三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 782: 2012年9月16日
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
昨晩からフランクフルト行きの電車やバスを検索してましたが、朝になってイナが素晴らしいサイトを見つけてくれました! Deinbus.deです(ドイツ語しかないのですが)。なんとミュンヘンからフランクフルトまでたたの9ユーロ!! 所要時間は6時間と電車に比べえ遅いですが、9ユーロなら文句は無いでしょう!
I was researching how I could get to Frankfurt economically. The in the morning, Ina found a web site of a bus company. Deinbus.de. It's in German only though. The price to Frankfurt from Munich is surprising 9 Euros!! It would take 6hours to get there (slower than a train), but just for 9 Euros, how could I complain!
I made a booing for a bus leaving in the morning of 18th tuesday.
I secured my ticket to Frankfurt.
Now, I need to find a tranportation to Vienna and need to make a booking for a fliht from Vienna to Istanbul.
But I had an appointment with Ogawa in the city at 12 noon, so I stopped myresearch and went to the city.
We were hungry (yes it was lunch time), we had lunch at a kebab shop. Salted Yogort frink "tAyran" went very well with the kebab.

We visited "Alte Pinakothek". I visited there last time in May. But on sunday, the entrance was just 1 Euro. Ogawa actually went there yesterday. But he said he wasnted to see those paintings again.
We started our tour from the ground floor. There was no any painting touched my heart, unfortunately... Oh, I was wondering from before that why infant Jesus is always dipicted with blond hair, but Jesus in his youth is always dipicted with brown hair. Does anyone know why?
オガワ君のお気に入りは、ブリューゲル作「怠け者天国(Land of Cockaigne)」です。卵に脚が生えていたり、豚が切り刻まれていて、ナイフが刺さっていたり、右上の方に枝に掴まっている人物が描かれているんですが、かなりユーモアも見れる作品なんです。16世紀の作としてはかなりハッチャけてる、と思いませんか??
Ogawa like this piece from Pieter Bruegel de Oude"Land of Cockaigne" painted in 16thcentury. In this painting, we can find some interesting charactes, such as a egg with legs, a pig cut up and with a knofe stubbed, a man holding a branch blown away etc. Ogawa likes Bruegel's sense of humour.

At upstair, I still could not find something spearing into my heart. I thought there were at least a few paintings I liked last time I visited here (the episode of the last visit is here).
Ogawa and I came to a conclusio after seeing te most of the collection in ALte Pinakothek tat "Rubens sucks". Nello of "A dog of Flanders" dreamed to see "The Elevation of the Cross" by Rubens in Cathedral of Antwerp and he could see it just before he died. But Ogawa and I reckoned that Nello was better off ot to see the paiting. I am sorry to those who like Rubens works, but I could not get anything from his pantings...
Then we reckoned this piece was thebest in Alte Pinakothek.

It s a16th century work. We lost the name of the artist and the painting, but it has something shining.
そうそう、アルテには宗教画が多く収蔵されているんですけれど、赤ん坊イエスがことごとくヒドイんです。なんで赤ん坊を上手く描けなかったのか。これはレオナルド・ダヴィンチ作「聖母と子(Virgin and Child)」ですが、みんなこんな感じに描かれているんです。そこに「母性愛」も「普遍愛」も全然感じられない・・・。
We found one thing here. There were many "Virgin and Child" paiting there but every single infant Jesus was painted ugly... Below is one of them by Leonard Da Vinci. You see, Jesus is not pretty at all in this picture. I could not see any "Matanity love" or "Love" in these paintings at all...

一体いつから人類は赤ん坊を上手く描けるようになったのか、それを検証に一旦休憩を挟んで新美術館「ノイエ・ピナコテーク(Neue Pinakothek)」へ。こちらも入館料1ユーロ。
We wondered from when we human would be able to draw an infant with a proper propotion. So after a short break, we went to "Neue Pinakothek". The entrance was 1 Euro as well.
We looked through the paintings in chronogical order; however, we could not find anything impressed us..
で、ようやくこの作品が! 聖痕が両手と額に出てしまった少女を描いているのでしょうが、これは見てて怖かったです。
Then, finally, we found this painting!! We reckoned this picture was about agirl with stigmata. She looks like terrified with Stigmata and we both felt "fear" from this picture. The impression we got from this painting was much more than other master pieces exhibited in 2 art gallaries.

Then we got an answer for our question. Around 1870, an infant was painted in proper proportion. FInally! But I forgot to take a photo.
There were some collection of Impressionists such as Monet, Renoir, Gauguin etc, but we were not impressed by them at all.
There were a few pieces by Van Gogh.

"Sunflower" is a very famous piece. I guess it was an epoc-making art at his time, but I could not feel much from this.

Then, "Musik" by my favorite artist Gustav Klimt. But those in Vienna were much more dynamic and full of passion and love, I felt...

"Portrait of Margaret Stonborough-Wittgenstein" by Klimt. Again, those portraits in Vienna were much more lively and impressive.

So our conclusion of today, "Bavarian Kings liked to collect arts but they did not really have great tastes."
今日は美大のオガワ君と美術品を鑑賞できて本当に楽しかったです!! ありがとうオガワ君!!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
昨晩からフランクフルト行きの電車やバスを検索してましたが、朝になってイナが素晴らしいサイトを見つけてくれました! Deinbus.deです(ドイツ語しかないのですが)。なんとミュンヘンからフランクフルトまでたたの9ユーロ!! 所要時間は6時間と電車に比べえ遅いですが、9ユーロなら文句は無いでしょう!
I was researching how I could get to Frankfurt economically. The in the morning, Ina found a web site of a bus company. Deinbus.de. It's in German only though. The price to Frankfurt from Munich is surprising 9 Euros!! It would take 6hours to get there (slower than a train), but just for 9 Euros, how could I complain!
I made a booing for a bus leaving in the morning of 18th tuesday.
I secured my ticket to Frankfurt.
Now, I need to find a tranportation to Vienna and need to make a booking for a fliht from Vienna to Istanbul.
But I had an appointment with Ogawa in the city at 12 noon, so I stopped myresearch and went to the city.
We were hungry (yes it was lunch time), we had lunch at a kebab shop. Salted Yogort frink "tAyran" went very well with the kebab.
We visited "Alte Pinakothek". I visited there last time in May. But on sunday, the entrance was just 1 Euro. Ogawa actually went there yesterday. But he said he wasnted to see those paintings again.
We started our tour from the ground floor. There was no any painting touched my heart, unfortunately... Oh, I was wondering from before that why infant Jesus is always dipicted with blond hair, but Jesus in his youth is always dipicted with brown hair. Does anyone know why?
オガワ君のお気に入りは、ブリューゲル作「怠け者天国(Land of Cockaigne)」です。卵に脚が生えていたり、豚が切り刻まれていて、ナイフが刺さっていたり、右上の方に枝に掴まっている人物が描かれているんですが、かなりユーモアも見れる作品なんです。16世紀の作としてはかなりハッチャけてる、と思いませんか??
Ogawa like this piece from Pieter Bruegel de Oude"Land of Cockaigne" painted in 16thcentury. In this painting, we can find some interesting charactes, such as a egg with legs, a pig cut up and with a knofe stubbed, a man holding a branch blown away etc. Ogawa likes Bruegel's sense of humour.
At upstair, I still could not find something spearing into my heart. I thought there were at least a few paintings I liked last time I visited here (the episode of the last visit is here).
Ogawa and I came to a conclusio after seeing te most of the collection in ALte Pinakothek tat "Rubens sucks". Nello of "A dog of Flanders" dreamed to see "The Elevation of the Cross" by Rubens in Cathedral of Antwerp and he could see it just before he died. But Ogawa and I reckoned that Nello was better off ot to see the paiting. I am sorry to those who like Rubens works, but I could not get anything from his pantings...
Then we reckoned this piece was thebest in Alte Pinakothek.
It s a16th century work. We lost the name of the artist and the painting, but it has something shining.
そうそう、アルテには宗教画が多く収蔵されているんですけれど、赤ん坊イエスがことごとくヒドイんです。なんで赤ん坊を上手く描けなかったのか。これはレオナルド・ダヴィンチ作「聖母と子(Virgin and Child)」ですが、みんなこんな感じに描かれているんです。そこに「母性愛」も「普遍愛」も全然感じられない・・・。
We found one thing here. There were many "Virgin and Child" paiting there but every single infant Jesus was painted ugly... Below is one of them by Leonard Da Vinci. You see, Jesus is not pretty at all in this picture. I could not see any "Matanity love" or "Love" in these paintings at all...
一体いつから人類は赤ん坊を上手く描けるようになったのか、それを検証に一旦休憩を挟んで新美術館「ノイエ・ピナコテーク(Neue Pinakothek)」へ。こちらも入館料1ユーロ。
We wondered from when we human would be able to draw an infant with a proper propotion. So after a short break, we went to "Neue Pinakothek". The entrance was 1 Euro as well.
We looked through the paintings in chronogical order; however, we could not find anything impressed us..
で、ようやくこの作品が! 聖痕が両手と額に出てしまった少女を描いているのでしょうが、これは見てて怖かったです。
Then, finally, we found this painting!! We reckoned this picture was about agirl with stigmata. She looks like terrified with Stigmata and we both felt "fear" from this picture. The impression we got from this painting was much more than other master pieces exhibited in 2 art gallaries.
Then we got an answer for our question. Around 1870, an infant was painted in proper proportion. FInally! But I forgot to take a photo.
There were some collection of Impressionists such as Monet, Renoir, Gauguin etc, but we were not impressed by them at all.
There were a few pieces by Van Gogh.
"Sunflower" is a very famous piece. I guess it was an epoc-making art at his time, but I could not feel much from this.
Then, "Musik" by my favorite artist Gustav Klimt. But those in Vienna were much more dynamic and full of passion and love, I felt...
"Portrait of Margaret Stonborough-Wittgenstein" by Klimt. Again, those portraits in Vienna were much more lively and impressive.
So our conclusion of today, "Bavarian Kings liked to collect arts but they did not really have great tastes."
今日は美大のオガワ君と美術品を鑑賞できて本当に楽しかったです!! ありがとうオガワ君!!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 781: 2012年9月15日
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
83,329km to 83,417km = 88km
Unlike yesterday, it was cloudy this morning. I caught a train to Augsburg. This time I hopped on a low train, so it cost 12.20 Euros only.
The other day, I caught a cab from the dealer to Augsburg main station and it cost me 12 Euros. So this time I caught a bus and a tram to get to the dealer. It just cost me 2.50 Euros.
Augsburg was established by Augustus Caesar of Roman Empire and one of the wealthiest families of the medieval age, Fugger's was from this city.

ディーラーに行くと、エスペランサが待っていました!! 右のフォグライトも復活です(中古部品)。
Esperanza was waiting for me at the dealer! A right fog light (2nd hand part) was added back on her!

Uli themechanic told me that as the bearing was broken badly, he had to replace the entire final drive unit.

Then how much was the bill?? It was...
1,700 Euros!!!!!
I was shocked with the bill....
まぁ、タイヤも前後新品に換えましたし、ファイナル・ドライブ・ユニットが1,077ユーロもするんです!! パーツ代は10%オフにしてくれてるんですけどね(なのでユニットは969ユーロ)。
Well, I got a pair of new tyres and the final drive unit cost 1,077 Euros... They gave me 10% discount for all parts (so the unit costs 969Euros), but it was a very very huge expense!!
But it is the necessary expense for my trip. As long as Esperanza is fine and well, I am happy!!
I said a good-bye to Uli and other staffs and back to Munich straigh. Actually I wanted to visit Fugger'S place, but it looked like going to rain. So I left there as quicly as possible.
But I was caught in a heavy rain on the way. Well, it was raining just for a short time only, so I did not get wet too much.
Back home, I cleaned Esperanza and preparing for her to hiberate for this winter. Now my plan has been changed. I need to go to Frankfurt next week and I was deciding whether I go with Esperanza or catching a public transport. Then I made up my mind to take a public transport.
So Esperanza is hibernating here until next spring! I wiped her thoroughly.

I put a cover on her and now she is hibernating!!

As I spent quite long time cleaning her, it was already 5pm. I had an appointment with Markus at BMW Museum at 6pm, I caught trains there. How we met last spring, please find out from here and here.
When I arrived at the museum, he just came out.

It's been a long time!
Today, there was a farewell party for his colleagues and I could join them!
I had Bavarian style roast pork (with black beer sauce!) with Knödel. It was fantastic!

His colleagues were very friendly and I could spend a good evening! Thanks all!
I was thinking to go to a shopping (I need to buy a backpack as I will be a buckpacker during this winter), and I would go to Frankfurt on Monday. But it's sunday tomorrow and all shops are closed... So I will visit some museums or art gallaries.
今回の修理はビックリお高い万円!! 痛い出費です。でも、これが旅ですからね。このような時の為にお金を貯めたんです。あっさりと支払いましょう!!
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
83,329km to 83,417km = 88km
Unlike yesterday, it was cloudy this morning. I caught a train to Augsburg. This time I hopped on a low train, so it cost 12.20 Euros only.
The other day, I caught a cab from the dealer to Augsburg main station and it cost me 12 Euros. So this time I caught a bus and a tram to get to the dealer. It just cost me 2.50 Euros.
Augsburg was established by Augustus Caesar of Roman Empire and one of the wealthiest families of the medieval age, Fugger's was from this city.
ディーラーに行くと、エスペランサが待っていました!! 右のフォグライトも復活です(中古部品)。
Esperanza was waiting for me at the dealer! A right fog light (2nd hand part) was added back on her!
Uli themechanic told me that as the bearing was broken badly, he had to replace the entire final drive unit.
Then how much was the bill?? It was...
1,700 Euros!!!!!
I was shocked with the bill....
まぁ、タイヤも前後新品に換えましたし、ファイナル・ドライブ・ユニットが1,077ユーロもするんです!! パーツ代は10%オフにしてくれてるんですけどね(なのでユニットは969ユーロ)。
Well, I got a pair of new tyres and the final drive unit cost 1,077 Euros... They gave me 10% discount for all parts (so the unit costs 969Euros), but it was a very very huge expense!!
But it is the necessary expense for my trip. As long as Esperanza is fine and well, I am happy!!
I said a good-bye to Uli and other staffs and back to Munich straigh. Actually I wanted to visit Fugger'S place, but it looked like going to rain. So I left there as quicly as possible.
But I was caught in a heavy rain on the way. Well, it was raining just for a short time only, so I did not get wet too much.
Back home, I cleaned Esperanza and preparing for her to hiberate for this winter. Now my plan has been changed. I need to go to Frankfurt next week and I was deciding whether I go with Esperanza or catching a public transport. Then I made up my mind to take a public transport.
So Esperanza is hibernating here until next spring! I wiped her thoroughly.
I put a cover on her and now she is hibernating!!
As I spent quite long time cleaning her, it was already 5pm. I had an appointment with Markus at BMW Museum at 6pm, I caught trains there. How we met last spring, please find out from here and here.
When I arrived at the museum, he just came out.
It's been a long time!
Today, there was a farewell party for his colleagues and I could join them!
I had Bavarian style roast pork (with black beer sauce!) with Knödel. It was fantastic!
His colleagues were very friendly and I could spend a good evening! Thanks all!
I was thinking to go to a shopping (I need to buy a backpack as I will be a buckpacker during this winter), and I would go to Frankfurt on Monday. But it's sunday tomorrow and all shops are closed... So I will visit some museums or art gallaries.
今回の修理はビックリお高い万円!! 痛い出費です。でも、これが旅ですからね。このような時の為にお金を貯めたんです。あっさりと支払いましょう!!
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 780: 2012年9月14日
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
I made some phone calls to embassy of Netherlands, Spain and Poland in Tokyo tihs mornig. What they told me was "90 days after I exit from Austria, the days permitted to stay in Schengen countires will be back to 90days. So now I can make a plan. I would k\leave Esperanza in Munich and I get to Vienna by a public transport, and then from Vienna I will fly out to a non-Schengen country.
I had an appointment with Nakajima at 12 noon in the city, so I spent the morning researching for an airticket, extention of carnet du passage etc.
I went to the meeting point at 12 noon, Nakajima brought her friend Ogawa. So we three walked around the city together.
It was lunch time, so we found a Chinese, Thai, and Indian restaurant. I had Lamb Palak, Nakajima had stir fried noodle and Ogawa had Chicken vindaloo. It was cheap (5.50 to 6 Euros) and pretty good!

After lunch we walked to Karlplatz and visited Frauenkirche.

Then we looked around Viktualienmarkt.

Also walked around Residenz. They were places I visited 4 months ago. It was good to visit there again.

Hitler made a great speech here during Munich Putsch.

After that, we went to Egyptian museum. Akhenaten is still looking soooo coooool!!

Ogawa is acually studying art in the university. Amarna art style caught his eyes and he said "it's pitty that just for Akhenaten's era only this style was florished."

Ogawa also liked "Gamba and Noroi".

Then my favorite statue of "an old fart". A staff told us that the reason why his head is quite large in proportion is that the head and bod were made in different time period. The head was made in Roman time and the body was made inEgyptian time. So the statu is 2 in 1 style. But I wonder why whoever put the head on the body chose to make in this proportion... Anyway, as this is dis-proportioned, it looks outstanding!

I explained to Nakajima and Ogawa about Egyptian mythoogy, and histories. It was really fun to look around the museum with friends. It was very different experience from visiting a museum alone.
It was a beautiful day, so we went to English garden as well.
先ずはミュンヘン名物、「街中で激流水路サーフィン」でしょう! これには2人はビックリ。結構長い時間をかけて見物してました。
I lead them to the famous "Surfing in the midle of the city"!! They were both surprised to see people surfing there. We spent a long time there to watch them surfing. How many times I've seen, they were really impressive.

The Japanese tea house was still there. Maple leaves turned into read and very beautiful.

We found Uyghur restaurant "Taklamakan".

ワシはラグマンを。ナカジマはマーボー豆腐、オガワ君は辛いきし麺みたいなのを注文。これが美味い!! ラグマンは本格手打ち麺でこしも味もヨシ。
I had Lagman, Nakajima had Mabotofu, and Ogawa had spicy noodle. They were all god! I liked Lagman especially.

We talked for a while. I could spend realy fun day.
I called up BMW dealer i Augsburg and they told me Esperanza is ready. So I will pick her up tomorrow.
今日は今後の予定が立てられるようになりましたし、エスペランサも仕上がった、とのことですし、ワイワイと仲間と楽しめたので、気分も上!! さて詳しい日程をたてるとしますか。
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
I made some phone calls to embassy of Netherlands, Spain and Poland in Tokyo tihs mornig. What they told me was "90 days after I exit from Austria, the days permitted to stay in Schengen countires will be back to 90days. So now I can make a plan. I would k\leave Esperanza in Munich and I get to Vienna by a public transport, and then from Vienna I will fly out to a non-Schengen country.
I had an appointment with Nakajima at 12 noon in the city, so I spent the morning researching for an airticket, extention of carnet du passage etc.
I went to the meeting point at 12 noon, Nakajima brought her friend Ogawa. So we three walked around the city together.
It was lunch time, so we found a Chinese, Thai, and Indian restaurant. I had Lamb Palak, Nakajima had stir fried noodle and Ogawa had Chicken vindaloo. It was cheap (5.50 to 6 Euros) and pretty good!
After lunch we walked to Karlplatz and visited Frauenkirche.
Then we looked around Viktualienmarkt.
Also walked around Residenz. They were places I visited 4 months ago. It was good to visit there again.
Hitler made a great speech here during Munich Putsch.
After that, we went to Egyptian museum. Akhenaten is still looking soooo coooool!!
Ogawa is acually studying art in the university. Amarna art style caught his eyes and he said "it's pitty that just for Akhenaten's era only this style was florished."
Ogawa also liked "Gamba and Noroi".
Then my favorite statue of "an old fart". A staff told us that the reason why his head is quite large in proportion is that the head and bod were made in different time period. The head was made in Roman time and the body was made inEgyptian time. So the statu is 2 in 1 style. But I wonder why whoever put the head on the body chose to make in this proportion... Anyway, as this is dis-proportioned, it looks outstanding!
I explained to Nakajima and Ogawa about Egyptian mythoogy, and histories. It was really fun to look around the museum with friends. It was very different experience from visiting a museum alone.
It was a beautiful day, so we went to English garden as well.
先ずはミュンヘン名物、「街中で激流水路サーフィン」でしょう! これには2人はビックリ。結構長い時間をかけて見物してました。
I lead them to the famous "Surfing in the midle of the city"!! They were both surprised to see people surfing there. We spent a long time there to watch them surfing. How many times I've seen, they were really impressive.
The Japanese tea house was still there. Maple leaves turned into read and very beautiful.
We found Uyghur restaurant "Taklamakan".
ワシはラグマンを。ナカジマはマーボー豆腐、オガワ君は辛いきし麺みたいなのを注文。これが美味い!! ラグマンは本格手打ち麺でこしも味もヨシ。
I had Lagman, Nakajima had Mabotofu, and Ogawa had spicy noodle. They were all god! I liked Lagman especially.
We talked for a while. I could spend realy fun day.
I called up BMW dealer i Augsburg and they told me Esperanza is ready. So I will pick her up tomorrow.
今日は今後の予定が立てられるようになりましたし、エスペランサも仕上がった、とのことですし、ワイワイと仲間と楽しめたので、気分も上!! さて詳しい日程をたてるとしますか。
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 779: 2012年9月13日
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
83,247km to 83,329km = 82km
I got upearly today to call Austrian Embassy in Tokyo. According to their web page, a tourist with Japanese passport can tay in Austria upto 180days without visa. But I wonder when the days permitted to stay in Austria and other Schengen contries will be reset once the person exit out of Austria.
I spoke to a staff in Japanese, but I did not get any usuful / certain information. She told me to speak with "Fremden Polizei (Immigration Police)" in Austria to find out the details...
My initial idea was leaving Esperanza in Bulgaria with my friend there and I would fly back to Japan to get Russian visa, then would go around Southeast Asia and India as a backpacker or with a cheap local motorcycle.
However, recently I wasinformed that at the entrance of Bulgaria, Custom will stamp on my passport about the importation of the motorcycle, which will make it hard to leave the country without the motorcycle. I have no any contact else where in Estern Europe so far.
I could leave Esperanza in Germany, but once I exit out of Schengen area, I might have a problem to come back in unless the days permitted to stay in Schengen are reset.
So, I did not get any clear answer for this issue. Tomorrow I will make calls to other embassys.
As I made a reservation for 80,000km service at BMW dealer in Augsburg at 9am, I left home around 8am. It was a cloudy and cold day.
Augsburg is just 80km away fro Munich, so I thought it would take 1 hour or so, but I was caught in a morning rush hour traffic. Well, I should have expected that.
I got to the dealer just before 9:30am. Staffs at the dealer remembered me! With the mechanic Ul, I checked Esperanza if there was anything wrong.
I told Uli about the oil / grease leak around the final drive. He checked the play of the rear wheel and told me "The rear wheel bearing is broken." That's a bad news... But I expected to hear that as the mechanic at the BMW dealer in Bonn told me to check the bearing at the next service.
According to Uli, it is ormal to have bearing broken around 80,000km.
So Esperanza will not be ready today. She will be ready as early as tomorrow evening or as late as monday evening. So she is now hospitalised!!
I did not check how far the main station of Augsburg from the dealer. And the staff told me "it is 7 to 8km, so you'd better geton a cab." It cost me 12 Euros to get to the station. Ouch!!
I was thinking to look around the town of Augsburg (quite historic town it is), but as I was wearing the heavy riding jacket, I decided to go home straight. It would be too hot in Augsburg to walk around wearing the jacket. I hopped on the fast train (I bought a tocket for slow train), so I was charged extra 9 Euros on the train... It's the day I had to spend...

Back home, with Ina, I was planning for the next move. If I store Esperanza in Munich, and fly out from Vienna to non-Schengen country, where would be the best? It looks like Istanbul would be the best choice. The flight is frequent and cheap. And it would be easy to go to Egypt and/or go to Japan from there.
While researching on the web, I found out that Akira who I met in Vienna was in Munich as well, so I went to the town to see him. We made an appointment at "Rathaus" in Marienplatz. It's been a while to be the centre of Munich. It was pretty cold outside.

Akira lost his cap the other day, so he wanted to buy a new one. We looked around the shop and I wanted him to buy a Tyrolian hat or a Bavarian Hat, but he bought a quite comon cap...

We had dinner at a German restaurant and talked for a while. We blessed each others trip and left.

Tomorrow I will see Nakajima who I met in Budapest.
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
83,247km to 83,329km = 82km
I got upearly today to call Austrian Embassy in Tokyo. According to their web page, a tourist with Japanese passport can tay in Austria upto 180days without visa. But I wonder when the days permitted to stay in Austria and other Schengen contries will be reset once the person exit out of Austria.
I spoke to a staff in Japanese, but I did not get any usuful / certain information. She told me to speak with "Fremden Polizei (Immigration Police)" in Austria to find out the details...
My initial idea was leaving Esperanza in Bulgaria with my friend there and I would fly back to Japan to get Russian visa, then would go around Southeast Asia and India as a backpacker or with a cheap local motorcycle.
However, recently I wasinformed that at the entrance of Bulgaria, Custom will stamp on my passport about the importation of the motorcycle, which will make it hard to leave the country without the motorcycle. I have no any contact else where in Estern Europe so far.
I could leave Esperanza in Germany, but once I exit out of Schengen area, I might have a problem to come back in unless the days permitted to stay in Schengen are reset.
So, I did not get any clear answer for this issue. Tomorrow I will make calls to other embassys.
As I made a reservation for 80,000km service at BMW dealer in Augsburg at 9am, I left home around 8am. It was a cloudy and cold day.
Augsburg is just 80km away fro Munich, so I thought it would take 1 hour or so, but I was caught in a morning rush hour traffic. Well, I should have expected that.
I got to the dealer just before 9:30am. Staffs at the dealer remembered me! With the mechanic Ul, I checked Esperanza if there was anything wrong.
I told Uli about the oil / grease leak around the final drive. He checked the play of the rear wheel and told me "The rear wheel bearing is broken." That's a bad news... But I expected to hear that as the mechanic at the BMW dealer in Bonn told me to check the bearing at the next service.
According to Uli, it is ormal to have bearing broken around 80,000km.
So Esperanza will not be ready today. She will be ready as early as tomorrow evening or as late as monday evening. So she is now hospitalised!!
I did not check how far the main station of Augsburg from the dealer. And the staff told me "it is 7 to 8km, so you'd better geton a cab." It cost me 12 Euros to get to the station. Ouch!!
I was thinking to look around the town of Augsburg (quite historic town it is), but as I was wearing the heavy riding jacket, I decided to go home straight. It would be too hot in Augsburg to walk around wearing the jacket. I hopped on the fast train (I bought a tocket for slow train), so I was charged extra 9 Euros on the train... It's the day I had to spend...
Back home, with Ina, I was planning for the next move. If I store Esperanza in Munich, and fly out from Vienna to non-Schengen country, where would be the best? It looks like Istanbul would be the best choice. The flight is frequent and cheap. And it would be easy to go to Egypt and/or go to Japan from there.
While researching on the web, I found out that Akira who I met in Vienna was in Munich as well, so I went to the town to see him. We made an appointment at "Rathaus" in Marienplatz. It's been a while to be the centre of Munich. It was pretty cold outside.
Akira lost his cap the other day, so he wanted to buy a new one. We looked around the shop and I wanted him to buy a Tyrolian hat or a Bavarian Hat, but he bought a quite comon cap...
We had dinner at a German restaurant and talked for a while. We blessed each others trip and left.
Tomorrow I will see Nakajima who I met in Budapest.
皆様のサポートで元気を取り戻せます! 「世界一周」ボタンをクリックして一票よろしくお願いいたします!!
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 778: 2012年9月12日
Pilsen - Czech Republic to Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
82,957km to 83,247km = 290km
It was raining... Well, since the last evening, thunder storms struck Pilsen, so I epected a bad weather anyway.
Tom took my to Pavel's place where I store Esperanza. I geared up and got ready to go! Tom and Pavel gave me a Czech flag with their autographs! Thank you so much mis amigos!!

2日間だったけど、楽しかったよ! ありがとうトム、パーベル!!
It was great to catch up with Tom and Pavel and spent a few days with them and their friends! I really had a great time in Pilsen.

I said a good-bye to Tom and followed Pavel - he was going to take me to his family farm house located the west of Pilsen. As it is kinda on the way to Munich, Pavel was thinking to ride with me to Regensburg, but as it was raining, he drove his car instead.
Around 60km drive, we got to the farm house. On weekends, his family and relatives gather here. Nice!

As it was Wednesday, there were only Pavel and I, and also chicken and rabbits! He made me lunch with fresh eggs and smoked pork!

途中まで車で先導してくれて、道端でパーベルとお別れ。色々ありがとう! また会おう!!
After lunch we took me to the main road leading to Germany. I said a good-bye to Pavel on the road and continued riding through the mountains. See you again my friend!!
一路ドイツに向かいます。山道はワインディングが楽しいですが、雨が降っているので気をつけて走ります。標高が高くなると流石に寒い。国境手前のガソリンスタンドで給油していると、ドイツ領からバイクが一台。ドイツナンバーのBMW R1150GS。トルコまで行ってきたそうで、「トルコは40度越えで暑いの何の。ここの寒さが堪えるよ!」、と。
Riding through the curves, it was fun. But as it waswet, I had o be careful. Well, I still remember the crush Brazil in the rain. As I ascent, it got colder. When I was refuellig at the petrol station at the border, a German registered BMW R1150GS came in. He jst came back from Turkey and said "It was over 40 Degrees there! So here is very very cold!".
I rode throug curves for a while in German side. Then from Deggendorf, I rode on Auobahn to Munich.
I got to Munich by 4:30pm, but I got stuck in the going home traffic. Well, it is a big city. I left here around middle of May. And 4 months later I am here again!
イナの家には5時丁度に到着。4ヶ月ぶりの再会です!! なにも変わっていないような、変わったような。あっという間といえばあっという間の4ヶ月でしたね。ローラはダークとノルウェー旅行中なので不在。
I was back to Ina's place just at 5pm. It's been 4 months! Nothing has changed it seems but somewhing have changed definitely. It was log but short 4months. Laura is currently on her trip in Norway with Dirk, and not coming back here soon, so this time I might not be abe to see her.
I put Esperanza in the garage andwith Ina having a cup of tea and talked about the trip. Tomorrow I will take Esperanza to BMW dealer in Augsburg for 80,000km service. At the moment, I could not see the oil leak around the final drive. But I will ask the workshop to check thoroughly! Then I have to make a plan for next move.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Pilsen - Czech Republic to Munchen - Germany (La Casa de Ina)
82,957km to 83,247km = 290km
It was raining... Well, since the last evening, thunder storms struck Pilsen, so I epected a bad weather anyway.
Tom took my to Pavel's place where I store Esperanza. I geared up and got ready to go! Tom and Pavel gave me a Czech flag with their autographs! Thank you so much mis amigos!!
2日間だったけど、楽しかったよ! ありがとうトム、パーベル!!
It was great to catch up with Tom and Pavel and spent a few days with them and their friends! I really had a great time in Pilsen.
I said a good-bye to Tom and followed Pavel - he was going to take me to his family farm house located the west of Pilsen. As it is kinda on the way to Munich, Pavel was thinking to ride with me to Regensburg, but as it was raining, he drove his car instead.
Around 60km drive, we got to the farm house. On weekends, his family and relatives gather here. Nice!
As it was Wednesday, there were only Pavel and I, and also chicken and rabbits! He made me lunch with fresh eggs and smoked pork!
途中まで車で先導してくれて、道端でパーベルとお別れ。色々ありがとう! また会おう!!
After lunch we took me to the main road leading to Germany. I said a good-bye to Pavel on the road and continued riding through the mountains. See you again my friend!!
一路ドイツに向かいます。山道はワインディングが楽しいですが、雨が降っているので気をつけて走ります。標高が高くなると流石に寒い。国境手前のガソリンスタンドで給油していると、ドイツ領からバイクが一台。ドイツナンバーのBMW R1150GS。トルコまで行ってきたそうで、「トルコは40度越えで暑いの何の。ここの寒さが堪えるよ!」、と。
Riding through the curves, it was fun. But as it waswet, I had o be careful. Well, I still remember the crush Brazil in the rain. As I ascent, it got colder. When I was refuellig at the petrol station at the border, a German registered BMW R1150GS came in. He jst came back from Turkey and said "It was over 40 Degrees there! So here is very very cold!".
I rode throug curves for a while in German side. Then from Deggendorf, I rode on Auobahn to Munich.
I got to Munich by 4:30pm, but I got stuck in the going home traffic. Well, it is a big city. I left here around middle of May. And 4 months later I am here again!
イナの家には5時丁度に到着。4ヶ月ぶりの再会です!! なにも変わっていないような、変わったような。あっという間といえばあっという間の4ヶ月でしたね。ローラはダークとノルウェー旅行中なので不在。
I was back to Ina's place just at 5pm. It's been 4 months! Nothing has changed it seems but somewhing have changed definitely. It was log but short 4months. Laura is currently on her trip in Norway with Dirk, and not coming back here soon, so this time I might not be abe to see her.
I put Esperanza in the garage andwith Ina having a cup of tea and talked about the trip. Tomorrow I will take Esperanza to BMW dealer in Augsburg for 80,000km service. At the moment, I could not see the oil leak around the final drive. But I will ask the workshop to check thoroughly! Then I have to make a plan for next move.
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************