三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 215: 2011年2月24日
Sincelejo to Medellin
29,527km to 29,991km = 464km
路面はなかなか良好。しばらく走ってると警察の検問に停められました。ブラジルがどうだのこうだの言ってますが、なんのことやら?? しばらくして昨日ダニエルが通ってワシ等が来っるて言ってたと警察官が言ってることがわかりました。流石ダニエル早いな。
Day 215: 24 Feb 2011
Sincelejo to Medellin
29,527km to 29,991km = 464km
We got up at 6am and got ready by 7am. Akira did not make me wait this morning! He could do it he he tried! The weather was cloudy and I hoped it would hold till we got to Medellin. We had 450km or more to ride today, so we had better be early.
The road condition on the route 25 got better. No much pot holes and no more dirt. But we were stopped by police a few times. At the first stop, the policeman was saying "Brazil, Brazil..." I wasn't sure what he was talkng about for a while but I realised that he was talking about Daniel! He passed here yesterday and he told the policman that we would pass here today or later. The policeman did not ask us anything and we took off.
But at the 2nd stop, we were asked to show them documentations and insurance! Luckily we joined the insurance!! At the 3rd stop, documents again. But those policemen were generally friendly and once we showed them documents, they asked me about my trip. Well Colombias are so far really friendly and I have a good impression on this country.
After a toll gate, I took over a few trucks and doing at 100km/h. I saw a headlight of motorcycle other than Akira's. It could not be a local bike's light as usually the locals don'T ride that fast. I turned my head back and saw Daniel!! We stopped at the side of the road and had a cold drink break.
People gathered around us as soon as we parked our bikes. They were so friendly. We ordered fresh fruit drink and celebrate our reunion! A girl at the shop was very cute and she was staring at me! Maybe because I was wearing the Che beret (La boina de Che).
As Daniel was also heading to Medellin for his bike serviced, we decided to go to Hostal Medellin together.
We came to the town of Taraza around noon. We refuelled at a gas staion and again people came to talk to us. Those 3 guys wearing military uniform with assault rifles came to me and asked if they could take a photo of me. I said "Sure". And I asked them take a photo togther. Even policemen were friendly in Colombia. I love this country. Girls are beautiful, foods are nice, and people are friendly! What else can you ask?
We had lunch at a restaurant accross the street from the gas station. I had caldo de pollo (but it has got organs, chicken feet and alos other different parts o chicken!). I liked it.
After riding a while, we were gradually ascending the mountains. The curves were nice and I was enjoying those bends but there were too many trucks to overtak. As there was no overtaking lane, we had to take our chances to overtake them. Very stressful. As we climbed up higher, the temp dropped. It started sprinkling but not really hard. As it got colder, I jipped up my jacket and turned on heated grip. Nice!
Around 3pm, we were less than 100km from Mdellin but it was cold. Daniel suggested to take a break and we stopped at the nearest gas station. And it was a lucky stop. The guy at the station was so nice and gave us a cup of hot coffee for free. He stays in Medellin every weekend, so he gave us lots of info on Medellin. He said to me "Why don't you take this girl with you?" (a joke) and pointed at a girl at the station. She was a beautiful girl. But he said "Oh, you don't have an extra helmet for her...". But I replied "I don't have an extra helmet but I have this hat" and took out my beret and wore it. They loved my reply! Her name is Adreana. I gave her my name card and ask her to send me an e-mail. If I am lucky, I will receive it!
I thought it would be a short ride to Medellin but I was wrong. There was long descend to Medellin. We had to overtake kots of trucks again. Then a local rider on 2 stroke dirt bike (I am not sure what it was), flying down the hill. So I followed him. He thought he could fly away from me, but I was always just behind him. It was a fun riding with a local rider. Once we came down the hill, the road became 3 lanes highway. I gave him a big thumb and he gave me back the same.
I parked at the side of road and waited for Daniel and Akira. When they came, there were 2 more bikes behind them. They are Alex and Olie!! They were also heading to Hostal Medellin, so we rode together to the hostel.
Finding the hostel wsa a bit hard (it shouldn't be hard but my GPS wasn't leading us right). We asked locals a few times and we arrived the hostel around 6pm. It was a big and tiring ride but was fun as well!
The garage of the hostel was large enough to accomodate 5big bikes. It was a quite a view to see those big bikes were in the same room.
The lady owner of Hostal Medellin, Claudia, is really a nice person and very kind. The hostel is very clean and neat. As I am thinking to stay here for a while, I guess I picked the right one.
Tomorrow after a big laundry, I will take a walk around the city.
Day 214: 2011年2月23日
Cartagena de Indias to Sincelejo
29,348km to 29,527km = 179km
ダニエルが今朝調べたらEdificio de Bancolombiaに保険屋があるとのこと。8時から開店なので7時半過ぎにみんなで行きました。が、ないんです。そこで色々聞いて回ります。1つの保険屋に行きましたが、うちは短期保険はやってないと。しかし、親切に短期で加入できる保険屋の場所を教えてくれました。
場所はParque Centinialから見てEdificio de CitiBankの裏手にあります。ビルの3階です。保険屋の名前は「Previsora」。保険を加入するのにペルミソのコピーが必要です。保険屋の向かいのにコピー屋がありますのでそこでコピーできます。値段は3ヶ月で83,000ペソ(約45米ドル)。3ヶ月未満の保険は有りません。高いです。保険に入るか入らないかは自己責任で判断してください。
桟橋からアドゥアナまで月曜日に走りましたが、ほんの数キロだったので久しぶりにバイクに乗ることになります。エンジンをかけて、暖機して、Go! 先ずは洗車屋に行きました。機能アダムとダニーと歩いていたら洗車屋があったのでそこに行きました。
明日はメデジンに到着予定。オスタル・メデジン(Hostal Medellin)は駐車場完備なのでここに宿泊する予定。キューバに来月末飛ぶまでここにお世話になるつもりです。
Day 214: 23 Feb 2011
Cartagena de Indias to Sincelejo
29,348km to 29,527km = 179km
This morning everyone got up early and got ready to look for an insurance agency.
Adam researched last night and found a place, but we were not sure where the building was. The address in South America is a bit confusing for us.
Daniel surfed Internet this morning and found another one. So we went to the one Daniel found. The office will be open at 8am, so we left the hostel just after 7:30am.
The building name was Edificio de Bancolombia, but there was no insurance agency there. We asked where we could find it a few times and finally we got to an insurance ageny.
It is in the 2nd floor of a commercial complex located behind Edificio de CitiBank. The insurance cost COP83,000 (US$45) for 3 months. They cannot issue any insurance shorter than 3 months.
Since only one lady was working there, it took a long time to process 7 of us. It was after 10am when everyone got insurance.
We went back to the hostel and got ready to pick up our bikes. As Daniel brought his bike to the car park near by yesterday, we said good-bye to him.
Muchas gracias por todods, Daniel! Without your help, we could not get insurance so quickly. I will visit you in Brazil for sure. Hasta luego mi amigo!
Adam, Danny, Akira and I took a cab to Aduana. We rode the bike from the pier to Aduana on Monday, but it was for a couple of kms. So we all were so excited about getting back on two wheels!
As we wanted to give our bikes a big wash, we took them to a car wash (Lavanderia). We found it yesterday when we were walking to SUZUKI dealer.
With pressurised water we rinsed off saltsnfrom our bikes. Then we washed with detargent and rinsed with pressurised water. Now our bikes are happy girls!!
It was after 12 noon when we finished washing. As check-out time was 12:30pm, we quickly got back to the hostel to check-out. Adam and Danny were staying for one more day, so I put my stuff in Danny's room and we went to have lunch at our favorite restaurant.
After lunch, I put my gears on my bike and said good-bye to Adam and Danny, then I took off! I will see you guys again for sure, amigos!
I thought Akira would be going on his own, but he was following me again. Well, he needs my asistance still. 10 or 15mins after we took off, Akira said "I got a flat tyre!". So we stopped at a gas staion. I needed to get to Sincelejo early today and wanted to be online....
There were two big holes on the rear tyre. It looked like he cannot use plugs to fix it. While we were assessing damage, people gathered around us. Two of guys came to us and said "If you take of the wheel, we can take you to the repair shop!". So Akira did it (Actually one of the uy took the wheel off the bike). He hopped on a cab and I waited at the gas station. I was talking to those guys about the trip and things. It was fun to speak with locals. But why do I need to wait for him all the time? I want to be solo ASAP. I don't like nannying other guy.
He came back around 40mins later. They put back the wheel on to the bike and he put the gears back on the bike. He paid COP20,000 each for two guys. But he did not say "Thank you" to me... I was waiting and watching his bike. Well it was as usual. He has never thanked me for helping him out all the way... It took 1 hour and half before we could take off again.
We tok the route 25 and the road condition was pretty bad. There were
may pot holes and some parts of the road were dirt. The vivelation was probably too much and my top box came off the bike! It rushed on the road and the top metal part was seriously scruched!!
But I could put it back on bike without problem. Other than scruch, there seemed to be no damage.
We arrived Sincelejo around 6pm. The hostel we stayed was located next to Mobil Gas Station. THe twin bed room cost COP35,000. It was clean and neat, so it wasn't a bad deal. We had a local meal for dinner. I am enjoying Colombian foods so far.
WHen I checked the top bix again, the right side of the box got some gap. So it seems to be no waterproof now. I should fix this in Medellin.
Cartagena, Colombia
ダニーの部品探しとアダムのタイヤ探しに付き合いSUZUKIのディーラーやバイク屋街を歩いて回りました。SUZUKIディーラには警察に使われているDR650、350やXF650 Freewindが沢山ありました。
Day 213: 22 Feb 2011
Cartagena, Colombia
This morning we called the custom agent and he said the Aduana office had o electricity...
Danny and Adam went to search for parts and tyres for their DR650s, so I followed them. We walked beside the fortless and came to SUZUKI dealer. There were many DR650s, 350s and Freewind used for Police in the store. They had sprockets and chain for DR650 but no tyres to match.
We walked further down the street and there were many motorcycle shops and accessary stores. But we could not find a rear knobby tyre to fit perfectly on DR650. The lady at the store said Knobby tyre size: 130/70 17 is not available in Colombia. But it could be a sales talk.
We came back to the hostel around 11:30am and we gave a call to the custom agent, but nothing had been progressed there. Still no electricity. So I took a shower and we went for lunch. And I saw a SUZUKI Djebel 250 with panniers and gears on in front of Hostel Media Luna. This must be a Japanese rider's I reckoned. And I waited there for a while. And I was right! He is Mr Irie. ROde across Russia and Europe. He is coming up from Usuaia and now heading ot Alaska.
After lunch, we exchanged our information and talked about our trips. And other motorcyclists came to inform us that the system was back now at Aduana and we should get there.
We quickly got ready and took a cab to Aduana.
But the system was no up actually. They decided to do it manually now. As we waited, a sexy lady officer came out to inspect our bikes!! A guy was calling carrying a parasol for her! What a scene! It looked like as if she was a race queen or something... Every riders eyes were caught by her apearance...
After she checked our bikes VIN number, Model, and Number plate, she went back to the office to issue Permiso. We waited again. For long, and finally we got our Permisos! The time was after 6pm. As it is not good idea to ride our bikes without insurance in Colombia, we deceided to leave our bikes there. We will buy insurance tomorrow morning and come back to Aduana to pick up bikes, then we will have a big wash!
Hopefully I can leave Cartagena tomorrow before lunch time and put some mile on.
Cartagena, Colombia
29,346km to 29,348km = 2km
Day 212: 21 Feb 2011
Cartagena, Colombia
29,346km to 29,348km = 2km
In the morning, after having breakfast, we all went to find a good Colombia map. But it was really find one. We went to a bookshop, but there wasn't. The lady told us to go to The Society of Geography and we went. But they had a huge map of Colombia, which we could not bring on our motorcycles. Finally we found a calendar with maps of Colombia. Each of us bought one for COP12,000.
We came back to the hostel around 11am and gave Ludwing a call to find out what time we should be at the pier. On Saturday he said it would be around 2pm, but to make sure he said to give him a call at 9am on Monday, but we did not call him till 11am!
He was a bit upset as we did not call earlier. He told us to get to the pier immediately as unloading was going on already. We took a cab and got there around 11:30am.
They were unloading Loren's bike. Loren and Murray called Ludwing at 9am and they got there first. What upset Ludwig most was Custom told him they would process only 8 bikes a day, and another ship "Wild Card" had already unloaded 7 bikes before us. So only Loren and Murray would have a chance to clear Custom today.
Anyway, after we uloaded Murray's bike, we shipped some of the gears on shore and then unloaded John's bike. Next one was my turn. Using the winch, my GS was lifted up to air, and then lowered down to the dingy. Peter sat on the bike to secure, and Ludwig, Eric and I accampanied to the boat lamp.
Once we got to the shore, we secured the dingy and lift up the front of the bike to bring out from the dingy. Then we lifted up the rear and now my GS was on Colombia!
There was no any major damage on my GS. Just some rust on brake disks and calipers and a few scratches.
She started up with one push and everything was in working order. Nice!
As I was busy myself unloading my GS, so there is no photo of my GS taking out of the dingy. So I put photos of Adam's bike unloaded.
After we unloaded all bikes, our gears were shipped to the shore. We geared up and rode to Aduana (Custom). When we got there, there were lots of bike waiting. Loren and Murray were still waiting and those guys from WIld Card were still waiting as well.
They said the system ws dowon, so none could be processed.
We waited long. The custom agent was useless. FInally we got a permit to leave our bikes at the parking lot overnight. We took a cab back to the hostel.
Tomorrow we are gonna call the agent in the morning to find out if the system is up. And then we get there is the morning to make sure we can clear Custom tomorrow.
Cartagena, Colombia
Day 211: 20 Feb 2011
Cartagena, Colombia
Today was the relax day. As custom was closed for Sunday, we got nothing to do.
I walked around the hostel to find breakfast. The city wall was just one block away frrom the hostel and I could see the fortless across the shore. It was a nice view.
Till lunch time, I updated my blog and Adam, Danny and I went to the old town to find a good lunch place. The restaurant we ate was great. For COP6,000 (about US$3.30), we had a bowl of soup, plate of stewed beef served with rice and flejores, and salad. It came with a cold drink too. What a value. And they tasted good! I'm gonna love Colombia!
After lunch we walked around the old twon a bit and went to a supermarket to buy a few things. Back to the hostel, Adam gave me GPS maps for Colombia, Peru and Brazil. Now I can ride around Colombia without getting lost! Thanks Adam!!
For dinner, we looked for street foods as we weren't that hungry. But we could not find any stoles selling foods, just drinks. While walking around, Danny found the house where Simon Bolivar lived.
Finally we found a stole selling tamales. The tamales were great. And it cost COP3,000 only.
Tomorrow, we will unload the bikes from the ship and go to Aduana to clear Custom. I hope it will be an easy process...