having tea at the terrace. Ken-chan came up with his pyjama. It was a racoon suit! So cool!! It would be so cool that he walk around Machu Picchu in the racoon suit. He said he was thinking to do that. Those young Japanese, they have got guts.

I was planning to leave Cusco tomorrow. But Adam was a little sick and Yoshi DR650 hasn't turn up. So we desided to stay one more day in Cusco.


Day 359: 2011年7月18日

Cusco (Estrellita)

DSCF7009.jpgDSCF7010.jpg今日はイド氏がついにクスコを出立するので朝からCasa Del Incaに行って見送り。Casa del Incaは急な階段の上にあるので自転車を下ろすのは大変。しかもイド氏の自転車は全装備で60キロ以上ももあるとか。荷物もワシより多いかも。これで山を登ったり降ったりと大変だなぁ。



それから昼飯、Cafe Dos x 3といつものコース。宿に戻ってYoshi DR650を待つもまったく来ず。うーん、奴は何処にいるんだろう??

夜飯はマーク&クレアが作ったタコス。寒いので今日は早めに寝ました。明日までYoshi DR650を待って、来なかったら水曜日に出発です。

Day 359: 18 JUL 2011

Cusco (Estrellita)

Today Jose took off to Puno (it will take many days him to get there). I went to Casa del Inka to see him off. It's sad to see a good friend leaving, but one day we have to move on So am I!). 

His psubike weighs more han 60kgs with all the lagguages! It looked like he had more stuffs than me!! It was hard to go down the steep stirs to the street.  

He will head to Puno, the border, La Paz, I will go to Arequipa, Puno, the border and La Paz, so I could see him again in La Paz for sure. Buen viaje, mi amigo!!


Day 358: 2011年7月17日

Cusco (Estrellita)

DSCF7007.jpg今日は朝Casa del Inkaに行ってネットと歓談。それからアダム、マーク&クレアとNorton Pubでハンバーガーを。テラスから道を行きかう人を見ているのは楽しいですね。インディヘナの女性が子羊を運んでます。最近の流行みたいです。まぁ写真を撮らせてお金をもらうんですがね。

Cafe Dos x 3でコーヒーをと思いましたが今日は日曜日なので閉まってました。ので違うカフェで。ここも悪くないけどちと高し。


それからCasa del Inkaにて歓談。イド氏がいなくなると寂しくなりますね。Yoshi DR650を待っているのですが、なかなか来ませんねぇ。火曜日か水曜日に腰を上げますか。

Day 358: 17 JUL 2011

Cusco (Estrellita)
This morning I visited Cas del Inka, updated my blog and chat with my friends there.

Adam, Mark&Claire and I went to Norton Pub and I had a Humberger. Looking down from the terrance people going through the street was fun. Those Indegena ladies carrying little lambs in their bags. Thos lambs were so cute. But they were not as cute as Mr. Sheep.

We wanted have cuppa @ Cafe Dos x 3, but it was closed (it was Sunday). We found another cafe nearby. It served a good coffee but it wasn't as good as Cafe Dos x 3 and more expensive.

Tomorrow Jose will be leaving Cusco, so he wanted have his lsat supper in Cusco at Anticucheria Condorito. There were only 3 choices on the menu. Anticucho, Rocoto Relleno, and Choncholi. Jose and Masa had Choncholi before and it was aweful. But I wanted to try it, and it wasn't that bad. I gave some to Leon and he said it wasn't hat bad.

We went back to Casa del Inka and talked till late. It is sad to see Jose off tomorrow but one day we have to leave any way. I will wait for Yoshi DR650. If he would not turn up by tuesday, I will leave to Arequipa.   


Day 357: 2011年7月16日

Cusco (Estrellita)

今日は朝飯後アダム、マーク&クレアとしばらく歓談。それからCasa Del Incaの面々とガラクタ市に行ってズボンがないか探しましたが収穫なし。それからいつものメルカドで昼飯。違う飯屋で昨日と同じ「Seco de Cordero」を頼んだら絶品!! うーん、これにははまりそう。

それからいつものCafe Dos x 3でコーヒーを。そろそろ我々も常連かな。マサさんに「いつもの(Como siempre)」とチーズケーキを頼んでもらいたかったのですが、「今日は二日酔いで胃の調子が悪いから、ケーキはいいや」と。残念。

夜はアダム、マーク&クレアとインドカレーの食べ放題を。イギリス人はインドカレー好きですね。食べてたらVirgen del Carmenのお祭りパレードが通りました。それにしてもカトリックは色んな聖人の祭りがあるなぁ。

それからCasa del Incaのテラスにて歓談。何故かジョン・ヴォン・ジョヴィの名前がヴォン・ジョン・ヴォビとなり下らないことでみんなゲラゲラ。こういう一時がPricelessですね。

Day 357: 16 JUL 2011

Cusco (Estrellita)

With Jose, Masa and Leo, I went to a Black Market to find a pair of trausers. But there was nothing... Then we went to the Mercado for lunch as usual. I ordered Seco de Cordero at another restaurant. And it was excellent!!

We had cuppa at Cafe Dos x 3. We reckoned we were already a regular there, so we wanted to Masa to make an order of his favorite cheese cake "Come siempre (as usual)", but he had hang over, so he did not order it.

With Adam, Mark&Claire, I had Indian Curry buffet. British like Indian Curry a lot. While we were eating, Virgen del Carmen procession went through the street. There are lots of holy days for many Saints in Catholic Church.


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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