
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 753: 2012年8月18日

Riga - Latvia to Szczebra - Poland (Abro Hotel)
80,213km to 80,612km = 399km


I wasn't feeling well whenI got up this morning. I sweat a lot while sleeping, yes, I had a fever. Should I leave or stay one more day? I wanted to make an advance even a bit, so I started to pack up.


There were still 20LVLs left in my pocket, so I went to a money exchange and exchange them into 27 Euros.


While puting luggauges on Esperanza, I was thinking "I should have stayed here one more da y...", but anyway, I got ready to go by 9:30am. I headed south to Lithuania.


The road of Lavia was still boring. There were a few places under construction, soI had to slow down. Well, my consentration was not as good as usual, so I needed to slow down anyway. I was cruising around 90km/h.


Less than 90km from Riga, I crossed theborder to Lithuania. The 42nd contry to visit on this trip! But the landscape was the same sa Latvia, still a boring road continued...


Oh, one thing changed. The road condition was pretty bad. There were ruts on the road. I guess the asphalt was not laid think enough, so over the period of time, those weights of heavy trucks made those ruts...


It got sunny after In entered Lithuania. The good weather made me feel good! I made a lunch and fuel stop at a petrol station. Lithuania also has its own currency Lits, but I could pay with a creadit card - no eed to withdraw or exchange money.


I was thinkng to stay a night at Kaunas - the 2nd largest city in Lithuania, but a motel I found just before Kaunas was closed. WhenI was riding, I did not feel that bad, so I kept riding.


From Kaunas to the border of Poland is not far at all. So I decided to go to Poland. If I would stay a night in Lithuania, I would have to exchange some money to get Lits as I need cash to have a cheap meal. 


I did not take any photo in Lithuania, so I made a short stop at a petrol station and took a photo. Mr. Sheep could feel the air of Lithuania too!

そして43カ国目、ポーランドに入国!! 国境を越えて直ぐに「Free @」のサインが見えたので休憩所に行って見ると、そこにはライダーが。YAMAHA Super Tenere 750に乗ったイタリア人のフランチェスコ。

Then I entered the 43rd country to visit, Poland! I saw a sign "Free @" just after In crossed the border. So I pulled over at a rest are where I met Francesco from Italy. He was on YAMAHA Super Tenere 750.

彼は大学生で、休みを利用してノールカップまでツーリングしその帰りだとか!! やるなぁ。来年卒業したら東欧を抜けて、ロシア、モンゴル、そしてサハリン、日本とツーリングしたい、とフランチェスコ。

He was on a uni holiday and rode up to Nordkapp! He is planning to ride across Eurasia to Japan next year!


We might catch up smewhere in SIberia next year. We exchange our Facebook and e-mail address.


As it was sunny, it got really hot in Poland. A week ago or so, Francesco and I were in freezing Arctic climate. It was hard to imagine. I was wearing the inner jacket to keep me warm, but now I was swaeting a lot inside! It would make my condition worse... As I started to get tired, I found a motel /restaurant just after Szczebra, and I decided to stay a night here. The rent was 120PLN (US$36) including breakfast. Little expensive, but I needed a private roo to get really well.


I put a cover onEsperanza, just in case.


After check-in, I took a shower and relaxed. The Internet connection was terrile slow...


I had dinner at the restaurant down stair. I wanted to have Polsh potato dumplings "Pyzy", but it wasn't available tday... So I had sausages with French fries and salad. With a drink it cost 24.50PLN (US$7.50).


I guess it was quite expensive but I needed to have a good meal to give myself good nutritions!


I will spend he morning relaxed and then ride to Warsaw tomorrow. It would be around 350km or so.


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Day 752: 2012年8月17日

Riga - Latvia (Central Hostel)


Wel, I don't feel well yet. I should not have stayed such late last night.


I extended 1 more night here, but as my 5 bed dorm was booked out, I had to move to a 6 bed dorm room. It was a hard job to move to another room.


But, in the new room, there was only another guest and she was out from the morning. So I could have a good rest there.


I had kunch at a bistro nearby. I hadTey should provide good nutritions to recover.


After lunch, I went back to sleep and in the afternoon, I wrote some English diaries.


As I did not have enough Latvian changes, I just bought an ice cream at a supermarket for diner. Well, ice cream has good nutrition to fight against flu.


A lady at the reception is also coughing. Well, I did not pass my flu to her, I believe.


Like that, I spent another day in Riga. I hope I will feel better tomorrow as I have to move on!


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Day 751: 2012年8月16日

Riga - Latvia (Central Hostel)


I caught a flu. This one is pretty heavy. I was constantly coughing and had a runing nose. So I spent the most of the day lying on the bed.


In the afternoon, coughing got eased but I still had a running nose...


At 7:30pm, Masa came to visit me, so we went out for dinner. Before dinner, he said he had flue tablets, so we went to his hostel to get them. House of the Blackheads in shining in pink reflecting the sunlight in dusk.

が、しかしマサ君が持っている薬はバファリンと花粉症の薬。バファリンは解熱と頭痛薬でしょ。「これはイギリス人にもらったんですよ。」と花粉症の薬。確かに「Hay "Fever"」なんだけど、違いますね・・・。マサ君はちょっとオトボケなんですけど、なかなか鋭い視点も持っていて好きなキャラです。

However, the tablets he had was aspirine and for hay fever.. Well Hay "Fever"... Masa is little "off" but sometimes he is very blight. I like his character.


We went to a self-service style bistro where was busy with loals. It was more expensive than we thought but the foods were quitegood.


Even though I was sick, but we talked till midnight about the future of Japan. He willgoing to Lithuania tomorrow, then going to Warsaw, Poland. I will stay here one more day to get well, then heading to Warsaw. So we will catch up in Warsaw.


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Day 750: 2012年8月15日

Riga - Latvia (Central Hostel)
80,210km to 80,213km = 3km

今日はイングリッドとマサ君とシグルダに行くのですが、エスペランサの安全面を考えて他の宿に移ることにしたんです。なので7時に起きて8時過ぎには別の宿「Central Hostel」に移動。ここはちゃんと敷地内に駐車場があるんです。まぁ、旧市外から多少離れてるんですけどね。

Today I was gong to Sigulda with Ingrid and Masa, but I had to move to another hostel first in the mrning (for better security of Esperanza). I got up at 7am and move to "Central Hostel" around 8am. Here has a proper parking space. It's located little far away from the old town, but still walking distance. No problem.  


I left my luggages there and got changed, then walked to the bus terminal where I was to see Ingrid and Masa.


It took about 1 hour to Sigulda, located northeast of Riga. We got a map of the region at Information Centre at the bus terminal, then we started to explore.

最初の見所は、これ!! 全然中世じゃないじゃん!! 

The first attration of the region we encountered was this! Well, nothing to do with the medieval age..


Wooden canes seem like to be the local trade mark of Sigulda. Miniatures were slod at Information Centre.


Well, I was been stupid.


There were some art obets. Soldiers made of old milk containers. Each soldier has a name.


Mr. Sheep on a head of "Venedict".


At this time, I as quite disapointed with Sigulda. Nothing exciting to see so far... Then we came to a castle!!


The castle "Sigulda New Castle" was built during the end of 19th century for Russian aristcrat Kropotkins family.


From this "New" castle, there is a bridge accross a valley, then there are ruins of medieval fortress.  Finally something medieval!!


Wooden parts were restored, but still using the original stone stractures. The entrance costs 1.5LVLs


Inside, there were some weapons and armors displayed, and we could wear them!!


It was fun place!


We walked in the bush and walked up hills.The weather wasn't that great, butIt was a nice walk as it wasn't too hot nor too cold.


But there were many mozzies in the bush and we were bitten!! Vey very ichy!!


We made a lunch stop at a cafe. We had sausages with sauerkraut and potato pancakes.  Latvian cuisine is nfluenced by German and Russian cuisines a lot. Potato pancakes are the local favorite. They were pretty good.


Those traditional houses were prety too.


The largest cave in Latvia, "Gutmanis Cave".


There were many names curved on the rock wall. The oldest one I saw was 1891. But there should be older one, but as it was weathered, I could not tell the date.


Then we walked to Ruraida Castle build during 13th century.


Unfotunately, the majority of the buildings could be seen were modern reconstructions.


From the watch tower, we could seethe surrounding vey clearly.


There was a brick with sheep's foot prints unearthed. There were bricks with dog, cat and bird's foot prints too.


Like that, we had exerienced medieval age.


Back to Riga, we had Latvian dumplings "Pierogi" for dinner. They were ike Chisese dumplings and I like them!!


I think I cought a flue. I have throat irritation and running nose. I will have an easy day tomorrow.



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Day 749: 2012年8月14日

Riga - Latvia (Friendly Fun Frannks Hostel)


It was a cloudy day. With Masa, I was checking info on the web and then it was already noon! We wnet out to have a quick lunch at a cheap eatery and back to the hostel to join the free tour.


Our tour guid was Ruta - a Latvia girl. The orange stocking she wore was very provoking! We started the tour at the plaza nextto the hostel. She explained in Soviet time, all the buildings were painted in grey, black or something not bright. So the street was not cheerful at all.


The statue I mentioned yesterday was also built during Soviet time.


The tour was covering not only Soviet time but other important monuments of the city. For example, this is "House of the Blackheads". The member of Hansa union - Brotherhoods of the blackheads stayed here.


Here in 1510, the first Chrismas tree was posted by German residents. Those Germans were planing to burn the tree after Chrismas, but when they saw the tree in the morning, it was beautifully decorated (local kids put those decorations during the night). Then it became the tradition to put beautifully decorated trees during Chrismas. On the plaque, it was explanined in Latvian, Russian, English, German, Japanese, Chinese etc...

そうそう、このツアーに一緒に参加していたのがメキシコ人のイングリット。ワシが「Fazedores de Chuva」のTシャツを着ていて、右肩にメキシコの国旗があったことからスペイン語で話し始めました。スペイン語圏から離れて、だんだんスペイン語から遠ざかっているので、こういう機会は嬉しいですね。

I met a Mexican girl Ingrid joining this tour. She saw a Mexican flag on my "Fazedores de Chuva" T-Shirt and we started to speak in Spanish. As I have less chance to speak in Spanish (away from Latin America), it was good for me to polish my Spanish!


A Medieval Restaurant. All staffs were in medieval costumes.


Inside the restaurant. The building itself was also built during the medieval age. With candle lights, it made very realistic medieval atmosphere (?) The meals served are also cppked with medieval receipes.


We wentto Central Market. Ruta let us try Latvian traditional "soft drink" Kvass. In Soviet time, there was no "Cola", so this was only soft drink people had. It was similar to Estonian "Kali" but it tasted more like beer.


Talking about "Soviet", we cannot forget this guy - Lenin!! My idol, Ernesto "Che" Guevara was also a communist. Lenin was his prodecessor of Ernesto as an revolutionary and a communist.


he statue of "Town Misicians of Bremen" (Brothers Grimm). The statue was a gift from Bremen to Riga in 1990, before its independence from Soviet. The statue gave a hope to people of Riga about their independence.


A donky, a dog, a cat and a rooster. They were about to be killed by the formers as they got old. So they fled to Bremen - the town of freedom - to kive their lives as musicians. The ciy of Bremen wished free Latvia and presented the statu to its sister city, Riga. The wall besides those 4 animals represents "Iron Wall" and those 4 looked inside of Iron Wall (the Eastern side) and were surprisedwith the fact that there was no freedom there.


Riga was erected by an Archbishop from Bremen. And Latvia was ruled by Germans for a long period of time, so Riga and Bremen have a strong relationship.


As I mentioned before, the statu gave a hope to people in Riga so much. What a nice story.


The tour was pretty good one. It started to rain a bit in the end.


Tomorrow with Ingrid and Masa, I will go to Sigulda, so called "Switzerland of Latvia".


Unfortunately, I could not take any photo of beauty today...


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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