三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 283 : 2011年5月3日
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
Day 283 : 03 MAY 2011
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
I could not sleep well last night. When I woke up this korning, it was raining. It looked like it was gonna be raining whole day and it has been. Not very much, but it is raining all the time.
After breakfast, updating blog in English and played pool. Recently I gained skills and I won against Kaoru. But with Junko I am not really good....
Went out for lunch at the restaurant we had yesterday. At COP7,000, the volume and quality of meal is, I reckon, a bargain. Then we went to the supermarket to buy stuff dor dinner. It was raining, so we did not have anything better to do.
Back to the hostel, I geared up my stuff on my GS. WIth 2 tyres, it was hard to get it right, but after a few trial, I got it right.
According to the web site http://www.invias.gov.co/ , one part of the road between Popayan to Ipiales is now closed. But this is the main highway to Ecuador border, it should be reopen anytime
We - Chinieboys - cooked dinner together. It would be our last meal together for a while. Then I was deciding where to stay tomorrow. As there are 5 places with landslides between Medellin and Cali, it would take longer time. So I decided to go to Manizales. It is off the main highway, but has plenty of hostels and the distance there is not too far. It's been more than 2 months since I rode the bike for a long distance. So I will take it easy tomorrow.
Chinieboys played pool until late. Tomorrow, all of us will head to different directions.
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
Day 283 : 03 MAY 2011
Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
I could not sleep well last night. When I woke up this korning, it was raining. It looked like it was gonna be raining whole day and it has been. Not very much, but it is raining all the time.
After breakfast, updating blog in English and played pool. Recently I gained skills and I won against Kaoru. But with Junko I am not really good....
Went out for lunch at the restaurant we had yesterday. At COP7,000, the volume and quality of meal is, I reckon, a bargain. Then we went to the supermarket to buy stuff dor dinner. It was raining, so we did not have anything better to do.
Back to the hostel, I geared up my stuff on my GS. WIth 2 tyres, it was hard to get it right, but after a few trial, I got it right.
According to the web site http://www.invias.gov.co/ , one part of the road between Popayan to Ipiales is now closed. But this is the main highway to Ecuador border, it should be reopen anytime
We - Chinieboys - cooked dinner together. It would be our last meal together for a while. Then I was deciding where to stay tomorrow. As there are 5 places with landslides between Medellin and Cali, it would take longer time. So I decided to go to Manizales. It is off the main highway, but has plenty of hostels and the distance there is not too far. It's been more than 2 months since I rode the bike for a long distance. So I will take it easy tomorrow.
Chinieboys played pool until late. Tomorrow, all of us will head to different directions.
Day 282 : 2011年5月2日
Santa Elena to Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
さてと今日はメデジンに帰ります。朝から「キノコ」入りパスタを食べて出発の準備。ダラダラしていたら、な、なんと!!! 大変なニュースが飛び込んできました。オサマ・ビン・ラディンがアメリカ軍に殺害されたとのこと。しかし、遺体は海に破棄したといってます。怪しい・・・。オバマ政権の人気取りか?無邪気に「USA、USA」と騒いでいるアメリカ人の映像がなんかやるせないです。DNA検査の後に敵の遺体争奪計画を阻むために海に破棄したと言ってますが、すっごく怪しい。10年も探した男の遺体を破棄しますかね?しかも生きたまま身柄を確保して9・11の真相を彼から訊きださないのですかねぇ?怪しい・・・



Day 282 : 02 May 2011
Santa Elena to Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
We were about leave the house at noon, but a big news came in! Osama Bin Ladin was killed by the US forces. We watched the news in Rafa's room. But it was suspicious as it was reported his body was dumped into the sea after a DNA testing. The reason was preventing Al Qaida trying to retain his body. But the US was hunting him for 10 years and the truth behind 9/11 is still unknown. Why they did not capture him alive for a trial? The US is concealing something, I reckon.
Rafa took us to Medellin. Chinie came with us but Guanda had to stay behind. It was sad to say good-bye to her. But she was following us for a long distance. She came to the main highway. It was touching. But Rafa said "She does that all the time."...
Chinie is so small and cute. But in a year, she will be big and strong like Guanda.
We checked-in at Hostal Medellin. Claudia told us that there are 22 guests coming this thursday. Noah and Scott are leaving this thrusday as well. So it is about time to leave here. I decided to leave on this wedensday.
Then we went to have lunch at a restaurant nearby. The lunch set cost COP7,000, little expensive but was really good. One of the best meal I had in Colombia. But it did not come with rice or bread but arepas... So I had 4 arepas. It was against the Chinieboys code.
Tomorrow is my last day in Medellin. How should I spend the last day??
Santa Elena to Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
Day 282 : 02 May 2011
Santa Elena to Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
We were about leave the house at noon, but a big news came in! Osama Bin Ladin was killed by the US forces. We watched the news in Rafa's room. But it was suspicious as it was reported his body was dumped into the sea after a DNA testing. The reason was preventing Al Qaida trying to retain his body. But the US was hunting him for 10 years and the truth behind 9/11 is still unknown. Why they did not capture him alive for a trial? The US is concealing something, I reckon.
Rafa took us to Medellin. Chinie came with us but Guanda had to stay behind. It was sad to say good-bye to her. But she was following us for a long distance. She came to the main highway. It was touching. But Rafa said "She does that all the time."...
Chinie is so small and cute. But in a year, she will be big and strong like Guanda.
We checked-in at Hostal Medellin. Claudia told us that there are 22 guests coming this thursday. Noah and Scott are leaving this thrusday as well. So it is about time to leave here. I decided to leave on this wedensday.
Then we went to have lunch at a restaurant nearby. The lunch set cost COP7,000, little expensive but was really good. One of the best meal I had in Colombia. But it did not come with rice or bread but arepas... So I had 4 arepas. It was against the Chinieboys code.
Tomorrow is my last day in Medellin. How should I spend the last day??
Day 281 : 2011年5月1日
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)



ラファ宅に戻り昼飯。ワシは眠くなったので夕方まで昼寝してました。夜はザ・フー(The Who)とジョン・リー・フッカー(John Lee Hooker)のドキュメンタリー映画を。それにしてもThe Whoのドラマーがイッていてすごい。でも何でバンド名が"The Who"なんだろう?
Day 281 : 01 MAY 2011
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
It is alreay May. It's been more than 9 months since I started this trip. Time flies.
We went fising today at an artificial pond. The cost of hiring a proper fishing rod was COP8,000 but all of rods were rent out to other visitors. So we rent a rod - fising line with a hook straped on a solid bamboo stick for COP4,300.
Guanda and Chinie were very happy there. Guanda was chashing those geese around and jumped into water!
According to Rafa, usually we could catch lots of fish, but today we got noting. Maybe the most of fish were caught during Semana Santa holiday.
It started raining and got really heavy, so we retreated without catching any...
Back to the house and had lunch. I got so sleepy and had a nap till 7pm. We watched DVDs again (Rolling Stones Rock Circus and a documentary of John Lee Hooker). In Rock Circus, The Who performed. The performance of the drummer, Keith Moon, was so cool. But why the name of the band is "The Who"?
Tomorrow we are going back to Medellin. We are gonna miss Guanda and Chinie.
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
ラファ宅に戻り昼飯。ワシは眠くなったので夕方まで昼寝してました。夜はザ・フー(The Who)とジョン・リー・フッカー(John Lee Hooker)のドキュメンタリー映画を。それにしてもThe Whoのドラマーがイッていてすごい。でも何でバンド名が"The Who"なんだろう?
Day 281 : 01 MAY 2011
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
It is alreay May. It's been more than 9 months since I started this trip. Time flies.
We went fising today at an artificial pond. The cost of hiring a proper fishing rod was COP8,000 but all of rods were rent out to other visitors. So we rent a rod - fising line with a hook straped on a solid bamboo stick for COP4,300.
Guanda and Chinie were very happy there. Guanda was chashing those geese around and jumped into water!
According to Rafa, usually we could catch lots of fish, but today we got noting. Maybe the most of fish were caught during Semana Santa holiday.
It started raining and got really heavy, so we retreated without catching any...
Back to the house and had lunch. I got so sleepy and had a nap till 7pm. We watched DVDs again (Rolling Stones Rock Circus and a documentary of John Lee Hooker). In Rock Circus, The Who performed. The performance of the drummer, Keith Moon, was so cool. But why the name of the band is "The Who"?
Tomorrow we are going back to Medellin. We are gonna miss Guanda and Chinie.
Day 280 : 2011年4月30日
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)




Day 280 : 30 APR 2011
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
Today we - Chinieboys - went to gather "mushrooms". Rafa took us to the "guide" Ernand's place. But firstly we dropped Olga at the bus station and then went to Centro of Santa Elena for buying some sweets to eat with "mushrooms".
The way was really rough. Steep slopes, gaps, a river crossing, etc etc, it was a short adventure. At Centro, there were lots of high school kids staring at us. I reckoned seeing Asians were very rare for them. One boy asked where I was from, then every kids started to talk to us. They were so friendly and we took photos together. In Cuba, we - Laura and I - were the centre of the attention, but we felt really uncomfortable there. But in Colombia, that's the different story. I don't know why, but Colombians are just so friendly. We boughtsome bananas and a package of chocolate snacks.
Ernand was waiting beside the street. Rafa dropped us off there and went back to the house to prepare lunch. We were to follow Ernand to gather "mushrooms" and walk back to Rafa's. He said it would be 2-3 hours walk back to his house.
We walked across a few farms to Ernand's place. He is an artist and his house was decorated with those strange objects. He grows flowers to sell in the garden. There were lots of beautiful flowers. He changed to his walking outfit - wearing machete (a bowie knife) and carrying a traditional Colombian leather bag.
Those "mushrooms" could be found in the farms as they grew from bullshits. There were so many mushrooms but he knew what to pick. So we just followed him and observed. If he wasn't there, we would pick some really poisonness and got seriously ill.
The field was wet and muddy. It was hard to walk. Luckily I was wearing a pair of riding boots. We had a short stop at his friend's place and had fruits he took directly from the tree. I didn't know what fruit was it, but it tasted good.
Then we had "mushrooms" on the street. rnand said we would feel the "effect" in 30mins or so. We continued walking on the farm land. About 15mins later after we had "mushrooms", Junko started to feel something strange. Then she was in the another world completely. Kaoru and I did not have anything....
We stopped at a shop for a coffee break. Here Kaoru and I had a few more of them. I had a little bit of funny vision and felt happier, but nothing more. Kaoru did not get anything.
Back to Rafa's, he provided us lunch and we had a relaxed time. After lunch Ernand walked back to his place!
We watched DVDs in the evening. A documentary of Bob Marley and a documenary of Jimmi Hendrix. I did not know much about those music legends before. It was good to know about Rastafari movement and reggae music. Jimmi Hendrix's technique was so amazing. No wonder everyone repect him as the best gutarist ever. In the film, young Eric Clapton and Mick Jagger appeared. It was strange to see them so young!
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
Day 280 : 30 APR 2011
Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
Today we - Chinieboys - went to gather "mushrooms". Rafa took us to the "guide" Ernand's place. But firstly we dropped Olga at the bus station and then went to Centro of Santa Elena for buying some sweets to eat with "mushrooms".
The way was really rough. Steep slopes, gaps, a river crossing, etc etc, it was a short adventure. At Centro, there were lots of high school kids staring at us. I reckoned seeing Asians were very rare for them. One boy asked where I was from, then every kids started to talk to us. They were so friendly and we took photos together. In Cuba, we - Laura and I - were the centre of the attention, but we felt really uncomfortable there. But in Colombia, that's the different story. I don't know why, but Colombians are just so friendly. We boughtsome bananas and a package of chocolate snacks.
Ernand was waiting beside the street. Rafa dropped us off there and went back to the house to prepare lunch. We were to follow Ernand to gather "mushrooms" and walk back to Rafa's. He said it would be 2-3 hours walk back to his house.
We walked across a few farms to Ernand's place. He is an artist and his house was decorated with those strange objects. He grows flowers to sell in the garden. There were lots of beautiful flowers. He changed to his walking outfit - wearing machete (a bowie knife) and carrying a traditional Colombian leather bag.
Those "mushrooms" could be found in the farms as they grew from bullshits. There were so many mushrooms but he knew what to pick. So we just followed him and observed. If he wasn't there, we would pick some really poisonness and got seriously ill.
The field was wet and muddy. It was hard to walk. Luckily I was wearing a pair of riding boots. We had a short stop at his friend's place and had fruits he took directly from the tree. I didn't know what fruit was it, but it tasted good.
Then we had "mushrooms" on the street. rnand said we would feel the "effect" in 30mins or so. We continued walking on the farm land. About 15mins later after we had "mushrooms", Junko started to feel something strange. Then she was in the another world completely. Kaoru and I did not have anything....
We stopped at a shop for a coffee break. Here Kaoru and I had a few more of them. I had a little bit of funny vision and felt happier, but nothing more. Kaoru did not get anything.
Back to Rafa's, he provided us lunch and we had a relaxed time. After lunch Ernand walked back to his place!
We watched DVDs in the evening. A documentary of Bob Marley and a documenary of Jimmi Hendrix. I did not know much about those music legends before. It was good to know about Rastafari movement and reggae music. Jimmi Hendrix's technique was so amazing. No wonder everyone repect him as the best gutarist ever. In the film, young Eric Clapton and Mick Jagger appeared. It was strange to see them so young!
Day 279 : 2011年4月29日
Medellin to Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
あ、そうそう、カオルさん、ジュンコさん、そしてワシで何日か前にチニーボーイズが結成されました。スローガンは「アレパ反対」です。なんでチニーボーイズかと言いますと、この間街を歩いていたらおばちゃんが子供に「あ、みなさい、チニーボーイズよ。」と言っていたので、チニーボーイズになりました。足立区出身はワシだけだし、チニー(中国人)でもないし、ジュンコさんは女性なので、全く足立チニーボーイズではないんですけどね。ちなみにスペイン語でチニーボーイズは「Union de Jovenes Chinitos( UJC)」です。キューバのUnion de Jovenes Coministas (UJC)とは関係ありません。3つの役目「修学(Estudio)」はジュンコさん、「修業(Trabajo)」はワシ、「軍事(Fucil)」はカオルさんとなりました。


昼飯後マルクスは出発。ワシ等も散歩に行こうとしたら、大雨・・・。仕方が無いのでドミノをしたり映画を見たり。スナックやホットチョコレートを出してくれます、ラファ。ラファ曰く「ここのコンセプトはバケーションのバケーションなんだよ」ということです。いいな、それ。「インディアナ・ジョーンズ クリスタル・スカル」を観たんですけど、宇宙人をだしちゃ駄目だよ、ルーカスにスピルバーグ。スターウォーズじゃないんだから。
Day 279 : 29 APR 2011
Medellin to Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
Today, we - Kaoru, Junko and I "Chinieboys" - went to Rafa's place in Santa Elena. Rafa was to pick us up around 12 noon, so in the morning we got ready for the short trip. Noah said there was only a small shop near Rafa's place, and it would be a good idea to buy some foods, especially vegetable, so we went to buy some in the supermarket.
Junko tried to withdraw cash from some ATMs but she could not somehow. So she needed to call her bank. When we were back to the hostel, Rafa was already waiting for us. Also Marcus, a German backpacker, were to join us, so Junko was hurry to contact her bank. She Skyped her bank but somehow the operator could not hear her. So she gave up. She will do it when we return in a few days.
Why we are Chinieboys? Well, the other day when we were walking toward Centro, a lady told her son "Look, there are Chinieboys!" She did not say "Chinos" or "Chinitos", but "Chinieboys" - the mixture of Spanish and English. We felt the naming was funny, and that is why we are Chinieboys. None of us is Chinese and Junko is a lady.
In Spanish Chinieboys would be "Union de Jovenes Chinitos (UJC)". This is notihng to do with the Cuban "UJC" (Union de Jovenes Coministas). But we made our roles as: Junko "Estudio", Saburo "Trabajo" and Kaoru "Fucil". Our motto is "La vida es mejor sin arepa!"
Mark and Claire will be leaving here tomorrow (if the weather is not too bad), so there won't be here when we return. We said a good-bye to them and we hope we see again somewhere in Peru. Noah and Scott said there will come to visit us on Saturday.
The way to Santa Elena was smooth. We stopped at a view point. As we climbed up high, we could see whole Medellin city under our feet. A nice view. It took around 1 hour to get to Rafa's place.
His place is in a rural area and really nice country house. His dogs, Guanda and a puppie (later we named her "Chinie") welcomed us. Marcus stayed here for 2 weeks before and this time he just came to pick up his luggage.
We were having a rest in the garden and Rafa made us fruit smoothie and hot sandwitches. Nice. Marcus was getting rid of those weeds from the garden.
Around 3pm, when we were a bit hungry, lunch was surved. Nice. Rafa said the concept of his house is "A vacation of the vacation." That is a good idea, Rafa.
We watched a movie "Indiana Jones, Crystal Skull". Hurison Ford got really old and we were disappinted to see aliens in "Indiana Jones" series. It is not Star Wars, George...
Tomorrow we are going to gather "Mushrooms". Yes, "Mushrooms". It's gonna be fun!
Medellin to Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
あ、そうそう、カオルさん、ジュンコさん、そしてワシで何日か前にチニーボーイズが結成されました。スローガンは「アレパ反対」です。なんでチニーボーイズかと言いますと、この間街を歩いていたらおばちゃんが子供に「あ、みなさい、チニーボーイズよ。」と言っていたので、チニーボーイズになりました。足立区出身はワシだけだし、チニー(中国人)でもないし、ジュンコさんは女性なので、全く足立チニーボーイズではないんですけどね。ちなみにスペイン語でチニーボーイズは「Union de Jovenes Chinitos( UJC)」です。キューバのUnion de Jovenes Coministas (UJC)とは関係ありません。3つの役目「修学(Estudio)」はジュンコさん、「修業(Trabajo)」はワシ、「軍事(Fucil)」はカオルさんとなりました。
昼飯後マルクスは出発。ワシ等も散歩に行こうとしたら、大雨・・・。仕方が無いのでドミノをしたり映画を見たり。スナックやホットチョコレートを出してくれます、ラファ。ラファ曰く「ここのコンセプトはバケーションのバケーションなんだよ」ということです。いいな、それ。「インディアナ・ジョーンズ クリスタル・スカル」を観たんですけど、宇宙人をだしちゃ駄目だよ、ルーカスにスピルバーグ。スターウォーズじゃないんだから。
Day 279 : 29 APR 2011
Medellin to Santa Elena (La Casa de Rafa)
Today, we - Kaoru, Junko and I "Chinieboys" - went to Rafa's place in Santa Elena. Rafa was to pick us up around 12 noon, so in the morning we got ready for the short trip. Noah said there was only a small shop near Rafa's place, and it would be a good idea to buy some foods, especially vegetable, so we went to buy some in the supermarket.
Junko tried to withdraw cash from some ATMs but she could not somehow. So she needed to call her bank. When we were back to the hostel, Rafa was already waiting for us. Also Marcus, a German backpacker, were to join us, so Junko was hurry to contact her bank. She Skyped her bank but somehow the operator could not hear her. So she gave up. She will do it when we return in a few days.
Why we are Chinieboys? Well, the other day when we were walking toward Centro, a lady told her son "Look, there are Chinieboys!" She did not say "Chinos" or "Chinitos", but "Chinieboys" - the mixture of Spanish and English. We felt the naming was funny, and that is why we are Chinieboys. None of us is Chinese and Junko is a lady.
In Spanish Chinieboys would be "Union de Jovenes Chinitos (UJC)". This is notihng to do with the Cuban "UJC" (Union de Jovenes Coministas). But we made our roles as: Junko "Estudio", Saburo "Trabajo" and Kaoru "Fucil". Our motto is "La vida es mejor sin arepa!"
Mark and Claire will be leaving here tomorrow (if the weather is not too bad), so there won't be here when we return. We said a good-bye to them and we hope we see again somewhere in Peru. Noah and Scott said there will come to visit us on Saturday.
The way to Santa Elena was smooth. We stopped at a view point. As we climbed up high, we could see whole Medellin city under our feet. A nice view. It took around 1 hour to get to Rafa's place.
His place is in a rural area and really nice country house. His dogs, Guanda and a puppie (later we named her "Chinie") welcomed us. Marcus stayed here for 2 weeks before and this time he just came to pick up his luggage.
We were having a rest in the garden and Rafa made us fruit smoothie and hot sandwitches. Nice. Marcus was getting rid of those weeds from the garden.
Around 3pm, when we were a bit hungry, lunch was surved. Nice. Rafa said the concept of his house is "A vacation of the vacation." That is a good idea, Rafa.
We watched a movie "Indiana Jones, Crystal Skull". Hurison Ford got really old and we were disappinted to see aliens in "Indiana Jones" series. It is not Star Wars, George...
Tomorrow we are going to gather "Mushrooms". Yes, "Mushrooms". It's gonna be fun!